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Proceedings Of The Bord Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County

Proceedings Of The Bord Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image Proceedings Of The Bord Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image
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Monduy, Oetober9th, 1893. The Boord of Supervisors for the County of Washtenaw met in regular ession in the Supervisors' Room in he Court House in the City of Ann rbor, in said county, on Monday, the th day of October, A. D. 1893. Board called to order by the Clerk. All supervisors present. Ann Arbor City- lst ward- John R. Miner. 2nd ward - Eugene Oesterlin. 3rd ward- Robert Shannon. 4th ward- Georgo II. Pond. 5th ward- Thomas Speeehley. 6th ward- E. II. Scott. Ann Arbor town- Charles Braun. Augutsa- S. S. Bibbins. Bridgewater George Walter. Dexter - Thomas McQuillan. Freedom- Mieliael P. Alber. Lima- Walter II. Dancer. Lodi- Michael Sage. Lyndon- Thomas Young. Manchester- W. L. Watkins. NorthQeld- Frank Duncun. Pittsfield- M. F. Case. Salem -Fred C. Wheeler. Saline- Edward DePuy. Scio - Fred Jedele. Shaïon - Wm. B. Osborn. Superior- Peter T. Gilí. Sylvan James L. Gilbert. Webster- Edwin Ball. York- Alfred Davenport. Vpsilanti town -John L. Hunter. Ypsilanti City- lst District- David Kdwards. 2nd District- James Forsyth. On motion, Mr. David Edwards was elected Chairman pro tempore. On motion of Mr. Duncan, the board took ii recess imtil two o'clock, p. m. AFTERNOON BESSION. Board called to order by Chairman. Roll called and every supervisor present. Mr. Forsyth moved that the Board Droceed by ballot to the election of a permanent chairman of the Board. Mr. Gilbert moved as an amendment that the Clerk be instructed to cast the unanimous vote of the Board for Thomas Young for said office, which amendment being accepted by Mr. Forsyth, was duly carried. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Case and Osborn a committee to escort the chairman elect to the chair. On motionof Mr. Gill, the Chairman was authorized to appoint the usual standing committees for this session of the Board. On motion of Mr. Forsyth, the Board adjourned to tomorrow at eleven o'clock, a. m. TnoMAs Young, Jk., Arthl'rBrohn, Chairman. Clerk. ïuesday, October 10, 1893. The Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournnient. Koll called by the Clerk and quorum present. The journal of yesterday was read, corrected and approved. Thereupon, the Chairman announced the following standing committees: Equalization - Messrs. Osborn, Hunter, Sage, Oesterlin and Ball. Criminal Claims Xo. 1- Messrs. Duncan, Case and Dancer. Criminal Claims No. 2- Messrs. Davenport, Wheeler and Braun. Civil Claims - Messrs. McQuillan, Gilbert and Forsyth. To Settle with the County üffieers- Messrs. Watkins, Miner and Speechley. On Salaries of the County Officers- Messrs. Jedele, Scott and w alter. On Apportionuient- Messrs. Davenport, (iilbert and McQuillan. On Public Buildings- Messrs. DePnv, Edwards and Shannon. On Rejected Taxes- Messrs. Alber, Pond and Jedele. To Examine Accounts of Superintendents of the Poor- Messrs. Grill, Scott and Bibbins. On Finance- Messrs. lïraun, Speechley and Oesterlin. On Fractional School Districts- Messrs. Osborn, Wheeler and Gill. On Drains- Messrs. Duncan, Dins ana jjeruy. On L'rinting- Messrs. Shnnnon, Pond and Alber. On Per Diem- Messrs. Dancer, Edwarda and Sage. The Clerk then presented to the Board the Auditor General's apportionment of State taxes to be raised in tuis county forthe year 1888. On motion, the report was reeeived, ordered printed wlth the proceedings of the Board, and referred to the Conimittee on Apportionment. Auditor Generalas Office, Lansing, Mich., Sept. 20, 1893. ' To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Washtenaw, Ann Arbor, Mich. Sik- Yon are hereby notified that a State Tax lias been apportioned to the several counties of the State according to the last returns of the aggregate valuation of taxable property tberein made to this office, and as equalized and determined by the State Board of Equalisation, at their session in August, 1891. The amount of State Tax apportioned to your county, under various acts of the Legislature, is as follows, to wit: Universtty- Alil. Act No. 19, 1393 t 6,166 67 Soldier Curreat Expenses, Act No. 13, 1S!