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. il. ( HAMBKB, I AHB Aiiiiok, Au-'. H, 1H93. t Regular session. Called to order by President Watts. Boll called. Quorum present. Absent, Aid. Ferguson- 1. The journal of the last session was Bpproved. PETITIuNS AM) COMMinsnCATIPa To th 'ommon Couwab The Board of Public Works beg leave tosubniit the following report of lts doings in the matter of bids for sewer tile' for the main sewer. The Board caused notice of the City's wants to be published in the local newspapers andalsodistributedamongweH-known producers and dealers in sewer tile; and as a result on the day set for closing such olïer, had eight bids ot responsible parties, all of which bids are snbmitted herewith. All of the bids were for the tile free on board of cars at A 1111 Arbor, subject to inspection by City Inspector. Each bid was accompanied by sample of tile proposed to be delivered. The Board, before deciding on any recommendation caused all of said samples to be thoroughly tested at the mechanical laboratory at the University of Michigan, all Of whicb tests are herewith submitted and made a part of this report. All things considered, we recommend that the tile of the Ohio Yalley Fire Clay Company be pnrchased and that a contract be made with such company for tile for the main sewer at their bid, being at 80 5-2 discount f rom list price (eastern list). We also recommend that the main sewer be constructed by the city under the direction of this Board. This recommendation is made for the following among other good and sufflcient reasons, viz: First, the inoney will be distnbuted among our own working men who are now in great need of an opportunity to labor. Second, there is reason to believe that in that manner the work is likely to be more efticiently done. All of which is respectfully submitted. By order of of the Board of Public Works. W. J. Millek, Clerk. Aid. Martin moved that the communication be accepted, adopted and placed on file. Adoüted. To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works would recommend and ask for the following appropriation of $100 to grade North State street, west side, between Kingsley street and Fuller street, for the purpose of constructing sidewalks on said street. By order of the Board of Public Works. W. J. Miller Clerk. Referred to Street Committee. A petition signed by Sam Ilenne and thirteen other residents and property holders of the City of Ann Arbor, asking that a sidewalk be ordered built on the west side of Vine street, from Liberty street to Sam Ilenne's property. Referred to Sidewalk Committee. A petition signed by John Ilaarer and seventeen other residents and property holders of the City of Anu Arbor asking that an electric liglit be located at the intersection of West Liberty street and Ashley street. Referred to Lighting Committee. Aun Arbor, Aoffuat -1, 1898. 21 the Comnum Cmmcü of tlie City of A mi Arbor: I liereby ceitify that the pressure guage at the engine house read as follows at times stated below: tÁM. Vi.K.M. ÜP.M. 12P.M August 8 401t SÜIb 20tb 501b 9.... 451b 20ïï 2Hir. üOB 1 10.-.. 2Ütt 60fli J 101b " 11.... 151b 601b 151b 401b ' 12 4.51b li.')If Iwff' löfti 18 lülh asfe 651b .WIT. H HOtb 201b 151h BOA 15.... 251h i:,lb 20ir. 50 16.... 40Í) 601b (Klb 6flb 17.... Mft 15 ."lt. 651b Ís .... 601b 651b (151b 6511 19 51b 701b 65Ï) 651b 30 65tt) 651h 65B) 651b 21 65!b 65IT. I liso cali the attention of your Honorable Body to the fact on and since August lOth there has been stored in the reservoir a sufficient supply of water for lire purposes. FBBD SlI'I.KY. chii'f Kire Department. Received and Oled. BEPORT8 (ir STANDING C0M1OTTKKS. STBEBT. To the Common Couwil: Your Committee on Streets to whom ■was referred the communication of the Board of Public Works, asking for an appropriation of live hundred dollors to construct a stone culvert, according to plan and specification submitted by said board, on Fifth street (the second wanli would recommend that flve hundred dollars be appropriated froni the bridge, culvert and crosswalk fund to buikí said culvert as said improvement is a public necessity. Hespectfnlly submitted: Chbibt. Martín, H. G. 1'ii;tt man. W. I..SNW, D. F. S( 1IAIKF.K. V. L. Tavi.oi;, Stieet Committee. lteceived and oled1 BEPORT OF SIDEWALK COMMITTBK. Da Ha ( 'n, ,mii,„ ( kuneü: Your ('oiiiiiiitti'f on Bidewalks, to whom was referred tlie resolutlon offered in Common Council May 15th, asking for an appropriation to -iiBtruct a stom' crosswalk on Fourth avenue at the intersection of Detroit street, would respectfully report that the appropriation be máde of M build said crossing, aa said crosslngis a necessaiy public improvement. Respectfully submitted . Ai:i m : .1. Kitson, ('. 