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]f thou seekest a beautiíul, quiet summer resort, behoLd it here. "Will the writer of a letter dated July 5th, send name and address ? The front of Snow's livery stable lias been rmproved by a coat of paint. The farmers of Mflrvhjgn.n have 1,578,252 acres plantod to wheat this venr. A handisonie colored tito Hoor is beiii.u laid in the office of the Cook I i mise.. W. I'. .lames has s-ld liis iiew house on Forest ave., to Mm. F. W. l'ennell, of Wooilvillc, Ohio. Mr. and Mn. Herman Luebke, oi t3i l-'il'tli ward, buried tlicir lliird -i witnin a year, ycstcrilay. It te reported that the -vhortleberry erop wtU be m excellent one tota ycar. Cood for the hucklobrrNl1 Siinday i'vvnin.n' llie unión serl will be held in the M. E. church, "tlue Kev. Mr. Bradshaw preaching the norm on. Oats aro reported by the farmers to t lic M'eretary of state, as in good "inlition and au average erop is oxpectcd. LOw m is said at St. Thomas . -huren at 7:30 o'clock a. in., now, and high mass at 10 o'clock a. m., on Suaday. Union Council, R. & S. M., of Ypsilanti, held a meeting1 Mlonday evenwliicü -was attended by a number from thiB city. "Sal. do you think it is because the rirer te running dry, or because coal la eo high, that we have so small a supply ?" The average wheat yiohl per acre tliis year is estimated at 13.24 buslils, malving a total estimated yleld for the stato of 20,S95,y7i bushcls. Fivc brampe were arreeted by DeirriiM' Brooka : i iii Constable Schall, n-t steaüng a rtde ni a train. I.nok out fior porcii elimbers and mcak thieves ! Severa] henees have been enterad reeentiy, luit the tnlevea (iiitaiiird Uttle i" reward them. Mrs. Heten ('. Bordeaux has commenced snit for diVOTCe froin her lmshaml. Jamea A. Bordeaux. Bhe {liarles Ti ï iii with extreme cnulty. r.iiuai-d Wasser pleaded gnilty Ias1 Weáneeday to the cberge ot betng dronk, and Juetlce Benneti tined iiini $5.00 and $5.85 coete, which lic paid. Thi'i-i' w as i wreek om the Wabash Sunday. neer Willis and geveral pasBenger irains rcaclii'il Detrott over the T., A. A. vc X. M. and Michigan ('nitral. V) to .Tuly 4th. over Tl Mi graduales ui Unlveradty of Michigan liad regletered in the book kcpt ïor the pmrpoae at the oxhibit at the WofWs Fair. r.i-ii.iaiiiiii S. Harris. oí (aro, dled in thls city last Thursday, o:' a tumor, aged 36 yeaxs. Hte remaisw were taken to Caro tor lmriai, l'rièy. Joba DeJaoey was betere Justlce Benneti saturday. charged by hta v.iic. Marigaret Delaney, itii assault and tcry. The ca UI 1!' trid iH'Nt 'l'nc.sday. Laet week the Oourter suggested tliat a Ddé rain WOUld be vri-y aoceptable. The rain carne the nexi monilng. Yon ee it payg to adveri the Cowler. IhiTing the absence oí the Eev. Henr Tatlock r.ntil September, the Eev. E. M. Duff, assistant rector, may be roumd in his office at Sarris llaü. (rom L'::iO to 3:30 p. m. A (relgh.1 car on the Michigan Central was broten open and a considerable (inantity of cIotMng taken froin it while in transit from Ypsilanti to fchila city Monday night. The real estáte aonts of the city report that liever was tbere a greatei- demand for houses than at present, and the supply of good houses will fall short of the demand. The Board of lleiristration of the third ward, will meet Wednesday, July 26th, to register new voters for t.lie BpecAal etection of alderman, to be held July 31st. Applea in the southern eonntles of MihiiMgw.Ti promise only one-third of an average erop. Peaehes are estimated at Si' per cent. of an average erop in the same countics. I.onis l'iiich, an employee of A. P. Ferguson, ivliose liome is in Mitan, feil down an haft at the PergUBOD factory, l'riday evenlng, and badly spra.ined both wrists. Deputy .'Sherifi Petersan made Walter E. Harknis, of Anbnrn. Ind.. happy, Monday. Khippinii to him the VicbOT bicyc!e recent ly recovered, and wiiich Mr. Harkins was the Owner of. Th Michigan Woman'í Presa Association will hold lts next annualnieetlüg in Ann Arbor. Miss Emma Bower, of the Democrat, was elected a ice ]resident at its recent session m Detroit. Prof AViggns, the ('anadian weather prophet, says that the telegraph and electric wlres of various kinds cause drouth, and that the only way to an even fall of rain is to put the wires ander grouud. John Behfuss, of W. Huron street, (lied sudde.nly Saturday morning-. He had been sick for tevera] nioiiths