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The Minister Who Chose His Own Wife

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"Always Jusí su. Ralnlhg just .'is h.iiil as it eau pover, Deacon Graves. Aml t,his Suinlay, I Ji's sti-.-umi' ivliy the worW - u eomtraries !" "It's bad, lMiüury bad emo-n a's (irs1 siwni.iy. t(n) : But may be 'twtlil clear up before meeting 1 line. Ii 't relaas before seren 'twiil (uit before 'teven." "It's just our link. deacan. I'm not lic lii airahl to say 1 it won't stop. And itbepe'e the Pillsbwry, end ite, and ili.' StmmOBses all in town dea city boordere and Miss Catiin. and ilicy won't one of 'om lic.'lr nir .Julin ]ii'ca'li. Tlic first pat ter in .the window-pnne woke me lip. Tlic wind is in the cast, too. My sakes I" "WeB, I'liilnry. we can't cliantrc the weatfaer, no how : that'e beyood our jiirisdi:'ti(i it's in tilt' liands ot B Mgtoer power." "lint wliat'll we dn, (lcacim ?" "W c.-in'i do anythlng, I'iii'.nry. as 1 &ee, (iniy snHniit to it ." "Wc'vc bad sikIi gorgetraa weather ill alODgi dcacon, nol a Hit oí rain. and U' :i arm, snnny days, 1 li.-it I caift oaderstaod why it sliould rain tibe vTy íirst ilay .Iulm's liciuc. And tihs v.ry lii-st tlm liv i- gofalg tO pceacb, too!" ■■The cropa need rain i!i" worst way. I'liilni-y. Il wi'.l bc acciiuntcd asa irreal lili's-iiui; tn t wliole c-inintry, iii'.y I wish it liad licld mí a day iiIIÜTl'." "It mfgbi haw 1.,-iin ihis áfteriii pi m . deacon, jusi as wéfi as this ttoon, I wouli'.n't. liavc cared i' it raincd the rest oí the week, bilt ihis nKraing ot all times, when I've i irn praylng tor it ever aince be ll. Huw llnis l lOOk nciw V' . ■i had irisen and gone t bedroom wiradow and was looktag 1 1 w.i ni i he Bky. "To bel] trutli. riului-y, t's sel in [o .'in old-faatiioned rain, and we'll Juet barre bo aoquleeée in the waya rt Providence and hls deallngs wltl tilia day, if iiu-y ace dbappotnting and completely different (ram what n ■■ calcula reed oo." Mrs. i!i'ac(n Grravee had coosecrated her i . John, bo the Lord in his cai!ic.-t days. I! had been her ome grat am bit kin to have hlm a minister. A great many otber its have iVlt aa M;-s. Gravea did. hut imt Unir ambitioo was imi reallzed. Mi-. Graves' ambitlon liad been gr& liied, .mikI .- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u íí i i slic had cooaecrai■d .1 1 1 : : i iiii!-i-MTVri!ly. vu 1 1 1 1 - weak]lrs ui til" f.rsil WaUld ass.T! itself. she calculated fchai all the worid ol Armnisicmoiik ShouM beer hei son )iirac h ii: bhe inert iim-liiinsr ihat particular Suai'ay '.' iadn't Bbe had a ii, ■■ i;'.a-k sok dreas made tor Uhe oci;isiiiii. and lier bonnet all trtmmed vit? couid shc nrear all these nrw lliiiiirs in bhe r.-iln '.' And then', . ioiks wouldn't be a]it tO gfO out in storm m meeting. Thcy went lywiirrr ele, lint raius on Snnday were api to keep AroouBtonook it bome. The mother was vcry proud ui iin. her .John. who had jus1 :-rll. It's lm, bad, .luim," she aald, a ghe gave hlm a good i inlng klss, "too bad. au iv day : ïcmr tlrst Sunday, too. lm so gorry afcoul it. The iedks are all lic. me this nionth and the city baarde-ra and .Miss Cal Hn." "I'm nut gorry at all, mol her," bet scui aoswered aheerfuUy, as he gal down to breakfast. "We muel take tilines aa they come, om Dr. Jiellaiuy ihad a oi bheological stildruis to examine, before tfoe days oi seminaries. They had all mi Ilis house. Aftel lic had gatlsiled hiniscii thai they were all