Ö 2,363 27 Soldier' Home- Building, etc., Aot. No.212,1883 ln Normal Currenl Expenses, etc., Art No. 85, 1883 1.874 State Public School Currenl ExpenBeu, etc.. A.-t No. 66, 1803 ---- AgrioulturaJ Co [mprovements, etc, let No. Uï, i1-'1, i Michigan Asymm Buildings, lm. proveniente, etc . Act No. 122, 1898, 1,-il I Kaster n Michigan Asrlum Worklng Capital, Aot. No. & 1888 ■'■'"■ '■ Bastera Michigan Asyltini -Building and Improvemente, Act 185, 1898 ií i Nortbern Michigan Asylum Building andlmprovements, Act No.87, 13. Asylum for Dangerous and Criminal Insane- Improvements, etc, Aot No.46, 1888 - l' ' Mluing School- Curreul and Improvemente, Ad No.l 1,1883 3,508 8 Industrial Home for Oirto- Current Expenses, Kepairs, etc, Act No. til, 183 Industrial School for Boys- Curnut Expenses, Kepairs etc., Act. No. 83.888 1.80Í 8 School for the Blind- Curreot Expense, Building, etc. Ad No. 8 I, 1-'.1 .;. 713 T. state House of Correotion und tfct'ormatory- Kepairs, etc, Ad No. 141, 1888...: 06 7Ï State Prison- Kcpuirs and Improvemente, Act. No. !:■!. 1888 178 11 House of Cerreotlon and Brancb Prlson, U. P.- Building and Kepairs, Act 133,1883 Home and Training School for the FeebK' Miniled and Epllentlo-rTo Buildand M-tHlili-li, Act No. 30!), 18H3 1,871 68 Asvlum fnr Insane. I'. I'. To Huild and Establlsh, Aot No. 810, ! Michigan Begiments iuid Buiten. To Lócate Position of on Battletield at Chickamantfit, etc., Act. No. 55, 18!i:i r4 sr Superintendente of the P ■ To Pub. lish prooeedlnffa of Meetings of, Act No. 174. 18i ■-' lii Reronipilnti' mof Reoords ti Adjntant Qeneral's Offioe- Act No.8,1883.. 108 73 Military Purposea Ai-t No. UPS -' State Board oi Health Aol No. -41, 18S1 M 93 World'e Columliian Exposition - Act No. 50, 1i;i BBS M Atri-icultural Iastitutes-Arl No. 12U. 1883 27 43 liourd of lish Oommlssionertt- Act i. 181, L8W General l'urpoaes- Act No. l-'5. [8S8, 28,144 ;: Total BtateTu tobe Apportkmed... t::;,980 2. There is also to be levied, as a portion of tlie county taxes, as required by Sec. 35, Act. 206, Laws of L898 i.unless paid prior to October lirst), the indebtedness of your county to tlie State on the lst day of July, lSilo, tben amounting to 1298.27. The indebtednessof t).e county mast not be added to the 3tate tax. You will cause the above to be laid before the Board of Supervisors of your county at their sessioD in October, 1898. l'lease aeknovvledge iuimediately the receipt of this notice. Very respectfully, Stm,i:y V. Tiuneu, Auditor ueDeral. The report of J. WUlard Babbitt, Judge of Probate of said county, in reference to the commitmente to the Eastern Michigan Insane Asylum, was then read to the Board, and on motion said report was received and ordered printed witli the proceedings. To Un Honorable, tht Board of Supervisors f or Washienaw County, Michigan: (íknti.kmkn. i have the honor to submit herewith, uiy oflicial report ol Committinents to the Eastern Michigan A.svluni forthelnsane, fortheyear eiulingSeptember30th, 1898; as folio ws: ö Í- H 5, & a ■x o i 9 I I I ï ï li. ? S g - _ - U - L HJS. p. - .f .S tëg g 3 & d 5i?tíf3onpq g j; E 3 M & _- ==' 1 tí 1 S (j UI ÜHHJijil i= M fai H ■ fe a g d -g o H ?i f ?' ït' i " -- y: y: rj r: "' - -; 2 i I S 1 I I i . e ■? v sf á tí íf sí - ïi ' " _l_iiMliÍJlillliL i iïgil V :ill 11 v, b . f ■" ií S 5 : -' : - S = 2 = - g a I a z 2 y. . mmmuti m e x - iri t" aé -'■ = -j I ■: gj -f ,-: It is