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Tuk time of the senate on the 9th was given up entiruly to considering the Sherman silver act In the house the federal electlon bilí debate was closeiL In the seuate on the lOth a petition was presented from Richmond, Ind., tor the exclusión from the mails of ncwspaper.s containing reports of prize flsfhts. An amendment to the süver purchase bill was iiitroduced and the bül itself was üiscussod .... In the house the Tucker bill to repeal the federal elections law was passed by a vote ofíOOtolOl The bill giving settlers on certain lands in Oklahoma the right to commute thelr homestead cnti-ies was passed. A bill was introdueod increasing the pensions of veterans of toe Mexican war from Í8to$12 per month. ON the 11 tb. a bill to pension the widow of the late 'irn. John M. Corse at the rateof Í100 per month was reported in the senate and placed on the calendar. The silver purchase rêpeal bill was discussed, and it was announced by Senator Voorhees that the senate would continue in session until the measure was disposed of Tn the house a joint resolution pxoviding for a recess of congress from October 14 to November 1 was referred to the commlttee on rules. The btll to amend the Geary Chinese exclusión bill was taken up and the author of the measure, Mr. McCreary iKy.), spoke in lts favor. The aenate, after a continuous session of forty hours, adjourned at 1:45 o'clock on the morning of the 13th, and thus the bill for the unconditional repeal ot the silver purchase law was carried down to defeat. During the debate on the 12th an amendment to the bill was offered by Senator Harris (dem.) which provides for the coinage of all the silver bullion in the treasury into full legal-tender dollars at the rate of 3,000,000 per month, and tt was thought this amendment would lead to a final compromise - In the house the McCreary bill to amend the Chinese registration and exclusión act was dlsoussed and many petitions were presented asking for the repeal of the Geary law. Sevebal amendmonts to the silver-purchase repeal bill were reported in the senate on the 13th. A resolution to change the rules in reference to compelling the attendance of absent senators went over. In answer to an inquiry as to moneys borrowed by the Government since March, 1885, the secretary of the treasury sent word that no money had been borrowed ....In tne house the McCreary bill to amend and modify the Geary Chinese registration and exclusión act was further discussed. A bül ■was passed increasing from 75 to 100 the number of army offleers who may be detailed for military iustruction at educational institutions. DOMESTIC. A fi.ood along the Canadian river in Oklahoma swept 100 or more farms clean of fences, orchards, buildings and other iinprovements and left the ovvners penniless. Five persons were drowned. Hundkeds of miners in northern Wisconsin are out of work and their families are destitute. Anthony Comstock opened the meeting of the social purity congress in Chicago with a paper on the work of his society for suppressing vice. Makcus Koenighein, a wealthy jeweler of San Antonio, wasrobbedof $25,000 and ïnurdered in his home by unknown persons. .Tobeph Jrfferson has been chosen president of the Players' club, to sueceed Edwin Booth, who was its founded. It was thought that the shortage of ex-Treasurer Green McCurtain, of the Choctaw nation, would reach a half inillion dollars. J. A. Johxson, of Topeka, Kan., claims to have discovered a preparation that will turn a negro white. lie sees a fortune in it. Hesrv De Wolf, treasurer of the Illinois Central railroad, died suddenly in his private office in the new depot building in Chicago. A fire at Meshopper, Pa., destroyed fourteen buildings, the loss bhing $100,000. Stephen Tobin, the Lawrence (Mass. ) bigamist, was sent to state's prison for five years. He had three wives. The city of Binghamton, N. Y., has been selected as a site for a home to be built by the Commercial Travelers' association. YV'n,L Da vis loeked his two children in his house near Raleigh, Tenn., and the building took fire and they were burnd to death. A train on the Pennsylvania road jumped the track near Whiting, Ind., and Henry Warner, of Fort Wayne, was killed and five other persons were injured. R. J. Northam, manager of the Stern's Ranch Corporation, which owns large tracts of land in southern California, was said to be short $100,000 in his accounts. By.vam & Ashford's cotton gin was burned by white caps near Courtland, Ala., making the fifth pin burned in Lawrence county within ten days. A Nokthern Pacific train with a party of thirty Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin hunters was thrown from the track near New Rockford, N. D., and twenty men were injured The official figures give the attendance at the world's fair on Chicago day as follows: Paid admissions, 716,881; passes, 43,001; grand total, 761,043. The arrest of John J. Williams at Emporia, Kan., for obtaining mouey under false pretenses disclosed the fact that the prisoner had four living wives. Pf.tek Pearson, postmasterat Lewiston, S. D., shot his wife and then himself in a fit of jealousy. They leave six children. Oen. Lucius Fairchild, of Wisconsin, was elected commander ia chief of the Loyal Legión at the annual meeting in Chicago. Gen. Fairchild succeeds the late President llayes. Firk in the Layman Cold-Storage. company building in Des Moines, Ia., caused a loss of $100,000. Burglars robbed the bank at Orange, Ia., of 87,000. After sailing six hours in