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A MIKNEAPQLIS MUL THE REMAKKABLE CURE OF J. B. WHITE OF THIS CITY. .1 ('ri)iilc tor 1 ui lean, PrOMMd Incurable b] Til) sirians aii'l (nvt'll ll) hy His Krirnils to Iic- llon Bc Obtalaed ReHtf umi liehm a W 1 1 Has- Bli Daaffctcr'i KtrTelom liiiir(iinniit. IFrom tht H inneanolit JournaM "Preotons ba the panacea that cures whcii hope sita gOOA and medical adviee prcwioainccs the deatb Bentence- 'Incurable.' How terrible it is to tiiink ol leaving thta sweel Hfe beiore the a'.lotttMl years ol man's time bare on eartb are spent." Thus spoke J. J!. White of 1'ül, '.cl t.. N. E., lasi niiiht to a Journal reporter. Mr. While has licrii much talkcil :i 1 ■ 1 1 1 ol ïaic aiiil the tollowding conversaBxplaiiiw hy : 'I ani a nativf iti 8h.ed.lac, New BrmwrwAck, and i Frencb deecent. 1 ani 60 yenrs ud. l' teil (rom a buildkng uro yeara ago and broke my thiiili, beaWe injininu' niyscli intcrnaily. '1 lic doctora coold do nothing toe nu1 luit let the baose grow together as best tln-y could. Wileii 1 was iiliV tn walk ii eruU-hes I canie neer dylsg trom the eomplicatlon of tioiib:es hat had sel tal alter the [all. Tor OHM an:l a Imlf 1 walked on crutches. strivinu' in vain to. ïintl i-ome rcliei froni the nii-iTV 1 telt nijiht and day. The WOCSt part o.' niv aillictions was t ha t I eonld not eat aaything. Iï I COTltö have taken nourishment and kept it down 1 could have BtOOd the pain liet ter. 1 had iour doctors, and toept taklmg all sorts oi medicines, i had to sto] a!l of them Of 1 would have been a dead man. I have enoiiuh empty bot (les lelt to Btari a drug store. 1 would be trotibieïl SO with headacaes, and my hips would pain me so tliat 1 otten thoutïht 1 .should go crazy. X -was so eniaciateiT that therc was Cttg to me but .skin and bom--. Lasi sumiller 1 ii'lt as j.i 1 was nr.r.iy dead. My kidneya Unen began to ïHitlu'r me. I gol mi bad 1 conld not sleep only at intervals. Finall; i gave up in deapair. One day l was sittiiiü' out on the porch. It was a beauttful, sunny day. The sJn.H'ing oï birds and the. odor oí the Qowere se1 me to thinking of my cliildh(,o;l day.-. Trom th:it my thoughts reverted lo the Uttte Frenci weekly paper, Le Mnnitcur Arailiui. tliat we göt, and I thought I would lik eto read it and aee )nv thiaga were at my old home. I told my olid home. I told my ie to glve me tliO tast immber. Bbe brou.uht me tii.' oave that came that mornlag. The l'ii'st thinir I sa v was a long articlu about the mirafulous cure of a cripple. I read uu and on. becominir more Intereeted than ever. The pattent deecrlbed in the article sald that Dr. WHliims' JMnk Pilis l'alr. Pople cured hiini and they would cure otliers. The story aronsed my Interrst and I iiidut-ed my drngglst to send tor them. I tlicl "nol expeet reUel rinht away, but Bon tbey made the headachc pass away. Alter taking tlic-ni ome days 1 could ent. PeopAe lauRlied at me wIkmi 1 began to takf the pills. tell:nur me I was taking so iniirli i-aiidy. Bul 1 lie day I tlirew away the crtitches, they tbOUght different. I am now well and. liearty as a HKiii oí i'.")." At this juncturt' his married daughti-r. Mrs. N. Vhite. cani!' into the store. ■Thrre," s.ii.l he, "la anotlier ia-e. She has trieil I In-ui, too." The reporter tliouiiht it would lie a gOOd Idea to speak oí bet eaee, ateo, stoce it was a woman's. Mrs. White married a man of the saini' name as her Dather, so this accounts tor the saine ïKime. "The doctors," slic snicl. 'cold me I h;ul uterino trouble. I tm in n miserable comlition. Xothinir tliat I took eouirï altevlate the patos I would fci'i Ln ïuy Itmbe and abdomen. I ofteO had ttutterlng ol the heart, and frequent weak i-pclls. I WOQld cal, bat it Avonid do me no good. I conld not Bleep. I was in misery and des])iar. My fatlrer took Dr. AYilliams' Pink l'üls. and his improvement was -ii raptf tliat I thought I would tafee i hem too. At fiirst I feil WOrse, and then 1 licúan 10 ïncnd SO rapidly liiat 1 was ast iin'sht'd. 1 ha c 1 aken Heven boxee and am now nearly well. I can do my own work and can sleep and eai weH. In tlic morniogs I fee] vcircsHcd after a ïririu's rest." Anirust (ii'otefciul. who keepe the ( ii'i'iiian ia Dmg Stnrc. at 1011 Main Btreet, N. I"... corroborated what Mr. Wliiic liad said abovc In regard n tril i-nndiiiim. saylng, "1 have oM a greai niany adnee these cures. Some nf the tumbermeo ni:ni; ln the wooda have taken half a dozen box lotfl wit li t hem. They eert linly have dom' a Avimderiul lot ol KOOd .'.nd shmilil l.:lc tile enlire rp'dit of tile cures."' On inqniry The .Imiriial reporter fomicl tliat these p:'N are now on sale at the varinus wlu.e-al1 dru.u' huuses oí M;nnea]Hiiis aml St. l'aul and are meettng wfth a soul saté, luit not aa fast as they WÍU srll as soon as their merit is inlly known. Jle also found tlint "they were ma iitifacl urcd hy Dv. AViUiianis' Medicine Oompoay, Schenectady, X. V., and Eirockriale, Out., and tlie ))!lls are BOld ;n bOXCS 'liever ml)tt!k by the hundredi at 50 cents a box, nv akx boxea for 12.50. Dr. WiUlama' Pink rills are a perHeel blood buiider aml ner-e reatorer, cm-inir snch dteOOBoa as rheuma tism. nenraliiia. partía] paralysis, locomotor ataxia. St. Vitas' danre, nervous headache. nervons proetralotn and the t red feeliog therefrom. the alter effeots of : grlppe, influenza aml severe eolds. diseases dependlng npon hnnors n the biOOd, as srrofnla. ehrmiic orysipelas. etc. I'ink I'ills glve e heaüliy jjcIow td pale and rallow compk'xibns and are a speclflc for the troublos pecuTiar to the iemaltsystem ; tai mea they effect a radical cure in all cases arlelng froni ■worry, ovcrAvork or i'cesses of any nature.


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Ann Arbor Courier