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Abandons Democracy

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Holyoke, Mass., Oct. 10.- The Hol yöke Daily Pree Press, wJiich luis been ooe of the abfeBt and st.-mi-hi-st democratie OrgBüMI in the wliolc state, luis repudiated the democratie party am has eooe mt fiat-footMi tor protec tion and tibe republlcen party. lts .■iriiini ii.-is caorted oomstematlooü int t!i' i-anks o-f 1 he demócrata and th( repubUcam are cotTespoadlitgrly elat ■il. lt is lDiikcd apon as tile íorcrunner n' ;i wbotesale defectJoo frooa th cli'iiiiirracy om acrount of tlir preeeal orippled condttion of the, industries reared and proepered onder repuMlcan admiiiistrat ions. In its al, oxplaniinu: tile rcnson ícir its rr OÍ politics, tile J'rri' l'iv.o says plainly tfaal it "li.-i lu-t (aitli in the democratie party, and that it firinly b.'Iii'vcs iliat tbe ]i;vrsrnt induetrlal Btegnatlori, financia] -tnngency, and generaJ distreee, oslstlng 1 liniUiihoat the land. s the rcsult of democratie suprwnacy." In iurther i-Iil:uiat Ion it says : "Ctoe ycar ago tïtls country foylng a proeperlty sm-ii as had nevci- existed befoce. There was not ome idle niill in Maasacbuaeetts. In this city thcrc was 31 ■ t ,-i water whcrl ihat wae not turning, not a epindle Idle, not a loom tliat did not aeod mt its jilcasiiijr hum on the iircrzi' : noi a paper machine tbal Btopped trom Uonday mQrning tili Satunlay nlgbt at midnigbt. All as lile and nctivity in tliis, tlic greateel paper produclng city ui the wen-H. There was noi a large mili in tlif city O'f Holyokc tliat diil nol run overtlme, so írroat was the put oí paper, cotton, woolens, silk ;ui(l mai-hinery, that the ruilroads kept a doublé force of inc-n ut work. with extra lwomotiveN, all jiijyht as wcil as all day, ha.ndlinir the cmicnious output of manufactured goods liat wre beiag nhippnd to all parta il' t li e fciiowu WOrld. And this coiinti'i'ii of affairs existed (rom sea 1i Bee .nul [rom the (anadian lini' bo Mexico. The whote world lookec on niid woodered ;it such prosperlty ii(-ii was the (MiiKiitioii oí affairs one year ago." After rwountiiiíí its expcctations f wliat would follow the sweeptoi leiniicrat viciiirv u iiic presiden lal elecUoa last iaii, the Free Preee lakcs tliis driluotion of wluit tlK eenlt actually is : 'The democratie party lias now liai bwAute control of iiic affaire of the ai ion lor seven moiitihs, anrl the re uit is tii most Borrowful time tht nation ever saw. Business paralyzed, mustrii-s c-i ti il t down. uaiies cul down, :i iinaiicial panic, sucli a stringeney in the money markt t that bank 1 bank, business house after business tarase, lias liad to close tlicir diHirs. hund'n'ds of thouaands out of woi-k. A ycar nti' evcry inill in tMa city was ruslied with orders. 'fiijey could not produce fast enough lor Uve ('.rniand. 'l'i-d:iy thciv is soaroely a mUl in tbe city that is rnmnlng ,iull liinv. and of the large milis t'luTc is b:n mie that has not gone on halt time, or cut wagea 10 per cent. or more. Ai awful chaotge tor a year ! This irightful conditiüu of affaire appeeJa tfoorougfaly m the American citizen, wliu lias a powerful wc.-ipuii in tüB hand- the ballot. It wae tJie iallot that brought aboul tJiis Kreat change trom proeperlty to pcnt-n.v : fi-oin industrial activity to industrial Kt agaat ion ; irom financial aacendency to liu.-uuiai depreeaioo. 'J'iiu iircscnt industrial BtagnatlOO is wil hout any doulit the reeult of the tree brode plank that waa Lnserted in tlie dcnidtrat ie national platform of 1892. 'l"l:al platinnn denounccd the protective tarlfi poiley ander whieb the natiën iia.s grown and deTeloped trom a child to a glant, and declarled tJiat if the people hntnwted the offices i tihc jiatiun in it.s lianils it mild wlpe out cvcr.v trace o that poiiey."- N. Y. J'rcss. Timse who groan imder the amount ]i.-uil inr pensions should note Ihr followiim iacts : InlsTii bbepereapit.-i iiiH'i-rst on bhe nutinnal debt was $3.35 and in 1800 ooly 58 cent. Duiriim iliis portod tlic jut capita payment loc pensions haL LnoreafleQ from 78 m si. 71 in 1890- lem tlhao a dollar. The per capita vrealt oí Mie country lias Lnoreeeed irom $780 to over $1,000, from L870 to 1890, vnhile tbe coanMnied er capita of pensions rind inlci-est lias'd irom 94.08 to .-f.L".. From now on Uie peoBkMM Jiatnrally decreose and tliere is tio Hunlen on anv one. Tin: rulers of great natlonci .■i-]-. ).- (jhe oeean btuster .-nul talk fight a graat deal, bul whcu it comea (li)vn lo Tiuxiiiess none ol t hem care tO enter lno a Hgbt. A Europeas war ni)v wuuld mean Berloua Imsinees, and the wiping out ol exlstence ui sorae of tiic nations now existlng. Tho preeemt mapa ol Eïnrope woiild be of no valué aftcr tibe tennlnation of sm-h a war, aml tbem i-uUts know and icci taita lact. Therefore, 110 matter how nnn-li the; may Uuster, tiir.v wlll n'ii ii-iit miivss compelled to. A pi-actk-ai man- Dr. Mary Waik.r. A conenzulng rage- Hungèr.


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