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Wool Growers' Plea

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i'u'.l.iwini; is tlu' addrees adopted at a mase meeting oí tí woel growers ni Ote Dnlted States held in Hall, at fabe Worlil's Fair. OD 'i'liursdav and l'riday, Sept. 28 and 29. i.ack ni 8pac prevented Ita pro ductiim Ín fiill at the tim : Tiic wo.ii growera ni lie United States, in mass meetlüg as-fiiiblril, nii tíL tiir V(irii's Columbian Exposltton, at Cbloago, to peo pie, tbe president, and oongress í tune Onifed Btatea, seod greeting and declare : Th.-u ihr wdoI growew "f the Dnltcil States can and with "ínll and adequate protection loe ttoe wool lndutry" wlU soan ptocteoe all öhe wool aad mutton ided for consumptlon in tbe Dnlted Stares. DEM.UfD rol! i'iiiitb tivk DÜTMS. W dvmaiiil su,-!i "tai] aod adequate ]ir, ■ ooi growlngand ; inilusirifs ;is will aaatrte American o 1 growerg and 1 maimiiactupers t Bupply all needed wooa and woolen soods, riu-r i wotuu be or mcaicuiaDie ni m all tin' jicciiiic oit iiis country and injunuus nu;y tO [OTeign peoples. Tlic ability oi Aiiiciicnus bo supply all nu-cdcd wools and woblea go btcd. W Can íiiniisli aUunilani évldence ói t iii. The'd olaiin that sumr [oreign wimi'.s ere needed minix wlth urs tor succcssiiil nianutacturc lias I n agaln and agaia dtepipoved. II it wece truc n wcmld omly Ife f. peaaoo lor adiuittiiii;- tlicisc w l 'i'iir people oí i he Cortea 81 ates congume anmially 600,000,000 pouii wooi om unwashed baels, lesa tban halioi whloh Isproduoed in thte country, iml tlii' realdue tmported In the ïnrni of wool .'nul woolen g te bom Out present number (A slheep, 1,000,000, pro,;,,,.,! h, 1892 al 10,000,000 potmAa o4 woofc on ttoe unwa: hcd basis, ana Uñe residuo WH iinp ..;;!■ 1 898, in WOO) 1'S.438,836 and In "' of ode 132,1 18,473 poiïnds. Ow pres, 'in aúmber oí efaeep, 45,000,000, Bbotiid be, and itli adeqi bectiv (luti.-s bood 'a nula be Insed by 55,000,000, ma . 100,000. ADVANTAOQ TO CARI AVii'a eudequAte pro uwl U11" , i ,. ndlti 'i!. tliis Inorease ïvowW add $150,000,000 I i tí vaiu.,,í om Docie, amd add mare than $70,000,000 ;uinua;iy to tfae Inconw ,, tarauen by Uw sale ol addltlooal Wll aóding $80,000,000 oc more annually li auilitionaj „um,!,, sheep. '1'liis would adel too t4 -toxable wealth al tne cuiin-. Mini &ld in relieving tbe present bur,i,.n oí ' cal taatiini. Thls Incí of stoeep wouM mnkc en lncreaaed deiiuuul tor 12,000,000 aores A addl,-,l land n: tftw average iimtivc eapacity i chief agricuinirai Btates, ana winiid make a niarkct toe 20,000,000 ailditumal loas ,,í hay. besidea 20,000,000 bmaiielí i cora and 20,000,000 im.