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Praise Is Often A Good Thing

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wert talking ol praNr, what ii did for mankind. 'Th -iv is," ".in Insplratlon given you to be ■ ■ ■ ■■ "■ i ':■■ g 1 which la comupon. '.. .phas made strorager in your mlnd, and ii niay be even unconsciousJy yiiu try to deserve rurfcher pratee. It ix easy to emphasUe the good by pral fad by scoldlng, and M'i'l ol :i ■ tOrxn T ii to b ■ chOBSometAmes simpdy putting In the iuind the tliou.ülit of thlngs to be left nmdüne is enougib to brtng aWat the evll bp be avoided." "I c.-vn wiili yu tliat that is true. ii.i' ïn'ii I waa a small mlte, just lK!Kiinig to go to ücJiooI, my mother travr me ui appic to take Avitli me. 'Be a Rod boy," BfthJ she to me, 'and dinrt eat apple in sdiooi time.' 1111 1 : 1 that, it liad never occurred to me as piM Mc lor iiuyone to eat in kc-Iioo], bilt the knowledge liaviai; been giren me, the tenjptaii(i!i was too strong-, and like our fii-st inotlitT, I ate the forbiddm apple, 'Wlicn the report carne to my motlirr that 1 liad lcca made to stand on the 1'loor, 'the observed of all oUsci-vrrs.' she never dreamedlliat slie was tibe cause of my disgrace, Bhe, wlin uas ao ani(Mis ior me to be ■ 1." We all t'iivcni ouriselvefi by the opinión oUiere have of ns, or by that wihdoh wc, tliink they have. Few of ue, like tdie present govvernor of IIlimois, boávl of the thickness of our sktos. "Wc long to be eeteeni A toe wtaatever our Ideale make seem best unri'i iï - ii--. Mea do not pride ti sclvrs apon lliii'M'i-y unlcss it s tVvinil'ied by the name of buelneBB aliility, lipón .n. iorin of meanneiis whicli is recognixed as such. Iïut they do parlde tieaneelves apon .skiliiul bricka oí trade, which really are jiot honest, and t'ücy ao, Bimply beoauee they are I'raisod for those by otheri who have not been equal to them Eren in publio liic measure.s liavr di'-d and prominent men have been assigned t" oblivajrough the focce of public een. Juet as men through meriting ing public liave been emtimencc. i 'ld provecba aro geoerally touadcd (ni fact, although there oftcn iiolly eoough in them. but take üii.s otne bout givlag a )i;j; i bad naiiH-, iianiiin.n' ior it. ïh in dm MiMud aense. Few persons are M Kt ronV iniiidiHl t.liat ii tliey know all deeda are looked upoai in a prevTteii ïijiiit ontil the good is regarted as evil only, tJiey -wili coutniuo ior the best in charoeter. Dtecowagement will finaiiy aimnet wltuoat exception, make one live up to his reputation. Trust, wïiicli s the, nibliiiK'.st praise, has redeeined tliousands ; blame and iaultHnding b d many to destruction and have never 6aved one kouI. 'ï'his principie lias turnad the bad boys who wm t'.ie despair of pareiit.s and . luto -espectable jnembers of society. Foirtunjately, there is no cmO -ttitliout f-cuiie Hilent poiut for praise. Tf there i.s nothing. in the pliy.-ijih mere w il 1 be in the mature aatd quite aa powerfnl as that in stiiict few scif preservaron whlch i Une lirst !aw ol nature, ba bfae desiri pnafee ;i!xl appreciatie, uiiirh i nol a1 all ttoo same thlng .-is (lattery. i. i weeh pralye an lian i- ■.' Am i maáe) stand i. i hen - all . i 't ween trut] :. i ■:,■ tceats ol thi :. tbe iIiit the false. i 'n ■ lrings Hui i Ln you y iiw elling upsome merit bir some cl ed sw 1' ■ and l!ic treatB ol u'.wit you may mu have at all bul wWch wöuld be plca-an: te you. Pralse (rila tfom the tipa oí (riejKlö, but flatterj oevr. i ■ ■ oilKMieiit of 'the recipiënt, il itte serve some i i.i trf Uw : i : : erer. tfonesi in n amd hon Bi omen ar t n 6T8 lü ia;t-i-y hut jmi ti praise. Kini'J:i-ariri], loving ixmte give tiieir '; ui praise to t he living lm i i o hielp thcm fiad the ■ in Me. Any eenelble person knwws liy the t-oiu'.-i oí a Bpeaker'e er he I Ratteritng ot iri, ; i n , i valuee rcüii.uly w nal Baló, and n -. of tíue i i :i i m oí Uioee who !rai in It, fiattery ie weak atad powerless. A.1 er all, ■ alj i :.■ i hal are inie have ia the ■: :in oí Ufe and forte. .1 remlnde me tu tell yon of a ::íhíc;íi wiiicii oagbt to go with ■ cit nnsaid," tliat ]u Maurter Illustratee in Harper'. I v ' v ii'-C. at my linar ibout doimg Borne i :-;i;ri.-in. wliiu tie young man it bable aald im thv most lanoceni ni.-iiiuiT. "Why, I thought c!t;i' liad educated !" ií yon wiamt any i ■Mt c u ii ;i young unan who kiiowa everything. .! ni' I i .-111.'. I l.-ix,' ! ■!-]i t ! ; 1 1 1 1 j c i s 1 1 1 1 me ü; a 111 tle tellow who li.ul been sick and whom 1 liad ■-■- 1 1 taklng cape oí. I ai me itii the gxreetesi expression, 'nc said. "I thtnk you musí be ah li.ny. 1 1 was t v, nty I vrhai my mother te, and yon seem to mt' jnst llkc her." [ think I omplimeni i ever :nl. 'i my miiid 1 1 1 real, lo . lang t he worlil iuïo.-il . Uxere is alwiays a school teacher re mnny ere gathered to-gether, and atoe added her special gem of praix' in iius wtoe : 'Once, as you know. I wem eailed apon fco stern AviUi a sahoofl oí half-gtown young men atefl womeu whn parltJed bhemselvee apon making bhlngs llvely tot teacher. Aiter a while I heard a boy troon a int lier Bohool Lalking with oiic whti hail been A ringleftder in mine. The i bo thlnk the latter nol llrbig np tb hls poportuinltles. -Wc.i.iii tellyoufcow it is.' xaid lic. 'At ïirst avc cut up lively, luit dhe dldni .u-t tnad, and she made us feel so silly and so ashamed of aiirselvcs tlnat there wasn't any fuin. In it and ve etopped.' I cali ihat quite a compliment." These of you who have peod ae far CM tliis will HOe that Is all hut ome OÍ tfaeSB instam-cs tht' compliment was one to cIkmt, aml even the flrgt . did mot depress, lurausi' it was ridic■ulous. ÏJic moral of tliis is, don't le airaid ibo praise tiw? uitu wliom days n-( wjcnr. UK word or iwo may iail toom wirn te dlsconragcil .'íihI unhappy, and il will Beem no tooger in Bbadow. Speak of all the pleasant thlnge yon can. If you do not Hfid teem, hunt untll you do. Aftera tlmeyou wUl flnd them. "without eerlons eflort, and not only you, lut all the persons witli wliom you ai"e aBeodated, will lx fche bappl tor it. Bverytme finds in lite w!i il be seeke, so it isn to (tnd tba1 whicii is pralseworthy whem i


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Ann Arbor Courier