11. Manly, J. O'Mara, Feank Wood, Bidewalk Committee. Eeceived and flled. BIDEWAXK QBADB8. To tin ( 'ommon ' 'ouneil: Your Committee on Sidewalks would respectfully report that they have bad the following sidewalk: grades under coiisiileratio'n. and wonld reeoramend that suca grades be adopted and approved: Washtenaw avenue, north-east side, fioin s. University avenue to Hili strect. olland street north and south sidea trom Washtenaw avenue to Observatory street. 8. Thayer sfreet, east sule, trom Washington to lluion streets. S. State streel, west side. lrom Packi ËdWin streets, Packard street, west side, from Hul to state streets. Mary street, east and west side, from Packard to Edwin streets. W. Hunm street, soutli side, from Asliley to Tliird streets. Miller Avenue, north side, from Pountaln to Beventh streets. E. Washington street. north Bide, from Thayer to [ngalls streets. N. División stieet, west and cast sides. from Horon to Ann streets. N. Fit th avenue, west side, from Catherine t Detroit streets. Willard street, south side, from E. (Jniversity avenue to Church street. E. Üniversity avenue, east side, from Ilill to Prospect streets. K. [Jniversity avenue, east side, from College to Willard streets. 1'. Liberty street, north side, from Main to Fifth avenue. E. Ann stieet. sontta side, from Fourth avenue to Fifth avenue. N. Fourth avenue, west side, from Ann to Catherine streets. E. Liberty, soutb side. from Main to Fifth avenue. E. lluron stieet, soutli side. trom División to Thayer. We herewith Bobtnit resol utions establisbing the foregoing grades. Kespectfully submitted, A. -I. KlTBON, e. II. Manly, .1. O'Maka. Frank Woud, Sidewalk Committee. Aid. Manly moved t lia t the floor be granted to Mr. Greeae, of New Viu-k, Hydraulic Kiinineci', and Dr. Hale, of New York. Adopted. Dr. HOte stateil the conipany was naily to sink a wcll 30 feet in 01uiH'icr at ttoe pnmplag station, and wonld dow discontinue the uso of the upier catch baata. Mr. Groene rtated that au anUmlted Bupply of pure water coulU le bad at tlie pump ing station by sinking a welt. Ho alo stuted that tlie lluron river contained the finest kind of water for domestic purposo. By Akl. Ma i-l n : Resolved, Tiwit the plan and speet fieatioai of the new tone culvort. to be OOortrttCted m Ptfth street (2d werd) (nbnütted by thr Board of Public Woi-kB wad Street Committee, lx; and tlie (une are in all things approvcd .-iiid the 1-uiu f iiv' hundred dollars Imí approprtated from the culvert, bridge and cross walk rand, Mud the Board of Public Works is toerehy directed to adverttoe (or bios, for tlie construct ion tbereof, aceording to Uw plan submltteft. Adopteil as fcillowK : Veas- AhU. Srlu-iirei-, Wagnfir, Hen, Martin, Bnow, Wood, Taylor, Manly Prettyman, KttBon, O'llara and P. Watts- 11'. N.-iys - N"oaie. By Aid. Martin : Wbereea, The UiiLs for the furnislinu- ui sewec tUe f'r th maln sewer, been recelved and publicly apened by the Boord EubUs Worka amd reptwted to Une Omndi wltíi a reooanmeiadatioii titaA the bid öl The [o Valley Pire CSay Oompaoy 1' acoepted, and having been duly eonsidci-cil : thiM-cidiT, RièBOlved, That thr bid and OÍÍer o[ Ibe Otolo aiicy i'ii-i' Clay Ckvmpany of Xoroato, Obk, to furnish aewer pipe ï r tbr propoeed maln aewer, includinii all sizi's of pipee, bends, elbowa and brancbee acoording to tli' Uid bhereof, Iree on board cara at Ann Aiiinr. MibjiTi to lospection, In ei 11 Umin acciirdiiiii to sample hinüabed .nul bid made, i" and the game la hereUy accepted, and Uie Boord of Public Torks is taereby fcnrtrticted k cause a ooatraci to be executed and excbanged wltb aal] Ohlo Valley Fire ('!;iy Oompony Uwrefor, saeta contract to 1m' executed on the part of the city iy t lic president and eïerk oi the I5oarl of Public Woi-ks. Adopted as totlowe : Sfeai - Aids. Schaircr, Wagner, Her, Martin, SHOW, O'Mara, .Manly, I'rettyinan, Kitsou. Pres. Watte - 10. Nays - Aid Yxxl and Taylor- 2. By Aid. Martin : Beaolred, Tliat th Board of I'uHlic Worka 1" prooood witk the comstruotion of the nú-fui accordinji tn tlic jilaiLs 1 1 !]■ ajiprovod by tilín council. and such wm-k lx1 done onder tíse dlrectton oA tbe Board i PubUo Works, witli the M'inT ciniiniittvc oí lilis ciiiincil as a eonmltlng eommlttee. Adiipicd as : feas Aids. SohaJrer, Wagner, Hitz, Martin, Bnow, Wood, Taylor, Maníy i'ii'ii.vinan, Kitsini, O'Mara and Pree. Watt ii'. N.'l.vs- NiiïM'. i'.y .vid. O'M'ara : cd. A ín 1 1 i 1 I] i' srllsr Ol vhis ciiuiiiii t ii.