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Council Proceedings

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I 'ITMIHI. On Detroit atreet along the eait alde ín froct of the Montan Eatate's property. On V. Harón atreet along the sonth sido from Main to Ajhley streets. (ín ]-:it Unlveraity Avenue aJong the eaal stde from College streel to Wlllard strout. Tbat all of suoh sldewalka be jraded, built and conetructed In the manner, wlthin the time and of t lie material preícribed h the pro i-ion oí an ordlnance " Entltled an Ordloance Relatlveto Sidewalks," and the grade establlshed. Adopted as followa : Aids. W.-iu-iK r. Martin, Snow, Wood, FerguBon, Taylor, Manly and Pres. Watts- 8. Nays- None. l'.y Aid. Manly: Resolved, That gradlngand construct Ion of the Bldewalka hereluafler mentloned is deemed and declared to be h public neoessity nni a necesiary Improvenieut, Thruefore. n is hereby ordered tbat plank pldewalk be gnuied, huilt and c-onBtruc ed on and along the Ibllowlng slreets and in lïonl of tbe followïng property in the city of Aun Arbor, viz: On Geddes avenue along the north side froni Washienaw avenue to Volland sireet. Ou Flfili avenue along tlie west side frora Catberine to Detroit street. On Broadway along the ncrtliwesterly side frorn Mr. Wesfs propei ty nortta to the corporation line. On Wnsliiuiilon streel along the north side from Thayerto Incalía street. i in Vol land. street i long tlie north and sou th Mdeslrom Waslitenaw a ven neto Observa tory st eet. On Thayer street in front of the property of Edwin Curtís. On Miller avenue along the north side from Fountain slreet to Mr. Dunean's east line. On Observatory streel along the west side from Volland street to Alm street. On Huron street along the south side from Ashley street to the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Michigan Kailroad Company land On Detroit street along the east side from Kingsley street to Kuiler street. On Liberty street along the south side from Fourlh avenue to O. M. wesl line. On División street along the west side in front of the Hogers estáte property. On Ann street along the south side from Fourttï avenue lo 1-ilth avenue. That all of sueh aldewalki iie graderi, built and construoted in the nuinner, within the Urne and of tbe material prescrlbed by the provisión ofan ordl nance "Kntitled an Ordlnance Relative to Sldewalks," and on the grade to be establlsbed Adopted as Followa : Sfeas- Al, y&gner, Martin, Snow, Wood, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly and Pres. Watts- s. Nays- Xone. By Aid. Manly : Resolved, That the Wil of Eichmond & Backna Co., of ?12,0-i, for justlce docket. be ftllowed. LiOKt EU follows, a majority oí ths ■iiii'Tiiicn mu rating therefor : 3Teae- AWb. Wagmer, Bnow, Wood, Taylor, Manly. Pres. Watts- G. Niiys- Aid. Martin, Ferguson- 2. By. Aid. Martin : Resolved, Tiint the Streel Commiuloner be Instruoted to remove the etreet Blgiia on Mrg. McCollum'e residence and barn and place the ■une on oppoaite lde of street. Adopted. By A!il. WuirniT : Retotoat, That the Chlef ol the Flre Dcjartmeut lic, mid la hereby Inatructed to tiike a readiiig of the pressure sauxe at the engine house, from date, aald readlug to lie taken four timos eacb and ever; day, nndthe record of 8UCh readins; be reported to the Cominon Louncil at each retrular meeting hen called lor, and uu til fnrther ordera. Adopted. Cy AMerma.11 Tay'lor: WiiKp.EAs. it haring heen made to aplicar to this Conncll that dlaeaaea lenown aa tne yellowa and black knot preval! in cvrtain fruit treea, wit KIn the city of im Arbor, therefore. Remin il, That Charles C. Clark. I.eouard Oruner, and Jacob Gnnzhorn, freeholders, be, and they are hereby appointed commlstlonere and shall constituto a board of commissiouei in and for the city of Ann Arbor, empowered to take suitabel action for the suppresaion of such diseases uuder the laivs ol'the state. Adopted. Aid. Martin moved that when we adjuuni wc adjouin to meetMonday, Au. 14, 93, at tlie usual time. On motion the council adjouriicd.


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Ann Arbor Courier