tboroughly ertibodox and had pronounced them oond 'm doctrine, he told thetn iiimwas ome pohit more he wanted them tn remember. it was a very importaml one, too, and wouid be ot tflve greatest valnc t'i them in tiieir ministerial lile, au the stuft nis were anxtous to know wn ii this polmi was thai had eecaped tixelr al bant ion bo long. After tbe reverened ad deJIberal ed mr a few mo w hiniscli np to a belghi ol digtnlty peculiar to hlmeelf, and in e y ry solemin manner iald, elowly and iniprcssivcly -Vi Unu gentlemen, uiicn ii raius. 1,-t it. rain: Go "I i iiin.u-.' and bowed UimeeKl out of 'he room. 80 nmtiici-, dear, when Itralna we'ölet Itrain. It'sa stroog Qieotogtoal potol yon know, to be satisfled with our preaept eottdltion wln-n t is ordered hy heavên, and quite beyand mr power to chanfte It." "May be ttíéy'B all go ií 11 ,r,r pala," tflW motlu-r -cuturi-il to reinnrk. "It's a warm rain, and moei ol tiie woim ii have goasamera now-a-days." ■I ni sinilcil. ■Hi(l VI II tJlillk. IlllllllIT. lint .111 riii-al t talgjit U' a young men to pre u-h in i) j n town, whete luí has always Ihth knmvii, bis boyteb pranks itetnembered, his yuuUiíiil. unfledged aeta aM set itown agalnel hito ? T" ge ui i" t J ■ pulpit ainl and preaou to a',1 bh fathers and niiilhris. nlm (i n y !(ik 011 tne aa Dacnu i ra es' '■ i 'úkee a%vny a i iira] oí ■■!! liuslasni, the iilm-y as yon mi.n'hl please tO C&ll it. líavc yuii ((insiiliTcd bhCki I inay ú - .ipp'init yon .i nl ii'it come up to tht' standard ?" he said, laugtolngly- ''and you be aéhamed oi your preacher .■.un. mj decur, good, ambitloua mother Ï Pertiape yov ili hare occasion Id I haak Ihr ilrnntly lliai he geni i.iiii apon ttie tlhlrgty earth that particular mcming." Wihen ttte íirsi beai bean bo sound ímiJi ite musió the olouda really aeemed ni be movlng mí. H Uw wind i-unid oniy be coaxed to siiift luto the iwrsi t viui(i 1h surc tu clear. Uut the obeflneíe vroattaer oock on bop if t Uaru. with his prmul In-ad. wöuiUI iiot be iiuliK-cd as niuch as Ki ]Kk sidcways toward thf point ií campaae Bure to Indícate a clearing up. wihmi the strnnii i.i'ii raag u was ralntng hord. Mrs. Gravee put on ber seeond beet dress, and every-üay boffliet, and tu'.d tlir dearon slie lelt as il shc lial had COM w.iicr poared over her. lint the llillslnirys. and the Kcnts, and t lic city Ixiardcrs. and even Miss ('alün. camc in. oni1 alter annÜHT, wit li drlpplng nmbrcllas and wt goesaxners. ICvn-ylmdy wanted t;i heer Deacon Graves' son John preacfb his íirst sermón in ii'' ()1(1 incctiim-hi'usc. Thr p:irls who had liimwn ïiim -iil his Ufe liad decorated tlii' chiircli wlth iliiwcrs, and the clioir had Wsn drtntng all the precedtog w eek. r.c. John Gravea geeued perfeotly geJf-poeeeeaed in 1 1 1 . - pulpit, bene&tb wtxöae dropping be soothlngly elepi on bis mother's arm when a llttle . and hearfl his name read g i 'niM' who were to Joln on the "praleaslom o-l i luir lalth." The li-uiiii oíd silver balred pastor had trniiurril 1 1' new dlsciple al i tie Lord Jesus u-ist. as "ome al owr chlWrea ui hv covenajat." I lic sermón was tar beyond wh.-it the peaple who had .ilways kiinwii .lu',111 Graves liad gtven him credit tor. Bo aften ditl the lovin- ïiinüicr iind lierself iliinkliift of tiir temporal grloryi lmstea.d ol the spiritual, and sfoe o f red up a sllent prayer tii.-u mlght be kept irom spiritual pride, amd recelre bliia mark: mi's kindncss Ui h !