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D. Cramer Has Been Attending Court

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in Adrián this week. Atlolph Xeitliammrr, oí W'. Huron st., niswws t t lic tit-le ''papa" now. A son. Mrs. J. X. V. Gregory of Dexter, feil Trom the back steps of hr reoideoce .ind dislocated her left elbow, last .Saturday. Tlie, rapidly grou-iug Aun Arbor colony at Ixw Asgéies, ('al., ere all on band to greet Burt Thompson and family upom hls arrival there reeentThe junlors di the high school deteated the reakm In a foot ball rush au the fair grounda Saturday, and the jiwiior is the biggert man on tllie groiinds. On Sunday raornlng last, Catharine N., Wtfe oS Win. Burke, of l'ackard st., died of parajysis, aged abowt ."il years. 8lh was tbe BKrther m' Miss ("ecelia Burko, wiho tcaclns in the lst word school, and tfaere are tno dangiiten and tour sous besldes. Funeral servloea were held yesterday. Tlit' (Klier day at. Aim ArbOT 3,000 pounds oí sewer tipe dropped tipoai licorsi' Key's foot, and just as soon as he found it out he beun to his temper. He declared nu city conld put a sewer tlirough liis pedal ctrfiiiity withifrat ïirst getting Hi.s riglit of way, 'bgoh ! - Adrián l'ress. Thursday aiteinoon last, as two youTijr men were crossing tlie campus, tlhey were acoosted by another young man AvitJi the ]iH.'stion : "Say, can yim teil mr the campus 8 ?" The young men took in the situation at, oooe and careleasly answered the (lUfstioiifr that lie woold find it over Ühere in tli' museum buildinj;. Ann Arlwr's school ])opulation has fallen off itT per cent. the last year. - Dexter Leader. Wrong again. Ann Arbor had 3,073 school cliildren last year and lias :J.o:j! thi.s year. There is some diiference betwëen falling off 37 per cent. and wimply falling off 37 in mimbers, my ■iricnd.


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Ann Arbor Courier