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E. F. Mills is gettiug Bettled In hls ncw residenoe on Moiiroe st. Will Shafe-r and famlly, fonncrly of .al'.QK', are now residente of Ann Arl)or. ) 1 F. s. Caisc has purchased Mw. Flora Oakley Janes' residenc i Wiliard st. The Ann Arbor Llgiht lnfantry, Co. A., M. 8. T. wfll leave Aun Arbor for Mjnip at Island LaJce on the Oth inst. Da-. A. 1!. l'roeott, of this city. been efaooen em one oí the fudges in tih libera] arts exhlblt at Chicago. The work of gradJng E. Hurón t. to lötli and 13th to E. Ann .. Ib now in proowB. Streel Commissioner SutJicriaml wül see that a g'ood iub is done, as lic always does. The National Loan and Building Asatlcm of er, N. Y. appan to have confidence in Ann Arbor rea] te. It lias loíimed soine $10,000 lierc within a íew days. Tlie wife of Win. D. Vogel, of this in. died last rvcninir, oí consuniptioji. aged -7 years. Funeral (crvlcee will be held Friday i. in., út - O'Clock, froni the rcsidenci' in the 2d ward. On Saturday attemooo last, while i Ik' faniily were out to tea, somc Müef sneaked in to the rcsidcnce of l'rof. O. C. Jolmson, on S. Thayer -t.. and took a quantity of jewelry and ot.her vahiabk'S belonging to Mrs. Jayoox, wlin lias rooms therc. The Ihioi was peen, and the officcrs have a. goud description of hini. At the olectioai in tJic 8d ward Monlay, to olioose au alderman to fill the Miranry causod ly tibe death of A. H. Fillniore, Frank Wood, the repnbQ caixlidati'. was nuccessiul by L0 jnajoi-ity. Thciv were 186 votes polled, o; which Mr. Wood received 101, DhOB GrOOdkin 91, and ioiir were no good. Tliere is nothing tliat servia Man's oonscience to barden. LJke Bve dollars speut (in a ten cent garden. - Washuis: Xn w.-ittT t liis A dangeroui poBdtlon [or t tue city to be in. B. j:. üai-iH'y .-iiid daughter Mabel have ■;■'.;■■ bo Spriugield, Mass., to reside. A ureat QUimbeT Ol Aun Aiiini'.colored people went to YpsJlantl yesberday. Alderman Frank Woml ! Never mimi the clgare, Frank, we don'1 .-ïiiiiLc. The Ana Arbor High Bchool bas maduated 1,787 Btudeuts. It is considerable of a college. Mis. Ilebecca Nefcon received $1,031.28 for daniage to lier property by the recent fire at her resMence. Some wny the Sunday excursions on on the ï. & A. A. K'y meet with delaye, etc., that do not add to their p Iva. ure. W. E. Howe luis taken the contract for erectiing the new School of Muisic butldimg lor $7,250. It is to be completed by October. At the Horticultural meeting Salurday afternoon, Aug. Stil, l'each yellows and the black knot in l'lums, will be the subject for discuaslan. Ion"t ïorget about it. Rev. Dr. Hamnon, tlie secretary of the Home Miswionury Board of the KniUiMi l.utlieran church, gave a learncd and eloquent di-seourse at the Uxüoo meeting kast Sunday evenlng, at tlie l'rcesbyterian church. William Hunnells, of Augusta, lias made application for divorce froni wlfe, Elliabeth Ilunnels, on the g-rouind 0Í (Jeeertiion and adultei-y. .]. 1'. Kiik is solicitor lor complainaul. Aiu'li-ew .iiiitli, aged 69 years, din! Saturday, and tiie funeral was held .Mi adav fruni tJie A. M. E. charch, Rev. C. M. t'olH'i-n conducting the services. Tlie deceased nad been for niany years a tmstrd servant of Mrs. Israel Hall. A surprise birtlulay party was given Brs. Sarali Seabolt, of W. Huron Btreet, Monday eveailng last. There w ere a bomt fifty people in attendance and they lelt sume very handsöme presente, and liad a right royal good time. The van giiard ai the oak leaf worm, tht ha ,beeome euch a jilague of late years, i.s already here. People who desil'e i.o save the tollage on their oak trees fttoaü take the precaution at once of plaíing a band of cotton aronod tJifir trees at tlie base. Au old gentleman who was looking np and down Main st., yesterday ior Hall's bakery, said that it was the íiist time he had been here in 57 years, and he didn't recognize much about tlie city, but he would like to l'ind tliat bakery just the same, and get a hite of bread