the third of the international yacht races the Vigilant and Valkyri were towed in. The Vigilant was in the lead. A cobn knife used in killing the Wratten familynear Washington, Ind., has been found and gives the oflieers a clew. The gold reserve in the treasury at Washington was lovver than it bad ever beeu bef ore, standing at $86,899,008. kiisa Bxllb, the nandsomest squaw on the Puna reservation in Arizona, was beaten to death by her drunken husband. CoNBUCTOB ÈlRD waH killed and burned to ashes in a rear-end Northwestern freight collision at Dayton, la. Habbï Roman, of Oshkosh, senteuoed for Ufe from Waupun. Wis., for nuirder, has been pardoned. He hasserved twenty ;, ears. James Coluns, a wealthy contractor, was killed in i folding bed at Quincy, 111., the bed closing up on him. lic was 68 year of age and leaves a wife and six children. From an assault made upon a New Órleans. policeman it is held the Mafia in that city still exists. Thk wife of a farmer near Jerico Spring-s, Mo., died from drinking water f rom a well in which poison had been placed and five other members of the family were fatally ill. l'ismvAvs are to be established between Biassachusetts and New Hampshire lakea and rivers. At Columbus,. S. C, Judge Hudson sustained a motion quashing indictments against persons Belling rice beer and liquors under the state dispensary act. He said the dispensary feature of the act was unconstitutional. At the twenty-third annual meeting in Chicago of the Railway Superintendents' club of the United Utates, George W. Beach, of the New York & New Haven line, was elected president. AUWTOB AcKEKMAjí, of the world's fair, said on the 13th that the exposition was out of debt and had 8000,000 in the treasury. A barn belonging to the Chicago City Railway company was burned and 481 horses were suffocated and fifty cars wet destroyed. Total loss, $105,000. Thk Mercantile Trust company of St. Louis, with a capital stock of $1,000,000, decided to wind up its affaire and go out of business. Flamks that started in a planing mili at Sioux City, Ia., destroyed four blocks of buildings, the total loss being $400,000. Michaei, McGonici.e, at one time worth $100,000, was arrested as a common tramp at Hollidaysburg, Pa. The banking firms of VVilbour, Jackson & Co., and Sheldon & Binney suspended at Providence, R. I., with heavy liabilities. These concerns were classed among the strongest in Xew England. Seven brick business blocks in Waynetown, Ind., were destroyed by fire, the total loss being $130,000. Tuf. Keteham Lumber company of Chicago made an assignment with liabilities of $250,000 and assets of $450,000. Harry Evans and Johnnie Davis, each 18 years old, drank what proved to be horse medicine from a bottle they found at Alliance, ()., and were fatally poisoned. Oxe of the most terrible wind and rain storms ever known was raging along the Florida coast and extending inland about 50 miles. Reports from St Augnstine were to the effect that the city was practically submerged by water backing over the sea wall. WUXIAM LUCKLIN, a Detroit (Mich. lad aged 7 years, was given a verdict of $75,000 against the Michigan Central railroad for the loss of both legs last April. Chief Nichoi.son and Firemen Schofield, Kay, Kendall and O'Brien were arrested at Couneil Bluffs, Ia., for starting fires. Twki.vk persons were Killed aua twenty-one injured in a rear-end eolHsion between New York excursión t.'uins on the Michigan Central tracks at Jackson, Mich. The first train w;i standing at the depot when the second ran b the semaphore aud, the air brakes failing, dashed into its rear coach. The rear two coaches were telescoped and the third thrown from the track. Thk exchanges at the leading clearing liouses in the United States during the week ended on the lSth aggregated 1908,810.297, against i909,ï4(5,755 the previoua week. The decrease, compared with the corresponding week in lsü'2, was 33.7. Au unknown steamer was sunk in Boston harbor and manv persons were believed to have been drowned. Thk Missouri river threatens to take away Winthrop, Kan., at the ürst freshet and many families have moved away. Three hundred acres were taken away ulxive the town during the summer by caving banks. BUSINESS failures to the numberof :;;: occurred in the United States in the seven days ended on the ISth. During the week previous the failures nuinbered :'.! i. against 3ÖU in the correspnding time in 1893. During the last nine months the failures number 11,174, aguiust 7,378 in the same time last year. The home of George Rossnatki, near Minot, N. I).. wus burned and his four young Bons were cremati1 1. DUBINO the six days ended on the 13th the paid admissions to the world's f air numbered 1,935,109. (!rand total Bince the opening day, 17,025,096. Whii.k at dioner the office of County Treasurer William Campbell at Black Rock. Ark , was robbed of 4,731 in cash. Miss BoWEBS, aged 31, who secured a valuable claim in the Cherokee strip, died from the effects of exposure while waiting upon tin' line and making the run. Sim x Indiana were again indulging in ghost dances near the liosebud reservation and settlera were preparing for trouble. In a drunken fight at a camp meeting near Sacred Heart, O. T., Deputy Marshal Charley Bruno killed his brother Abe and another man. M. V. Gannon, of Chicago, has resigiied the presidency of the Irish Xational league of America. Thk Xew York sloop Vigilunt won ti:i third successive race for the AmerIca's cup, defeating the English sloop Valkyrie. The time of the winner in the öO-mile race was 3 hours 53 minutes and 52 seconds. This ends the con test. Railroad men at the world's fair had a ride on the John Buil train, in command of William Finlayson, who was conductor of the first passenger train run iu America A woNSTEii celebration of the closing day of the world's fair - to be called Columbus day - is planned by the directo rs. C. ElPPET, who shot John W. Mackay in San Francisco on February '4 last, was convicted of assault with a deadly weapon. The Horticultural building on tho world's fair grounds will remain standing during the winter, and with it may be retained three or four other buildings. The ticket office oi the iiuu tam ramvay at Malvern, Ark., wa en tered by burglars and robbed of 11,200. