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Do vori; I I I r ' I ' swi viH h h IS, B8 í:;r; 1 Jj JJ j cthT1 DO YOÜB ■- -M-d -LÁ X annoy Others and Make Life a Borden to Yon? If so. tbeo snfler no longer, bnt lend í i to E. H. l'ORTEIS, War.-aw Illinois, lio suffe red the tormenta of the dmned for ÍO years. gpent over$Mnd flnally dlscovered a simple n that he guarautees to cure or return the mouey. Will t'ivi' instant umi permanant relief. Yon run do tbe World's Kair and your fes I will 1A' the last membert to f all yon. 8end postal note for -j-j cents, or::; a-rent stamps and receive by return mail a preurlptlon that any dn will lill lor 10 cents that wlll make you feel X) years younger. [State wbere you law tbla advertlsement when you wrlte and you will receive a hnraoroiii poem with the prescriptlou. entitled "The Man With the Tender Feet."l E COMPOUND. V Lƒ - recent discovery by au old MA f ' physieian. Suecessfully used 'BK&L ""1 Mmonthly by thousands of fL Ladies. Is tho only perfectly Ê safo and rellable medicino lisCOTGred. Bewaro of unprlncipled druggista who offer inferior medicines in placö of this. Ask for C'ook's C'otton Root Compound, take no substitute, or inclose 81 and C cents in postage in ïetter and wo will send, sealed, by return mail. Fullsealed partlculars in plain cnvelope, to ladles only, 2 stamps. Address Pond Ltly Company, Xo. Fisher Block. Detroit, JHch. Solii in Ann Arbor and everywbere by all druggists. THE LAKE ROUTE TO THE WORLD'S FAIR VIA PICTURESQUE MACKINAC. Aroid the heat and dust by traveling ou th" Floatinij; Palaces of the Detroit & Cleveland Stcam Navigation Company. Two new steel passenger steamers have just been built icr this Upper Lake route, costing $300,1 00, and are guaranteed to be tb( grandest, largest, safest and fastest Bteamera oa the Lakes; speed 20 miles per hour, running time between Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago less than 50 hours. Four trips per vreek between Toledo, Detroit , Alpeca, Mackinac, Petoskey and Chicago. Daily trips between Detroit and Cicveland; during July and August doubie daily service will bemaintained, givinj a iaylight ride across Lake Erie. Li.:!y service "between Cleveland and Put-in-Bcy. First-c!ass stateroom accominod;i.ior.i and r:enu. and eceedingly low Boucd Trip Rutes. The palatlal equipment, (he luxury of the appointmenta n:;'.kes trsveling oa these steamer thorouhlv Ie. Send for illustratsd par.iphi jt. " AddresB A. A. Schantz, G. P. A , fictr ::t : Cleveland Steam 2-:av. Co., Detroit, Micíx. SCHIFFM ANN'S Asthma Cure Never faila to giTe instaat relief in the worst OMes, and cdevtn cure whi-rc othera 1" kil. Trial rsekag FUEE of Druiite or i; SM. DR. B. 8CH1K}MANN. 9L Ttcl. lna. Cfnlike the Dutch Process INo Alkalies ' Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W. flakar ft Gal Breakfast Gocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than ihrec times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Staren, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more ecouoraical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIOESTKD. Sold by Crocore everywhere. W. Baker & Co,. Dorchester, Mass. WORK FOR US a few days, and you wlll be ■tartled at tlie pected ucoeM that will reward your efforts. We paiitivelv have the best bualnew to nier an agent that cali be foiuul ni the füc1 of this earth. 45. (M) proflt on S7S.00 worth of business is in-iiiL' eaaily and lRtnorably made byand pald to hundredl f men, women, boys. and girls in our employ. ïoo caa make inouey fuster at work for asuiaoTOU have any idea of. The business is so tas; i" fearn, aod üútruotions o simple and plain, that all succet-d from the tan Ttaose who take hold of the businesa reap the advantage that nrises trom the ound reputatlon of oue of the ohleit, most suooesifnl, and largeat publishtng houses in America. Secure foryouraelf theproflts that the business so readily audliandsomely yields. All beginners succeed g'ramlly, and more than realize tluir greatest exjiectations. Those who try it fliul ezaetly :is we teil them. There is plenty of room for a few more workers, and we urge them to begin at once. If you are alreatly employed, out have a few paré moment9, and wish to use them :o advantage, then write us at once (for this i vour