gratlfying to note a perceptible diminution in tlie number of commitments to the asylum is compared with preceding years; the totals of coiinnitments for the years preceding tbia havnif? been 82 and 19, respectively, against 15 for the present year. Kespectfiilly submitted, J. WlLLAKD BABBITT, Judge of Probate. Aun Arbor, Sept. 80, 1W8. The report of John W. Jochiiu, Secretary of State, relative to the porated associations of saitl county that had falled to file with the Becre tary of State au animal report for the year 1892, was then read to the Board. DepartmkntokStati;. MICHIGAN Lansing, September 20th, 188 2b the Cotmty Clerk, Ann Arbor Michigan: Deah Sik -I herewith transmit to you the names and addreseesof all corporatious in the County of Washtenaw organized ander, or subject to the uroTon of,Act -;i-' Pablio Ats of 188a that have failed to niake a report tothisoffleeof their financia! condition .e 'iscal .year ending December Shjm , accordlng to the provislons oi BMtion twelve of said act Ann Arbor Ladder and Trestle Com pany, Aim Arbor. Ann Arbor Fruit and Vinegar Com pany, Ann Arbor. Ann Albor Brick, Tile and Sewe Pipe Company, Aun Arbor. Babbitt Sandstone Company, Ypsi lanti. Bennett Harrow Cömpany, Milán. Greo. V. Bidlis & Company, Ani Arbor. [nventors' ManufacturingCompanj A n ii Albor. J. T. Jacobs i: Company, Aun Arboi Langley Electric Light, Ann Arbor Michigan Farmers Grain Company Y"psilantí. Michigan Furciture Company, Ann Arbor. Morgan Covvell Cros3ing Company Ypsilanti. o. B. Thompson & Sons, Vpsilanii. Paragon Mineral Water Company Vlisilanti. Salino Manufucturiiur Company, Sa line. Steinbacb Manufacturing Company Aun Arbor. Salem Botter and Cheese Manufae turing ('o., Salem. Spring Lake Ice Company, Ann Ar bor. Ypsilanti Dairy Association, Ypsi lanti. Vpsilanti I 'nilerwear Company, Ypsilanti. Ypsilanti Machine Works, V[isilanti STpsilantl Dresa Stay Manufacturinj ('o.. Ypsüanti. Vpsilanti Creamery Company, Vpsilanti. ïpsilanti Mineral Spring Company Fpstlanti. xpsilantj Paper Company, Ypsilanti STpsilanü Woolen Manufacturing Co., Ypsilanti. Yours respectfully, John W. Jochim, Secretary of State. Thereupon Mr. Oesterlin offered the following resolutinii: Resolved, That the Prosecuting Attorney be authorized and imtructed to collect the lines due to the coiinty from incorporated associations doing businoss in this county Unit have failed to make their annual report to the Secretan' of State as required by law. Mr. Gilí moved that said resol ut ion be laid apon the table until Friday ïnorning next at ten o'clock, wbicb motion was carried. The Clerk then presjnted to the Board the report of the Inspectors of huls f saiil county, wbieb report was read and ordered to be printed wilh the proceedings. tEPOBTOF [NSPECT0B8 OF JAILS FOB THB CÖUNTÏ Oí UAS1ITKNAW, OF LNBPEI IK in KADE FEBRUABY 17th, 1893. J'n Ron, Board of Supervisors: The imciersi;ne(l inspectora of .lails 'or the County oL Washtenaw, in comiliance with the provisión oí law (Seclons 9649-9654, found on page 2818 of iowell'a Annotated Statuteaof Michgan, as ubove mieiuled), would respectfully report: 'i'hat on the Seventeenth dayof Febuary, 1898, they vlsited and carefully nspected the County Jail of said 'iiunty. and found as follows: i. That diiiing the six montlis imoiediately precediug sueh examination there lad heen conflned at different times 00 prisonen, charged with offencea as ollows: WROU "KH'KNSK. HALS, IliM.U.i:. Ml. )lllllk... lIKi . 106 .arcciiy :i ai ss;iull g ,s 'a-Tiuicy :.' 24 legging ;) ; lastardy i i lambling 4 4 teoeivlng Stolen ; i 112 teorderly 10 10 oinp ianl liili 1 1 ■ nsane.. 1 j ssault umi lialu-iy i ' 2 hirglary 1 1 Use pretensos 1 j 'maní j . Houeeof III lame . 