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MIHISTERSJTELL 11, We Have Our Pastois' Assurance o These Facts. THE WORD OF MINISTERS TAKEN AS THE STRONGEST PROOF. Persons Believe tho Pastor Before Anyone Else in the World. Thore are no word so Btnmg as tunee epokeo by the truc minister oi Uve gospel. Oiu' know and feels that siu-li wunls come Erom the heari .-uní are prompted only by tibe earnest pmrpose oJ dolng good t Jiumaiiity. W do awt wonder, thereíore, at tih! inílueiiüf with uiiicH tlie oí thc Btrong and ringlng WOrds jí ii-aisu whicli the cminont divine, Bev. "O. J). íi. Mi'iicluim, givus that most vranderlal oí meaJclaes, l)r. (rtH'jic'.s Ncrvura blood and nerve 1-cnn-dy. Whcn he was run down in iiratih, waak in nemes, proetrated lui mrenmii, and with hls blood badly imjiniivd, ba wa.s ï-fslunil t suuuil aaul vigoroue iifi.iitu by this marvelloos biealfib remewr. Hiere are bhe exact facte in hls own worda : '1 am very -lad t.o say in regard t' Dr. GKraene'a greal remedy that m bien my blofxl -as badly lmpoVeri.iird by au old gcrotula hmoor, and my iicrvims system was greatly uvuj iíi. uivi iii' B lIliMIlL'llK' ;tVL' 11K' wonderfo] relief. "At the present ttme my healtn is ae gooü as at amy time In my Míe, uid my ciiniidciiru in Dr. Greene's t-enwMly is cistautly lncpeaaing." Bw. e. i. R, MeacihaiiL, Pastor Baptist Chiircii, Townsend, Vt. the saiiif ln-articlt sympathy and rtc-u desire to Bee the sici made wel] Insplred bbe Bev. Dr. I. v. Walker, Preelctlng Eider ií tlie Metiliodist Oliureh, Fort Dodoe. l.-i to also reoommead Dr. Greeae'e Nerrura blood and nerve retnedy, to tbe Hkk and BuffartQ?. H to..' has used il 1) i I? ; he, loo. kuoivs that It cures, tbat it i mure t mako the sick wrii U öhey uso it. "I have givcn [r. Greene's Nervura blood and nevw remedy a fair test, and am free to gay tliai I conslder It rlgfctly oamod. I have recommended it8 ose t (i severa]." Bev. J. W. Walker. Ppeeidtag Eldér, Port Dodge, ta. We have pullishcil t.-stiiiicmials oí vast numluTs ( people who were cured by tibe use oí the g-reat disoarery. Dr. Grfteae'a Neryura blood .■i.iiil ni-i-vc i-ciiiciv, inu bake more plaaeure in gtvlng to tlic world Kev. -Mr. .Mcaclianrs own worde aiul thoee ■v. Mr, Walker in regard to the wotaderfül benefite tbey received trom lilis valuahlc remcily, because we real zi' tiiat earnest worda of a minister will liave graat weiiiht witli BUfierers trom dlëeaee, and everybody Nvhii rcails tlieir COnvlnclng wo'rds in renard to Uw sure anil reniarkalile cui'.-iuvc powers oí tiiis medicine wll] tose oo time in .■.iii'in'j a bottle añd Obi Min B cin-r. Moet people meed a medicine to inviyor.-itc the blood, Btrengtken the ii;'!-vcs .■nul atart up a healthy actlon rf tlic livor, kiilncys ;. ni bowela. Be siirc umi ase Dr. Greene's Nervura blood 11 nd ïKTvc ï-cmcdy. it is purely vegetable anti periectly hiannlessi .■ui-i is kept by all druggtets .n $1.00. [te disciivrn-r is tibe wiell-kmown Dr. Greene, 65 W. 14th st.. New Vork, wo tiivcs coiisultMiinn and ndvice free to iw Bick, perscnmlly cw by letter. TJie .sick slirnild nsi' ly lr. s Xri-vura and nerve rarnedy, tor it is nut only tbe best r ■medy ever dlrcover d, but 'thns ■ iistng it ti;ivc the privilege o! conanltlag Dr. Gvreeme persooally cw by li'tic]-. concarnlns ts effects their health, etc. This fact alone uaranI lic assuranec oí cure. Ii ymi Deed -i medicine do ooi (all bo take tihds lu'st oí all remedí' s. 