-i t the Board ol 1'uUUc Works, ii canse Uie gradiug and cutting down IC. Hurón street, to conform to Mu' entabUahed grade. iin rnotton n' Aii!. M.uiiy. Míe reoiiii Ion w as referred to i he bI reei committoee toreport ;u tbenexi meeting. By Aiil. Clts Etesolyed, Thai the bujh ol l" !" approprlated trom the bridge, culvciy .-iiul cros8walk íuiid. toe ilic puri u s - 1 tng a stone croeaw:iiu on Fourth are., at t lie mi t:. n í Detroli Btreet. Adopted as lullows : 4.1de. Siliairor, Waguer, llirz, Martin. Sikiw , Wood, Taylor, Manly Prettyman, Kit son. O'Mara and í'ivs. Watts -12. Nays - Ni By Ahí. Klteon: Wln-rcae. in the opinión f the Couiu-il tlif írmilcof the eidtwalk on the east siile f E. L'nivi'rslty avenue ought to be cliaiiircd und fixedand establlabed, 10 the end that such street may be made Buitafcle and safe fr pubeioiüoj', and it la hereby ordered thai tbs ol the siilewalk on and alor sgdeof E. Unlven ■' !)ll(' of HUI streel to nortb line oí Prosi i streel be and the game hereby changed, Hxed and Ished, sotbat the walk lalongthe Btrwjl aforesald shall be as ■ ycorof Mili Bt and E. l n-v.T-.ny .; w. 867.05 II i V'frcmi secorof H 11 - and B. Cniversity ave ■ the north Line ofTappau s; 866 ■■ n a cor of Prospect st and E. Unlvi rsityavc -- the elevation glven belng aboye city datum and alona tbe center line ot such walk, and l Unes to epnslsi of straight Unes between the severa! poluta or Btatlona above Btated, Adopted Eua follotve: Y, ■■!■ - A hls. S(!i.-iiri'. Wagner, Bferz, .M.irtiu. Sdow, Wocii!. O'Mara, Xaj tor, Mamly, Pipettyman, Kiteoo and i'rr. Wette- 12. Naya- None. By Aid. Klteon: Wbereas, In the opinión of the Counoil the rrade of the sldetralk on the south Bide of , Huroi ;': i" be obanged and Hxed and established, to Ihe end thai suohstreei i,,:iv be made sultahle and safe tor public travel, tberefore Reab(Md.andit la licreby ordered tlil the rrade "f the sldewalk on and along the soutb slde of W. Hurun streel trom weatllneofo. Ashley Street toeast line of 8. Thlrd streetbe, and the isme la hereby cbanged, (ixedand establlahed, sothatthe grade of Baidsidewalk on and along the Btreet aforesald iiallbeas follows, tnal Is toaay: ai b w oor 8. Ashley t and W. Hin-on B v'ii.n; ii gi tal and W. Huron Bt 81801 fi cor s. ■■ " '" - nu. 2't fi "T. A.A.H. R orosslng 73.fi5ft ■ l-üft wfroinT. A.A. K. B orosslng, Ï92.61 ft u w fr ....7H3.98 It ■■ v e cor cf ö. rhird at and W. s, T96.''3fl the elevation rlren belng above theofficial city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade fines to eonslsi of-straight linee between tbe sereral pointe or stations a bove Bt tu ed. Adopted as (ollowe : AtdB. Sohaire, Wagner, Hen, Martin, 8jw, Wood, O'Mara, Tay'v. M-iniy. Prettyman, Kltson and Pres. w.-uts- il. Nays -Non. By Aid. Küson: Wnmins. in tho opinión of theCouncil the "radeof tlie sulewalK ou the east slde of K. PniverBity avenue ought tobe cbanged and fixed and establtabed, to tbe end that sucb street may be made Mutable and safe for public travel, tlierefore Betolmd. and it hereby ordered that. the grade o( the aidewalk on and along the east udenfB. l'nivi'rsity avenue froin aontb line of College street. to north line of W illard street be. and the same is hereby ohanged. flxed and established, so that grade of said Bidewalk on and along the street aforeail shall be as follows, that is to put: At s c cor of Collejre st. and E. Lniversity ave 87U.29 ft "264 ft south of seoor of College 6t. and E. Cniversity ave 872.86 ft " n e cor of S. Univcrsily ave. and E. Dniversttjr hvc BTO.88 1t ' serorof S. Tniversity ave. and E. Qolrerelty uve mm ;-" ft " 132 ft soutn f rom s e cor of S. Unlverslty ave. and E. University ave 867.16 ft " n e cor of Willard st and E. Universityave WÍ4.30 ft tlieelevation tiiven being above the ofliriHl city datum and the .'enter line of such walk, and the grade tinos to consist of straight line botween the -everdl points or atatlODl above stated. Adopted as (ollowe : Yeati- Aids. Sch.-iirer, Wanner, Herz, M.uiin. 8oow, Wood, O'Mara, 'l'ay. Ktteoa nnd Pres. Watt.