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The White City

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i edil orla] poaM loa boa aíforded as th privilege of ao extended examina t ion oí 1 1 ie varlous publicat lona whiih are belag íssuimI relatlve to the Woríü'B ('olumbian Exposltion and we tale mullí pleasure Ín commending to readers a valuable and complete w.:rU cm In' subject 'iititi!'ii "The Whlte City," publlshed by the Chicago WorW Book Co. WhHi' a large nuruber ol erar citltema wrill be permlttea a vteit to the Expoeitlan, many c.miii it remalo long erthama fewdays; bat even though :i un oth i Bpent, our know ledge ol Its (.uU'i-s is neoessarily limlted. The archltectural dteplay i- magniii(■[■íii : the mci'iiaiuc has esceeded ooir greateei expeetatloos ; natnre's store is greateT Ihau w liad di-camn!, and cv'vy de]) irtiiient is n pl t' wltü wonliera transccinlinic t ln urdinary romprehensión. Ií oor minde wen' only Btroog enoofih to refaln practical knowledge ií fchose fealiüma whlch are wltíün the range ol ohï underBteadlng uní cbaervation, happy wmiid w be, lmt evem thi la beyond bhe palo of jxh-sihiüty ; to obvíate this (liffkMilty and bring to inir íncinorkea v.'iii we saw, and to become oonveraani with Uwee Innumerable thisge wliich vr had DO tiaic tO sim-, ti onc oí tiic objeets ol this mogalfic-ent publication. Qreat care ;- evluced Ín thc historlcal departaient ; much thougit and arttetlc skil! is akown in the lllustrattona, and the ent in' uork is beyond adverse crttlctem. Thc contente oí the state volumes poséese eduoattonal featurea oí rare merli ; forelgfn eoontrles are iilu-trated ; histories oí a number ol the stalrs ajipcar for the first time. and. In tact, Thc White City" is to-day WltthOUi a competitor In the .ureal [ieW ■ ':ii-!i it oceupiea Worda but üeebly exprew tha true nature of tli-s remorkable publicati:m and m!y a personal exainination vill ci.nvcy an adequate Idea ol lts magnitud: and woirtih.


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Ann Arbor Courier