■ in a liuinlilc ïnaniirr. Bul hei c.vcs wimld sti-ay to t lic corniT ol 1 he p lv In uiiic'n Mis; ( ; 1 1 lili s;it. watvlicil tliíit younír lady'8 ; slir nntril ttoe i'linrsl n teres! witli whk-h slic Ustaned. Fot Mi-.-. Gravee liad oniy eurivèd at uno i;i thc liciiiht s oí1 aiaUituiii ; Í3; .ili iiiniüli ghe uiMilil Bcarcely acknowlciluc I tu berself, she liad auOttoor anilitiiin t(i uiiicli. as yet, Bbe liad nn( altaincd unto. 8he waiitcd John I M;uiy Miss Catlin. Misa i a i 'in Juel idea u.' a ministor's Wlfe. Shc had tact tu gel .; wltb all different kinds ol mem" luis. Mrs. Gravee lirmiy belleved thai ií a, minister got a good wlfe it was íiaií the battle svxxn. She was liiiinii lo Invite Miss Catlin. uitii BOme ■'■ :rr:n!s. lo lea the V'T.v n,-í day- ii, was sorry sm-li DhOTlghts wonld iutriuU' t liciiist'lvcs during meet n; i me, and wlifii he son .Jolm prcacliiiii;-. too. And alie lcan.d inr lirad down i,i Uu' oïosing praj and begged the Lord ti íorgtve her ior tlicm. 'Jlic splrH xsas williim, ■ui tilt' llrsli w.-is so urali. Whilc ra ves waa promouncing the beoedtetion, jhm aa toe was uaying, i .■ .i-ii iiKikc his face to siiiiir iii)m yon .uní giwe jiia peace," a ray i.í siiddriiiy cerne through ihc uíiüImw and rested apou bis )( : tai "Hasn'i mista&en íiis ealling, tliat son oí vniirs, (.■anuí,-' whispered the tlú farmer In tin; back pew, "Promyomng preacher," said a city gentleman, bo uear Mits. Gravea' onul in si boanei I tual i lie w orde , trated I in tmgh l . Everybody who knc-.v hlm in liis y ig day.s erüwded arouaid ]ii,)ii Btalra to glv Jnm a weicome. i:-, erj bodj conand hls w I e, an:i .Miss Ciitün wil i t ir, n. Wlhen i !. ianiiiy arrlved liome iii pi "ii 1. fomd umi lier pul Uer arma on'a ui'.-1,;, and klstrtng Umi and over ugaiu, aid ■ Jly ■(1111, tllis ÍK t lic ll.lJlJIK-Sl I11U"i mj liii'. .I.,kc yourseli ortJiy il the Mtister who Iiub c ■ you;'1 and John replied, Itear uioUier, tliai sliall lx' the aiai o my lar. ' Alter Mr. anil Mi-s. (iraxrs iiail been ic.t. alone In ttoe evenlng, Jofan'a mother saa "Deacoñ, don'1 yon i hink Miss i ,, i lin wili mafce e good wlfe ouir Joim v "I don't kumv ; t&OUgth oí i;, wiíc. v,,u caift always ar: such mattere acoardingio'your owu Ideas. Ppobably Joba'd want t" wleot iiis dun wire." "Joim woa'i have miicn time to Juuil up a wiíc, anil its surli a liindrance to n minister to get a poor " i '■■ Vuil know it woiild siuli ui easy bhing tor iiim to xn im]i. sed apon. Vnii !■■ i ii . ■ 1 1 1 i ■ ■■ ii-. l'-y's wie. BJMJ iniw slü' 1 1 inil.-i-tl him in lus work iy her worldly-mliwledoess .'m 1 lier teathers and Howers, all tihe jmiiis an] rufflea on the Jren'8 clothes. And thcre vías Mr. Masün. is good a man as I is in t Jio world. One i ttne Lord's ii oboeen, lut iiis wlte cauldn't adapl bersell i o lier si1 ua1 Ion. Sh'e was aJwaya In hoi water wiiii s mE : 1 1 f ■ tnembers. ih1 vromld speak ■ mi lier iniiid. Ministers' wlves eau not speai au1 tüelr m m lts going agalast the graiu witli thelr iiusii.-imis' parishónerij. Sou know the churoh feit snrry encogb to dismis-- Mi-. Matton, was a pöwariul ]ii-o.-u-1ht. luit his wiif was the stuinl).iiiü' blOC4t in his va . J nu mlghi giei caughrt jnst that way. and his usriulncss liindt'i'i'd. Miss CatliU kiuiws iimv to take all Borta and slic's one tliat WOin't !:■ run dVer, ciihcr. by tiioee women in c ■ i-y ctunrch Who wam to bO captains, and have thekr. OWD way, likt' Mis. Deècon Jotves, and Abner Whitney's Mvuiui wifc. Vm (fotng to Invite Miss Oa-tlln wilh tlic 1'illsUurys ni tea tODKKTTOW niiiht ." 