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Under The Law Every Saturday

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ternoon i now i halt-holHiay. Quite a numlber of onir people are atteradbig the 'fair at Dunüee iiü.s week. TIh: passenger traína om the M. C. II. R. ane taaded; goimg both wayB, now-a-diiys. K.iiiroad hands aiv experienclng more irmibl' wftib trampa thts year Hian ever before. Jück l'rost made lus Bral appear.iii(' In tliis section this srasou, last Sumday niorninii. Vulfss all si.iiiis rail, the Inivfrsity Shool of Music Will have B lar atlcTiilancf tha.n usual. The sinokc trom the Freedom swamp ftre lias given air here au implvasanl (ulor at ni.i;-lil. Sheriff Brenner la getxing a uoou neputation for capturlng horse .liieves. And the field is a blgfome. One llttle latend In Lafce Brie, near l'ut-in-lïay, bas Bhjpped ver -100,000 bushi'is )i peacbea tiii.s year. Seerrtary "Wade lias receutly bctomc tJie poeeessor of a. fine txirn out in tüiie ahape oí a flae nw liorsc and iainily caaTiage. O. M. Martin lias liad íivo funerala witüiin a few ila.vs, tlie ages of tbe deceaeed aggregatiog 408 years, and averasrig over 80 years. THi Y. P. S. C. E. of the rrcsbyteriam ctaurch wffl give a reccptioii to the High School Btodenta Friday evcniiig in tlio clmrcli parlors. Rev. E. D. Kelly gïuve lus amanee a very fiaio diseourso last Sunday a. au, r'iativ.' to the CatiKiiic Congresa tai Cbteaigc, ot the week pcevloaB. "Mie. Mu ArbOi base ball ninc weni toJ SaCurday and go bea by a Boort 'i -s to 5. line. The u ilion cliureh services are endéd, and a II tíbe churches oï the City resume tiu-ir eventng service next Sunday, at 7:80 o'clock. At tlie home of George Foster it elides, a little ilauftlitT has come tO tlwell. It being the fi.rst jjirl t-ver lK)rn tn the farm, she i quite a lion. Work has foeen commíncotl on the ewers, and the outlet pipo was successhil'.y ltiiil last Friday night. Wcm-Umen are umv liowlinT out the trencih. Tlhe net wxïrk oí wlres iï the Klec■_ric 8t. U'y a1 the comer of X. Mai'i and B. Cathartoe sts., has been in a' ' laiurkM-iHis oondition for several days. A break im the wate pijio.s it the comer o; Nortli Main and Kast Aun streets, ira ve 1 li.i t po-rtion of tfo wtreets a Wettlnft ilmvn last Swnday oveninír. The tadáee OÍ St. Andrew's parisli ara tu frivc a tea social at Harria II.-ill tu-morrow eventag. A lt is the ftrst oí tlic seasim, U is hoped that ereirybody whi can wlil attend. ('lias. Woodruif, of the Ypsilanti Seotinel, bas fflven hls city thlrty yean "i ii morahíe and coneclentioua service om the BClioba board. A record any man may Wfili teel proud OÍ. pipOÍS .1,. AVuai-iji Jind K. (lapan-ilr. oí l'nivi ■"rsil.v oí Ci'iicva. Switzrrlaml. wcrc in tin' city last I'riday and vrece ppesented to President Angelí hy Surkey, OÍ lie' 1 a usíreundPoet. It is curious. Btft yon can always lii:i' ten men wihen yon liavcn't anytbiag to do, to one hen yon have lots oí hard work on hanü.