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Board Of Public Works

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Office of Board of Public Works,) Ass Arbok, August 18, 1S93. ) Special meeting. OaDed to order by President XCcecli. Bol) callcil. Kuil board present. Pres. Keecfa stated the cali of thla meeting val for the purpose of hcai'ntr report of tests on sewer pipe and to considor the game. FollOWing report was read and ordered Hled : REPOBT ON' TESTS !■■ SEWXB PIFE. The President and Memban of the Board of Pabilo Works: Gentlemen.- Therewltb submit to yon my report on ilie lesting of tbetewer pipe deilvered at the Mechanica] Laboratorv of the Unlversity of Mtohlgan, Jtily ](i, '93. The report descrlbea manner of making the teata gives results.giveB rosult thereofand quotes examplea of otber plpebroken ut the Roso Polytechnlc Laboratory. Samples of the pipe brokea are exhlblted. HKSCKI1TION OK TESTS. The tests were made at the Mechanica] Laborator; wlth the Oleen testins; maehlue. The specimens were mnunted on the table of the machine. The pipe rested on two "2-lneh" plne beairnga 21V luches between centers and the load ulowly appiied ntldway betweon supports. The load was obtalned by mean ora jack -serew braeed Hgainstilie oelllng and was meamred on the Bcale-beain ot machine, ('are was taken to make the coDdilloni as nearly as possible uniform lor all tiles. Tile No.8 had :i-inch Y in one jlde. When this plece was tested the axis of í madean anule of about 4B dearreea wltb the planeof the Hoor. Tlie followlng data was taken: Length.- From apigot to shoulder, (inside.) Dlam.- Mean of 4 dlam. Thlcknesg.- 1. Menu of 4 at the splgot, (inI 1 inch froin end. 2. Thickness of broken pipes.- This will be fouud inarked in ipeclmena snbmlttvd. i-isht.- Total weight of ench tier wlth exci'ption of Nos. 1 and 4. ('olor of fracture. Depth of glazlng.- When apparent. Load at crackini:. Load at complete failure. Manner of failure. Tbese will be found embodled in the followiiik table: ! i v B ë = 5 : : 3 Ü 5 Tt ■ - f. ' 3 6 j ; ; tt" o. TS 9 xx S : 2 : : S5 I j 5 i 3 j ! B I ' : i i : B :::::: b : : i : i ; ! C o o ü - I I t I 1 r. y c ; n n n m os w cc m " P O tj QOOOQOO I 5Ï?? H S % :;. 1 s M i- O m :t ti - i cc cl m " "1 : : ■- Ti i.-? IK 8 i& %1s snjí 7 ■- -n o a w r t eo i. H a K - " o 2 3 -, ■L If? _ _, _ - ■ - I a i gSSSS' L ü o 3 ? 3 .o' 2 ti te a = . i . t a I : I Apvemleil are some results of tests at Rose Polytecbnlc School, an aeooant of wblob ! perlments is to he foiinü In the Journal oí Transaclion-i of the Assoclation of Engineering Societies, vol. X, June lsul. Tlie book Ís in rniversity library. The letters refer to makers and resul ts iiere quoled are for conoeotrated load- similar to the tests matle for yon, exccpt that distance between centers was 16 ineiies In the quoted case. The uniform load test made by meaus of erabedding in saixl RBSCLTa OF TESTS AT ROSE ?OLY. SCHOOL. CO.NCKXTKATED USAD, _-J_ iQ I 1U.-J 1.06 1515 I 12.85 1.14 3490 J SM M 3225 J &0J .M 2490 .1 ti SS 1S0O K B.80 8 2iilO N' 8.95 ,a 4878 P 11.85 Jtó L'lwl) REsii.Ts oí TBara at rose poi.v. school. l'NIKOR.M LIAD. 22 S íí f-gi I 10.25 1.U4 3400 1.75 I 12.85 1.0!) 34U0 J ü.OO .Mi 12000 9 25 .1 8.00 .sí; 4800 4.00 .1 10.00 .67 2500 1.7 K 7. si .00 7500 4.U0 N 4.00 ,f.l 24S00 tí.00 P 12.1H 1.14 500 2.00 The last column la the tlepth of siuid above pipe. Trustiug tliis win prove aatlsfactory, I am, Vcry respectfully, T.H. lh.M ll.MA.N, JR. Ann Arbor, July 18. 1893. By Mr. Setoub : IliMilvrd, U'hat the various offers tn supply the city wltb ewor pipe top lln.' ma in sewer, bt reported to ihi' cocnman councU with a reconiineiidatioii tliai the bid of the Ohio Yallcy Fjre Clay Oompany lc acoepted. Adoptad as íollows : Yens- Messrs. Keech, Sclmh and McIiityre. By Mr. Bctavh : Resolved, That and tliis Board do recommend to tiie Oouncil. that the inaiii WMvcr 1h? eonsmicU'd by the city uiiiler the direction and supervir-ion of the Board of Public "Works, iliis recoinmojidat hm is made for the foiiowiiiic amoag otber good and gntfi-ii'nt reasom, viz : Ist. Ilw nionoy wlll le distributed among our own working-men, whn are now in great noed of an opportunity to labor. -nú. 'Hiere is jjood reason to believe tbat the woirk wlll be more efficiënt ly done. Adopted as folio ws : Yeae - Messrs. Koech, Sclmh and McIntyre. Mr. Koccli moved tliat we ask for an appropriation of $100 to prrade X. State streot, west side, from Kinirstey street to Pnller streot, for tbjiurposo oí construct uk sidewnlks on said Street. Adoptad as follows : Vf.-is - Meoara. Keeci and Mclatyre. Mr. Koeoli moved tlio clerk bo dtrected to subscribe for ome year for tbe Engineering Nr 5. A(lo])ti'(l as l'dlluws : V(a.-' - Messrs. Koech íind Mclntyre. On motkm tte Board adjoxirned.


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