2 ; 183 7 20U II. There are now in jai], detained for trial, 1; eerving sentence, 7; under 16 years of age, 1; awaiting sentence, none Number now [o jail- male, H, female QOne; total, 8. Pnsonera detained for trial have een held in jail the following number of days eacli: None. Prisonere awaiting commitment have een held since sentence, days eacli: None. in. tïutnber usually confined in one oom by day, all males; at night, l. IV. Bmployment, none. v. ■ Condition of bedding, fairly goodells, fairly good; lialls, fairly good; ater closets, fairly good. VI. Wbat diBtinctlon, if any, is made in reatment of prisoners? None. VII. Are prisoners under 16 years of age t any time, day or night, permitted to iiiiiigie or aasociate with other prisoners? Bee Sec. 2000, page 450, HmveU's Annotated Statutea of Michigan They are not. VIII. pri8oners arrested on civil procesa feepl in rooms separate and di8tinct from prisoners held on crimiDal charge, as required by Section 8941 Howell's Statotes. No. i.v. Are male and female prisonera conlined in separate rooms as required bv Section m42, Howell'a Statutes ' Thev are. J x. Is Hiere a proper Jail Record kept, and is it kept properly posted and does il oomply witli Sec 9664, page 2820, Ëowells Annotated Statutea of Michigan? There is. XI. What, if any, evils. either in constrnction or maiiagement of jail are found td fxist y it is [mpossible to (■om jl y with the Statute, in all particulars anless we have a lurgei jail. J. Willakd Babbitt, Juilge of Probate. Elisha Loomis, E. P. Masox, Superintendents of Foor. D. B. Greexe, County Agent. BEPOBT OF 1XSPECTORS OF JAII.s, FOK TUK llll'NTY OF WASÏÏTENAW, OF inm'kction madk september 8th, 1893. Tn Hon. Board of Supervisor: The undersigned Inspectora of ,lails for the County of Washtenaw, in compliance with the provisions of law (Sections 8649-9654, found on page 2318 of Howell's Annotated Statutes of Michigan, as above amendeci), would respectfully report: That on the 8tli day of September 1898, they visited and carefully in spected the County Jailof said county and found as follows: i. That diiiiug the six nionths iinmediately preceding such exainiiiation there had been conlined at different times 168 prisoners, charged with off'euces as follows: WHOI.l OrriNHC MAI.K. FEMAI.Í NO Ilnink 84 :.' 86 Larceny :;n 1 2 Vairrancy 17 17 Assaultand buttery 10 II Boarding train 6 li Violation of cityordiDance 6 6 Insano 3 3 Hape 3 3 Disoiderly ;) : Bnrghiry :.' l romplng board iiiil - Bastardy 3 Palse pretense 1 1 (fon-aupport 1 1 Murder 1 1 Arson 1 I rmaiit ] 1 Beffglng 1 1 Destroyiiii? properts 1 164 4 11)8 II. Tliere are now in jail, detained for trial, 4; serving sentence, 2; undei 16 years of age, none, awaiting commitment, none. Number now in jail- male, 6, female, tone; total, 6. I'risoners detained for trial lï'ave jeen held n jail the following number if daya each: owe 11 days; one 39 dáya ne 84 days; and one 180 days. l'risoners awaiting commitment ïave been held since sentence days each. None. ii r. Number usually contined in one room, by day, all in corridors; at night; one. IV. Employment. None. V. Condition of bedding, fair: cells, fair; lalls, fair', water-closets, fair. VI. What distim-Uon, il' any, is made in treatment of prisonersV Not any. VII. Are prisoners under 1G years of age at any time, day or night, permitted to iningle or associate with older prisonersV See Sec. 2000, page ö-fo, Howell's Annotated Statutes of Michigan. No. vin. Are prisoners arrested on civil process kept in rooms separate and disinct from prisoners held on criminal liurge, as required by Section 8tt41, Uowell's StatutesV No. IX. Are male and female prisoners conineil in separate rooms as required by Bectlon 8942, Howell's Statutes? Yes. x. Is there a proper Jail Record kept, and is it kept properly posted and does t comply witli Sec. 9664, page 2820, [owelrs Annotated Statutes of Michigan? Yes. What, if any, evils, eitlier in contruction or management of jail are 'ound to exist? The coiistruction of he jail does not afford meaos of separating those committed upon civil rocess from crimináis; nor those committed for examination or trial from onvicts. J. WlLLARD BABHITT, Judge of l'iobate. Ri.tstr T.onirra e. u. Kii.Mi-i . Siiperintcndents of l'oor. J). B. Greene, County Agent. Mr. Foisyth moved that the Board visit the County House in a body on Thursday moming next at 10 o'clock. Carried. On motion, the Committee on Fi ïance was ordered to procure conveynces to carry the Board to the County Iouse. Mr. Edwards moved that the sum of ü.