- Ex. NotMng i-urious ;ilout it. It In the nature o4 tJie anJlmaL il ís estimated that th lire in tiM iiir Bwemp in Freedom has barned over 1,000 acres at tand. It rtestroyed a iiu.uiiity of ttanber, but bas cfeared op ;i grreat deal oi land Hiat inay now lio. cultiva HmI. Tliose ilesiiviijr bo dnaw books from the public library at the high school vvül (tod it open tar tamt purpose every BCiaooJ lay irom 8:80 to 12:30, amd from 8 to -t o'dock p. m., and on Wednesdaya trom B bo 5 o'ciock p. zn. will .be n meetlojï of the Brotheröood oí Bt. Amircw on Thursday.eve.nnis oi nex) --k. Bept. Ü8th, at 8 oVAock, in Harria Hall. All atemben Bh aJd be present, as mattema ól ga-ea.1 totercsi will be brought up. The Vpsihsnti Comimurcial in its directory Ot oonnty and Other La4e, places prosecntfng aitonoey, Tilios. I). Kearnoy, way over in Manchestci-. Toni tliinks ManOlnester a pretty pootl place, bal b Baya be nrver lived th' i-i'. The Yptiilanti ('onmiorcial says that City nniïiueer (co F. Key "is only toaaied to Aun Arbor," and belonga to t-hat city. That is to say Ypsilanti lias to fiirnish Aun Arbo-r with a key to the Kitnation. Woll, ifs a pretty good key in this lnstance. Mis Llzzle Baile?, daufibiter f Mr. and Mrs. Jolm N. Bailey, iormerly [' tJiis city, was niarrieil at lotroit on Uie l.'ith, W Mr. Frank Kano, of more Lake. The couple ore well knowii hci-c, and have many friends in t.his elty and vicinity. The roads betore i rain, wrre gettlng in had simpe. The Kng contiuucd (Irimuiit has causcd nitfl tO be wnrn in By inr wliccls and .-vcry aeamied to be trytog to make itèeU know.- Bnterprtoe. How abcwt tliem since the rato 1 Are tiii'y nut cvru norse than before? The M. E. Conference lo the Deu-oit (iisii-ict, is now in Be8BÍOO ;it Detroit, ini bb Gaas ve. M. E. cfeurch. ■1'lH'iT is oio doubt but tliat Ucv. M. Oobern wlll bo retuined to i.his , where tke has done auch excelleiu service tor the past two years. Mr. V. W. Watt.s is baklag iall apples 60 Ann Arboc wJktc tiiey brlng 1)0 ecnts per busliel. Quick sale añil good (temaiul.- Xortli Lake cor. ('hclsea Hi-rald. Yes. and the man whn bnys theni here rvtaüs them at CO et'iits 1 pecki and tlius makes a some proíit. A lively linu' was causrd al Mayor Tbompecm'a reeictence FrWay cveiiinj? hy ho. wind blowing a lace curtain a.irainst a gas Jet. tire ctepartiiHint, avitc ni band, but ooly the i-lu-micals ucvc needed, and Uryond smoking ap tbe room lad]y, aoi much i!;iin;ii;i! was dome. If you never knew tliis before 11 is time yon ïound it out : "The lengtb oí tlie lay and ni.iíht, any lime oí the yvar, may )x_' ascrrtaijird ly simply doáibliinf; tie time oí tlie sun's rislng wliicH will kívO the leng th ot the nijíin, and doobUng the time i Bel tkng will give tftue lemgtJh of the day." Amomg tJhOM who went to Chicago Tuesóay were : Mtb. .T. 1. Dirasaa and family Krcd Ilutzol and Wlte Mr. and Mrs. riisry V. Moore ; A.U-ust. De Fríes, wlíe and Oaugihtei ; Mr. and Mrs. P. %. i -. i k 1 1 u r and daugil. Mrs. McAHlSteT and iluighi t-r ..i ; Mr. ana Mrs. av(. Wag1..1 - . Selineider. A Hüm Ule fl ■ is being laid in the iiii]it heat re ol tlic l'niversity hOSpita.1. Ttoat AVihite. House baby lias been iiamed Ksther, which is (ron thc l'ersian, iiK'aniíifí gOOd fortune. The next oxaiiiinai ion of teadicrs for tlie coiimty will be lwlil in the II i;h Schooi Building, Spall&oM, Frlday. September 29. The pulpit of the M. E. church neït Sunilay will be OCCliplod by some one ol thii (UstiiiKuislied ministers now aasemUed at Detroit. Goodyear & Oo. liavc tlir contract lor BuppJfyDng the boppltala ol the Unlversity with drugs, medicines, etc., tor tliO continu year. Tlie memlH'rs of Arbor Ilive I. O. T. M., gave Miss lOinnia llowrr, 1 he newly eïeerted Gveat Record Keeper, a re-ei)tion last evnlng i" their rooms ov the pont office. It as a vory cnjoyahle afíair. Tlie officia! board of the M. E. cliurcli, bas sent a cordial invitatimi to tiie animal conference now In Bessioai ai Detroit, to meet in this city ncxt y-ar. If this invitat uu is accepted, abmit 400 R&rererada may bc mi (mr Btreetfl as uur liticsts a year brom now. on bhte, Wednesday eivenlng, there Wlll Ik; a unión prayer meeting M the lï church at 7::'.i o'clock, vhih v i 1 1 1h' addrcsscd liy Krv. Mr. ■Lewis, the general i; .