'J Jic ilcaciiM was in his cha ir wlir.n his wife iiuishfd speaking, and BBH was 1 - i" t tO her iwn thinifilits. Woen John was Iniormed i lic next by liis mui lier that shc liad Liniicd a yomng lady to take ta wit'h lüni, and toid ghe was Just the ome tor a 'e wiiv. John sniiled, Int t (udy said lic wduld pleased bo me lus mother'a idea ol a prospecliw mniistcr's wiic. It was vidoat wiii'ü i in' visii was over thai Jolm Avas nut vwy cm liusiasi - over liis in 1 1; lu-r's gTieel . deacou i ui.l his wife ihnt it was liis opinión that Joton w.-isu'i civit and above pleased with Miss ('atiiu. "Il is in vnin yini spread a net in siur. oí any bird." l!ut was (in'.y golng in 1 i1 tBOttne a few dnys, and ii big ni 1 1 1 ii ■ wmid oniy bring aboul meetiiiss ci.niiiih witli Miss ( 'm t lin to guar■ .i.iim's aéking to eorrespond witli hor, slic was shit the matter would be adjustrd tu h.r satisiaction. 'I in-re wap evM Btly soanethlng on .ii hn'a inim! - "som I itn ; that wviülu'd heavy." liis mother sald. Il It . l he could r.oi gel a i dmi'vli. slic was ci'i't ain he as wo&ryiag tor uothtag. Of cóurse, witii his tálente, lie wauldni liave to pread] .■n-ound a a candidato loog. Il'.lt that was nul whnt was mi .1 ulin's niiud at all. Hr a pondertog how d teil his mother that his wlle had .ilivaily been fselected, umi Mint hr had liad i pleaaure i maklng liis dwn aeltctkni. u waa inói after hls motifi er'8 irm. Jiowcvci-, as the pettl _ 11 11 Woodruil was axactly the op poeitS (H .Miss Calliii, and h was siii-r, mcntally. as wrll. [ w .i .- mi Borry hls &holc bad not come i;p to (hls mot hfi-'s standard. tOr her sake. All '!h.' kucw ;ilnut it was t ha t Annif just suilcil liini. Wlictlirr sh' wnulil sui; liis niiii In-r and liis parisliomera was quite anotlher question. lïut w'.iy siniuid ministers have b pmeaciribed type i wlves dlifereni drom meo ? A good ri ■ ras a : u Ife anyu lid-i'. '■.MoflHT, dcar." aaid J.otao mi.. ttioming, wlit-n liis mol lic.-,' was ri)ll'iil I he crust in' lus fa vurit.' jiics, "I hope 1 shall find a wi.C wiio eau makr a - good plea as you rail." "Miss i 'at'iiu will inaki1 a splt-inlid .iad jus!, wlfe for y,.u, Joiua, in evexy particular. She eau lcad t!i' missionary meetings, and omtun's prayer-meetlaga, and can nu out anythJng al the sewing bociety witlioul aiiy na 1 1 . rus. and is tl discre i p Taan ! ei er kncw." "A high recommendatian, sureJy. I'.ul u.iai wi'.l yiiu lliink wlh'ii I teil ycm 1 1 1 : 1 1 I have a'.ri'aily emga.ged in.v wii', miiiI'm'j-. and that abe is just il1 .■ ... Miss i tin, as tar as I oain fuctge ?" Wiiy. John lir.ivi's i" exclaimed the -licii mol ber, laj ing down lier ng-pin, wliirli [ell apon Ule floor u i.n b i i-finciHiDus aoise, "when did y.iu have time, wlth all your tiicoi studies, tu lnm; op a unit?■' 'I didu'1 Bpend inuiii TiiiLc liuntlsg ÍOT her ■ I .!.■ !. ■: il placed ber, in hls good prwvidence, in my way. I Sippe you i i I hei tor my sake, inoth■:.■■ "l'in surt ui orerwhelmed! John, and yon must excuse me II I tlo nut say enougti in tavor oí II jus: m ," Ur stD iiim1 ilnwii and picked up tlu' l'iill!im-]iin. "lliat rainy Sunday was a BOTl sliaduw of coming i'M'ius all around, deacon," ehe sald, aa Joha passcd out (jï tlic door and the deacoo eeme in. "John'a got liiw wlle fill plofeed out and secured, and she is juel tlic oppoeite ol Miss Oatlta." "Dldn't I téll you, Phflury, thai iiiotiH'i'K can't piik nut wivrs ïor tlieir boys? If I'd niairiiMl Martliy Stoñe as motber waoted me bo, 1 wouidn't been hall aa wel! oíl as I am now." ■Wi'ii. iU-aciin i suppose vmi are rig. John," ih r;il!.il. "ifs all riiilit. Whi.