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ke v na x Xm x o w 7 s INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGEMCY fío. 2 Hamilton Block. Life, Piro and Aooident Pol leles wrltten in First Class Companie &at6a I.ow. Losses Uljcrally adjusted and promptly paid. One hundred Lots in Hamilton Park Addition for sale on easy terms. Office Hovus: Krom 8 a. m. to 2 m. and 2 to 5p m. A. W. HAMILTON. LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! If vou eontemulate building, cal] at FERDON'S LUMBEE YARD ! Corner Fourth and Depoo Sts., and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guaran, tee VERY LOW PRICES Vttr-ive lis n culi and we wlll makelt to your interest, as our large and well graded stock fully sustaius our assertiou. Telephone Connections with office. T. J. KEECH, Supt. JAMES TOLBERT Prop BEAL & POND, INSURANCE GENTS Opera House Block. (Sueeessors to C. H. Millen.) The oldest agency in the city. Established over a quarter of a century ago. Representing the followlug flrst-clasa conipnmies, with over $CO,000,000 Capital and Assets. Home Ins. Co., of New York. Continental Ins. Co., of New York. Niágara Ins. Co., of New York. (.ikard Ins. Co.,of rhiladelphia. Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford. i mmmerciai, Union, of London. Liverpool. London and Globk. Rates Low as the Lowcst, Losses Liberal ly Adjustod and iiromptly Paid. BESiLX éi POND. ASTHMñ soTN CURED, but The PEERLËSS ASTHMA REMEOYwiH give inntant relief. 25c and 50c slzes. Sample mailed f ree. At drugK-tsor muildon receiptof pric byThe Peerlces Kerr.edy Co., üobioviile, ilich (Inlike the Dutch Process tKo Alkalies Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W. Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Gocoa, tvhich is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the stsength of Cocoa mixed with Stareh, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more económica!, cosiing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIOE8TED. Sold by Grocere everywhera. W. Baker & Co., Dorchester, Mass. WORK FOB ÜS a few d&ys and you will be Btortled at the unexpected success tliat will rewnrd your i-fl'orts. We puiitivWv hare the best business to oti'er an agent [hat i-iiii be (band on the face of tliis earth. B4S.O0 prollt on B76.00 worth nf business is Íkíii" easily and honorably made bj and paid to hunoreda of men, women, boy, and glrli In our employ. JTou oan make money I rk for U8 than y ou have any idea of. Tl businesa is so ea] to Iearn, and lnitructlons so simple and plain, that all ucceed from the tart. Those who take hold of tlio bosinesi reap tlie advantage that nrises from the sound reputiHioii of one of the oldest, most sucoeèsful, und largesi publUhing houses in America. Secure tor youríelf tlie proh'ts that thebuslm readUy and handtomely ylelds. AU beginnen succeed grandly. and more than realize their ireateit expectttUonB. Those who try ii tin I exactly aa we teil them. There Is plenty of room for :i few rnore workers, and we urge them to begin at önce. If you are airead v employed, bul have :t few spare moments, aud wish to use thi'ui to advnntage, then write U8 at once (for thls is your grand opportunity)i and receive fuü partlculara by return mail. Andresa, TKUE V CO., Bux So. 4((, Augusta, Me. OJVE ENJOYS Both the method aud results whea Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasaut and refreshiug to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system ettèctually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the ouly remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in ts action and truly beneficial in its eflfects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances. its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and 81 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any croe wbo wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW VORK. N.Y. Nerye jv Bíood JeBh fBrtE&UÍ&JESt '■ DBÜL IMËPFËNBAG'HS ör. PROTAGON CAPSULES ívJs"V Sure Cure for Weak Men, as AV X?P Ppvedbyroportsof leadinuphy UK'.jf Hician3. State age in ordo. MVèfl X l'rice. 81. C-iUnlotnie Frcc. Pl . .Ê 0 'S O í A safe and speody ■héhB 11 n 11 e"re for oicl-t, [ , I&L Strlcture and alt ,r-,. u unnaturaldiscbares. PriceSS. KSW fiREEKSPECIFÍCií'íá H "and Skin ]IiteHfie, ijcrofilion Sores andSvi!:lliic Aiu-itiuu., with out mercury. Pnce. MS8. Order from THE PERU DRU6& CHEMICAL GO. 189 WisGOD.sin Street, jilLWAUKEE, WIS. SHILOIi'S CONSUMPTION CURE, The snccesg of this Cireat Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All drugfiists aie authoiized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test thatno other cure can successíully stand. Thai it may become known, the Proprietor?, at an enormous exense, are placinp; a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the Uniled States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Tliroat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child lias tbc Croup, Ot Wfaooping Couph, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask yoar Drucririst for SHILOH'S CURE, Price 10 ets., 50 ets. and $1.00. If youi Lungs are sore or Back lame, use SMloh'a Porous Piaster, Price 25 ets.


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