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"finnigan's Ball."

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(jHDgh. and the worlil lauijlis wlth you : Wt-i p, and yoa weep alone; Hut Murray and Mack Are on the riglit track Flnest Fealurpil.Foreniost. Fantnat'o Farce Found, Furnlahed from Fnnny Kolks. - I-'ranklin Farmer. Funny men in a funny play. The stars and company are excellent. Mnrray and Hack were never seen to better advantage. "Finnigan's Ball " lias even more inerit than was claiined for it. Murray and Mack have a play tliat will crown these brilliant young couiedians, Kings of the Laughing World. It is easy to see the hand of good maoasement all throngh "Finnigan's Ball." Frank ï. Merritt is the manager. A more pleasing performance than Murray and Mack gave in " Finnigan'a Ball " could hardly be imagined. The play is the tbing - " Finnigan'a Ball " is the play. and .Murray and Mack, assisted by their clever cotnedians, are able to " Cateh the conscience of the King." They will he at the Grand Opera House nezt Saturday evening. Mr. Warren, f We Saline Obaeryer, keeps postad on the proposed electric line throuich that place, and In the tast issue of tJimt paper ne saya : "We h;ivc the report that the olc-ctric railway project Is still alivc aiul worklng wt'll, tlhat the ïraucliisr has been purciiasril by Ptolladelphla capitalista, the contract liavinu' been sinncd, scalrd and dr]ivvr'd Aujiust 29, incliiding the present ipcnt ins" lineTïi Adrián. It is i'iirthi'i' rlaiined that the entire riglit-of-wa.v lias hm'ii sciured and 1:hat as sniin as a few small mat Iers of adjiidication are mede satlsfactory tiiat Hui work wlll eoinnnMicc and be pushed papldly. The intra-urban cars are bO be usvd. Tw-o ernts per milt' is ti be tilic faro. iiKinsr inilcage books tlms alfordlng one to ride whatever dista.nce desired."


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier