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F. A. Waplea, '98 medie, practic big Id Nebrask. C. K. Stewart, '98 h rcneop., prac tlclng al 8t. r.-uii. Mlnn. KenoJs i more popular tJim u -u.-ii Uhke i.iii. i: saetí a t tiinir could be. The I ni M. (l.fcat ! the l. A. C. .11 indi ii.-iii sniunlM.v. it Detroit. TIhtc wlll probably be another joint debate thta year, betweeo Wlsconeln amd Michigan. V. W. Blflhop, p. ''■'■'■ l"'l'ls t!lt' ch.iir oí Greek and U-itin at the Weslevan Oollege, Camcron, Mi). 'iii.. reception glvi iy the Wíii.-in's League last Satorday p. m., as a ci-y pleaeaní affair. Xbe literary Bocietlea are a'rjady .- a ; v , ■ and active, and preparing ío-r tbe intcr-coücgiati' ora-toriea] coat 'st tliis M'asun. One student on E. Washington rt. lias ínun 1 nil so clir ip in Aun Arbor, iiiat be keepe three lampa borning in ïiis rooms. It lias been declded by the Athletic Assd iütiüll t-o liol 1 a iii-ld day Saturday, the cvcnls to be op;'ii tu ti1 (■■ntii-c l'nivcrsity. Tbe si!]iii(ini(ii-i's do nol appear n liavc su.ficirni cMiiifiilinrr in trbeir physlcal ciiniiit ion tu enter into the ïteld day conteste, and hare Uierefore lliM-lillril t dl) SO. Thf junior laws will pBM throiisli t lic 'str.i(,nlinnrily delicate and trykng Tiie.ii ; electing ofOoera, tJvree W4't'ks irom mcxt Satnrday. I'.c yr rcaily (ar tlic fi-ay. Dr. 1'. ('. Mrycrs. "83, oiKal.iniaz )o, li.-is ;iu ai'ticle iii the Octolor immber of Tbe I'liysician and SurgcOQ, upon "TypboM l'ovcr and ib Treatini'iit wltb Coid Water Baths."r.if-Lo]) Glllesple, oí wBeteni Mlchijran, ha.s placed In the library as a memorial, a class album, whldi was iiu' property ol ïii.s aon, now deceaaed, VfilO (1 in '71.- U. O' M. Daily. THie -wciiiinsr togetber of th two siuiirnt'.s Leotnre Aflsoebttlonti will result in gooil. It conldn't reenlt iu anvt hinir i'lse. It is botter foc all conoeraed, beócuim in unity tbere i strengUi. Ir. .T. Mueller, of the School of Technology, at Upsala, Sweeden, was in the city laai week looking over I nivvrsity. He lias been viitini; the Exposition ;it Chicago, in am official capacity. Harry D. Jewell, lit. '92, who is probate register for Kent county, baa heem admití ril tn practl e i:i ili ■ l'nitcil Btate coarte, at Washington 1). ('.. betnB ihc youugeel oí i luit band of patriots, it is said. X5m 1,-nvs would ;ill go down to Detroit mul vote Prof. Griiflp tor coogpeea ttext montb, if they could. 'ot because they deelre to Ii.-iyc blm teaye tere, imi because they respect hiin ïnr lus many ííood qualilit'S. Tile edátocfl have tie me.terlal and llic (l'tcinnii:itii)ii. ;ui(l wil] niako the ni'Nt Issue O'f the Wrinkle auDerloc ia cvcry way lo the llrst issue. Nevel h.-is a coUege Knima] been recetrod wltb the wacmtb that Uiis ome has. II is a glortous success frotn tinsi. -u-I . Ii ba a jiity tii n i uní enoogta . .h ainong pome ot i h gradii.itrs of tibe ü. i: M. wiio h.-ivr made ilii'ir fortune in lile, n dómate a amall portlon of tliat fortune t tbelr alma mater tc cstalli-li a írw scholarships. Theee wouM bè grea.1 imluceinriits tn dram studente. Meeers. wís.' and Parsoaa, expericn cii iciot ball players trom Aan A.rbor. are now coacMng n ii : ■ Normal foot ball team, wblcta meete tor pracUce at tiae fair growaüe (rom t to C. - Ypsilanti Sent nel. 1 ii poesible tliat ïpsilactlans have tu .net their neigbbora t teach thetn liow tu kick? 'I he 1'. oí M. Ucplllllir 111 Ulll ÍS rigdvt mi íik íf'i. ni'l alive to 1H' ttmee. í. W. ruller bas been choseo ]MTs'nic?it of ilnL club i" succeed A. K. Hltchcock '98 lau. vh N ii m iu tJic l'nivcrsity this yetar. Ruasell Bege, oí Nw ïork City, li ■ ! vraa so íortimalv as lo rsrapc thc ilyii.imitr liriid SOtne I Hile :i;d, has opened ap liis pune Btrinsa a trille, and ,i;ivcs to tlii' Troy I'cnial' OoHege a domnltory costlng :?0.). (muí. 'i ■]). r. oJ M. do fa ii"i waní a flonnltory, but ü áoee uní ;t $200,000 art hall. Hn-r a chance inaki' a gmaS tanreetmeni and ii.ui.l iimvn :n's name ti posterlty in ;i sage v;iy. T ömlverelty aul ii rit i is here desire t flnd 'iit aometblng aboul Bocal'ed n-w syBtem oí he&ting Introdnoed In ttie gynmasiain at Yale, hy blOWing colli Btr over COilï Ol plp ■ lie;it'd by 8 team, iiiy can Find an tiiai may be oT advantage m thcm by .isccrtainiiiii ln)v thissysbem WOrkOd at I "lint . ia the state institutiom for tlie deal and dumb, whoiv it was tricd ycavs ano. and was inadequate t tbe dentand, and thcown out as a failnrc. 'I'lic lact tliat the medica] ment ia altead oí last year in pont if ■mi i tnilance, is vcry rati 'yinj; to tbe l'niversity mui Inrit (■s, and pioves Urn the people deoaand the ix-st in (MlncMtinai as woll as in all tliings 'l-r. Tbe iact is quite aetonishlng, also, tfhint niitwithstaniiiii'i tbe hard t nies, the of the requlrememta in tJüs (!cpMrtm(iiit, and t lic inflnriicrs ■workinir in som i]uartcrs bo disoonrMii'c st.udiints rtroin ontra-inp lvorc, tha1 the jumiiMTs are eoratantly inereasThe AVrijik'.o, tlic m-w DnlTerslty huiniM-ous paper, wblcb made its Ihiw to tbe public last l'riday, met witli as warm a weeptlon as any puWleation ver gwtten out ly fche Btudenfle. OonaUering iiic ïmn-y In whlch it was issiH'd, it is ain exceedlngly credit.-iiir periodtoal. ItB Uluatratlcms are uot only good in a mechanlcal wny. luit they are potnted and Iiumoi-ons. Tbe BBblect matter is jrnoil and the Jokes are bew anil iivsh. Taken as a . -wliolc or in any otliiT way. Hue periódica] is b nfccess, and its ion.iulcrs nnrï editara eau congratul.itc ttoemselVee tbereon. 'J'liis is a vcry (liffioult Beid to Bucoeed in. aleo, wüitob makea the raoeeas all the more praise-wxx-thy. The 2,000 copies of the iirst edition w?ire wn dlsposed of and calis foc more made. If jou (lesii-c tu pasa a íew pleaaant bemra to relieve yonnr stidy and boh,ning, batoe the WirtnUa and laugti al lta jokes, (iintl merry over lta iim. It is tibe th' ymi want.


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