-- lli. Na ys - None. By Aid. Kitson: Whehkas, in the opinión of the Counril the grade i)f tlit sidewalkon the west side of N. Plfth avenne ought to be obanged and Bxed and eêtabllshed, to tbe end that suoh Btreel muy be mude suitable and tafe for public travel, therefore llisaivcd, and it is bereby ordered that the j:nulf of t ht' sidewalk on and alom: the west side of N. Fifth avenue from non li line of E. ('atharine street to east line of Detroit streel be. and tlie same is hereliy changed. fixed and establitbed, so that the rade of said sidswalk on and along tbe atreet af oresald slmll be afollows, tliut is to say: At n w cor of E. Catherine st. and N Kift )i ave 831.70 ft "seeor of Detroit ft. and N'. Kift 1 ivi! ...836 SS ft the elevatlon gl ven beiagabove the official citj datum anil along the oenter linu of gaob walk, and the grada Unes toconstpt of straight Unes betwi-en several points or stations above stated. Ailn])lcll BB ï:lll)VS : Ycas - Aids. Scliaii-cr. Wagmer, llcrz. Martin. BdOW, VfOCfá, Ú'.Mara. T;iylor, Manly. Prettyman, Kltsoo and I1. -. V.M! 1 - 2. Nays None. liy Aid. Kitson: Whkhkas, in tlie opinión of tiie ('ouncil the of the sidewalkon the east Blde of -N División street ouirbt u be ohanged mid Bxed and eitabUshed, to the end that eucli street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, tberefore ;. mimi. and it is hereby ordered that the grade of i Kidcwalk on and alonir tlie east Side 'f N. División streef, from nortb lineof E. Huron street lo soutb line of E. Ann Btreet lie. and tbe same is liereby ehanged, fixed and eatablisbed, sothat the grade of sniil fidewalk on and alonitthi1 street aforesaid sliall be as iollows, that is tosay: At n e cor of E. Huron st. and N. División ft 857.35 ft "se cor of E. Ann st . and N. División st 853 (W tl the ili'vation Kiven beinü ftbove the official eit v ilaium and iilong the center line of -ncli walk. and tlie .'rade lines toconsist of Straight Unes between the several points or stations above stati-d. Ailopted as follows : .. . Ali'.-. SHi.-iircr. Wanner, Herz, . iw, Woóá, O'Maxa, Tay. m iiy. Pre tt y man, ECitoon anl Tres. Watts- 12. Nays - None. I'.y Ata. Kitson: Wlicreiis, in tAe opinión of the Couneil tlie grade of the sldewalk on tlie nortli side of E. Washington gtreet ought to be changed and Hxedand established, to the end tliat sucli Street may 1)0 made suitable and safe for public t ravel, thcrefore RetoUwd. and it il hereby ordered that the grade of the Bldewalk on and alonL ttie nortli side of E. Washington street from e:ist line of S. Thayor stieet lo west line of S. Inalls streel Be, uid the Mune la horeby ohansed. flxed and establlahed, bo thai the gradeoi aaid sidewalk on and along the atreet afowsaid -Imll be as follows, that Ia i say: At n e ooi ■! . Thayer si umi B. Washington st 8i' ft " n w oor of S. Inulls si and E. Washington bt 74.77 ft the elevatton gtven belng abore theofficial olfar datum and along the center line of suoh walk. and the vrade linea to consisi of stralghi Unes between the several pointe or stations above atared. Ach ]tc(l as [oIIowb : ïetie Aids. Scihelrer, Wagmer, Serz, i i ; ..-,. ". .1. O'Mara, Tay.M.nii.v. ■! t vinaii. I-C i t - ■ i i and . Watts- 12. Noj - None. By Alcl. Kit sim: Wherkab, in the opinión of the Counoll the irradeof the sldewalk od t i k - aorth slde of Mltler avenue ought tobechanged umi flxed and eetabllahed, to the end cbat sueh streel muy be made Bultable and safe for pubUo t ravel, therefore Retaloed, and iris hereby ordered i h;ii tbe grade of the sldewaUc on and along the north slde df Uiller avenue f rom west line of Fountaln street to east line of N. Beventh streel !■ and the sume ír boreby chaogèdi fixi ;;ml establlshed, sotlnit the grade of .aitl Bldewalk imund alontf the stri'ct aforesaid ahall be as follows, thut is tí) 8Hy : At nw oor of l'ountain Rt and Mlller 817.M n " 120 ft west from n w COT of Fountain m and Mlller ave $irm ft ' '.'.'o ït west from n w cor of Fountain stand HUIer ave 828.22 ft ' 470 ft west from n w cor of Kountaiu -i and.Millcr ave ft " 700 ft west from n w cor of Fountain st and Millerave XHA ft " ne corof (ott st. and Miller ave 838.90 fi I ' n w cor of Gott st and Mlller ave sTO.96 ft " 150 ft wesi f rom n w cor of Gott st. and Mlllerave ;:'1; " "necorof Rrookgst and Millerave 847.81 f " n w oor of Brooks si. nul Mlllerave84f ■■ easl line of N. Beventh si - 5&Í the eleVatlon jiVon ove the official city datnm and alón? tho center line of walk. and the grade line; oístralghi . n ihe tever&l polni 9 or stal Adopted as tollowa : Veas- Aids. Safoalrer, WagMer, 1: in, Sniow, Wun.i. iÉ'.lar.-i. TayMainly, Prettyman, Kitaan and . W.