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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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IWEAK.NERVOUSiDISEASEDMENI Thousands of Young and Mtiblle Agtd Men are annnnlly fiwept to a premature prave through early indiscrtion Eind later excesefl. Self abuse and ('otiTit ïtional filood Discases have ruincd and wreckod the lifeof many a promiaiiitf ynunt' man. Ilrivyou any of the followini Öymptoms: Nervonsnnd Despondent; Tirad in Horning: Ambition; Memory Poor; Ea&ily Fatiffóed; Kxcitable and Irritable; Kyos Blxur: Pimples on the Face; D reama and Drains at Night; liestless; Baggari Looking; plotchee; Ho Throat; Hair Looee; Pains in Body; Öunken Byee: Lifeless; Distrostïal ;mI Lack of Euery and Strength. Üur New Metttod Trtatmcnl will build you up luentally, phyically and sexually. jjasKT SS! DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN Zl 1&& '-f & " At 14 j?ar of nge I learnwl a bad Imbit which almost rained t?r Y me. I tMcaxno norvous and wcak. My back troubled me. I conld Btond no exortion. Head and syflfl tjecarae dul2. Dreams and rT drains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firms, ElecKKV ■'-Tti 'r'c "eIt ' liit''"' "'''liies and Family Doctors. They gave me dTv &L& co le'lJ A friend advised metotrj Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. ïhey WSbfïySgè sent me one month's treatment and it cared me. I could feel fefSS mjself gaining every day. Their New Mtthoti Treatment curei uihen Cured in una i.i'inu "tl eke jaiur ïhey have cured many o! my frionds." 7% CIS &üi&i!ÏEEDJRJMET MM. 7 j3r '8ome 8 yeare apo I contracted a serióos constitational blood V$L vffll 1 vent to HotSprings totreat forsyphilis. Mercury almost v "jf Ím After a while the eymptoms agaia appeared. Throat v M$ :ecame sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotchee, eyes red, f y 1 loss of hair, glanda enla-ged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs. C y0%y Kennedy & Kertjan's New Method Treatment. It cared me, and I have s - &1r 'i:w no wvinj'tonis (of liv1 rean. l am married and happy. As a doctor, I hourtily recomend it to all wtio have this terrible dieease - Carea o yeurncttfu. pWHi." It will eradicate the poison froni the blood." cTd Í5 YEARS IN DETROIT. 150.000 CURED. 'ESï M I nm W years of ao, and m :rrio:l. Whon yoong I led a Jf'isft jaar W fv Kar'' indiscretfona r d later exaeasea made trouble l" &?? % tor me I became wiak anti nnrvous. My Kidneys became 5 . S affected and 1 fared Brit.rht's disi.iv. tktarriud lif was unsati- i, ií (ÍP factory aud my !iunif unluippy. 1 tried i-vryMiin - all failed till M jg. (PvN I took treatment from Dr-. Kounedv and Kergan. Their N -w "Wrl Method built me np mentally, physioally and sjzaally. I feal & iZ-ík aotlactlik ;i iii;t!i in ov.t.v ii-i).-it. Ti-y them." V w Ko Names Used Without Written %$ryh$$gL Consent of Patiënt. CureU in tune. C.. PVIn... ÜJIA4-UnJ T-. r+ + nevor fails in curini? Disraso of men. Uur IeW IVlethOd Treatment i, strwwtoena the body, stops all drains and 1hp, parifica the blood, clean the brain, builds up the nervous and sexual eystems and restores lost vitatiry lutl body, ■wre Gnarantee to Care Neras orhtHty. FalliuK Manliood, (typhllts.VHticnceie, trlctare,GIeet, Hunalnral ulMcliartiea( Weak I'arts and All Kidney aud Bladder uiseases. ft p %. Ë " & Ê O f ii I'rs. Kennedy & Ke-iran ar tho lpadinc apecialists of K I SVl r iVI K 0 H Ai:i"rii::i. Tlmy naar int w to cnro or no pay. Their repaitB"' lll#IU.f tation and fifteen years r business are at Btake. ïoa run no risk. Write 'hin for aa honest opinioi, no mfttter wlio treated you. it may save you years of regret and ■offerlng. Coarges reasoo úAt . Write for a Qucstioii L,ist and Book Pree. Consultation Free. 148 Shelby St. Detroit, Mich.


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