-hcis tíl oats, and by tibe iiicrcascii demaod would Increase Mee prtoeoiaíH tinwe aod open the Avay for tnoreaeed crops, especially íicw si ates, mnd tlius incn'as,vai-.i." ol lamds In all ttoe gtates. TSiese ooodltlonB woaM enable the Auh'íM-aiis t utilizf in silbeep husbandry ;,000,000 ol tlne 89,916,897 no-w ammally parodtwing 100,000,000 brabeüs ol surplna r overproductíon ,, 9i heat, bo be boM art rulnouely low pricea in fareign markets in competiUon witii iiic ciiriip labor ol the Kast Imlics, Uussia, and eöwwbere, Mms depreestng ttoe Amwrlean iarm prl( ],„„■ bo 50 i-ts pen Iw vaiur. AViiii the proper mimber oí sheep, Aiacrican tonnen v, onM add bo 7604,515 2,060,145,000 bus) i In ls'---. iilul bo the 25,581,862 acces proctaclng 788394,000 brabeta ol aata in tlw same year, and by aö snel iiKikc au adequate market and falrly rem American prieea hw all [arm producís, Includlng wool, pi'ovitted iJn' tanners couM tave s-.u-n protectl-re icsiisiatio.ii aa wouW sim .■11 mui.. ■ ,s od tJxe product and i -. and Uwie glve irsperlty to all the in'!1 I tbr wll j pouxud ol lori woot, i:■ equl-valeal t au imii.ii-; ol th" foïeJgn graas, hay, ■ ,,,,; i hal makc ii. W pose the import oí Bueh agricuiturai ,„.,,,: Uueee, because cmr interesi le bo produce them on out owb íarnií. Wr Sector iiiat (ree w , aa ow the iHilu-y ui the ircsidrul ;iml : e poctioo ol membera In tiir presen coogresa, wüi suUsinniialiy destroy BBe Ain.-iiau WOOJ industr.v ; 1 1 1 ï l thereby Injurlouaiy affect all nliirs. especiatl; depreealng the prlee ol iiirni jmxlucts anil Impalrlng i lic value of famiB. INJÜ8TICK Oï Tin: Mll.l.s BILL. The Mills bill of 1888, peaeed by Hie houise of representa! i ves, bul u,,t by ttue Benate, propoaed to place wooi end rhiny-two otiicr art! proOucad pon American [arme, on the tree Ifet, wfclle gtviag to iiianuiaotimis ;i protectlon ol I" cent, and efforts are now belng mode bo secure a tarlff, Umm dlscrimiji.-i t against [armera. Budtt a sysiriii cooW oot, n aay fuel semse, be n garded even as " tarlfi fo revenu ,-r.i i inti iially du all imUistriea. bul wouM bettMWtile to tannerB, sacrlllctog Bhelr industries, subjecting lii.'iu mi iin.iust and unpeceasaxj riüh competlttaa, redaeing the prlce ui all auricultural product, while alding and tavorlng manuíactorer. tiiis diacrúntnation axainst en ? wiiy tuis protlered brlbe to maimíai-inm-s? Will tí farmers tolérate bo gret ;m mitrase '' It is alikt' unjust. odious and iníamous. Wc virncstl appeal bo wool nianu(acturere to glve no cemntenance to lavWi nis and unlinly disriiminaiími agatafil (arméis. If BU( legLalatlon etoall be Beoured, it must be srMent i" ail men, tiiat. huw-ever ju ii - ii we iii.iy deplore it, ir,..' wüiiL wijli epeedlly be lollowed by „.... woc .1 erooáB, and so bhe imr wool mauuíai turlng Industries. Tbe same rea os arged tn ,,,,:,] il] ;,.■ eveo more a Id lavur oí woolen gooda. And. 08 Amci-ii.ui íanncrs aml vtn growen, we declare t i íriiUe we lavoisuri, protective dutfea aa will en Ainciiriin man to supply all oeedetl woden mttmiiactiipes, yet ií free wooO la miad ■ I tue permaoeat polcv ni khte oonmtry, tlve Ajnerloan peopie will ncvrr mumuíi tO -u. h iiixiii.1 Ion in favor "í woal maaulacturlag Indtwtrles. ílhej .