-iits- 11'. Naye- None. BV Aid. Kil Whereas, In the opinión of the ounc .,■ sldewHlk .,11 the easl side o] si reel ougbt to be chaaged and Bxed and establishea, to the end tha1 sucb streel and safe for public navel, therefore „ , ,. ... tnd ii Is bereby ordered, tha( the irrade ofthe gldëwalk on and along the easl side of Mary streel trom the sputhwest line i -mei tothe north line of Edwin be, and 1 be same hereby changed, 1 tabllshed, so thai the grade of -;nil sidewalk on and aloag the streel aforeUall be as tollows, thai Is tosay: i g ,■ corof Packard and Mary -1 .....40 n "angleln Mary si 828.16 fl it nortb f north line of Edwin gl .820.81 fl '■ 11 ecöröf Edwin Bi and .Ma. y -I .--8Í0.61 ft tl levatlon glven belng above the ofncial city datum and along the center line of sucn walk. and the grade line to conslst of straight Lines brtween the severa! poluta or stations above Bi ated Adopted as follows : Yeae- AldB. Sihaircr. Wagiaer, Hiere, .M.uiin. öoow, Wnoil. O'Mara, 'l';iy, Mi ■ . lv.11 on .-iiid Pres. w - i ' 1.2. Nay- None. By Aid. Kitsmi: Wbereas. In the opinión of Councli the eradeof thesldewaik on the sonth - rd street ought to be changed and Bxed and establlshed, to the end that Buch street niay be made sultable and Bafe tor public ravel, therefore Remtoed. and lt Is hereby ordered, that the rrade of the sidewlk on and along the south slde of Willard street, f rom il"' east Irne of ast üniversity avenne to the west line of hurch street. be, and the same hereby hanged, fixea and establlshed, mi that the rrade of said slde walk on andalong the streel iforesaid Bhall be as follows, that tosay: i b e cor K. üniversity ave and Willard st m;i.:íii fi "sweor Churchsl and Willard st ..885.57ft he elevatlon glven belng sbove the official city (lamín and along the center line of BUCh valk, and the triade Lines to consist of ttraight linea between the severa! pointe or -t ations above Bi ated. Adopted as follows : Teae- Aids. Bebalrer, Wamier, Herz, n. sii'iw, Wqod, O'Maxa, Tay. . Mr ily. I'rettyman, Kitson and Pres. Watts- 12. Nays - None. fiy Aid. Kitson: Whereas, in the opinión of the CouncU the grade of the sldewalk on the west sldeofN. División Btreet ought tobe cbangeaandflzed iiid establlshed, to the end that Buch Btreet muy be made raltable and safe for public travel, tlirirfmi' Raoivat. unl ii i hereby ordered, thai the nade of si. h-walk on and along the west Ildeof Nortli División Btreet, fi-om the aotth 11 if Kast II u ron streel totheeonth line of Eaat Ann street, be, and the same is hereby changed, flxed and eetablished, -o that the nade of said sldewalk on and along the streel aforesald sliall be na follows, thaT to i n w cor E. Huron st and N. División st 855.15 ft "BW cor E. Ami st and H. División ,1 B5L78Í1 the eleratlon lven belng above the official ■ ■it v datum and alone tl1 cintw line of such walk, and the grade Unes to constat of straight linea between the several poluta or siations aboye stated. Adopted as follows : Yeae- Alte. Bciialrer, Wagner, Her, iiu. Wumi. O'Mara, Tayi". 7::ní-. l'rottymaii, Kitson and 1'n-s. Watts- 12. Nays - None. By Aid. Kltoon: Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on t lic south gide of F.a-i Liberty streel oughi tobechanged and Bxedand eetabllshed, n the end thai sueh streel may be made sultable and safe for public travel, ttaerefore Ren dU-iil. and lt is hereby ordered, tliat the "rade of the sidewalk on and along the sou tn idc df Ki-t I. i heit y Btreet, f rom the casi line of South Main atreetto the wee! line of South l'iftli avenue, be, and same bereby chüiiL'cd, tixi-il and establlshed, so tliai the grade ol gaid sidewalk cm and along the streel aforeeald sha 11 be as tollows, thal Uto sa y ' í a e cor at s'. Main si and E. Liberty .1 s;)7..70ft "lOOfteof secorof 8. Main and E. Liberty st ■' 8 w cor of Êfc Fourtll ave and E. Libi tv -t 84L35ft " s e cor.of 8. Fourth av and E. Liberty si 841.93 ft " g w cor of S. Ftfth are and E. Libertysl S47.71 ft the elevation glven belng above the official city datum and aloag the center line of sneb walk, and l lic grade linea to remsist of Btralghl Unes between the several polnts or stal icnis above stated. Adiiplci! as iolinus : Yeae- AMb. Bcfaairer, Wagraer, llerz, M.niin. Boow, Wnoil, )".lara, Taylor, Mamly, Prettyman, Klteoo and Pres. Watts- 11'. Xays None. By Alderman Ellitaon: Whkbbas, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the south sideofK. Hu run streel ought to le chniiged aud lixed imd estalilished, to the end t hut Buch Btreet may be made sultable and saic tor public travel, thereforc Resolved, and lt la hereby ordcred thut tlic grade of the Bldewalk on and aloug the south side of cast Humn