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The Amount Of Money In The World

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The United States has eitber too little gold or to mach silver, as eompared with ntfaer atrong nations - which s il 1 STATISTII S COKFIUD BT DIRECTOR OF THE D. s. mikt. _____ __ d essss ;s_BS8 : S$38RB:ï!=s"8nla- L-"-Ls : S ■.:■.:■. _ fi i i i : S : I L ! i 3 ; È 888S88SSgSS8S255:=i!i3!L38 j si8" ■ - : a o ssssH" "_ '■!':--L3= :- i ;o i i 5 Igi ! i ílllü il _ iJJ i i Ío_sssiliSS=IlslaIÍÍ5S ?- iiiilillllilIIilU :fl : lifji s If sissssiiisiiiili -ii i iü i : i i S _i:MJ!É?JN(i!j! i C a := I : :-=-5 =á Ki :á - 'The tural nn ,f ld and llreí ín tbe ünlted States Treunn Saturday, July 1, ws gold, I1B8, 155, tö; sil; Accordjni; to UK amnmlng up of t.he riMidit ion oí (lio erop in the rnitcd st.-itcs, it ia tiimmiit that the whcat crOf) will 1m: below the average; oom erop enormora ; oata, barley, rye, exeelle,nt ; hap crOf) way above the average ; fruit generally peor M.inl in name parta a total (allure ; genera] coodlttoo ol agricultura] producís excellent, and farmen happy. It is on repulí] can prudence, sagaelty and construct vc skill that the country relies for wise leglelatloa in the coming BeaBlon of congross. It is t-lie hope of the peopie that wheo tbe time for ai-tio.ii comes, enough democrnts -vrill aclopt republican ideas tu insure t lie adoption of a currency systein tlmt wiU meet every requii-ement of sounlne8, safety and stability. Tiie fire worka dealera of Detroit propose to brkig suit againtit that city for damagea resulting to their Imsiiiess írom Mayor Plogree'a proclamatkm (orbldding the firing off of fire-crackers anti fire works within tJie city limits. If the jury is composed of property holden they will fflve the mayor a vote of thanks for the sensible order instead of muk-hing the city in damages. Tlie Cobden Club boe an eyc to busiS. Tlie first iuvitation Ambassador Tlios. F. Bayard, of Delaware, received after aeeamhig liis duties at Ivondon, Eng., was oneo f rom the Cobden Cïub of that city, to dine wlth thein. "Which invitation lie very gTeediily accepted. Nbt that he was hungry for lood and drink, but hungry for the flattery of those shreud boekteea men and Kngiish wlre puliera, who hope to gein weaitli by the adoption of the poliicy of (ree trade by the l'nited Staies. A. W. Terrell, of Texas, lias been appoimted as minister Co Turkey by l're-,idMl Cleveland. 1 1 s the man ■vho wrote a poem eulogiizing J. Wlleks l'.ootii, assassln of Abraham Uncoln, in which lio reterred to liootli a. a hero, uní Lincoln ■'.■i incivil!. . Nero." We agree wlth the l'ew York Press -uinn ii saya : "The retemttoa of Terrell in office a d.iy alter hie authorBhlp o the poem rn quetkm waa aacertabted, is an outrage apon the American people." 8ueh a man should be refclred t(j the eterna] hades of obUvion, and iiis oame be lu-.-i rd no more among men. Son. John L. Stevens, late minister to lie llawaiian Islands, in an addrescí tu lis fclli.w-citizens of Augusta, Maine, recentlv, told the story of his action Iiere in a plain straightforward way, inl showed liow necessary it was for hat nation to become a part of tliis naDii ; an.l whiit a grand thingitwould for the United States to possessthe cey to the commerce of the Pacific cean. A.mong other excellent thinga ie s:id tliis : "To spurn and reject this important md thoroughly A.merican colony, plantcd liy gome of the moet devoted t" America' 8 sona and daughters, fostered by American benevolence and gympathy, aided by $1,500,000 of private contributions, cncouraged for inore tlian fifty yeara by the American Governinenl - to abandon them now, at tliis critica] period of their history, would be cowardice and inhumanity that I believe no self-respectiuK Christian nation would !■ guiltyof, the least of all the greal American nation, whose vast opportunities in the North Pacific it wouíd be a great want of wisdom and patriotism lo ignore." ï1k manwho hauled down the United States flag at Hawaii is nota patriotic American citizen. The president of the United States who will sanction such an anpatriotic deed does not have the bes( interesta of his country at heart.


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Ann Arbor Courier