-'Vl' emptoyíacnt to iui lew people as compared wttfa tUe militan . wool prowera who i oited Sta bui lew as compares wit .1 all engaged la, ! ;y iu uUural pursiiite, embraclng ■ ttoan lia.lí i lic Am. I1''1'.,n: 101: HO FBBB WOOL MAN. 1 1 1!. in.i. pi wc km. fust, s;i esaeatlö)) bo Khe welfare oï tbe ttiin iiiat wc iïoi ■ ; it is erar ufii ana nol tO BUppOTt l'nc noniinitiim of, or vote (or, any man for any poUlieal Office wliich eau in aiiy ■;.,} aii"ct i toe v, U-Il I .- n.ii in iavor "i etlve iluii ■ a wiil give to American wool ■, ere tbe prlvüege oi supplying all , eon mption In Dmited States. The wo -1 gro an.l ottow farmera , Dnlted 81 aml all wrteps -h: regard the inbea ,■-, - oí American people are eárneetly urged to adopt tiiis aa the proper line ol iic.ütkal actkm. We are tved po longei to art on the dsteneive, Uut wc are detrrmin.'d to wage au aggreseive poUtical rare om all wtoo i'llis' Justlce for wotíl growers. The time li;s come, in view oi tiic ttareatened peril toomtodnetry, when larmers should assert aU tbe politica] power in tiiciv liamis ïiv tbe ballot, and all the Iniluence iiiry can otherwise ezert, that meaeure oí just leglslatloo which we demand. And bo secure iiiis, nil (Hemde oí (uw wood iadustry lloul(l tvnitie with the ;ed in all otner Annertoan proöuctive Industries, Id ai i ni a eommon piurpose io promote ttte proeperity (A sil, 'r are opposed to any legislation ttoe objee-i í whlch te to remder valuless nir AiiH-ricin minee f gUver. TJie poilcy oí protectkm te so broi ó ,,s bo .-M.Mnl t kglBlation y cong to iirrscnv thr valué oí our minee ol Bltver, mí coal, a ml al aree oi all kinds. And w dectare onar pupoee bo (avor ;ill ju.-ii amd practicable measures tliav will pri'scrvi' (hisr aiiil all otluT snufcr oi Aini rii-cMi v.'al:.h :inl meana ■ vinir cnipiiu nina in labor, tüie (rii'iüis of t!n woui iu(lu-ti-.v are ready w ii li the i-ii'iiils oí all menAmerlcan lndwétrlee in retalnlng tbeir iniscrva! i(,m. We are ready to omite wit ii the frleods oi all other memaced American Induwtries In Bteting all eííorta bo detuonetize sllver au;l make gol out cmly meta] niont-y. DOUBLÉ 8ODECE OF WE.H.TH. We cpiot-;i' the Importatlon oí woote ■ rirs i os In return bul u't;il. WliiMi wi' import nol we have ii aa aa elemeni i perlshable wi'.ilih, ,-inil iurriL'i] OOtmtrlB l.-ikilor it asta have oe na edenieni oí peral H i'.ill Ii 1 11 ■ gOltl, W llicll sli'jl'.hl h.iv.' been kept in this country :unl ]ail bO Am. Tic-an w-lui gT0WETB. Mjtuoe a ü ai d d " ils we t in and the gold whlch paye lor t lirin bO onr Ainriirau Citizen, a tkrab&e 8un liili. It is not lüiiiciiii tu aee lii-u gyatem [a iest c.-ilcul.