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Allen Kent, of this city, has sold his 40 acre fann at Dundee. Peaches are now beinr ghipped to Detroit from here by the car load. Services will be resumed at the Unitarian church next Sunday morning. Sermón by the pastor. A.dam D. Seyler has been elected treasurer of the Presbyterian church in place of A. W. Hamilton resigned. Died at the home of her daughter in Reading, Mich., on Friday, Sept. lst, 1893, Mrs Francés M. .Martin, aged 74 years, Eormerly of Dexter, Mich. Mr. A. (i. Snwer, of Coluuibia City, Ind., is in the city and will take charge oí the commercial department of the Commercial and Btenographic Instituto, on S. State St. Monday, being known as Labor Oay, was a holiday, and the banks of the city observed it by doaing their doors, and allowing their Laborera an opportunity to join the parade. Mrs. N. B. Beers, of Ann Arbor, was married at Oklahoma City, last "Wednesday evening, to Dr. M. L. McConn, of Purcell, Indian Territory, where they will make their home. The proposition lias been made thal the coiinty issue script, as it did in the 60's for circulation as currency. Is it possible that the times are such that a resort to such methods are uecessary? That engineer who told the people of Ann Arbpr that they were blessed in having auch a good water supply as the Huron river furniehed them with, must be posiug as a humoriet. - Chelsea Standard. Oh, no! He is simply Green. Adrián Press: "'Win. McCreery, of Ann Arbor, has cut down (500 of his peach trees, on account of the " yellows." Such luck is enough to give a peach grower the jaundice." The estáte of the late Luther James was divided as provided for in bis will in the probate court last Thursday, the greater portion going to James L. Babcock, of this city, who complied with the will by takin},' unto himself a wile. II. E. Frost, formerly in the grocery business in this city, on E. Aun stn"t, has purchased the grocery of O. F. Foster, at YpBÏlanti, and taken possession of tlie same. Ex. Gov. Welch of Ann Arbor, wil! be one of the speech makers al tl' World's Fair on Michigan Day, Wednesday, Sept. i:;th. - Ypsilanti ( 'ommercial. If the genial Ex-Gov. can stand being called ;i Welch man, in one else need kick. Here's another f rom the Adrián Press: ''George Flowers, of Ann Arbor, is in jüil again, Eor druukenness - sent ap by Justice Pond. Flowers is a sortof Pond lily it seetng ; lnt he shoald take more to water." Here is an item frona the Coldwater Republican, that is one of many seen this fall: "Georgiana Starr will nol return to the Chicago Dniversity this fall, Imt will go to Ann Arbor with Coldwater's other students." Albert E. Gebhardt, lit '88, law '90of Portland, Ore., is to be married to, day at noon, to }Iss Olga Amelia Lentz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lentz, of 22 E. Washington Bt. The couple will go at once tü Portland, wliere they will reside. Miss Inez E. Rpbinson, only child of Mr. and M ra. O. L. Kobinson, ui llill St, ilied Tuesday evening, Sept. 5th, of muscular rheumatism, aged about 22 ycars. Funeral services will be held at iniily residence at 2 o'clock i. m., Thuisilay, Eev. J. M. Gelston coiulucting them. Rev. J. T. Sunderland will spend mest oí thia nidiith in Chicago attending the greal Religioua Congress, returning home each Saturday and speaking on Sunday morning on the Congress of the weck preceding. His subject next Sunday morning will be the j Catholic Church Congress in session this week. The big nnirsh in[Freedom, in wbicfa John J. Robison, fonnerly of this city, is Lnterested in la rapidlv burning and will all burn overunless somethinjj Imppens to prevent- and that coüld be only a rain-storm. The loss will be considerable. Present indications are that the Toledo & Aun Albor R. R. will soon pass out of the hands of the Ashleys, who have built it up and run it for BO many years. The Farmer's Loan and Trust Co., of New York, lias taken steps to foreclose its mortgage, and secure a new management. The troubles that have come to Mr. A. VV. Hamilton of this city, are generally regretted in the community. He has always been a pnblic spirited citizen, liberal in all public enterpriees and a :i)ih1 man for the city, and friends and 'íes alike expresa sorrow over bis misfortuni's. There is no telling what honors await newspaper men if they only bide their time. For instance, Marcua Tullus Woodruff, of the Ypsilanti Sentinel, bas been chosen captain of the Light Guarda of that city, tbus polishiug up the lustre of bis classical Roman cognomeu with the title of cap. By taking the new York Tribune and the Ann Arbor Courier at the low price of $1.25 for botb together, you secure the greatest variety of reading matter, the most neus, and the purest politics for less money tban any otlier combination can possibly bring j-ou. Try them a year and see if that is not true. Some newspaper man started the report that aBrookfield, N. J., girl kneada bread with her gloves on. An exehange answers : We also ueed bread with our shoes on, with our pants on, and our clothea on. We need it badly, too, and if our delinquenta do not soon pay up we will need it without any pants on. - Ex. Last Friday Mrs. Charles Thompson went into Phillip Bach's store and wbile buying a dress said to Mr. Bach : " Just lilty years ago to-day I bought a calicó divss of you, and it was the first pieee you sold after starting in business." During this remarkably long time in business he luis had nin partners, and onlv the present one is living. Tliere were two fin1 alarma Suuday, botb caused by the burning of grasa and debris in unoccupied lots. The first one waa near the table factory, op 8. Main st. The fire department boya liad only returned to the engine house when a second alarm was sent in, this time from the north side. At each tire over 1000 feet of hose were used. It is estimated that there are about 160 pensionera in this city and vk-inity, receiving from 18 to $105 éach quarter. Putting the average at $40, and that would make some $t,000 coming in here, nearly all of which will enter at once into general circulation, for pensionera as a general thing are people who do nut hoard op the money they receive but use it for the necessaries of life. When Hoke Smith cuts oti' pensions he helps make hard times still harder. This morning, at the residence of Mrs. Alice G. Beckwith, Xo. 27 Univereity avenue, the lives of her daughter, .Miss A lire W. Beckwith, and of Guy B. Thompson, son of Mayor Thompson, were united in marriage, the ceremony being performed by Kev. Mr. Goodwin, rector of St. Luke's churcb, Ypsilanti. The marriage was entirely private, only the immediate relatives attending. The couple left by the 9:45 train tor Chicago, where they will remain several days visiting the Fair. Upon returning home they will reside at 48 E Ann st., which house is being furnished and prepared for them.


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Ann Arbor Courier