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IS MICHIGAN MÏRACLE. BETWEEN LlFis AND DEATH. A Singular Story of a Detroit Molder- A Terrible Battle Vvhich Lastea Months - 3ne of the Remarkable Ineidénts ljorciering on the Romantic. i ;■'..,,, thi i trolt I -ín .■■'■.) Tilomas Hagen was seated In a ,:, i-ocklng chalr ai ii cosy . 1289 Ku --"11 Btreel , y sterday wi.MU a visitor was announceíl. The gentleman aroue und greeted Uní ;w comer the g ■ opened ap a ,-. av, ii v. ,i e-v ili-nt ihai Mr. Hagen waa a persoo tw more than ■ ru.nary latelligence. To bis vlsitor ihr remarkable cbangea and peculiar coree o táxia man w&a a source oí i atei i 81 . The oikIi r.ui i ranslo.-mat ota in nía appearance wiihin i wo yeaipa Je itsrií woi-ihy oí iii,' stu-dy di a si-;rii:i. Mr. Hagen, 8 eoupte o. yeara ago, was so weak aiad cm;., ..h.mI tíial bo-day lie doea OOl .-veía t;i.' ,-ume individual. Iüi.-iiiii.ii -ui was cause o bis terrible BUflerimg. He te a Detroiter by birtto, liaviog ■iv ii I tve K.iit Ol (lay in tl) cii.v 36 3 caí' .. ago. Wii; ii quil.te a boy hwa - aiipn.n ced tO t!i ■ niimldci's trac'.f. aiul eveí stoce he has tollowed avocatúoa. He quite a prpmlnent memb ex oí t'. i local Stovemolder'a Ualon, and can be fooind nearlj every öaturday nígtot lo attendance al t'lu' meeting oí the order. About t wo yéorá aun Mr. Hag n becam.e eertously affected wltin í-hrmnat ism. the rc-uK oí workiag n drauglbtfl o! cold air. ■■'l'hc shootng iiains oí rheümatism are actually, I bellene, I h m 1 horrible peoaltlea Miit can be in Ucted iank:ii!l. 1 can nol begin to teil yon oí bhe aony I suffered. 1 had a : b rougU experimce iu I he art ol tari are, aod no mal tei v.hai I íwd to eaee tihe paio, t seeined aa though I doomd to gre.ter suHerlog. I had a oumbec oí frlejida who took gceat toteresi ta my eae, and retíommetnded numeroma remedtee, whdcb 1 n-ii'd without avail. Notiilag eeemed to do me auy good. I was under the o.' seTeral well kaown Detroit luiys.ciaiK. bilt tl'.civ servi.-es were absolutely wühont ravorable resulte. ! WBM 1"' !: Tiídfíi. Why. 1 could not ni o ve íroin o a.' ohájtc to ano! lic r witli,,u; i-tan-,', gome days ] WOUld lee] a Kttle brlgiiter than othera, "Bul I'ii' cinly attack oí t.'ant inícrnal rlicnmat ism wonld rtrlke me, leav!(ng me o verltable WTeck mi t he barren stoore ol huma n:ly. "By ftccldent I read two years ago a (anadian papec eontalnlng b reniarkabh' story oí a miraclr at Hamlton. Ont. lt wa ihat oí a man vrtio had bee-n tortured to death by r!i'-umat:-m. He as induced to use Dr. Wiirams' Plak rilis ñor Palé Peopie. He was iiumediately curi'd. I doubt ed the truth -;)í the matter a1 rirst, btit bhougihi I wonld try it. I liad my people huat all over town, lmt t!i'ey could not íiud the pills at auy Oí Uve drug stores. Tlve only place tliey were thea soidat was over i u WindBOr. Well, my relatives went over Hiere and purc-liased a lew boxes. Greel GJürietopber ! but my I u, ,.- back in ecstacy to the Hia.iiïV whilCh iinniediately carne over me alter uslim' 1 he I'ink l'ills. I líelo improve. and in a few weeks rhcumaf.e petan leít me. and in a short linie I was alile to be out and around. From ttoat ttone [have been at work. ■It was not bMg aitcr 1 secured the p'.lls over at W-DdBOr, that I t'ound tiiey were tor sale here in Detroit, at ' Itrown & ('u's, corner oí Wi oilward and CongTO9B, Michell's and Basseti vV; l.'Hoinmedieu's. '. ward avenue. I purcliased them ior íiíty cents 1) ix. I fiuess yon can buy them noiv at almost every drug Store in Detroit. 'I have reconimended the Pink Pilla to several oí my írieuds around town. and alt&ougi) their cases were similar tu mine, they have all been cured. There in nothing on the face Ol God's , -,ii i ual to them ior rheumatism dScases. üntll my dying uj 1 w.ll ]raise iiie l'ills lor being thé cause oi my ppeeent hnppy eond;r;uiil." Dr. Williams' Pink l'ills are not a patent medicine in tiie s.-n.-e in whlch that u-rin ii-u.iiiv umderetood, uut are a aclantttfc preparatlon successm ly usnllii general pcact ce lor many yiMi-s befare bölng olfered to pubiv gemeraüy.; T1k.v coutaln tn ;i ei :i ■:,'ii-cil inmi all the elementa necessary to gjtve w ríe and rtahnese t bhe btood, and reatorea etoattered oerves. Tihey are an u-nfalUng si1oilic tor irach dtoeaeee as tocomotor ataxia, partial paralyete, 8t. Vltus' ilaii'T. BClat'.ca, i'.riH-al :i:. i-liruiu-.tism, lüM-vuus headaohe, the itfter e!fecta tf la grlppe, palpltatkn oi th lic. ir; . palé and sallow complexlons, tliai tired Feel'jng peaulttag lïroni aerrou pn,-ti-a; iciii ; all di easee dependIng lipón vitiatrcl in the blood, sm-li as Bcrötula, cbTOitlc ery-:M-ias. etc. Tiifv are ateo a speclfjc tiimiili's pecuHai to tentalee, sucn as suppn'-sjiiis, rrciiiilarilifs. and all forma "' v. raUncss. Thry build up bhe (Slood and restore the glow ol health to pale and s;illmv cheeks. In bhe oase ol men they eftêci n radical cure in all cases artolng (pom me k orrj . " :■: u ork, sr e: ces? ever nature. -c PUls are mnoufactured ly Dr. WUltemB' Medicine Oompany, neetadj . N. Y.. and Brock '. e, Ooit., ainl air sold only In boxea beartaig ihc Cnn's tradc mark and wrapper, ai it (tuk a box, or six i).ixcs tor $2.50. Bear kn miad ttoat lr. V.'illiains" 1'inU I'ills aro ncver BOld kn bulk. by the doaeo or hundred, and any ili'alci' vli:i oiferg a substituí e in ihis Ponn is trying to dcfraud yciu and BhOUld be avoidcd. Dr. Wlll:,ini' i'ink IMlls may be had oJ all dragglste or direct by mail (rom Dr. i 11 :;i n-' Medicine Oompany frotn eitiier addrese. The pclce al whlch these piils are sold nüakes a conree of trcai inent cr.mpara t i vrly nexpen8ivi' as cfiiiiiiriri'il with ntlirr remedies il trcatiiKMit. Rpought home to as ail-(ias billa. i; ■- bacli to lts place - Tlic knapsack.


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Ann Arbor Courier