and clieese. The remaimis of Mut. Francés Otis, of Ciiïvago, were brought to Ann Arlinr last Saturday amd interred in l'orest Hill cemetery. Mrs. Otis was a tonner resident of Ann Arbor, and was 75 years of age.. Her husband was the, late Maj. Seth T. Utis, a man of considerable prominence, and at ome time consul to Basle, Switzerland. Mrs. otis leaves three sons. The funeral serviles wele COUUlUCted by I!ev. J. T. Sujiderland. Hail stornie in Michigan are almost liarmless when compared wilh thoae In tlie far west. Not long since a lady oí lilis city received a letter froni lier sister in NebrasUa. Btatlng t ! i ; 1 1 a tremendiius hail storm had visiied her plantat ion and completrly ik'sti-oyed 400 acres of wheat nearly raad] for harvestin.ü, not a head beiiig telt standing. Her house was wreeked. and a span oí bOTOes became so irightened that they fled. and were foliad ten iinile.s away, uninjured. The löth Annuul Harve-t Festival and Basket rienic. of the farmers of Wasliteinaw, Wayne, Oakland and Livingston coiuities, will be. held on the Fair (irounds, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednes-day, Aug. KJth, ls'.i:;. (;i, .Jas. B. Weaver, of low a, will delier t!ie adilrcss, liis subject betng 'The Economie Questlona of tlie Day." The ])eople will want to hear lus reasonlng, even 11 not coincUBing witli liis views. Half ratea have been gTanted on tlie T.. A. A. & X. M. Il'y.. and tuidoiibtHll,v will be on the M. C. R. R. also. See the bilis, read theiu, and then eonie to the picnic. Mrs. Caroline Buchoz. who has been an invalid for a long time, died on 'J'hursday last, aged nearly 72 years. The decea.sed was tlie mol her of Mes. Cdias. S. Milieu, of this city. nul luid resided here for upwards of forty years. gbe was :i jiative of New York, having been born at Johns1own, Xov. 13, 1821, and was the daughter of Hoai. John Morrell, who was a prominent Uxwyer in that sectioai in liis day. Funeral services were held at the private Sa-nitariuni of Dr. Herdinaii, on W. Huron Pt., last, l'riday a. ni., at 10 o'clock, beIng conducted by Re VB. "N'ernor and IMHÏ. Tlir ]all bearers Avere Judge K:nnc, 1'hilip l'.ach. Mo-es Seabolt and Henry W. Hayes, I iicw the festiva (tngoline Getd in its work so b Ánd aeuda the gonls oi mortals On i loumey towards - The place where the cllmate'a ho And gasoline Btovea unknown, )!■ t'Kr io heaven's gold Where there is no cooklnq done. ■ Wolvertae Cénele Club and lady íriends took ;i Bpíu out to Whitmoje Lake Sunday. Son Vi'v York sjko'hI I rainbo the ni iciv are now passing tlirongh 0:1 the M. C. EL. K. iiii 'iiuu-sday. to tttorrow, the membera ot Zkm'a Sunday School, numbertng 853 ahilaren, wlll be glven a picnic al Relie! Park. Dr. J. (. I.ynd-, oí bhiH eity, was iiiai-iu'íl last Tliursday evenlng to Miss Ekmua JO. Buya, oí sturgis. The couple have gane east ti) remain until October. Tlie Argo milis have leen improviaig tbelr OaclUtiee by putting in a bran paeker. Hereafter tbey will puf tlK'ir ln-an in mofea for Khipmeait instead oí BhJppLng it in bulk. The Commercial MDWtW tliat Ypsilanti ta withoiit lire protect ion. And yot silu' has uno oí the finest systrins oí water wurka in th.' l'nited States. The two fíicts do not look well togetber mse way. Ü. W. CnrtLss, oí tihe Aun ArbOT Armi.s, i Jiunting the walrus and polar bear in tlic north wooda oi MiCliifían. and to prove it, wlll wlicn 3üe i-etunns, proudly exhibit the Ktuiïed skin ií i 'cihipmunk." - Adrián Press. I)id the Adrián Prese man ver ge-1 soine one to help liLm otit when he was tO be absent íor a time, and llave lliat MinitMini' un liini into trouble - jut fora joke 7 Well, fliafs ttoé Sltuatlon ae íar as tlie Presa and ourseli are roneerned. ('lias. Y. Ilieliards, oí Cleveland. (, a íormer Aun Arbor boy, was niarried July 26, to MI .Xellie Cari. oí that eity. Well. (liarlie te ld enougli to get marrieil. that's eertain, and his oíd íriends here, and there are liiany oi tJiem, will wish him joy and happiness. ( linton Millen. the