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Strawberries hve been selling at foar centsaquart at Dexter during the weck. Miss Mand Bachanan will teach in the ;il primary room al Dexter, mxt j ear. The Catholic society of Pinckney made 50 recently out of an ice cream al. Geo. W. Phelps, of Dexter, 1"-' of his handsome span of gray ! last weck. At tlie Howell High School alumni banquel la-t Friday evening, over one hundred covers were lifted. A Detroit syndicate has bought [eland Lake, at Brighton, and proposes to make of it a way-up summer resort. The people of Manchester will celebrate the 4tb of July this year, and promise al! who go there a good time. Mat Blosser, of the Maucliester Enterprise shing i!ic other day, but i.s too modest to teil about the big fish he caught. As usual the !i Benevolent ■f Manchester, will hold a Jth ;' July cel bration in their park north ii village. ETowell bas her school buildings all paid for, and now the Republican calis upon the Board to put in heating and ventilating apparatus. W. II. Butler, of Dexter, and Miss Flossie Quick, of Detroit, rere married on the Hth inst., at the home of the bride'a párente in Detroit. At a re-union of the Cole family at Parshallville, Livingston county, last week, forty families were represented. The Coles are live ones over there. Rev. S. T. Morris will preach his farewell sermón at the Congregational churchj Dexter, on July 'M, and at once goto his new pastorate at Red Jacket, ('. P. Prof. A. A. Hall has been appointed by state Superintendent PattengiH to take charge of State Instituto in northern península W begin August 28 th. - Chelsea Herald. It is said that great numbers of honey bees have been poisoned by the sprayIng of fruit buds and blossome this year. Of course the poison would work more successfully upon the bees than the insect-. T. J. Farrell traded liorses with one of the circus men Tueeday evening and alarger crowd( of people watched the youag man trying to ride the fiery, untamed steed than were in the tent. - Manchester Enterprise. William BurUess lias shipped 20,000 poonds of wool to Boston. Besides that he took in 18,000 pounds last week, and will take in about as much on Saturday. There seems to be no buyers in any of the neiahboring towns.- Manchester Enterprise. Howmanv of the pathmasters are aware of this provisión in the state laws: "The pathmaater mayallow26 percent of the road work on setting OUt trees, at 25 CentS per tree, and the law saya he Bhall cause at least 50 trees to be set out in his district.'' The Baptist people of this village have organlzed a Sunday school at Birkettchurch and have 'enrolle. 1 over 30 scholars. The followine have been elected officers: John Pidd, superintendent : ( lynthia Carpenter, secretary ; Carric Erwin, treasurer; Mrs. II. w, Newkirk, organist.- Dexter News. Mr. Rose delivered tbe Masonic album last Saturday and lelt for Adrián, where he expects to put in two or more. It is a very pretty book and when lied with cabinet of merabers of Manchester lodgewill beavaluable treasure. -Enterprise. If the fraternity in Manchester is as succe.ssful as they are here in Ann Arbor. that album will be filled in about the length of time it has taken the 1)í; trees of California to giow. Three of our expert fishermen went to Canfleld's Lake one day last week, and the tirst thing they did after getting oul on the lake was to lose their l.ttle of liquid bait. After searching tor tlie .-aun severa] hoon they returned home dry andhungry, withoul any fish. Anyone Onding the bait will conferafavor mi the ownera by leaving t in sorae conspicuous place here in Chelsea where they can ico, ver t after dark, as they are rather bashful. Chelsea Herald. On the 20th inst., at Dezter, the following resolutions rere adopted by the Congregational Society, in reference to the resignation of Rev. 8. T. Morris as pastor of thai church, being preeented by Deacon Dennis Warner: Whkkkas. in the tod provldenoe of God, ourbeloved pastor, the Rev. B. ï. Morris, bas foundit oeceasary to Bever lus connection witli us as pastor, we, therefore, desire to put on record the following resoluticm1. That in severing the happy of nearly tbree vearg betweeu pastor and people, which have becu, alao, too brief, we have sulferea a ore bereavemeut, 2. That our good brother by his pure aud spotless life among us. his clear aud forceful uresentations of truth aud his wise leadership hasgreatly iuoreused the atrenjirth and spiritual life of the church, and lms aulted ttl members in closer bouds oí syint.uthy imd Christian fellowBhin, 3. That the life he livcd among us will ever reinain la our heurts a bright and precious memory, and which wíl] ever be a powerful incentive to hlghei Httuinments in the diviue 4. That it is ourearnest prayer and supplicatión that the Savior. whom he loves mul n'f"'1'1 ma'Srimt him a long,hppy and useful 5. That in like mauner, Mrs. Morris hu endeared herself to us by hersweet an.l romanly life, and by her active Bympatbj ml helpfulm even good word and work, aud sharei equally with her busband our warmest Love aud eBteem. 6. Tbatwedo most heartily cominetid tbli dear family to the confldenoe of anycbnrch where liod In his providence mav see fit to place them.


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