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Liberty's Enemies

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The party that opposes equnl rights cain be expected to a fair electioin and au bOOHtt count of the ballots cast. ThO course of the demonatie party in attempting to tear f rom tliO ballot box lts only saiegiinrd, is on a par witli its past record. "Wliat is tbere in the Federal elcction 1,'iw tliat any honest Citizen is opposed to ? Tlii're is nwt a sintcle ]rovision that :mt Jiave ior its object the protiectiom of IBhe ballot, which is the fmuidation of lilerty. I;estniy il, timl iM'wai-e ! StaOklng bcAind .the hum! that seeks ils ('.i'structiiiui is the liideous form O'f the aiiai'i'hist . Wlaem tlic right ai ui American citiI . oaisi lii.s vote ■without or farvxw is demied iiim : when that ballot BO cas, eau lm; be liomstly counted, i!icn larrw.-ll In Uberty. It will be deed. Bewiare ihe man ar men who its deslruvtio-n ! Tkr AUgemelne Zeltschrift- fur Textil Iuilusii-ic. inililislii'd at. Leipslg, (Jcrmaiiy, ander date ol Bept. 13, says : "Mr. Max Taegertuuber wrlteB us froiu New Vork tli.-it the introduction of epecific dut i's in place ol ad valoren (iuiii-s. iilaiiiii'il lv liini in COOttJunctlonwitii prominent Import ilrms, has been accepted In principie by t lic American Govenunent." Cïial geni Leman referred to Is eonDMted with the Ne-w ïork Dry Gtooda Economist, is a great tarifl refgrmBTi 8 warm l'ricnd of thr Importr8 of NOW York, and Migngftfl in LmpOrtlllg ;l goode to uur market, hlmeelf. ■J'liisi' Importers must stand close to tlie govesrtament bo dictóte its comincrcial polic'y, et) '.' The Allcjian .lournal is now tbc property of Uw veteran editor Henderson. Qood for Don. Mr. Oerreland was once a teacher of the blind. Very fort una te ior Mm. In hls great feat of leadhiR tJws lliud, whlch he is now attemptinn-, that knowledge must come in piay i o good odvamtage.


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Ann Arbor Courier