-i i ni to Ulerease and preserve Aineiir.iu weaAtih.. And we appeal to i he men oí Mil politica] partie who ciesii-e ni preaerye cmi American supply if unid, lo imite with ns ln seeuriog siuh jiroteetivv iluties ;is will keep ame goH at borne by keeplag foréSga woote and woolen goods out of tliis country. recent panic and tile cinit inned nioiH'tíiry HtrhiKency oammenced witih the oxjxirt of gold. Henee oiie Jieeessary nmedy is to SO legislatv that we will cease to p ii goM tor wool or fr woolen gods. We appeal 60 Khe cottom planters e soul 1 1 . pa states bo onite wlth in demandlng sueih protectloo íor wuoi nul ruw cotton ms will i:t Um importathMi of elther. Theré ii 1 tai-uf i.n raw fiiiiini. Hm the bas come whesn there should be. T&e Importe al ra cotton, cotbon waste, and flocks for üh. tlecal yi'ar 1892, enteced and withdrawn irom eonsumptloo wre 28,458,566 IKninds, ui tlic custotnrhouse valuc ol $8,21 1,959, beeldea cojAcn waste, nut tor paper, 218,065 poomds, ai Üw valin' of $6,856.96. The Importa di cottxm fï i!i' Kscaa yeaï l'-':'' 43,881,592 p. mutis, n, t!n' eustoni-lKniso valu.' OÍ $4,688,799. Aml iyjii. the Ewrt Lndlea, hiña. Aírica. aml Snutli A nu ri;i will lx' marketB, aml suíplyíng atoo ttoe cottoo taetorieá o! Buirope. Our poiu-y te to nuapuííicture Amer,.;ui oottoa in American tactories, Miiiply all oor people meed In ootton te, and iy reclproclty toeatlea sr.-in-,' a oeceBsary etoare oí the niarU,.t o4 ttoe wn:-',,!. mi.l f.]"TÍally ni tl,,, western hemlaph' r . I ke iiumanuiartiiv-l cottOH goods in ttoe tiscaa year 1898 were ui th CTtetom-tooolBe valué al $83,560, ,.,;i al v lúrh Bhauld have been kepi and tlicir place Bupplied witl American manmíaci ures. The va) im ■ ool. oí ■ "ol . and oí cotton goods show thai itostiee axe i ieni ly hiüli. H ,„,: h barlll; M Ib too Llttle tariff. .v,. ,:, ; ..ü-,- i.;ir readin ■ea bo unit w M (taaters i" secn protectioa aüke cotton nnd toi tor eotton ;m 1 '■■ wooien iiv PROTBCT1ON is NEKDBD. Protective dtrtle ore a ause ,ii,. erf Anstralla, the Argwntine reptiMlc, South A.trl a, and plee cap produce good merliio vrool a1 a eosi oí .-!out 10 cemta per pound. 1 i Aus" tralla, umwaáied, wlll i .i Oblo unwaí uvii oonntrirs Mrst n:imi'il liavf ,.;,,-!, over 120,000,000 bíh ep. Bheep in i feeding. Pas te '"': or a1 moet, In gome ticalltles, (mly a i ,-nis an ;h-!-.'. i - are kcTpt on raBcfoes w i up to 1,000,000 in nunnbers. WTo bO BOStOD !)!■ ,,i a i unid ; i-in London to Boeton tor ooe-qtiarter i : ■■.■ut, wbüe iri'ii;lit trom cir Bocky Mmuii.iin petoo iiy rail t: foeton c íi mu tw(i to tinc.' cents. In view ,,, iliis ii is r i'nat wilh iree svood, torelgn couutortea will supply oiir markets wi.Ii wool al prioea bo 'ow lüiat wooi growera eaanot compete wit tlu-m. Henee oui wool growers need protecitlve daties. om American m,,1 iu.íusi-y will be clr.-timvcl exct.]it to a liiniuil ext il wry clioice muttom aheep in tEê vk-inity ol uur great cities. Í'UOTEC'TION PEOTECT8. With adequate protectian [oréign w 1,1,..-: can be excluded. Under tln , su, chie duty om mermo wooos abooit 15 cante peí pound. Wit(h iii.u rateoiöutj cfow, Amertean wool growers cotüd jiroduce wools al sucJi prloes i luit lorelgn growers couW oot atiard u iay the chity and tiicir would be cxfluded. lilis is btye reasoin wiiy iurcig-n wool growi -v. aml Impartiera and some fi-s v;ini (fee woöl tío enabte forelgn WOOlS in be iiiipui-lnl. Thr pres dmv of 1 1 en ;'i ellectuajly excludea woola nom Buenos Ayrcs, sohtoh sin-ink 66 pw erait. in seourtng, bal Austrnlian woois, Bhrlnklng o.nly 50 ier cent. air ftoodlng our markets a.1 in-i.