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Rose Spenee toa g ■■ t" "id M s s!on. sul Mui.ini was iu Detroit overSunday. Ms Amia B. Geteton at Hay Vtew. Mr.-. WaUaee W. Bitas la in Detroit bhjB niTk. s. Dean i daugbter Kara, are in Chicago. Miss Rom Seerey waa lo Detroit Saturday. Seabolt s ln Chicago for a week's stay. M. Mary Jaycos has returned Erom chicado. J. C. Watts, oí Baginaw, ta vtsittng íiis borne. Samuel Hcnne lias returned (rom tlie AVhite City. MiShb Neilie Latsoo i vlsiting D. C. l'all and íainily. Prof. Demmon's lamiiy lelt Monda y for Cu ka ii. llon. c. R .wiiitniaii fiit 10 Grand RapMa yeeterday. Mts. Anna Warden retnrned 8aturday fruiu Cbác&go. A. .1. öawyer bas gone to OM Mtesiom íor a few days. :-. Jioiíinau ii.s vleltlng (rienda tn Segtnaw county. Mne. ]'. M. Dcl'uy i.s vlsltlng a bIbicr at WMllajnsburj?. It ie aai Robert Bom, Jr., but it la Mi-s. Robert Boas, Jr. Mrs. 1'. Irwún has goue to Port Hurón to visit friendB. Mr.--. 8. W. ('larkscm ha returned (rom Chtoago trtp. Miss Lina and Mise Carrie Kranse liave gooe to ( '.liA-a.u'.). Proí. süas j:. míiis iris been at the great fair for tbe week. M.ÍS.S Mary ('Icincni has returned from i be WorWe i-'ar. Bert JCiii.s ka in OMcagO for a stay ol two or tihreo week. (lias, (u-d.-sinaii and íamily are visítins? friemde ln Monroc. Prof. aaid JIrs. E. I). Campbell have goae to .Mackiiiiic Jsjand. David Hfwn.lng has been an Aun Arbar visitor durimg tJie week. Albert Allniendinjícr ]ias goiie to Jack Lake íor a iêw weeks. Miss EmilJe (riuier lias returned fitmi tJie fhieago Kxposition. Mira. Dr. Gibbos and daughter are at Bt. Clair Fíate for tho week. Jalmi AVood, oí the Electric Light works, s at íTic Wmld's Fair. Mrs. I'rank Otile, (if .ev Orleans, lia vi.siting lier (ather, Aretus Dunn. Mre. Dr. Dean M. 'J'ylr has gone to ('harlevoix to reina im same weeks. Mius.s Mayhew, a Jiattle Creek Moon sliiner, is in the city vi.siting lriends. Mlss Ruth B. Durlieiin ícíi jresterday, ior a four week"s visit in Chicago. Mrs. .lu'.'.a C. Mark. oí Alma, is visitinií her sister, Mrs. Mary C. AVhittog. Mrs. .las. (al;ick i.s caiU'rtaining her (lauhler Mrs. E. Dufíy, oí Pittsburgh, I'a. Mit-s Lottio Millard lias been visitlng riemls in Milán during the week past. Geo. W. Milieu and wiíe, of Detroit, are visit ing Dr. J. W. Morton and wiíe. Dr. J. A. WCHblger lias l)cen visit ing írhMids it Fenton during the week. Dr. .7. N. Martín and wiíe have gone to Whüniore Lake for a rest ol some weeks. MÜBS Mariiic Carhari and little brother went .to OMciago yesterday a. m. MJM Ida Blies, win) had been visitíiiíí (rienda at Plymoutii, has returnt'd home. Mire. Bil W. Moore, of the Northalde, luis iiiii' t'i Adrián to visit her filtlHM'.. Mi. II. M. Roya, ot l'arwe'.l, has been relatlves in the elty tor a I 'hl". I'. A. Howleti cuna íamiiy are -xpc-cicd borne (rom Oavaoaugh I,ake Saturóaj . Prof. i;. Hese, o! the ptoarmacy department . lias gone 101:10 to Saginaw tor a time. Mr. and Mrs. George 1!. llhead have gome 10 NorveU, Jackson co., for a lew weeks. M:-s '.ertina lüi" returned from Chicago ainl the greal Whjte City last Frldoy. Mis. S. '. C'.arkson anil Mrs. Prof. Stevens have retwned from the WorldV Fair. .Tav Taylnr and iamüy have none 1f cottage at Whitmore l.ake. for the nimmer, M:ss Roba PuUrlpher, deputy cotraty ilerk, U'ft yesterday íor a week'8 stay at ChtleagO. Rev. Jas. r. Baron, i &loui City, lowa. ha been vjsltinir at M. Seeivy's (iurlng the week. Dr. Jackson and wttóe ]eit the f]{y la.