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IN the senate on the 3d an amendment to tne llver purchasing repeal blll was offered. It revives the free-coinaife act of 1837 and remits 20 per cent of the import duties on goods trom countries whieh accept the American Standard dollar. The repeal bill was taken up and discussed. A bilí was introduced permitting the railroads to pool trafile under restrictions - The house without transacting any routine business resumed the consideration of the iederal elections repeal bill and was addressed by Mr. Northway in oppositlon to the nseaKure. IN the senate on the 4th, after the approval of the journal and tbe introductlon oí a few bilis of minor importance, the silver purchase repeal bill was taken up and discussed by Senators Iiutii;r and Blackburn, each pleading for a compromiso of some sort In the house the questiou of war claims was brought up and disA substituto for the election laws repeal bill was introduced, the northern democrats, after au informal conference, deciding that the Tuoker btll was too sweeping, and this , tute was lormulated to meet the objoctiuliS The senate on the 5th spent the entire day behind closed doors in the consideration of executive business. The greater part of the time was devoted to a discussion of the alleged violation of the rule principie in the appointment of men aa Indian aents in one state who live in another ...In the house a number of bilis of minor importance were passed. Tbe federal eloclion Iras repeal bill was then taken upsndMr. Mvurav addreased the house inopposition to tha measurc. IK thr ■■nate on the 6th a resolution was introduerd for a special cummittee on the improvement of the banking system of the country, which was referred to the flnance cemmitli repeal bill was taken up and Secator Cali addressed the senate in oppositioii ', isure In the house, after the reading of the jourmil, the federal election bill on upand Messrs. Hainer, Hicks and Ray rtenounefd ihe [.ffnding measure and Mr. lirooksíiire defended it. DOMESTIC. Furtheh adrices from the terrible storm whieh swept over a portion of the southern Btates are more appalling than were at tirst reported. All along the south eoast of the gulf is death and destruction. The total number of lives lost so far as reported was said to be 207, and the property loss wouldfoot up to millions of dollars. M. D. 1ÍUNCH, postmaster at Witherspoon, Ark., was fatally poisoned by people against whom he testiiied in a hog-stealing case. The September statement of circulation shows $25.29 per capita for an estimated population of 67,S0ö,000. Fire destroyed the immense car barns of the Canton-Massilon Electric Railway company at Cantón, O., the loss beingilOÜ.000. W. W. Windle broke the world's bicycle record at Springfield, Mass., for a mile flying start at Hampton park, it in 1:58 1-5. A decisión of Judge Shepard, of the Itowie county district court, makes illegal over 1,000 marriages in the county of Uovvie, Tex. Two AitMKD and mounted highwaymen held up the postmaster at Gordon, Neb., and gotaway with two mailsaoks and a registered pouc-h. Richard Noble, aged 80 years, a well-known citizen of Mount I'leasant, la. , was gored to death by a mad buil. Paul Kazmihe, a farmer in good circumstances at Jirenhara, Tex., shot and instantly killed his wife and then fatally shot himself. Jealousy was the cause. Ralph Smith, aged 13, accidentally shot and fatally injured George Mason, aged 10, at Columbas, O. The state of Texas has perleoted arrangements for flling suits to recover over 1,000,000 acres of school lands under the act of 1883. Somk unknown person placed a dynamite cartridge between Eliza Dent and Houston Kelly (colored) at Paris, Ky. , killing' both of them. A lamp explosión in a colored boarding house at Pittsburgh, l'a. . fatally burned Mrs. Nettie Johnson, the proprietress, and Robert Madden, a boarder. George McFaddejt (colored), who attempted to assault Miss tíallie Duboise, the 16-year-old daughter of S. C. Duboise, near Moore's Cross Koads, was captured and lynched. Twelve leading residents near Columbus, Ind., were indicted by the grand jury for cruelly whipping a woman. It was said that fully 10,000 men were idle in the Mahoning valley, Ohio, and many were suffering for thenecessaries of lif e. A promiment merchant of Kazan, Novoshiloff by name, was found gnilty of wholesale murder and sentenced to hard labor for life in öiberia. He killed his parents, three sisters, his wife and his wife's parents in order to secure their property. Nearly 2,000 persons killed and 15,000,000 worth of property annihilated, is the record of the great gulf storm in Louisiana. There has never been anything approximating it since the country was settled. More than half the population in the región over which the hurricane swept are dead. One house in ten is standing and the surviving population is left in the most destitute condition, without food or even clothin,r, for nearly all were sleeping when their houses were crushed by the wind or the waves. Neal Roy and Louis ivirohr, glass workers, were drowned at Monongahela City, l'a. They were crossing the river in a skiff and it capsized. AccouDiNG to the treaanry statement the total amount of inoney in circulation in the United States October 1 was M, 701, 939,918. The net increase in eirculation durinff September was Í"l,i577,247. The People's bank of Louisville, one ol the oldest financial institutions in Kentueky, went into liquidation. A passenger train and a freight train came into collision near Dusseldorf, Germany, and three persons were killed and seven injured. CelajUiBS J. Mei.vili.e, 75 years old, world-íamed as a bareback rider, died at Pjttsbursrh. The