--is go hw aJ to ruin ■a uni Industry, As betweeD bietse two clasgea erf wools tlie duty is buIïiii ii . as againat Um ATgenttoe wo 4a, ttooagh ii v.cuhi non be U mad apply equally asainst both classes. Kvi'i-v pertod öl adequate protecnon lias glvea proeperity and an lncr oí oor Ftocka ; every period ol Inadequate protectlom, bas made wool gxowtng uii]iro ijabii' and reduced our ttocks. Inadequate protectlon, like bhat ia the act ol L883, alwaj i has I.,', d and nm.-i rutnous. WMV IS WOOL 80 LOW IN PEK Tune all tor a a extra si'ssum of congrees w'u'n the thpea.1 ; tree wool, inl wood inannlacliiK'is tO pay no more kw woo] durtng thla eeason tiian abcxut iri'c wooi n-icrs because thej beliered thai befare bhej could manulaciuiv tl1." wou: iiuii goode -uu! kei iicin. requirtng at leasi six momhs, tree iki woulil here. Ia sudh .-in eren-I bhey knew that thedr gocKis niiist be sold in competltlon w iiiipurt ni wooivii goode made ot tree wool. The low ])ric"f tlun gTew nit oJ tbe prospect oí tree wool ; the reality will 1m_' oven WOCBE vet . The wool gro-werp oi i .1 1 1 - United States bave tosí Urna íar, by the prospect of free WOOÉ, in the decline in tule price oí mheep, sinee the inauKuratiim Of I'i ■cuil-ii t ('lcvrlaiul, .■?7."),000,000. Wool growers haw lost in the ('.ocliiie in the pricee oi wools, below tlhose of last ai-, over 000,00(1. Scocred wooi lfl1 year vas wrortfll au avrra.üc OÍ 60 O r piiuaii in out eiastiern market ; l,)v m!y 85 itiiis. 'lilis is a (looJ 25 cents pe Bcowred pound. n prlce In 1892 below Tl,,, pricee "i 1890, nol becawse oí lir WOO1 tariíí luw. but la iplte "f t, and becaiMB I One great declixie m the priiT wl vcnls In forelgn rmitries- a decto ' more : bun -'" per .,.„, i,, one year. Uhe wool bariH a1 ,i 1890 couW nol preveat ihis nor tilie coneequeni lvlim' bere. Bu1 woois ut higher Ln prloe Uere Mi.-m fiiici-ii prives h.v mi iist i ui ially lhl. ;,„,,,, mi .: the duty. Tlic wool taritf, ui tbal extent, iliil tiras protect the tlnty 1 i-rut a pouud for (our years, wiiU-h timr tyax ü ka can be tncrwa6d suificinitiy to srapply au oeeded wwls, ana hen keep out ai] inrri" u w oola. A t USE PBETBXT. One pretest tor Becrartng Iree wool is [aam aesumptlon tiha.1 bhe Atneri,.,in peop&e would tíwreby be supplled wMÈ cheoper cJothtag. Th. lirst eli,.(i oí am adequate wooa tarifl would ,, Lncrease Ute pi : woote. liui wii ii growiog .oulii Boon ftdjusi ag conamoiic, ..." :., ili,".i ,-i1y;i.v be mili, .ii.l wtoo wi'.l object to tali American labor ? Ntnety ,.,n oí he oost í wool a labor. Amertoao pricea are, and ah i ' ■' llr tt Ui.-Mi iMiriqican prloes. B tree I apon "s and protection generally oyertihron, tdie salariee ■■ eo h -■ -■ aád pricea geiMWiaUj mu! come down- ttae debté ., ,■ ,!.,. atritos .