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The chfcken thlef la in business ogam. Ttoey say thai Kahing od ihis year, and i'.iat Bshermen reporl large catchee. Mr. and Mra. I'. i'. Gtozjer, ol belsea, rejoice in th. alvent ooi a Bon July 3d. The tarmers in tome sectlona ol the country reporl the wheal damaged liy the Ilroi.m ily. tin. T. .1. Faxreli and daughter, oí Manche-ter, ii.-ivc been attendtlng the Worid's Fair during the pasi week. Tlio T-'ïd blrthday ol Mrs. ü. Culy, of Dexter, was oeiebrated by her friends n a pleasanl way on June 29. The green appbe and oucnaiber nre preparing to geï togethcr and dcliberate om the be1 meana nr making tbelr preeeaïce telt. ii lan't safe tn fooi wlth the game wardene naw-e-day. Tin y have the law on tbelr idr pret t y gtroog when in dlaebarge ol thelr duty. Tliose ïiavinir tlic matter in charge havo resolved not to do anytliins more toward Btarttng a reading room ;it Dezter ntü next fall. The Btooikbridge Boa computa that "veeds are allowed bo grow np and )ro in MM'd in tii' Btreeta, and wants the COUnaU to order tlu'm dcstroycd. Kro. Andirws oí the J'inckiK'y IMspatdi. eDgeged a boy to beeome a dfvii and now lic wonden wha4 the dcvii has beeome of the boy. - Dexter V.u s. John Costello has been appalnted potrtmaster at Dexter la place ot Harn r.aii republlcan. Mr. Costello ia 'Oiic of Dexter'a prominent bnsinem men. Tlic rivet wt-nt -so dry at Dexter that the strcct sprinkler was put in dry d(Kk. That may account for the !(nv preseure on the Ann Arbor water worka. "Win. iiaii, f Hamburg, has been ajipointt'd by Bov. Kieh to represent Miehiiran at tlic Worid's AgriCUltUral Copgieuu, convenlng in Chicago Oet. ï'iiii. Accortlinu to dispatohes from varlous portions of the country there are Iot of iwople not as pret tv as they were "befare the I'ourth"- but they know more. The M. E. tliureh at Sharon ('enter was ri'ojiened last Sunday. llev. .T. E. Jaokiin. of Detroit, preached -t iisei-nion. Jind Rev. K. I.. pope assisted in the MTvices. Supervisor Gttbert has agnCMed the propertj f Cbelma at $17.",8OO. It will oost xf lax-paycrs nf that vilingc only $1,200 tliis year for eorporation expenses. Miss ("ora Bee&wltii, of Ypeüaatl, i-itvd al Mat I. BkMKr'l while e.nroutj. tci CUatoa last l'riilay. She will sliortly move t A mi Arhor.- Monctaeter E!ntrprle. H. W. Newkirk, of Dexter, was to have addreaeed the l)ig womcn's meetintr at Detroit mi Tmaday, iut unfortiinately mhnfifl eonnection at Ann Arbor and arrived t(X late. The niany niiiiriivcmvnts which are ljeing made to tli' properfyTh our beanttful Tlllage would Indícate that the avtjrac citizon is iu a prosperous condit.ion, üaanciajly.- Cbelsea Herald. The coninum couneij of Manchester are after the mercbtmta in monopoHze all the sidi-ualk "ragglDg out" their ckmIs. it is propoaed to have tix' Bidew&Un elear tot the ose of IH'dcstrkuis. owoen oocupanta of those farms iufcstcl with Canada thistles, had better be tpoklng atter tlu'iu as they will aoon !■ jroinii to seed. The fine is (25.00 lor Besteed of duty.- riu-lsca llcrahl. A tonner editor o! the Howell Democrat, la mnv cauvajasiag tor blble. It is but i step írom democracy to liolincss, and not a long onc. - Adrián Fna. wiiat does the t. e. gei h blblee, religión or money ? It i. not at all likcly that position of assistant in tile postoffice Aviii go begglog. Mr. Dentello lias .ilrcady had over íorty appltcatlon. - IX-xtcr Yvs. Mr. CtosteUo a pretty good booktas man. you know. The late Hoe weatber bas pashed oi-ops „i all kimis abead to surpam a'.l antk'ipal ons. ]n many sectionfl uiK'at ihai was oondemned to be pkiwed i]i last sprinir. promlsea B -vid of froni 15 to 2." bushcls pet acre.- Dexter New. Tlie Stockbrtóge Sumday Bchool AbBOCiatlCHl boa 67 Offioera and teachers; 845 Kbolare : wlth a total memberBMp of 404 ; 518 books in the llbrary and total ezpèllM kx t ] i - year $162.50. 01 the impils 28 have lieea rocelved tato bhe chmrch dortag thi year. Viinii.t; UUUee wlin i-usset shoes do not wipo tho ilust off on thli Btocktog as tbey oaed bo do. Wbei you ser (me eating a banana just ■vvatrh her slyly tuck the skin away in hor hnndkerchief until .she geU a ( hame to ose it in poüiehlng her shoes it i aald bo a greal racoeaa and chei-ea gtrig do lt.- Mancheoter En terp Brice i wnstoek died ai his home un 8. Harem steeet, Wednesday, June U'S. at the a(t;i:RMMl age í 84 yi'ars. un tonner home was in Saline wliere be reslded 30 years prior to coming bo YpsManti, seven yeara ago. He llaves a w&fe and two ohüdren.- Ypsilantian. Farmera are beglnalng to ■■■' the necesstty ol having prlnted stationary and enrelopeB. When they understand tliat it does not cost but írtti:-, ií Bmy more than to touy paper by the quJre nul enveiopee by the buiiih moro ol iIkmu win secnre prlnted Btattooaxy.- Plnckney Dtopatch. A Northviiic farmer, whlle plownji Monday, turned ap a woodchuck witii a furrow. The anima] attacked the team wiiicii became frlghtened ainl ran away. The wnodcliuck then turned hta attentlon to the man to suoh good purpose ttoat the weary plowman weaded iii.s way homeward at nearly ai rapid a galt as bis horaes, teavtag hla chuekahlp th undiepiited poaoeooor oí th? field.- Ftackney Dtqpatch. -Vml then the woodehuck chncktod.


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Ann Arbor Courier