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The Price Of Wheat And Wool Is Weak

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i'iit it ís quite on a par with the weak.ii the free tra. Ie party that has made those commodities so ilebased. rumor that Heaösman Maxwell s tn take a short varation has ,,i ,-, t . ï-i-i i :■. ■ howi among the f;r.iliiul wbo are waltimg tor the be! .1 men'e ppsitione. ii Mi-, C&evelaod knew Joet liow the demócrata In coogresB were going tu v i . t ■ cm .ui qoeetlons, he would fee! a great dea] eaeter. He knuwju-t how the republieans will vote. The Ttoe president of the Dnited States ha au avowed advocate ui tree age. He atoo lias au unaavory OtSmi haniiinii over ]iim in regard to menitM'r.-ihi'P of unpatriotir Beerei snVs duriiig war limes. Añil títere iiy (hm ïiir between liim and the hdeocy. "Witih a cbaoge oí government in thf si ates." ieail all ad ver t isement in a AVeieh paper, "tbere is erery proBct of i Kfiiml revival of trade." It ö rcfresh'my: lo flnd business interct wüch expcct increasc-il prosperlty irom a democratie administratioii, ■' n if you liave to cros the broad tlantir to lind them.- Boston Journal. The great bowl for State banks comes irom the communities Virginia, Alabama, Hississippi, Florida, Georgia, Looisiana, Tennessee, and Arkansas. It is not forgotten that the people of those States broke faith with their creditors in the Dast, and the currency bearing their stamp will never be received through the other States of the Tiiioii without guppicion and distrust. Those States better cliog to the preseni saté plan. The future Baccew OC ia Uure uf the great Wortd'e Pair at Chicago, demenda entireiy apon Ute railroads. If tiiey 11 place tiieir ratea wlthln riNicii of tlie eoiiiinoii people, the fair will be a great ïiuaiunal BUCOeae trom jiow on, lf not. tiieu the enteïptlsing iiilwibitaiHs of Chicago, w ho Sare produced the greatest Btgirl the world '. iir pTObaWy ever wjll sec. will have to pocket t li.-ir Iosh with the :siait ion that they are the mo-t oterprMng ] ple on tace of globe. The New York l're-s propOBeg to send to the WoPld'a l'air as its gnestfl 1'ifty rjniOO veterans, membera of regular Graod Army pouta, wiw are t o be ■ teil by the readen oí Tbe Bunday frese. Tlhta proposltioa] made as 'm - lidenee ol bfa ■ esteem and gratllude lm whieh i'iie Preee nolda the D whii ïiijieriled t luir own i . SJte ! ,lt OM. Bacil oJ the cho-eii veterans will &e I oí The Preaa innu the niomt-iit the train teaves New Vork uiitil it return, and tlie journey will be tinied to in.-lude a lull week'a kjourn in GUeagO, with all expen.-epai:l. taeiutling daily eut ranee to the grounde of tbe espoaM ion. ah (i. A. K. veterane in good standbig are eligilile. Tiiry may come from any town, City, state nr territory over whjcli the stars auil stripes procüiaUns its govenuoeal . ion ol tlie fifi y favorltea ! of popuarity. tbielr popularity to be voted by bailots pHnted ;i ;■ ol The Siinday Preee.


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Ann Arbor Courier