Street l'rom west line of s. División street toeast line of S.Thayer street be, :t iid the suiiie is bereby changed, fixed and cstahlished, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to Ba; : U -. e. cor. of S. Divisiou st. aud E. Hnron st 857.08 ft " 285ft. eastfrom s. e. oor. of S. Divisiou 8t. umi E. Hurón Bt 863.91 ft ■ s. v. . cor. of S. State st. aud E. Huron st - 869.77 ft " s. e. cor. of S. State st. aud E. Hurou st 870.28 ft '■ s. w. cor. of S. Thayer st. and E. Huron st __t72.88 ft he elevation elven being above the otlicial citv datum and along the ceuter liue of such valk, and the grade Tines toconsist of straight iiu's between the several points or stations iliovc stated. Adopted as follows : Aids. Sihaiicr. Wanner, Herz, Martin, Soow, Wood, O'M&ra, Tayn Mamly, I'rrt t yinan, Kitsou ;ind I'i-c-i. Wat Is 1'. Naya None. i'.y Alderman Kiitsan: Whske s, in tlic opinión of the Counell the {rade ol the Bldewalk on the west Bldi ol Mary st., ought to be changed aud fixed and gtabliahed, to the end that such Btreet may be made BUltable and s.-uv for pabllc travel, then fi 't'ert.andit is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and nlons; the oi Mary Btreet from southwesl line of Packard Btreet to north Une ol Edwin street be, and 1 1 hereby c-ii . d and estábllshed, bo that i ' ■ Baid sidewalk on and along the si ii'l shall be ;ts follows, thut fa tt say : At. s. w.cor. of Packard st. and Mary st s:;3.0ó ft ■■ n. w.cor. of Benjamin st. and ' Bt " s. . cor. of Benjamin Bt. and Mary st 821.88 n ■■ 969 [t. north ol north line of Edw In 8t 830.11 Í'. '■ n. w. cor. Ol Kil in si ml Mary Bt- 820.11 ft the eleviition givon i)i-in above the ofHciïU oiiy datum and ivlon the ■enter line of snch walk, and ihe grade lines to conslst of straight Unes between the several points or stations above stated. Aclopteil as (oUOWfi : Aids. Schnnvr, Vai;ürr. lier., M.u-tiii. sniw, Wood, O'Mera, TayT ily. l'i-i'lt. man. Kitsen and l'ris. Watts 1'. Nays- None. By AUli'niiaii Kit sou: Whkreas, In the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the uortli stde of Vollnml st. onglit to be ohansred and Oxed and esiabllshed to the end thnt such - mi. y be mado sullable and -'i'1 foi pabllc lm vel. thereforo ni,l ii Ie heren] HimI ide of Ure sldewa along Ihe norln sldc ofVolland streel ir. hm line of Washtenaw avenue to west line ol Observa tory streel be, and the same la hereby ehnnged, flxi rrrade ol wild Bldewalk on and along the alU Bbnll b i i! w. cor. of Wasbtenaw ave. and Vullandst "tbeangleln Volland 8l - S8B.8I fl " 100 ft. eastof theangleln VollndstH86 44ft .. ..-, ■ " ■ I.2S fl 70 ' " " " "n w. oor. of Fourteenth si and Vol. hm.! st - .871 :n fl ■■ n. ■ oor. of Kniüt'M uth st. and llund si - 878.80 ft 11 17H il. i'. of ". i'. eor. ui FourK e:if li si. in. I Volland st._ H " 263 ft. '. "f ii. v. cor. ofObservatory st.and Volland st SS).69 ft 130 i. w. oi il. w. oor. of vjbgervatory st. aud Volland st - Ö00.J1 ft " n. w. cor, of Observator; st. and Volland st -8 the elpvatlon elven betng above the ilï-in l olty datum uut along t lic enter line of BQob walk, and the grade Unes l conslst of straight lines betwaen the aeveral polnts or above atated. A.dopted .-is ïolliiws : ia Aids. Schalrer, Wagtner, Herz, Martin. Show, Woed, O'Mara, Tay. ; alj . !'i !! lyiiKiti, Kitaon and pires. WTatts -il'. N.iys- None. By Aiderman KitBOn: w'iiKitKAs, in the opinión oi' the Conncll the grade of the itdewalk on the northeasl side of Wasbtenaw ave. ought to be changed iwul tixcd and establlsbed, to the end tlu.t sucli streel maj be made snltable and safe for public travel, tlieiefoK' Retolved, and t Is heiehy ordered tlmt the craileof the Bldewalk on uid along easl Vi';isiit.n:iv ave., iioin north line ol s Universlty ave. lo nortb UneofHIll btreel be, and the name Is hereby ohanged.flxed and establlshed, bo tbatthe grade of sald sldewalk on and along the strei i aloresald sball be aa Ibllows, tbal is i ay: At n. ■. oor. s. rnivcrsiiy ive. and Wasbtenaw ave 873.75 ft .-)ii ft. from n. e. cor. s. Universlty ave. and Wasatenaw ave 878.73 it " 100 ft. f rom ti. e. cor. S. Dnlversliy ave. aüd SVashtcnaw uve 71.70 ft 1S0 n. h-om n. e. cur. s. Universlty ave. : ik 1 Wasbtenaw ave S6 10 It " 200 rt. from 11. e. cor. s. Unlverslty ■ ave. and Wa-htenaw ave-- s78.10ft ■' 300 it. from n. b. cor. s. ünlverslty ave. and Washtenaw nve._ 882.(10 ft '■ 8SU ft. from n. e. cor. S. Universlty ave. and Wnsliteiinw ave 884.30 ft " J00 ft. from n. e. cor. s. Universlty ave and Washtenaw ave- . 