but li is deatb was u uo x pee led. He WM 60 years of age. The funeral services were beid .Momlay. Yjisilanti Sentinel : "One of our baaikers made the pi-ediction, Saturday, tlwit money would be leoking for barrowers hiside of 90 days. AVe hope so. and shall take care to be in wiieu the 'a tellow calla." Mrs. Eaiüabeth T. Siitlirrland lias commenccd ( in tlie eircuft court .u.iiisi the Dúplex Prlnttng Presa Co., and Josepli 1. Cox, of Balde Cieek, to recover $6,000 tomagea for faEure to íulfill a contract. .lustice ll'eiinet 's l'irst rusr as a Fourtu of Juiy Dronk "viio Btarted u to celébrate a lay ahead of time. The prisoner was Adelliert Wetherbea and not h.ivin.u' $6.86 to pay the (ine imposed, he speut, iivv days in jail. The bids for supplykif; coal tor ili' scbootó were opamed Monday. Tlie bids were $0.50 for hard coal, aud $3.75 for Jaeksodi H'ill lump. The eoal will be íurnished In tqual quantities by the different dealers. The city laxes are to be paid between the l.jth of July and the loth of August tlïis year. It is altogether Irobable tliat the city treasnrer wlll not be ible to collect any of i w taxea befare the lSth or 20th of Jub-. Tlie löth animal harvest festival and la.sket ])icnie of the farmera of AVashtenaw, AVayne, Oakland and LiTiüfiston counties, will be held on the fair groumdg at Ann Arbor, AVednesilay, Auir. IC, 1893. Admittance to grounds and grand stand free. The fan to commence at 10 o'clock, a. m. cm. James B. Weawr wttl lellver tin1 addn Thciv wiil be baptisni of Infanta at t Methodist Episcopal cburcb next Sunday mornlng. The gew ra] condïi km ol the corn erop hm ii fan acreage and condltion s reported below the average. In the southern oountilee the eonditlon s l'l' per cent., and in the central counttea 15 per rent. better tlian last VC.-I1-. Pau] Schoeffler, thé yotmg boy chargcd with aesault, wa befare JusI'mul I'riiiay. Seutence was suspended umtíl Sept, lst, and U he behnvo- hlmself ;i ml attentie schoai v.nti.l that time. will escape ponlahment. The total number of bushels of wheat reported marketed in Juné in MUohilgan was 751,001 biisheH, makintï the total ror the past ''i ven months 18,760,490 Imshei-, a decroaee ol 2,304,83 1 buaotíte from last year's reporta. George 1!. Khodes thoughi he had found a gold 'in :iif as he picked iii a ten dollar b:ll Trom the floor ot .Insttoe l'onil's office Saturdny aiternoon. Hi' left it on deposlt with the Justlce and the owner, Mr. Beckwlth, ealled Eor it Mondar. A locntion lias been declded apon for the new School of Music building, arrangement aow being ander way foe the parchase ol tbe Latson propiTiy on the 'at side oi' Maynard st.. liftwrt'ii LAberty and Williams sti ts. The pi-ice to be pa hl tor property is $2,000. Streel Oommteeioner Suthertand let the comtraci to-day to Cbarlea Hewitt tor building Uve artificial stunc cross-walks on X. University and Waetutemew avenues, at the InteraeeUona of Stete, 'l'haycr. Ingalls, Twclfth and Yolland st reets, for $875 . Justit-e l'ouil sen! ,■■. tliirtcen ycar old boy, iianu'il Gteorge Hesatans, to the Industrial School for Boy, Friilay. f) stay tint il he is seventeen. He had been nrrested on varions charges before, his coriviction and sentence being for maliciousiy breaklng flower po; s. Dr. Darliiiii says that he liever knew a time when peopte were bo well as they are eow in Aim Arbor. He attributen it to the fact that evcrybody s bo buey in getttng ready to gO bo ChlöagO or soinewhere else, that they do uot havo time to think of thieir aches and pains. Two email chlldren, a boy and a girl, of S. W. Clarkson's caused considerable exclteanent by dteappearlng from home and losiuu' iliemselves for several hours Tuesday morulng'. Marshal Murray finally found them near the T. A. A. iracks, where they had wandered in their play. The Yoiin Iridies' Society, of the BethH'hem church. will fíh'e a lawn'il next Friday vveninu', July 14, at Mtossrs. s; eiu's aml Sprlng'B, on 5th ave. Kefreshinents wil be served. Admission 15 cents. The proeeeds wiil lco toward the church building fund. All cordially inviHMl. Three plasterers, (eorge Gage, 'William ('lancy and Samuel I'ike, reeeived a severe t unible by the glvlog a way of a waffold upon whlch they were workinji al the ncw reservoir of tlie Ann Arboar lias Company, on Mondar. Gage had a ril) broken and l'ilie was badly'd, whjlfi Tlancy ascaped