grand opportoalty) and receive fui i particular.' ly return mail. Address, TKUK A CO-, Box No. 400, Augusta, Me. ni&L DIEFFENBACH'S oO PROTAGON CAPSULES; ivVÍK Sure Care for Weak Men, as jfyy m K proved by reportsof leadïn phyt&Bnwl vó sicinnfl. tetutc ge m (.irJertiiK. W lm fflK p] Pnce. 9 1 . Cuialosut Kin-. fSfllr TB & Ê% O Ê% A paf e amJ speedy I &ÉH HM K cure for Gleet, Jv,„ B jUUU Ntrlctureand all ' in nnnntural discharges. l'nceS. ggry fiREEKSPECIFÏCSS ■B wand Skin Dlieaiei, Scrofnloai Sores andHyphilltlc AilVt iIouh, ïïiiIi outmercury. Frice, 3S2. crdpr froni THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. ïï 18 Winociin Street, MILWATJKEI, WI8. áSTHMA ISEN GÜRED, :ut The PEERLESS ASTHMA REMEDYwiil is-e instunt relief. 25c anü 50c Slzes. SuBpU Lüii'led fVee. At lrugiits or maild oi receipt of it: ■■ byTIie Poerlese Remedy Co., öobloville, Mlch Garfield Tea bc "Mirea Kick ncaii:ichi Kent ore? roinTiU'iion.SavfsDoftors ills. Sample Crw. Qamwieuí TxaO „SU W, othst., K.Y. Cures Gonstipation Michigan (Central " The Niayara Fails Route." TIME TABLE (REVISKDi All.. TI, lSy.3. CENTRAL STANDAUI) TIME. L : 8 : s : '■ = : = .; : : =■ : ; á . :=r?!rr;í== ; - :sa lasase fi éé s: t ==:::::: g ■ "" i : : : : : : 5ñ33SS2g;S5i : s ?■?.:=:::: :2SS r """-'. -=- --i'-, '- ' :4 : i : : - N : I ! ! ÍS J 6 j : : i S I - ;;: i - i Mi - - T: : : :? ! I?? j = = : ■?. [ jSS m SS : i : JLLE= = - i i i : - . e! c . , " ' O ■ - í -j Ö ' y' i =■' r% _ 21 ( - i !!! ;ss x == : : '■■ '■ '■ a ■ = : : ; := = : : i : : A ■-. í;- : : :ss :SS á BS S '■■:-. '■ :Sí = k : . - s. . . . . r-. . = - o - : - : ■ '■ ■ é SS : i i : JSS a B j j j i j j B J H : : : : : j ,; ■ ■ i d Sí3 j j =8 j :S8 n rs :::': i Í5S8 SH i =:;L=;:::: = S iá : á : a sj : ; : : : i iiSïïï -SÖSS : 'S cu '.■; :2 : : :SíS2 EH ' Ú ■ ■ % ó. = f 'i f í :'t' -r -V -T - .- HB ■ - ' i' xr'ïr tí ti 1 i I ! I ! 1 ífg f M M N M . I Ü H hi : : i : ; i M ; i - "' í- i . ; BD 3 i!!!l Mlill = üiJülüN! i i : : i : ig : ! j ::r::s:::::-: IjlflI ÍIlllIll U. W. EDGGLES, H. W. HAVKs. G. P. & T. Act., Chicago. Agt.. Aun Albor . TOLEDO n AN NAR BOY NORTH MICHIGAN? (T RAILWAY. L-' - b-J VuSKEGON St 'i1t7S''Gm''W W PPvScuth S.ud ']7tÖlE -.■■ ; I Kn Ft Wayue . . ■■■- f,. TIME TABLE. TAKISG EFFECT S-CT3TXJ.-X-. MJLT !■, 1893. Trains leave Ann Arbor bv Central Standard time. NORTH. SOUTH. . 7:15 A. M. ti: 45 A. M. 12 : 15 p. M. 11:45 A. M. 4: 15 P. M. 9:00 P. M. 9:00 a. M. 6:45 P. M. Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo onlv. W. H. Benxett, G. P. A. R. S. Gp.eenwood, Agt EBERBACH k SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A TlTTTQ TRY le Drcs "PEJÜAllüiO KIODICAL" PILLS írom Paris. Frauce. Established in Europe 1839, Canada iu 1878. For Suppresslons, Irregularlties, and Mouthly Derangemeuts. A reliable monthly medicine. Tbey ahvays relieve. Any druggist, $2. American Pili Co., Proprietors Spencer, Iowa. Robert Siephenson & Co., wnolesale agents.and all other drugists in Ann Arbor. These pills are warranted to briníou the"chanpe.' GET TICKET OF W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. Andyou are entitled to aehoieeofTheHorne Instructor, the Life of General Sherman, or the Life of P. T. Harniim (free). when cash purchase to the amouut ol $15.00 has been made. THE MS INSTRUCTOR, URCE OCTAVO, 478 PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. A compendium of useful knowledge necessary for the practica! uses of every-day life. Acomplete and perfect guide to life in public and private. THE LIFE AND lllll OF C-EN, W, T, SKERMAN, CROWN OCTAVO, 56S PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. A graphic narrativa of his hoyhood and dttTly life, educación, career iu Florida and (Klilorula. military achieveraents, Ufe asa Citizen, last sickness and death; with riñe Steel portrait. THE LIFE OF F, T, BARNUK, The World. Renowned Shorou. CROWN OCTAVO, 520 PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. His early Ufe and struggles, bold ventures and brilllant sueeess; liis wonderrul ciireer. his wit, ííenius and eloquence, his life as a citizen, etc.- to whlch is added hls famous buok. "The Alt of Money Geltiue." W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & G BKOADWAY. 1693


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Ann Arbor Courier