884.90 ft ' 450 ft. from n. e. cor. H. Univcrsity ave and Wasbtenaw ave 88J.75 ft "500 ft. from n. e. cor. s. Uní vertí ty ave. and Washtenaw ave .8t3.90 ft " 600 ft. from n. e. cor. S. L'nlvereily ave. and Washtenaw ave 8S1.70 IX 50 ft. from n. e. cor. S. l'niverslty ave. and Washtenaw ave 880.90 ft "700 ft. from n. e. cor. S. Unlverslty ave.Riul Washtenaw ave ..880.50 ft ' 750 rt. from n. e. cor. S. Unlverslty ave. and Washtenaw ave -881.60 ft "850 ft. from n. e. cor. S. Universlty ave. and Washtenaw ave 83.78 It " 1000 ft, from n. e. cor. s. University ave. and Washtenaw ave .890.25 ft " 1050 ft. from n. e. cor. S. University ave and Washtenaw ave 690.90 ft " 1150 ft. from n. e. cor. S. Universlty ave. and Washtenaw ave 888 75 ft " north line of Hlll st. 882.80 It the elevatlon glven belng above the otHcial city datum and along the ceuter line of such walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight linea between the several pointsor stations above stated. Aüopt(l as follows : V -Alda. Botaalrer, Wagoer, Herz, Miirtin. Snow. Wo ui. O'Mara, Taylor. Ma:nly, I'rettyman, Kitson and Pres. Watts- 12. Nays- None. By Aldi' Kitsmi: Whbkeas, In the opinión of the Council the gniile of the sidewalk on thesouth side of K. Au n st. ought to be ehanged and llxed and eslabllshed, to the end that such street may be made sultable and safe for public travel, therefore A'. mimi, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of sidewalk on and alongtliesouth side of E. Ann street from east line of N. Fourth avenue to west line of N. Fourth avenue be, and the sanie is hereby changed, tlxed and establishtd. so that the einde ol saiil sidewKik on nml alom: the utreet aforenald shall beas follows. that is to say: Ats. e. cor. N. Fourth ave. and E. Ann st 832.63 ft " 114 ft. e. of s. e. cor. N. Fourth av and E. Ann st 884.41 ft ' s. w.cor. N. Fiftli ave and E. Ann st 8S7.28 It the elevation gtven being above the oilicial city datum and aloug the center line of Buoh walk. and the grade Unes to consist of straight Unes between the several polntB or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yi-:-. AMb. Schaircr. Wagiïer, Herz, Martin, Snow. Wood, O'Mara, Taylor, Mrinly. l'rcttyinan. JCitson and l'rr. Watt.-- 12. Nays- None. By Ahlimnan Ktteom: WHEBCA8, ín the opiuinu of the Councll the grade of the sidewalk on the weit ile il N. Fourth ave. oDght to be changed and flxed and establlshed, to the 1 tliatsuch street mny be made suilabk' and safe for public travel, therelore Kcmlvrd, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the west side of N. Fourth ave. from north line of E. Ann street to sou th line of E. ("atlierinestieet be. and the same is hereby changed, flxed and eatablUbed, so tbat the grade r sai.i sidewalk on and aloni; the strett aforesald shall be as followa, Ihai is to say: At n. W. cor. of E. Ann st. and N. Fonrth ave - _.S3'J.99 ft "s .w. cor. of ií. Catharlne and N Fourth ave. -826 55 tl the elevation given being above the official city d itum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade lines toconsist of straight lines between the several polnts or Btatlona above stated. Adoptad as follows : .- Aids. Soh&lrer, Wagner, Herz. Martin. Boow, Wnod. O'Mara', Taylor. Manly, Prettyman, Kitson and Pres. Watts- 12. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Whkrkas, In the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the east side of S.Thayer street ought to be changed and flxed and establlshed, to the end tbat such street may he made sultable and safe for public travel, therefore id, and t la bereby ordered tbat the i the -.(ti-w alk on and sast Mide ofS. Tbayer street froiu nortli Hoe of E. Washington streel t isontti Hneof E. Uu ron Rtreel be, and tbo sámela uereby chai flxed atKleRtabllslied,sotlial the gra i fe on and aloiig Lïtb Ktreel afore stiHll beas fbllows. thnt is tn AL ii. o. cor. of S. Washl ind S. Tha.ver st S73.ft ''s. '■. oor. o' E. }li ' is. 872. the elövatlon fuiven I tiolal city datum anti along tin boI Buoh walk, and tbe grade Unen tooouHtstof straight abovfl siarod. Adopted aa !"i!ow a : ■ ■■■ I ■■ ■. Wanner, I; Mavtin. Snuw, Wmul. O.'Mara, Tayor, Msiinly, l'ri'i i"y:n:ui, [Ctt-son and 1 res. V;ii te- 12. Xays -None. I'.y Aid. Kits.m: Whbrbab! ui theoplnion of tbe Coonclï the grade of Ihe Btdewalh on the soatbwest Bid e of Packard streel onghl lo be obanged mul üxcil and establlsbed, tn Ihe end tbat snoh streel may be made sul tuble auil safe tor public travel . tlnn A'"-. And it Ih bereby