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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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lWONDERFUL CURES?! THOMAS MINCHIN. MAJOR W. A. SIMFIELD. Before Treatm.nt. After Treatment. ' Bef ore Treotment. Af ter Treatment. Nervous Debillty and Catarrh Cured. Blood Disease and Dyspepsia Cured. Thomas Minchin saye: "I was reduced to Major Simfield says: "I had Dispepsia a nervons wreek- only weighed 11H ponnds. and Catarrh of the St mach tor man y Tho result of early abnse was the canse. I years. To mak matters worse I contracthad the following syraptoms : Miserable ed a Constitutional Blood Disease. My mentally and physicaily, melancholy, nervbones ached. Blotches on the skin looked ousness, weakne&s, specks before the eyes horrible. I tried sixteen doctors in all. dizzy, poor memory, palpitation of the A friend recommended Drs. Kennedy k heart, nushing, cold nands and feet. weak Kergan. I began their New MethodTreatback, dreams and losses at night, tired in ment and in a few weeks was a new man the morning, pimples on the face, loss of with renewed iife and ambition. I canambition, bnrning sensation, kidneys weak not say too mnch for those scientific docetc. Doctors conld not care me; but Drs. tors who have been in Detroit for fourKennedy & Kergan by their New Method teen jeera. I conversed with hnndreds of Treatroent, cured me in a few weeks. I patients in their offices who were being weigh now 170 ponnds. It is three years cnred for different diseases. I recommpnd eince I have taken their treatment." them as honest and reliablo Physicians." i ne jeiGDratea apeciansts ot uetroit, iviicn. TREAT AND GUARANTEE TO CURE 2rJWSK Rheumatism: Neuralgia; Nervous, Blood and Skin dipeates; Stomach and Heart diseases; Tapeworm: Pilee; Rupture: Impotency; DeafnesK: Disoai-oa of the Eye. luir, Nose and Throat; Epilepsy; Diseases of the Kidneys and Kladder; Errorsof Youth; Failing Manhood; Diseases of the Sexual Organs; Female Weakness; Disenses of Men and Women, and Chronic Diseases in general. They cure when others fail ! &gONLY CVRABLE CASES ARE TAKEN FOR TREATMEyT Their VïïW llFTPflH TKFiTMFN'T Lown tDe world over, is curing diseases of every l'Ii" DIJjIIIUÜ lllLill JlLii 1 nature that has batSed heretofore the medical profession. They are not 'family doctors' - they make a epecialty of Chronic and difficnlt diseases. "&■ Ilr"FlCFC ftp MFM They gaarantee to cure all Weakness of Men arieing Lli3l-A3Ld UI I IL 11. from self abuse, latT excesees or diseaee. Young man, you need help. Dre. K. t K. will cure you. Yon may have been treated by Quacks- consult Hcientitic Doctors. No cure, no pay. Consult them. niCPICFC ilFUflMFM wl)y snffer in eilence? They can cure yon. LUoLAOLO UI TT UI ILIl. Female Weakness. Barrenness. DISDlacements. Irregularity, and paiDful periods cured in a short time. Kenewed vitality given. lllastrated Hook Free. lnclose stamp. CDPiPIil HICPiCFC Spermatorrhoja, Varicocele, Gleet, Innatural 31 LLlAL UljLñoLO. Discharges, Private diseases, Stricture, Syphlis, and all Blood diseases (iuanmtwd cured ir no pay. 14 years in Detroit - 150,000 cures - National reputation. Books free - Consultation free - Names confidential. If 11 unable to cali, write f or a list of queetions and advice free. DRS. KENNEDY & KEROAN, 148 Shelby St., DETROIT, AIICH.


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