-l Aveek lor a. deilulit ful trip down ihe st. Lawremoe. .Mrs. ]r. Win. .1. ( arbauuh is v:sIting her pareáis, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Swathel lor a time. Uta 1'. PasqueUe leít (or Chicago yestei-day. accinniia n'ed by her niece M b Lomiee Hnnequln. r. J. Moore retnrned home to Detroit Momlay. a few day.-' ,-t.iy w ith Aun Arbor íriend-. Mh-s Mattie llmidy and Sister, Miss EJdft, lm e-. erday for a stay i two ue.-Ks ita ihe White City. MJÖB Sufiie 1'uUipher reluriied Friday (rom a Uiree weeks' visit with relat ia Toledo, ' :iio. Mrs. G. Me.Manus, of Chicago, is VieJtLng her .brother llnn. K. Duiiy. na N. liiiiersity avenue. W. J. Waltere, of Flint, has been vjalting bis fatlier-in-law Bernard Ke'iian. for a lew weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John (i. Sciiairer are entert aiuiiiK their daiiííhter, Mrs. Jacob IleiiiuoKl, of Sayioaw. Prof. F. X. TaylOT ík in Northville. Mrs. Taylor and daug-liter leavo to day lor Allikm ïor a week. Irof. Perry and kis son "Walter, are tlilils week revelins in the tmrivaled beauti': of the White City. Wtttter Maek, .Ir., i only two days oW, but lie weig-his 0 lbs., and is the perfect Image of hi.s fat her. Mrs. Geo. i.. Moore was called to Detroit last Satiirday. by the death oí lier inofrher. Mrs. Haseall. Mrs. W. K. Chiids has been cntrrta::niníí her brother, Lyman Cate, and fainily, of Milford, durinii the week. 8. W. ('urtiss, of the Argus is hunttag bears and iishing for niosiiuito bites in the wilds of northern Michigan. Klraer Ji. Beal, of the 1'. o. torce, went to Ctoicago Sunday (ot a couple of week.s. He will return via the lakes. Mi.-s I.ydia Stevenson, of Detroit, who had ieen vialtlng Ann Arbor frienils for a week, returned home Momlay. Kev. ( i,i-, W. OaUagber o: Appleton, 'is., has been 1 lie faes1 of his sisi.T. Mrs. W. G. Burclifield, during the week. J'ulius V. Beylee, wfluo has been in the eity with his párente for a time, left for the üreat ExpOSitlOO yi'sterday a. m. Bup't Win. j:. Eiobtoöon of the Detroit BfchOOlfl, lias been the guest of brother O. J,.. on lïill st.. during hhe week. H. .1. Krowui has gone to Oíd Msion to rema in a eouple oí weeks wHli his family, Peettttg ;iml reciipei-atimg. C. 1). (arwood, oí Mülíord Center, (Miiii, formerly of Ann Arbor, is ia the city for a few days vfeiting relatlves and friends. Mr. and Mrs. "W. K. Childs and dougbtera Mi.sses Nellle and Lelia, leít yeeterday for a rteit to the WorWfl l'air. L. O. GoodrieU .- takjng hi.s two weeks' vacation. and accompanied by lila wiit; luis been vleltlng Detroit durlog ili' week. Samuel .r. Tomllneon, oí Lapeer, a tonner well-koown newspaper man, was in Ann Arbof tor a few daye the kast "i i tu wök,. Mrs. ,1. ];. Mi.iier lell niíílit ínr Cliir.