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Tiie Massachusetts republican state committee will pay nothing but actual expenses to the campaigu orators this y e ar. Michigan democrats nominated Levi T. Griffin for congress from the First district to fill Logan Chipman's place. After taking 5. Sl' ballots tlie first judicial democratie convention of Maryland ended a deadloclc by uominating as chief judge Henry Page, of Somerset. The convention Degan two mouths ago. In the municipal election at Indianapolis the republieans elected the entire ticket, reversing the majority of two years ago. James A. HUKSTOH, ton years ago manager of the Associated l'ress. died at New York of cerebral mt)ninffiti& Carl Roukke, the man in America, weiyhiníí 520 pounds, died at lielmont, N. D. His coftin was !}-, by 3 feet. Thomas C. Eastman, the largest cporter of meat in the country, died near Tarrytown, N. Y., aged 72 years. After seventeen years' separation and reraarriages James T. Baxter and Mrs. NeXU -M. Metcalf were again united at Washington, ü. C. FOREIGN. R. G. McConnell, sent by the Ottawa government on an exploring expedition, reports that he has diseovered the source of the Mackenzie river to be a lake at the head of the Findlay river and that gold was found by him in abundante for 250 miles along the FindIa3' river. Rebels again opened fire on Rio Janeiro and the city was in a panic and all business was suspended. Count von Taafe has proposed an electoral reform in Austria which will extend the franchise to 3,000,000 persons not now voters. The Sinyo Marn, a sailing vessel, was wreek ed off the coast of Japan and twenty-two out of twenty-eight passengers were drowned. A train on the Transcaucasian railroad on which was camed a large snm of money to pay the soldiere at Batoum, Russia, was attacked at Nigoita by brigands, who succeeded in securing the money. Three of the gendarmes on the train and four of the robbers were killed. A mail boat plying between Rousay and May in the Orkney island was upset in a squall and the two boatmen, a ornan and three children were drowned. The government has decided to prohibit all further exploring expeditions in Germán East África. Reports receivect at London say that only the terms remain to be settled by which Brazil will become a monarchy. NlJTK thousand Derbyshire (England) miners returned to work at the old scale. Pólice and outlaws fought at Ilan, Mexico, and eight men were killed. (matemala's president has declared himself dictator, dissolved the session of eongress and ordered a new election. LATER. In the United States senate on the 14th various important amendments to the rules were ofi'ered. .Senator Jones addressed the body in opposition to the BÜver purchase repeal bill, after which the senate adjourned. In the house the session was occupied in a discussion oi the Geary Chinese law. The entire chain of lakes was swept by a northwestern gale whose severity has not been excelled for the last ten years. Many vessels were wrecked and a number of lives were reported to have been lost. Bt the sinking of the steamer Dean Richmond near Dunkirk, N. Y., eighteen lives are believed to have been lost. R. W. Crawford, at one time the cattle king of southern Texas, died at Hemstead. The main building of the state university at Vermillion, S. D., was destroyed by fire, entailing a loss of $100,000 or more without insurance. A heavy frost ihYoughout the lowet Mississippi valley did great injury to cotton and vegetation. President Peixoto, of Brazil, issued a decree depriving the insurgents of the protection of the flag. Ui ring the gale at Owen Sound, Ont. , the yacht Enterprise was washed ashore and her two occupants were drowned. The schooner Minnehaha was drivea on the beach aorth of Ouekaiua, Mioh., and her erew of six were drowned. A FIBE destroyed a number oi' prominent business houses at Detroit, Mioh., entailing a loss of $-.200,000. One man, Qeorge Barline, was burned to death. Tij e number of persons who paid admissions to the worid'a fair for the week ended on the Uth was 2,0S3,744- the larg-est attendance in any one week since the exposition opened. Mayob Fisher, of Tryon, N. C, was arreeted with two others, as a member of the notorious ]5arrett gang. Ex-('(im;kkssma.v John L. Thomas, Ju. , one of the most prominent men in Marylasd and for many years a leader in the national and state councils of the republican party, died at his home in Baltimore, Md. Fiftken persons lost their lives at Magnolia Beach, S. C. , by a cy clone from the West Indies. iTu a pair of shears as a weapon Capt V. C. Hale, of Joliet, 111., fatally stabbed his wife and himself. Crazeu by separation from his wife, IL 1'. Winn, of Springfield, Mass., cut the throat of his bab3 boy, then killed himself.


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