-rvcr yon brtng home [or a. (lanuliter. 111 receive uní lio th i is-, by her I oam." ■■i üu.-ss .líihn's go( judgment i ■ 1 1 1 . u _l 1 1 tu pie-'. out a suitable aom patnion,"' liis iatlicr. "Vii,i an wise, iiiv si n, im moke yotir baígin ■ i ni be ore yoi gi i a cill Mil s.'t;;' d.nvu in yinir [leld oí labor. An unmarriEl minister i-n'i doe :i cinircii w:i ii t - i.i gel le. We íii'Vt'i1 '.v;i!'I ■■! iMir ol 'i ni. '1 ül be mi--' lesa talk amooig tlir wDincu tojkg, ycni know." Slx ni ii:;i later whea the Rev. (o-.'ims reoelved a cali feo setUe ;it l;urUaiksvllc, he aiul Anuir ÍVoodruH riT marrled, and wheo he Hroujilit her home to niako a visit witli his íatricr and inirt her, tlic licar.ii sald : ■Wei!, riiiiury. leí .ii hn akme for plcking mu. a wi.i'. He (lidn't need any hJp, siu'a a pretty, ín-iüii t Httle ereatuire as sftje is. To be Bure Mu' doeflm'1 look gtoui enough to bold lifi' ü m-jiinst a Int cií uiiriily slicc]i jiushi and imliiny: against Iht, imt m.iylic .lidin won't haví' niany suclí ineinlx rs. Sonif limes su, di little vniiHMi ge1 a&oag better t'nan the biir ornee, l'iks bfndl 'em kind of softly. and dnn't jostl( atiainst "iii beauee iii-y are bo smafl there's danger oí stcppinir on to 'fin." ïears aJtBrwardÉ wfluea the oM deaooa and !iis -vife viflited tlicir sou John, .iíiit he liad been installed oer iiir Cargest chnrdi al Crawford City, licard bo nnK-li oí thefr son's ■'e's poputority among heír husbaoid's iiarisliiiiiicrs. tlicy iclt Bure that he owed hia Snocess iu a greal measure to 'is good wife. "Tli!' tmth le, I'iiiinry." said the (Y;if .11. "a ininistfi-'s w i ■ needfl lo hlaye plemty oí good common senae ; wliat we Bay in Sew Kimlaml. 'good, sd!iid horoe Benee,' an-d Jobn's wiíe's u .;i i;. "l n m ' ihf Christlan graces, jusi as muclb aa eharity and - , a and all i h" real o f "em." "I doinM see how Bhe stands it all," íiis w i e. "It'a i'iirx. rintí. ring fpom mon ttlng inüil nigpvt. 'I lia! uiii i! esn'1 more tbau .n-ct down Btalrs i .■,. re ■ ■- i 'i go ap agato. e Um'1 niMiiy uii-'.s ln owr town '.il lint up wit h snrli a Blgh i " trampiiiii-. HaU of thé callera bettèt gtay al home and temt to thrir own i ttó'aess, -n - . . - ■ ïMiui m BOQie ,i : ,■;:. nmir nu. Taklag 'iT ' i-IH' o her houaework amd the ehildren, liliiiü' tong storii's witlimit any ln'ail -il i.i ' ■■in. makiing complaintfl ai;wai tfhelr aeíbbors and brylng to gel her name om to aU sorta : Bpi i ■!;.- pap i1-. ■ 1 1 1 ii" iris ! o be so e ui: ainui slgning iiii.iu. because slic m's wie and hér nam.' mlsplaccil woulil injuri' the cause. Hut slic manage tbem all so wcll, mul doesn'1 even ciisturh .idini when he is In lus siudy. tu aek what lic tliinks aboul Vin all. I ask lier Bometimes i: she isu'i tired iir.-n-'.y to deetfc, bal she :i!v.Mys looke sci cliccrful ni'l siiys, ■i . do, mol her.' 1 doo'1 WSleve Miss Catite wuiili! h;ivi' donë aa weil." "Dldn'1 I teil yuu. I'liilury. 1I1.11 uien wbuld raüier m.ikc thelt own sclTti(iiis. especially life-long, tha1 you oain't take hack and exciiange l( tíhey (i.n't snit. Ministers aire ; ; - 1 ■ 1 l ' iiiiii-li likc olhcr uien, a tet i. 'riiry fw-efec 1o picik nut thelr i !i wivcs, and I linies thcy'iv aJ rlgtht, ton."


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