-ut ► the Sinday School Union. Mr. 1vis hns receatly removi-ii to tWe city for permaiu'iit residente. AVithin ilic last Hve nmiiihs no lesa than iwenty-five persons have lefl A nu Arlmr and none m OaHiornia tl live, and more have the Calttomli lever bad. Thi-r have gome fco Los Angeles, and vlcinlty. wiiich place it is the fii-in Ix'lii'i "f many will at no Betont day a ery large city. It. II. Ba torn, of York, and Jas. R. Holmes, YpeUanti town, went to Tiflin. Oblo, Monday, tu ser il' thcy could fiuil ;iiiy trace of tkoraea thy had liad BtOlen. A man by the name of Mastín is in jail at Waiiseon, O., who Deputy Petersom will swear la the same ome who atole Cbas Etose'shorw of 1'itt.sfield. A passenger braketnan, named Miller, OO he T. uní A. A. U'y, while takintf esa OUting at Whitmore Lake last Sunilay, trk'd to siiow ttoe crruof a freigiht t.ruin what lie knew bout couplinií cate, but aJtwr havíng ,a tiliniimb takeu oíl hha rlght hand, cancfended he was nol wll pftstod i u freight work. The time for the COmfalg pf the Kvanírelisr Mills has been deflnlteiy determloed opon as the tórt week in DOcemter, ainl arrangemente are .1 íiciily in progresB tor these nteetinirs. It is expected thore wlll 1 a greej revival oí religloua foeling aml sentiment at that time, añil ever.v effort will be made to arouse ihe people. May it Jiot Ík' in vain. Wait.T Beeant saya that nver before in any age Of iiny country lias tliere been so wonrtiTful au arrangement of lovoly tmQdlnga as at Chicago. Ah ! Walter has never rulled alcmg the béeutdful valley of the Bfarom, and gaaed upon the rustk hcauty of tlie slaughter hooises grouped upon tiie nhort's oí that placld i-ivor as it flo-iits o.n lts cloar, windIng ú;iy to tilO sea. Mins Mary F. Wells. fov L'T years a teacher f the colored people itn fchc south, was burieil frtwn the resMenoe of her sister, Mm. E. gteete, corner of E. IIuron and X. Ingalla sts., last Sund.iy afteraooB. The deoeased was a lady Ol men tlian ordinary at tainiiirnts and a true and zralous ('luist ian. Sbe iiai! reached her i'7tli year, and it can trnly be said of hr, that hrr IMe was síivcn íor others. Borne Uttle lö&a oí Asas Arbor aa a markel íay be }ulgd from tie ïact that last week the wrlter p'riced toinatDcs in Detroit, and [oundniee ones retaiUng at 25 cents per Uushcl. Here in Aun Arlmr tliey were retaJUBg at 60 r,m-. Peachea here $1.60 and $2.00 per basket tor good 'omes. At Detroit $1 to $1.50. And B0 all atomg tlie line. It ooeta mome to buy almost any ppodud here in Aun Albor tlian it does in Detroit. Mrs. W. S. I'erry, jii-csidont , glves motk'tï tlmt the Ann ArlMC Art 'lul vrlll meet in Uueir m-w rooms In tin .Xtascmic Temple, for orfranization on Muail.-iy. Oct. 2nd, al .". o'ClOCli p. ju. AVH-ii entarged (acfllttea 11 wlU not 1h nrccssary to limit membership as lu-rt-lofoiv. and WB hope all thOBI wino deeire to jolu such a chib will consult Mrs. Ztoa P. BCkng or Mra. M. Loulse Waikor, or better stili atteod tJie orgauization meeting. Sume of our yoxuog men aré bowllag for 11 onion iocial. What! Dou't wbat an onton suria is? WH, six lailics st.