ymingest son oí Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Millen, was shot in the groin by the accidental discharge oí a revolver in the hands oí a cumpa ifion. while himt ing írogs at North I.ake ome flay laai week. He i gettlng alcmg nicely, and no serious resulta a.nticipaied. Wilite Bhoes can be elraned by use oí what is called "pipe clay." An aut.hority says Buy a íew cents' war Ui at the druggi-ts ; dip au o'.d tootOibrusli iinto the clay ; rub with all your st.reivgth, tfae harder the better. Y'ou must lie sure to rub with tJie graiii of tlu' leid. You all the story oí t-acred rit aliout Jonali being taken in. Wi'll, when suni" oi our citi.eiis were taken in by a street fakir the other ni.nht, it made them profane. We are not rare but the ïakir served them right. Any one who gets bit in these days by street sliarks is either not bright or woeínlly gnorant. A bu-i beliMiging to Snow's livery opeet wiiiie retumlng t'rom a picnic at Kelieí park Sunday evening, caused by t lw breaking oi one oí the rear wdieels, and spilled out it load. Juliis Triijanowski had a rib brokeu, Win. Ketticíi liad bia face bruised and Otilen received sliglit injuries. It w.-is a luéky escape (rom an unlucky accident. Soini' eliemi-t. name unknown. asserta tliat perfumee aet as dlsiníecta.nts for house.s, and that aiv Lmpreg nati'd wlitb almost any perfume la eieared inimediatrly oí deadly micrnlirs. as tliey can not i'xist in it. li tliis is true it is a very jileasant way to di-iuiert unes premises. A perfume aiways agreeable, ven ü not considered íashionable by the extreme elite. Alomg about tea time last Wednesday ■, a young lad with a hatchet haeked into the shade trees in front of It. Kenipf's residence, on both 1.a rince st. and N. Ingalls 8t., amd almost deetroyed a fine maple Ín iront oí Mrs. Pack'e residence on Engalla st. The lad was seen to leave tlie lat ter place, but could not be identified. Ilr DUg'.it to have bis jacket taiined in elegant shape. Tlve Youmg l'eopie's Building AsSOOlatlOn oí Hctlileliem chureh will g'ive a grand ezcunaton and basket picnic to Detroit and Belle We on Thursday, Aug 10, 1893, lor the benefit of the New churcii Building l'nnd. l'are for tile round trip, including- lioal ride on Detroit river to Belle Isle and back. $1.00. Children onder 1 yeams, 50 cents. Doa't faU to bring trow luneta baetoete, special train will leave M. C. 1!. K. depot at 7:06 a. m.. and returnini; teave Detroit at 7:80 p. m. All íriends ií the church and everylMjdy are eordially invited to take advantage i these eheap rati's and visit 1 he Irantiful city of Detroit and Island Park. Tickets will le for sale np to Wednesday 'veiiing. Aug. lltli, at tin' followijig places : 1.. (iruuer's, KocIl & Henne's. llutzel & Co. l.ouis ühode on E. HurOün st., A. A. Organ Co., W'ahr & Miller, lili i Kheul oa K. WaahJagliii st., and at the depot on the moomiug of departure, by members of t'lie committee. early oelery ba i log shipped now, anil the erop i boto early and l.i ie is looklug fine, oerver better, it g a ld, a t i his time o4 year. A (ni.'-,i;-incii, tifty-aeven year ld female, trom Fremotat, Ohlo, snuck Aun Arbor, ,i-t werk, Btruck the offlcers alter gettlmg drank and (roze fae1 I i bbc lii-nund, when au arrest wa attempted. Stoul men fl'Dally wol her Lu n wagon .-mil he -as hauled to Jall. Juetlce Benneti sein lier to tin' h-iii-i' ol correctlon for iivc days. Tbose OWo people are au Interesting race.- Adrián Pi-e--. Ai Une dedtoation i: the Michigan State Teacher' Aseociatioo building at Hackley Park Aaeembly, Lake Barbor, to-morrow, Prof. i. W. RenWlck, iorniorl.v ol' this city, takes a prominent part in the musical programme. Hom. H. II. PatteogUl will teil aliuut "Sdinc J'amous Wolvrrini's." 1'. A. liai-Uom-, f Yiisilanti, is a meniler of the executiw commltbee. Hou. Obaa. 8. Backley, oï Mubkciiiui, presenta thie building, ae his jrift. to tlie tcaclirrs oí tilo state.


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Ann Arbor Courier