without a scrateh. Rev. Dr. Cobern reported to liis last Sunday that he had ca lied durhii? the year, upon all the members of hta church amd congregatiion, whOBB llames and addresses he had. He asUed all of lliose who Buppoaed thcmselves to be misseil in the v':iatii)'ii to let hitn ha ve their llames at tiK'ir earllest convenlence. Two boye, i'leven a tul tliirti'eu years ol' a.ue. girvlng theii' nanies as l'.ernard and Tiionias MeCabe. and their home as Detroit, were arrested here liy Detective Brooke, of the Michigan Central ï'orce. Tuesday night, on sussiispic'.on of belog the partlee who burglíirized a trejght car bet ween ïpellantl and thJfi city, Monday evenIng. The officials of the Board of Health are busy trying to clean up the city and rid the cilizens of the various oilors that arist; in the sumiller. They hae jilenty of work before them. ii the first placee to whlch they should direct their allention is the diteh in front of the JftlL, which is fillcd wilh foul water and fotiler st enclies. H. J. Brown recelved a bad shakIng up and numberlesB brutees by beiog tlirown from hi.s liicycle Sunday eveninir. He was coeetlug down a Ii i 11 on the. rivet road, near Dr. Smith's farm, when the breyele ran into the sand so siuldenly that Mr. Brown was scTiiiered over several acres of the ailjoinim; territory, before he rcally had time to realize what had happeued. One of the nui-aines which prevalí In Ann Arbor, and one that the authorities should take steps to remedy, is tli; presence of young loaier.s on street corners every Sunday afGemoon. Nortb Main etreet is a favorito rcaort for boys from ten to t went y year.s of age, llo niake their presence especially annoylng to the nei.iïhbors and poMers-by by their profane and rlbald remarks. (ii y derk Millc-r s happy; the law haring takun effect whtch providee ih.-u during the hol nmmei m on the be wiü ti') t lji' obllged to handle ■■i.iiy more spaxrow head-. Only dur■ n u' t lie montlis ii-oni November to Miaren win the amall boya have an opportunity now tci secure the bounty p.i'.d by the covurty. Treaéarer Suekey i reapmg a rirli' Vi harvest now&days (rom hi.s tees tor funaishimg certificatea thai taxes are pa]d to be attached to deeda before they are reeorded. He charges riíty cents (every treaeurer charges a iWIerent tee and there la D a Ui the i.üli t ti charge aoy) and aloce tbe law went inlD effect, i-sin'd as many as a i cerfitflcatee. The edttora i neai-iy all the local papera are doling ttoe World's Fair ll:S wee!;, and their papen are lR'ing run by "öubs." It is seldiim th;it il news]Ki])er WOrker ets a vacai:ini, anl takJng 'iliis uto coneideration, it is do wonder tliat EJditor Brown was 80 ra tl led at the prospect before btïm That wlicn lic tjok the train on Mmiday aigbt, he BorgOi his fine Ugbt overcoat arnl leit it hanging on a laihler at the depot. Mis. Harriet AVing, one of the pioneers of this county, died at lier residt'nc-L' on f. Stote st., aiiy Sunday moriiinu-. agOd 60 yecuns. 8h hail been au invalid for tWO years, and bad been iiunined to her house for the pasi two nionths, her death being oaused by paralysis. &he leavee three ahiadrem -George Wlng, oí Scio ; and Mrs. Miiinie Yaiid'i-wrker and MisMay "Wiaij;. i this city. The funeral was held at the residente Monday anemoon. C. E. Hi.scock, of tlie Ann Arbor I,isht Infantry, on Saturday forwarded hi.s resigiiation ;i.s commaiidei' of tbe company, through the proper military ehannels to Governor r.ich. The reaaon for the resJgaation ]s the iaiability of Capt. HkSOOCk to dt vote time írom liis other duties to this wurk. It is not Ükt'ly that the resignation wllJ le aeeepted by the military authorities until after the annual emeampmeni wMch occurs next inontii. At a meeting of the llrotherhood of St. Andrew held at Harriw Hall last Thursday evenin.ii, II. .7. Brown and Taris S. ]!anfk!d wcre elected delegates to the national convention of lU-otliierhood, to be held in Detroit next Sept-emlxT, .tnd an invitation Wá extended to the delegates from the va.ri'ons chaptors of the state to meet in thi city, at sumo date in Xoyember, to orpranize a state conne':l. Mr, C. Et. Ta tem was ehosen wcretary in place of Matthew Duke, who reaügned on account of his renioval from the city. Tlie Brotherhood stands adjourned to the lirst Thursday i.u September.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier