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'Ilii' iiuls distance teleptaone la n Aun .Vi-lxur. mil it is a Buccem. l.ast Thursday aítci-ni'on the newspaper inen oí the city, I)r. Aunvll. See'y ';nif, i 'i. ií. Oarhart and two or tbree miiirs ai rniversity, aesembled it tJi' -n t i-;i i Tetephone office of tliis city tu test the worktngí -í the new metallic ar lang dtstxuáce Une, w liirh has just oji-ened :iu Office in tule central telepbone excnange. The party aBeembied apon tbe invita t ion of Tbos. J. Keeah, the local superintendent ol telephone excha.njre, and was chapariincd hy .T. F. De I.anii. sup't oí the Michigan Bell Itelepíuooe Oo., asslsted hy E. D. Ti-mvbridge : the ontstaat beiiig bhe principal cbaparane tof the occasion. Sairhmw was called up in tbe tirst p ut. and convcrsation was cari-iccl mi as casily as fi-inn any points in lic city, and mucii more aatisfactocy, as lih'iT was jki induction, and no niiisr t lic line. Il was still and quiet, and the Umi ol the volee u as as disiinmiisli.-ilr.' as U in private "i".-sa t mi in a iiiiiíii. ib. n Detroit, t .1-1 Huron, Cieve,ii.l. ( iliin. and ( hioago, 111., all ans! r.nd nol a partiële ..i i!i íicully in hearing wiiat was said. even in a in. viiic ■. It was siinpiy astoolshing, and almOBt un,iilc bul lor t'he f.u-t that every : s to t'he wdii(lerlul trut ii. Oo . Dean held forth with au exCi'lle.nt ciinvei-satiinialist at Sa.uinaw; Preskleiil Angelí wotoe Qp a n-ady bajker at Clsvelamcl : and Mr. lrr.e:iuf trled to get the stairi ; the flaily paper and find out the outcome oï the vacht race in -New YijtU. luit the gentleman at the New York end of the lijie was iunnnuit or very retlccnl, il was diiiicnit bo teil which. The vnice l'roin New York was l.'ss dlstlaact tlian trom the other places. luit yet 11 was plainly heard. Mt. Trowbridue, who by the way. was a student oí the l'niversity. is a gentleman h eertainly thoranghly imilei-stands his business. lle told us amomg ntlier thlngs these facts : The wire n-cd is wliat. is known as X)1). and s H7 per cent. pure Lake Superior copper. Elgbi hunlred .)iuids ui tliis wire are Qsed to the in ] ],-. anil iiirty poles arr requlred in tbe same distaive. The wire is so soit that it Ktretches Uy its iiwn weigttrt, and thtis reqnires more p than is (irdinarily iisd. Tliè cumpnny has one man to evcry Hfteen miles Ol the !:ne tO patrol it. Aun Arbur s 011c ol i 'ic Iirst paCE8 iu tiic si a bo luí vi' the advantages ol tibia si'i-vki'. a fect her peopte will no doubt apppeciat. The charcos seoiu somcwhai hlgh, lmweviT, at tlie rate of one cent pee alie, loe Uve minutes talk. LOt ttbe cimversatioii is so pri-í.rt inany wiíi be tempted to use it. rhere is ftO luim oí tlic sti-cct c.-irs. or .-iny atítuer DAise ta.1 bothers. Don't Want the Earth. Some people would have t that ladies want the earth, but this impression is erroneous. It is a fact, however, that they want A PRETTY HAT, or Bonnet. They want it verv murli, and generally get it. We invite the ladies to see if styles and price-i in Hats and Bonnets is not correct at No. 10 E. Washington Street. A very fine line of babies' and Children's Headwe r ! ust received. Mrs. J. M. Morton. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OK THE bs Ark Saviigs Bank At Aun Arbor Michigan, at the close of business, Oei 8, 189S. RE80UEI and dlscotmts a ,-,; -. bonds, iiiortgages, etc 21 75 Overdrafts 550 75 Banking house 10 00 Kurnlture, flxtures and siitVty deposlt vaults... 13,746 48 Other real estáte , 1 - L'urretit expenses and taxespald 2.489 18 CASH. rom banks iti reserve Due from other banks and - . 415 00 from school district, No. 1 .... !.Sl in and cash .... 1. - and pennies 16 :oln 20,0 Sllver coin . .... -j..")00 00 ü. S and Nal lona! Bank 83,860 i' $157,11 21 64 01 LIABIMTIES. Capital stock pald In f 0,000 08 Surplus (and Undivlded proflts ■ ., m DlvJdenda nnpald DBPOS1T8. Commercial deposits subject to check ... 167.219 25 Commercial certificates of deposlt Savings deposits 545,16193 Certificates ol deposit.... 60,768 79- $773434 97 $981,952 01 STATE OF MICHIGAN, ('oimty of Washtenaw, ss. I, charles E. Blsoock, Cashier ol the above iiuik. do soliiniiiy swear tlmt the above Btatement is truu tó tbe lies: of my kuowledge nnd belief. CHAKLSS E. HI8COCK, Cashier. Ittett: ciiiusriAN Mack, I.. Gbi v. i). Haekiman, l'ii eetors. Subscrlbed und sworn to before me tliis 7th daj of on. MICHAEL .1. FRITZ. Notarv Public.


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