-ino. to viMt biet Mn and family, and also to sec the ffi-eat fairy tity at Jackson Park. Dewitt C. l'all and wtfe returnod lnonie irom MMford Sunday. Thcy (h-(ic acroce tibe country and cnjoyOd the ride vory mucli. Mr. C. I!. I.iv:-m Ji.k nnived from Mr. and Mrs. l'i-edcrk-k W. Steven, of Batan. üapiiLs, Mich., very pretty oarda annoiinciiitf t.lic arrival at their house on July Gth, 1893, of Cari AYriídit Steveoa. Fred's old friends hwre eend congpatato-ttoiie. Mr. Stevens 's oí (lie lit. class of '87. Miliae Mai lita Brovvm has returned from i Ucogo, anuí tea ves bo-aight for ;; ( iiy. Pa., fora Cew week' stay. l'roi. lied. C. ( lark, o: Lc&aad Staafoi-d, Jr., l'nivcrsü y, i at the home of Mr.-. Qtark'e párente, .1. W. Knigfat .■uní wjte for the summer. John k. Robieon, of t lic U. s. Xavy. lias been vteiting iiis grand parante, Son. John .?. Roblson and Wtte, at Sharon, receñí ly. An-iin!ii; In the San l'ra nei-eo papers. .ƒ. T. Jaro!)-, of Ann Arbor, i nou attencBog to govarnment Inisini'.-s in that far western city. TLe trtends oí Bev. aml lire. J. W. BradeJiaw, te the number of about 100, surptfeed them ast Thursday evrnliiiï. a;itl a rlgh,t royal time resulied. Rev. V. V. Wetmore aml fainily returneil froai ( hirau'o Snnday, togetlier uii.h Miss Flora Yantlnwarker and Kihva'nl ". Seyler uiiti went with tliem. A party courstetlng of Prof. and Mrs. Stan'ey, Dr. aml Mrs. Carrow, Proí. aml Mrs. 1-reer, with tlieir familie.-, liave goos to Cbarlevoiz ïor the siiniiner. Judge K :1111e lias gone east. He w'.A i-it several oí túie oeeau watering recorte, and expecte to join Iïov. Heiny 'lat look and iamily at autuckef, soou. M. M. Steffey dpopped down upon Iris Iriends hele ironi the upper part 01' the state last Satnrday, and reporta everyt'hilng booming up among the nor! heru resorts. Mi-.-. Cerliaiil .l'-en!inns and daugUters. Alma and Mlld.i, heve gone to I. Ju ■cnhans". ,:n Vork, for a ;'ev days' Ai-it. Mr. ,'o-enlian. w i;l join thciu Satui-day for a wei-k. Mr. and Mrs. 'J'hos. A. lioiile and family went to Chieao last Thtirsc!;:y. Mrs. BogCie and lier daughterS wiH go fi-oni tisere to I'aola, Kas. to ïTiiinini several weeks. Mrs. jomii Beur and daugfater Wanda, lelt Moiiday for Qxloago, accompanied iby Prof. Baur'a brother Herman, of St. J.oüi-, Ho., who has been vlsitlng t hem {OT a time. John llnddy and famüy of Geddes ave., have leen eatertaining Vt'iu. Btoddy -of Ldskeand, Knif., and James H. Jlnddy, of London, Eng., who aro maklag a tour of thte country, inttludlng the ureat fair at Ohicago. Soine oí liie youiifr trees set out in the eourt hoti.-f square, thls year are JoiniOg tJie cry for more water. (íiistave Lagaase, by liis attomey M. J. Oavanatifih. has ( oiiimenceil BU I aainst the M. C. It. II. to recover pay for ome of hls lejs that He lost on the railroad, plactng (laniages at $10,000. Louis F. Detz went to Whitmore Lake 'Jm-sday to engage rooms for fainily at Wiileaman's gTOVe. He uent out 011 the lake in a rOW ljoat, but did not return. Alter a time tlie boai Qoated oobore eontaining hiis co;it and hat. Thi.s caused considerable commo-tion, until it was ascertaiaied that lie bought anothcr liat and took a train for Jackson, where hi1 wn-s lotmd later on by hls iriends. Mr. J'.etz iia.s leen ill of late, hieh tonel her witli business worry is undoubtodiy the oauee ot his straiiiie actiini.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier