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Crane's Columbian Harrow

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W ha j iist turned f rom our pressea i " heai pallaiiti. wiiicii to our way of thinking, must most valuable ; i yet pertainii ' Etarrow " line and urrhe Folio wing , crlptlon nf the Inventlon, and its many yi!uiiilu features: [tivatioo will I argel y Inci the corn orop baa been amply demonstrated, bat the difflculty baa been to bui ld i Burface Cultivator, practical in all kinds and condltions of BOti. The advent oí the spring-tooth laid the foundation for the Bolulion of the problem : for the springing motion preven ted ug, admitting the uso of eignt or tea smal] teetb In ttio place of four wide sho and Impartlng a more natura! and tife-like working of the soil than the sttff-t o:h haxbut it had ii faulte. The too tb Boon got dull and in hard ground would Bprlng back and drag tliroiiK'i the ground instead of cutting ita uw n u ay, til us msking it draw hard, . na do poor work. In hnrd groand it would no t go in like a shovel, and in the greftt prairie country o! the West, wou ld not scour. Keallztng these difflculties the inventor baa brought oul a tooth combioing all the advantages of a Bpring-tooth and shovel, and also the exceedfngly valuable feature of ihe attachment Of any kind of tooth, and also being adjustableto any positlou deslred, making the Bpring-tootb now a complete tooi. For fallow-work, or in amall crope, especially in cornj ust Btartlng, a one-iourth inch point is used, the fondera are not needed; the ooint is turoed a a to thxow tlie dirt allghtlyfrom the plant so that inrfectprotectiou to the plant is effected, and aleo ifte beat of harrowing is done. As the plant grows larger the points are turned towarda tliem. Later on a three or tour inch point is used, and nually to finish, a wlng or abare polnt i used. whleu will throw the soil around the hill up the plautsto sui the most fastidious. so tu speak. Byuslngthe one and oue-fourth inch point for harrowing np corn stubble in the spring for oats, harder and toughcr ground can hv handled more thoroughly and enectually than by iniy otlicT harrow. Ir is, of course, wnolly unnecessary to add, ry progressive farmer knovrs, that oata do mm-i' better on corn-stubble thoroughly harrowed. than ploughed, besidea allow Ing oí niuch earlie'1 and qnieker BOwing, and thereby permittlng the farmer to avallhlmsell ol the Incomparable advantage of the very short timein t)ic spring for early sowing of ;its. which alone Mworth many times thecostof ;! harrow. By the use of the share points, asper cut 1, i shnilow cultlvation oan be obtained to. 11 very greatly appareut proflt. j;y lts use the surface can be all worked, and uot a weed or spear of graas missed The shares should be three on asldeand set abont one inch deep. By the use ui mould-boards the trencb ■ made for the poteto. The potatoes can be covered. the crup tended to perfection, and Mnally hilled op and Buished by the use of the mould-bonrds - two or three n a sido. A descriptivo circular pertainlng to the'advantages of "Surface tultiratiou" will bemost cheerfully contributed by addresalng either G. C. Crane, of S tony Créele, or, R. G. Barnes, oí Ypsllantl, -Micli.


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Ann Arbor Courier