entire town of Fulton, Ark., a town of several thousand inhabitants, was destroyed by fire. Tuk Association for the Advancement of Women celebrated its twentyfirst birthday in Chicag-o. Jiisnor Hknhv M. Trit.vKR, of the negro Methodist church, south, has is■ .il' for a conventior. t m Cineiunaci, i.. November 38, to consider lyncliings. Six prisoners dug a hole through the foundation of the county jail at Bowling (íreen, O., and escaped, one of them being a murderer. The National bank of Kansas City, Blo., which suspended July 14, has been permitted to reopen for business. ' m Miss Van Houten' iraa awardeü 840,000 aamages in her breach ot promise suit against Asa P. Morse, of Boston. PBESIDEHT IIiginbotham tendered the courtesies of the world's fair to Mrs. U. 8. (rantand party. JosKi-ii Tk.mpi.k, agent of the Adama Express eompany at St. Louis, has ordered the discharge of every clerk who gambles in any form, ineluding betting on horse races. The unveiling of the statue of Alexander Ilamilton took place in New York city in frontof the Hamilton clubhouse. Dn. Mai'.y Walker caused the arrest of Arthur D. SDoad, of Syracuse, X. Y., who, she says, is the murderer of Christie Warden at Baverhill, X. 'I., in July, 1891. She alleges the wrong uuin was hanged for that crime. OSCAB DABNXIX, of Jamestovvn, Ind., shot and stabbed .Mis-, Tillie Major and then killed himself. Jealousy caused it. At the bimetallic convention in bt. Louis resolutions were adopted Btrongly advocating the freí' coinage of silver, opposing the further issue of government bonds and demanding the speedy ïmprovemi'nt of all grcat western and southern -.viitcrw.iys. Ukv. Thomas McClaby, of St. Paul, is to be diíciplined for attenciinpf the performance of "America'' while he was in Chic Judok Long, of Detroit, will attempt to forcé the government to pay his penrion, suspended September 28. Uurixg a riot at the Iïig Four shops at Indianapolis, lud., special pólice fired at the erowd, fatally wounding one man. At the Cincinnati stock 3'ards a mad buil attacked John Maher, ag-ed 19, and gored him to death, on horn penetrating the skull near the right er. Gottfried BbeüTZE, a farmer living near GofEs, Kan., had his head completely severed from his body in a runaway accident. The body of Charles Cook, a farmer near Cairo, 111., was found in a field close to his farm. He had wandered away six weeks ag-o. V. K. IIill, of liumtown, O., soug-ht out his wife, who had left him, killed her and her inother and escaped. Joseph L. Cokxki.h's, a Harvard student, while insane from illness crawled into the hospital furnace and was cremated. lïKi.orr (Vis.) citizenswere wild with excitement over three attempts to burn the city in one day. ükn.iamix F. Tkx.nis, who assaulted anil murdered the little 9-year-old g-irl, Agnes Cooper Wright, at Hummelstown. Pa., on September 19, has been sentenced to be hanged. Charlks Phillips, of I'ine Bluft, Ark., killed Dan Bynum, whom he accused of harboring Phillips" runaway wife. Dwight L. Moody closed the con gress of missions in Chicago with a stirring appeal to close the saloons o: that city. Refkrexce to the report of the state eommerce comtnission shows the railway mileage in the western states increased during 1891-0:2 3,160.78 miles. A terrific wind and rainstorm which passed over Arkansas in the vieinity oí Little Rock done great damajre. Si.x persons weve reported killed and several severely injured. Two sectiojïs of a freight train collided near New Haven, Ivy., killing Knineers Burke and Higgins. Two TKAix.MEN were killed in a rearend collision at (ïethsemane, Ky. , od the Louísville A Nashvllle road. A skiff eontaining a fishing party oí four men was overturned in the Mississippi river near St. Louis and two of the party - Joseph Franklin and an uuknown man - were drownad. Business failures to the nnmberoi; 320 occurred in the United States in the seven days ended on the ftth. During the week previouf, the failures numbered 407, against 1S4 in the correspndinr time in W2. FoUB of the familV of C. II. Bassett, living1 near Emporia, Eau., were poisoned by eatini headcheese. The father and dau(rhter wonld die. Bï the explosión of i blast at Clinton, Ind., Audrew Lipps, i boy, was killed, and Billy lirown, a miner, fatally injured. Coknki.l university at Ithaoa, N. Y., celebrated the twenty-fiith anniversary of its opening. J. G. Wili.ia.mson, a wealthy merehant of Hawkeye, Ia., feil under a train at t-pringfield, Mo., and was killed. WhiteoaPS were gin houses of farmers near Salina. Ark., who sell cotton for less than a eertain price. 1HE exchanges at the leading clearing houses in the United States during the week ended on the 6th aggregated í900,84(,75ñ, against Ï772,OÜ8,399 the previous week. The increase, compared wiih the eorresponding week in 1892, was 30. l. Frank Spiegel, of Sandusky, O., committed suicide by hanging. He quarreled with bis wife and killed himself soon after. .f. X. Killax, of Washington, Ind., married a second time wbile his divorce was pending. The divorce has been deaied, leaving him with two wives. The E. N. Welch Manufacturing company, of Bristol, Conn., one of the largest clock manufacturing concerns in the world, passed into the hands of a receiver. The liabilities were placed at $400,009. The Chilian bark Lenorc was wrecked off Port Townsend, Wash., and four searuen were drowned. ■ - ■ It is lwi nkiiif on straight tips that scmls UKiiiy ;i man straijrlit ti hi--; t ippte. In order to forge a cüiaia of evileiice a detective oiigíit to llave a lynx '. e. Momey talks, bit the eegle on the dolloj creams. It seems to take a good deal of high wimd to blv' down a badlaw. '


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