-uní i ttoe people, w ;;; mot be rectaced ; tihey WiU n-.nain ama practically be ui becauae the meams al paying wi 1 be ,.,!. Free woon would subetanto.l3 ,;. .. American vrool Ini wimlil come the de,„■ Annerican wooi manufac i (ooreign wool gro i,,aiiu:;nMun-i-s would hare n nopoly wiürii would w owd pricee higher thaa they would be umcter Americaü protectlon. On tilia subjeci r imdoiree the tcacliinns o! .U Hen :i. W ''' f lil-st. tO I P ini"' Eurïe toto Virginia. In his r to I Bapttate, Marci 2, 1815, he aald : .■-li,(. ,,, dutiee w-e lay on all artteles ol toreigii manufacture, whir'.i faquires us bo estafewlth Ene patriot) lialion il l'cï.V gOOU riu.iu lu reign art) w lilch can !■ ni.-uir uHhin ooiireelvee, without regaipd tn (Mfferemce in prlces, gecures na ag-aimsi torelgn depeedeacy."- Jelterson's Works, vol. VI., p. 430. Am! in diïs letter to Austin. Jan. 9, lslü. h,. iavortil pTObefetiom ïor manutaotürea and decltwed hitó purpoee ol "puiPCihaelngnoüiln foceijfn where ui equlTaeat ol aonroestic can be ob,1 wii hom regard in dllference oí Brice."- Vd. VI., ]. 521. tuk DEMOCRATIC POUCT. Cniii i tue advent ol Pn'siVnt caérei .- 1 mi ,-ni politica] parties ravcred protectioo ;'.i' woog ladustry, wiiati-vit (iiici'iiicis thiTi' were as to probeotlon tor mlncw Industriee. Madlsoin Bpartwd bis snit oí Oomestle manutacture al the Ooïumfolan Agrlcultur.-a society ï Gteorgetown, I). ('.. to shxrw Draai ae ravoreo me jm-uwjum.o poHey. (Bep. D. 8. Dep. Ag. cm Slieep 18p2, p. 1T4.) im r;il Jack, wiicii a eandldate toe the presidency, in his letter tx Dr. Ootemiain, (rf April ■2i), 182 i. Bald : "Provldence tod ttBed ooii numntaina ;unl jiUiins minarais asad gi'ven iw cUmat and joil i awimg of hciup and wool. ! ■ 1 1 . ■ ' (i,ií;!ii bo bnare extemded to them adequate ftmd fali protection. 'i tue act oí i "í May l'.i'.'.u 1828, gtving high pawbective ctaties cm wool, was ii(-a tor by Beatón, Ym.ii Burea, an.l all tlie he (■llat(■ and höuKo. ': '■ 1 i'. congpeee of Mar. 3, 1883, redtifeed somewlhat the high on wooö in the aci ol March 2, 1867. In 1888, tli" oliio h" nttve ctwnmlttee Lseued a circular denouiuinii- rciiiii-i inn. and cleclaring ■'1 luii .-is prötectkm haa oma fa pronad hlghly I cl to armera o! OMo" thteprobecttan shotüd not be wlthárewn as .is a piííiMtivc pollcy is iurSllril." On April 7. 1884, cvcv democral in Oangreee u-om Ohio voted lor b Uill tO ïT.-lniT the WOOl tarif act of 1867. _ This was Indoreed tay the Ohk) ocratlc sta cr'iivfiition, June -". 1884. Om t-lie l_'-"ia of January. 1884 tlie democratie Ohki tegtelatore passeil ïoilowin.u; : ■Resolved, That OOI senators in ■ i css be .nul iirr hn-iby tafltructed anil uur represent. 'lUws reiimsteil to uae ei 11 honorable meana and voto, for tliO 'bill (to rotitoro 1ho tariff on wooj as it stood prior to the recent re(luctiwn. i'tc. 8ee Ollio laws, Vol. 81, pnge 379, laws ot 1884."' COMPENSATIONS FOR PROTECTION. If it wre even truc- as it i not- that protcctiiui wxynW peniiauently ad In COSÍ Ol cKilliin. yct tliciv re compeaujatloms tor all ttts peode woiild i.rr nutre Miau .