-unl In a row, and ne hitos a chunk of the cmion. A JOWOg 111:111 ]a.vs a lime íor a groas as to viii#i oí the ladles Uit. tbe onkm. H he gnessea sightly he tiaeea the ori her flve ladies, U noi Ue is only niiowod to klas tke glrl wlt'li the ooloo srenicil brfeath. The tarlff te extremely i I ianatUe e is liki'iy to 1 ipular. íirst (livurcc ranU-d in l'.ranch i-imnty, was on tlie 2&th day oí OctOber, 1843. David M. Clark nsked to be rek'nsed from Hainnali Hark, bis wife. Judjje Alpheus Fi-lch fjnuitrd the eompLainants request and suppoeedly added to Mr. Clark's happiness. Fifty years have passed and we loaow ATplieus Felch as the much esteemi'd l(lst ex-gcvntar of Michi■a.n, iimv livintc. lie resides in Ann Arbor. - ('iililivntcr líopublicaji. Hemry W. Ilyatt dk'd 011 Salurday, at tlic rcsi(lcin-c f Miss Schftetfer, on DextT ave. ogéd 7 years. He liad ri'sidcil iu Aun sinte 1843, (ind was at olie UOM : íncTChant Iutc, t.he Urm Imsmíí Manu & Hyatt. AítT tlie dcaiii if Grodfrey Sctoaeffer in 1875, tJit deoeased MUed the office of rciristci' ií desda íir tftte aaexplred term cH Mr. Sohaefíear. His wife, who v:is a (lauiíhtT pí Solomcm Mann, survives him. He was a smmif peraoce man all his lile, and Q firm member of tite Presbyterian chnrch. A Blnpk yet ratfcer deep problom was axposed uear Monroe a lew days since, which runs like this : TWO fellows drove toto town Oach haring a :..m1 ol iini.ns. ome load welghlng 1,000 ponxtds, tïw other 1,200, Alter tJiem ovor, the Hn.viT told tlii'in tte WWUld Jiivo (Mie ol thcm (iiuJialf a rrnt peí poiiiid mure than the (itlicr. whirh was accepted, luit as ihcy (lid jint have time to figure eacta one's aliare, the buyei gave them ■(;;, and they were left to dividí' the ainniint. H(W miich diil eacb receive. Thr l.isi union si-rnion of the geastjill was iven ly EteV. 'oliera Ias1 Su'iiday evening .-n the Ooogregatlonal dXDTCb, to a lar.ire audience. It was a niasierly eíínrl. evini-in (Jeep tihought, oud eaergetfc research into hi' nature oí the various reMgiCMaS i the warlU. The aiitlior oí the Chrisi.-iu religión proclaimed that he was the Ute and the Ujrht of the worM, and no sin hntl ever carrnpted His uri matare. No autitor oí any otber relision could inake suc-U an asaerticm, -iiul HOiiH'. of tlicm dld COnleBS tlu-y wei-o inful. Tiir Vussmv Tlmee says that Gteo. Burgess oí that place lias loei a wliite )i-. Bet a dollar that is the sanie 1 11,' we saiv ii milt' east of lu-re one !ay lasi week. It answcrcd fleBCripth cxnctiy.- Iloily Advertiaer. i'iir, exoctty aamvreriue tiita deBeription, was sefli hall' a niile south Of rsirniay. We ralse SlocTim'a lu't fniir sliillin'. Dollar and a-half it. was Geoffge'a pie as per Tlm's tli'sci-ÜM'.- Northvilh' K.cord. Same xAX Been niiic and a-hall s.mth OÍ Aun Arbor. It mis BO mortiíied. howcver, at not Ihmiijí caught, that it. liad eommnced to turo black, "ttvn go twii hits better n Neal's ralse. Thifi, from Mi exiliante, will udonbtd]y be Tiew t fnost ni our readers, as th" gcoteral topresslan lias. been that these visee barbara! dampoess, and su spoUed tht vralla : "The jjrowth v[ Ivy otn t lie ralla of houses n-i,(lTs tin' walls i'iitircly írom damp, tfae ivy oxtracting evevy particlc of nioisture from tíie wood, brick or stones, for it own sustonanc?, by aneara if its ttoy roots, whleta work their wuy luto the hardest stonc. The (yver-kipplag leaves i the ivy conduct water fallinsí upoo thcm from point t. point until it reaches the ítround, withimt allowing tlie walls to recelve any motettire whati-vi-r from the beatlng rain."


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier