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ColNtll. CBAMBEK, I Aun Arbor, Jnly 17, I Regular Bession. Called to order liy President Watts. Iloll called. Quorum present. Absent- Aid. Wagner. Ilerz. ()- Mará, Taylor - 4. Tbe Journal of the last seaslon was approved. PXTITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. T$ the Common Council of the City of Amt Arbor: Gentlemen: I would ïespectfully ask leave of your Honorable Body to erect a bain on lot number 10, block 8 north, range 4 east. Said lot is on NorthFourth avenue, beUveen Catherine and Ijeakes Streets. M. J. Mabtin. Datetl July 10, 1893. Referred to Fire Department Committee. A petition signed by John Young and other residen ts and property holdersof the city of Ann Arbor. asking that a sidewalk be ordered built on the east and west sides of Man street, trom Packard to Edwin streets. Referred to Sidewalk Commlttee. KSFOBTS ÜF .STANDING COMMITTEB8. Tu tin Common Coundl: Your Committee. to whom wns.referred your resol ution directing an investigation of the water supply lor the city as affecting domestic consumption, beg leave to report tliat on the "th day of July your Committee visited the Water Company's pumping station and reservoir, and founa that while the supply of water from the Company'a wells seemed fairly ampie and of good qiiality lor domestic use. the pumping machinery was out of repair, and at the time not of sull'icient strength to supply the city. We also fouxid the Company to " be practically out of a supply of l'uel for pumpng purposes. The wells, or supplj seemed to your Uotnmittee to be on the lecline and not as strong as one year ago, and your Committee werestrongly impressed with the opinión tbatotlier wells or larger wells woud hivve to be construnted tn the neai; future, or a supply from some otber Bources he obtained, or the Company would have to discontinue the supply of water for mechanical purposes. Your Committee next directed their attention to the river at the point of the Company's connections, and foupd the water wliolly imlit for docuestic purposes. lt is but fair to tbe Compauy to state, in this connection. that the Company make a strong denial of making use of the river for any purpose. Your Committee also visited the reservoir and catch basins. and found a condition wbicb we can only desígnate as a disgrace both to the Company and its managers. These catch basins and the reservoir can be said to be nuid-lioles only. No person having a decent regard for liis health would think of staying near their stinking inlluences, mucli less drinking irom these seeniing impurities. What wil] remedy this unwliolesome condition your Committee is at a loss in a measure to suggest. lour Committee feel that the managen of the Water ('oinpany ought to he severely eensured, in these particulars" lst. For permitting the fuel supply to become exhausted. 2nd. For their neerligence in prosecuting the repairs to the puniping machinery. 8rd. For selling water in large quantities, at tliis season of the year, for mechanical puiposes (motors, lans, and elevators), to the in jury of their private consuméis and to the detriment of the lire protection of the city, endangering the property of all the people. 4th. For their repeated failure and refusal to draw off tlie water pipes and reservoir when ordered by the Common Council, thereby assuring eleanliness vyhere now is iilth. and constant! y exposing and jeopardizing the health of all the people. 5th. For being almost criminally negligent in protecting the water and allowing it several times during the past year to becoine contaminated with petroleum, forming a nasty combinalion that our citizens were obliged to use for several days at a time. Committee would recommend tliat the Water Coinpany be required to draw off and entirely clenn the reservoir, ;itch basins, a'ud pipes; that the reservoir and catcli basin.s be tlioroughly and newly pared with cement, and made water tight; that BUCl) pavement be extended over the bottom, as well as the sides; that B roof be constructed over the basins and reservoir. 80 that the water shall at all times be shaded from the snn's raya; and that the Coinpany be required to proceed without delay to construct one or more large wells, say 80 feet in diameter. 80to 7o feet deep, f rom whicb your Committee feel assured that an ampie supply of pure water will e obtained. Your Committee further recommond that a special committee of live memben of this Council. with the Presidentas chairman, be appointed, and instructed to confer and negotiate with the Water Coinpany iclative to these suggestions; and unlesa the BUggestions herein made be accept ed, o r other stiitable solution or problem undertaken by the Water Company forthwith, then such special committee do consider the advisability of the city's purchasing the Water Company'e plant, if it can he had at a reasonable sum, and ït not, tlien the propriety of the city's undertaking to build and construct a system of water works for lire protection and domestic use, on its own account, or of granting a franchise forthat puipose to some other responsible oompany, r such other metliod as the said special coinmittee si, all deem most advisable for a more efficiënt supply for flre proteetion. and water possessed of greater purity for domestic purposes. All of which is respectfully submitted. a. i'. fkbgu9on, Chbistias .Maktix, C. H. Makly, Water Committee. Aid. Prettyman moved tbat the report be and the same is bereby approved and conflrmed. Adopted by unanimous vote. Aid. Ferguson asked for a report of the sidcwaik Committee oncrosswalk referred to thein at tlie junction of Fourth Ave., and Detroit Btreet. Aid. Martin moved tliat Sidevvalk Committee be allowed furtliertime to report. Adopted. MOTIOK8 AND BES0LUTI0N8. By Aid. Scbairer. Resolved, That the Board of Public Works be reqüested to submit to tliis ■ Couïicil an estímate of tlie cost of (trading and fillinir In Mary street f rom l'ackard to Edwin streets. alsoto submit n proper grade lor said street, at the next regular council meeting. Adopted. By Alderman Fergusou: Whreaf, The water pipes are helieved to be in stich condition as to render tliem not of tlie brst of use for lire protection, Therefore resolved. Tliat tlie Ann Arbor Water Co. is hereby ordered to blow off and clean til tlie 'mains in the city, unrier the supervisión of the ('hief of the Fiie Department, within ten days froni tliis date. Adopted. Aid. Prettyman moved that a committec of fonr citi.ens beappointed by the chair to aot in conjunction with a special committee of the Council on Ann Arbor'a water snpply. Adopted. President Wwtta appointed the following committee: Aids Ferguson, Martin, Maniy. Prettyman, Col. II. S. Dean, (ieorge W. Bullis, John Heinzman and Robert Shannón. Aid. Manly moved that a warrant of $5.00 be ordered drawn in favor of Mis. Ann Evans, as aid for the month of June. Adoptad as foljows: Yeas- Ald's. Schairer, Martin. Snow, Ferguson. Manly. Prettyman. Kitson, President Wat'-- S. Nays - Niiiic. On motioii tiic Conncil adjourued. W. .'. Milder, city Clerk. r:i -i Mui ii -Can r help yoo to ;i ptece oí thite iiann.'l shirt ? Secdiul Möth- Tbanke. lint I have


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