ordered tlmtthe Krtideof ibO sldewalk "ii and aloog tbs southwestKldeof Packara treet (mm soath line of HUI streel lo wesl i i t . ' of. State street be, and the me is bereby cbanged, flxed and establlshed, bo tbat the grade f saiil sldewalk cm andalona tbe streel aforeaald si ia il be as followt, t hMt i to ftay : ; nu e. cor. ol Hm st. and Packard si 835.02 ft " b. w. oor of Mary at. anü Packard Bt8S3.06 ft "s. e. cor. if Mary ut. and Packard si 832.40 ft "s w. oor. of S. State Bt. and Packard st 880.88 ft the eU'vatiun ívcm being nbfive tbeofficial city datara and alotig ibe center llue of suoh walk, and tbe grade lints : eoQRlFt (i traght lluen betweeu tbe several poluta or lis above stuted. Adopted as follows : ii. . s - i ,■ i ir ■■. Waiir]'. Eerz, Martin. Snow, Wood, 0'Mara, T.-iyir. Mamly, Prettyman, Kitstm and :-. Vatte 12. N'iivs --None. lïy Aid. KÜHin: Yvhebxab, in ti-.i' opinión ol theCoonclI tbc grade of tlie sidewalk on the nortb of E. Liberty atreet, ought to be ehanged and flxed and establiehed, to the end that sucn niny lic made Buitable and safe for public traveli therefore Resolved, and it Is bereby ordered that the grade oí the sidewalk on and nlon the north sule of E. Liberty atreet, from tast Une of S. Main Btreet iu west line oí 9. Film avenue be. and thesame is hereby changed, flzed and establighed so that the "grade of eald aidewalk on and aloug the street aforesnid Bhall bé as follows. that is to suy : At n. e corner of .S. Maiu st and E. Liberty Bt 73.83 ft " n. v. coruer of S. Fourth ave. and E. Liberty st -841.10 ft " n. e. corner of S. Fourth ave. and E. Liberty st.- - MUOft " n. v. coruer of S. Fiftli ave. and E. Liberty st 847.84 f the elevation given being above the ortieial city datum and along the center line of iu-h walk and the grade Unes to consist of straight liueá between the several points or stations abo ved stuted. Adoi)ted as follows : Ycn-i - Aids. Sc-hairtT, Wniincr. Herz, Martin. Snow. Wood, o'.Mara, Tayir. M.ialy. Prettymian, Kifton anJ Tres. Watt- 12. Naya - None. By Aid. Kiteon: Whekkas. in the ojiiniou of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the west side of S. State street ought to be ehanged aud fixed and eetablUhed, to the end that sncb street muy be made suitnble and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the west side of S. state street froni southwest line of Pnekard street to north line of Edwin street be. and the same is hereby chanired. lixed and established. so thtit the grade of suid sidewalk on aud aloug the street aforesaid shall he as follows, that is to say : At s. . coruer óf I'aekard st. and S. State st 830.38 ft " u. w. corner of Edwin st. aud S. State st. 823.38 ft the elevation given being above the official city datum aud along the center line of said street. the roadwav to conform thereto, and the grade thereof to consist of straight Unes between the several poiuts or stations above stated. Adopted as followc-: Yta.s - Aids. Sohaircr. Waiïiu'r, Herz. Maltin. Sunw, Wood, O'Mara, Tay!or, Manly, Prettynnan, Kitson and l'ifs. Watts- 12. Nays- None. By A'.d. Kil sou: iiKitKAs. in thu oiinion of the Councll the rrade of tin: sldewalk on south side of Volland st. ought tn be changed and lixed and establlshed, to the end tbat such street may be made saitable and safe (or public travel, tnerefore Retotvcd. and it is bereby ordered that the grade of the sldewalh uu and along the soutb side of Vollaud street froin northeast line of Wasntenau avenue to west l in e of Obserratory street be. and the same is hereby changed, flxed and establlshed, si that the grade oí said sldewalk on and along the street nforeshall be as lollows. that is to say : At n. e. corner of Washtenaw ave. and Vollaud st _.hs:S..')1 ft " theangle in Volland st 885 51 ft " 110 it. east o( the allgle In Volland st 8S5.01 ft ft. east of the angle in Volland st. 873.% rt " 170 ft. east of the east line of 8. Fourteenth st and Volland t 876.96 ft " 273ft.west of the west line of S.Observatory st ...890.20 f. 11 s. w . corner of S. Observatory st. anti Volland st .'._ 908.19 ft the elevation given beiug above the official city datum and aloog the center line of such walk, and the grade Unes to ron sist of straight Unes between the several polnts or sta above stated. Adopted as follcnvs : Veas -AliN. Si-hniriT. Wamii'r. Hori, Martin, Bnow, Wood, O'Mara, ïayVir, Manly, I'rcttynian, Kitsnn and 1 'res. Watts -12. Nays - Xone. On motion the eouncil adjourned.


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