-111111erbalBmce tliis. Pree vrool iy reucfcng íiif Bourcea ol iu-' ni' [or i.-irmis aarf imp.i Une rewards lor all mrk-ultunil industries will pul thrm q ,i piisiiinu wiieTe liicy oannot, as licy wmiLd with ampie protectton, tberally pataroniíe mettheuilcs, mer hants. rMilroads. sdiools, colleges, ml clHuilirs. The wooJ incliisliy vill ata tax payers by aharta H1 ordena oí taxattoM. tt wfl] glve anploj nicnt ni breedera bo crecí rtieep Kniaea amd barra, and to tumbermen mil hardware dealers tor material, md i,i men to c&eer and lann hands. i will utUlze bilí and iiinuiit ain sidc that wmi.ld be waste. It wouM utlizr millione erf acrei "' pasturaje Ui TeXBS, and in the ncw Btates and terrttories ttoa1 cun be uaed tot no ■ [rarpoee. It wlll hiroteh meat iDimI in greater abumdance and cheapci- ih.Mi on'.il be poeslble wiih the indusu-y dwtroyed. 'i'i'' proilt trom woo4 wlll anaWe farmera i rarnish ninitun al tem price tlian any "f meat food, i; iri'c wool anil Snee goode ome, u wttl ilif'ow wagee aatd low salaries ,,: Europe come % itih ttom, These :lVr evBB gpeater, LI possible, thaa war. peetitonee and lamine. To the meo n i.i babor, to tflie men who uwc ,:, !,;, tto !■ pald, to ► pro essora in ra In our rnmiuon . in thosi' who minister In the sacred deek, bo all wto love ue are tneplred wiih i: ' and set-k t)he b nn.r aad gjiory of our republie more üwun ;niv J any other natlom, we appeal for aid and Quence. COL0SSAÍ POLITICA! CMMK. In view oí all iiiis. and mucli i niiiiivt be saiil. wc demónstrate the proposltiom advocaifd by some memben ní oan&reaa mw tn seseion , , piaoe wool oo ttíe fee list as tlic „,1 poUtieal ■■ " ■'■-' '■ Our mines "í SAd and oí BÜveí are aomuaJly ol vast wealti, asgregating $80,000,000 (ir more. nií-tiiin. i-, 11 were posBlble, lemned iy every fcrue Amerioam èlti ■'! i'lustry, im.. toped, wotild I i vastiy greater souTce al wealth an p j oí sUyit and M. wiio would deetroy mcraetry wwild Inlllct oo our. giPeater rain than ,.,,.„ 6ver ;, by ;i i'"1 ■-" lnvadinK army. Wt grese ahiaai rcalsi thle demaad oJ forelgffl wnnl üinwcis .-md allii'S .; iis, and f'.iail give sucb "iull emá ppoteetloo" bo our wool as wiil mal-c thE American pepuMic lndspeoident ol al] uaiions Ín the nicans oí ejtotiliog OUT cltizènfl in jicacc a ml Otur siiliíirrs in war. We cali apon ian.iri-s oí i he United States, without reforance to previoua n lMi;il party aifiliat ioiis, to ze woM .üTowcrs' aseoGiatkma m cvcry state amdcounty, and adopi measte Uuur tnllueace heard h.v all leglttm&t means in u,. polls, and among all tibe MMi]ih'. F II GutNN.Ocean Spring. Miss., C It. F.iu Harpater.Onio., WlI.I.IAM LAWhESCE, OhiO., Lkvi Chubbdck, Columbla, Mo., H w. M-. i.Ki.i.AN California., Calvin Cowgill, Indiana., M.liKUT CHAPMAN, Nennont., Peteb Pampel, Wyomlng, aktihk Broughton, Wisconsln, A. A. W , Michigan, hvEs Diiak. Jr.. 1'hiladelplnn,


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