'llie Associated Cbambers oí Commrc o tbe Dmited Klngdoa held tiirir ui t meeting, Sept. l'T. at l'lyiiiiiuHi. Einglaad, and the ]i-csidi-iii. BIp Albert lïollit, LL. I)., M. 1., in epeeJüug oí ''coniidence i ciurning"' to Engliuli tradc and commerce, is reported in ttne Western Mornlng Newfi of l'lyinouth to liavi' said: XotahlY in inilcd States 1hc i-ai-iy repeal oí protectton wil] bc Lowed by am effort tor ih tarlfl reform. Th biicrs have beem bitten .ïiid ■ 1 1 reciproclty hasproveda tall are .McKlmleylsm Ie doomed. p ]].T1ISO.) 'liiiis (,re thee ciforts o! the Bng-lisii in-e ti-ade party in the United 8tat68 to t liift presperlty trom thia tn tlue other side ol the Atlantic betag ever watched and appreclated abroad. Bucklen's Arinca Salve. The Best Salvo in the rorld for Cute, Brutees, Bores, Ulcera, Salt Rheurn, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hantls, Chillblaina, Corns, and nll skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is gnaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 centa per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son. A practical ji.ko- Ome WÍÜOh will ■11. It Cures Coldi. Coughs. Sore Throat, Croup, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption in first stages, and a sure relief in advanced stages. tTse at once. You will see the excellent effect after takinf the first dose. Sold by dealers everywhere. Largo tottles 50 cents and $1.00. mm XJ COX- OI 1 CURES RHEUMATISM. 1 one bottie does y.,u no ood, dont buy another. "" Sle by Hruggi:, or suut poetpaid on ncnvi of price, tl ). ■ URDSAL MEDICINE M'F'C CO., MÏMoic Ten : le. CINCIXNATI, O, E. E. Calkins. 34 S. State St Eberbaeh Drug and Chemieal Company. JNO. BAUMGARDNER, ■ CO o . M0NUMENT4L .... fi GEMETERY w o _ BUILDINB " jL_ Also, Stone Walks. - Estímate cheerfully lurnlshed. Cor, Detroit and Catherine Sts., ANN ARBOR, MICK SooM'ottonRoot Sr jr5f compound. ff3j Wg iT recent discovery by au old otL W - pnyslcian. Successfully tised WW ƒ "AmonfMj fcy thouaands of &i0r Ladies. Is the only perfectly B safe and reliable medicino discovercd. Bcwaro of unprincipled drugglsts vrho offer Inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take no substitute, or inclose gl and C cents la postage In letter and tvo will send, sealed, by return mail. Full sealed partlculars In plaln envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Pond Llly Company. Ko. 3 Flsher Block, Detroit. Ulcn. Sold in Ann Arbor and everywhere by all druggists. WALL PAPER M{[ PAPER Of all the Latest Detf(B. PEICES tlie LO"WEST OSCAR O. SORG, T'tLS XDecorator. 70 S. MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR. THE LAKE ROUTE TO THE WORLD'S FAIR VIA PÜCTL'RESQUE MACKINAC. Avoid the heat and dust by traveling on the Floatlng Palaces of the Detroit ét Cleveland Stearn Navigation Company. Two new steel passenger steamers have just been built for thistlpperLake route, ccstingSOCO.COO oach, and are guarauteed to be tlx3 grandest, largest, safest and fastest btea;ntr3 ca the Lakes; spted 20 müüB hour, running time betwec-a Clevelaud, Toledo and Chicago less than 50 hours. Fout trips per week between Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Macklnac, Pctosfe y and Chi . Daily trips between Detroit . ad ' '■ ivsland; during July and August (li-.iibie daily Bervice.wul bemaintained, giviag a v, ight rido acress Lake Eric. L'aily service between Cleveland and Put-ln-Bay. First-claaa stateroom accommodaüons and menu, and exceedingly low Round Tlip liates. The palatial eqnipment, the i isury of tho appointment3 makea traveliag on these steamen thoroughly .nd for iihiatrated pa; i : . , O. P. A . id 91 Co., I i h.


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Ann Arbor Courier