öOO be transferred f rom the General Fund to the Poor Pand, and after some little argument, and by request ui Mr. Edwards, the consideration of tlie subject matter of said motion was postponed until afternoon. Mr. Davenport moved that the hasis of equalization of said county be h'xed at Wó,üOO,00(). Carried. On motion of Mr. Case, the Board took a recesa until 2 o'clock. AFTBENOOM 8B88ION. The Board was called to order by Chairman Young. Roll called and quorum present. Mr. Gilbert offered tlio following: Resolved, That tlie ('onimittee on l'rinting is liereby directed to solicit iihis from the several newspapers of the city of' Ann Arbor for publishing tbe proceedings of thia Board, and for furnishins 1,000 copies in pamphlet 1'orin. in Euglish. for the use of the Board; said pamphlets to be ready for distribution not later than November 25, next. Mr. Forsyth moved to amend the resolution by including in said resol iv tion the city of Ypsilanti. Mr. Wat ki ns moved to amend the amendment by authorizing said committee to iaélude in said resolution all of the newspapers of thecounty, whicb was carried )jy the following vote, the yeaa and nayï bein,i called for: ÜTeiiS - Messrs. Alber, Braun, Hall, Dancer, Duncan, Davenport, Gilbert, Jedele. McQuillan, Oesierlin, Scott, Sage, Watkins, Wheelcr, Walter and Young. Nays- Mcssis. Bibbins, Case, Edwards, Forsyth, Gilt, Hunter, Osborn, Speechley, Shan non. Veas. 16. N'ays. 9. The original niotion as amended was then carried. Mr. Oesterlin, moved that the coinniittee be authorized to contract lor the publicaron of tlie proceedinga of this Board in some Germán paper, at a cost of not more tlian iifty dollars. Mr. Gilí moved as an amendment that the Committee on Printing be authorized to solicit bids for the publicat ion of said proceedings in Germán; whicli amendment was lust. The original motion was Uien carried. Mr. ('ase moved tliat Friday next, at the hour of eleven o'clock a. ni., be made a special hour for receiving the report of the Superiutendents of the Poor. Carrled. Mr. Edwards now called up for the consideration of the Board his motion, offered in the morning, in reference to the Poor Fund. Mr. Hunter moved to lay said motion on the table. Carried. Mr. Davenport moved to adjourn lo to-monow morning at 11 o'clock. Lost. Mr. Duncan moved to re-adopt the resolution of October 22, 18.HU, in referedce to the loaning of the county funds. Mr. Case moved as a substitute that the subject matter of said resolution be referred to a special committee consisting of Messrs. Oslioin, (iilbert and Seott. Carried. Mr. Gilbert moved that tlie Werk be instructed to draw wanants for the payment of all claims allowed by the Board, said wanants to be payable on or af ter February 1, next, and to be receivable at par for the payment of iaxes. Which motiod was lost. On motion, the üoard adjounied to to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock. Thomas Vm'Ni;, .Ju., Cbairman. Arthub Iïkow.n, Clerk. "Wednesday, October 11, 1898' The Board met pursuant to adjoirnïnent. Rol] called and quotum present. The Journal of yesterday was read and approved. The innual report of the County Freasurer for the year 1893 was presented to the Board, and on motlon of Mi. (iillxit was oidered printed witli the proceediniis oi' the Board and reverred to the Oommittee to settle witli County Oflicers. Mr. Porsyth moved that the Clerk e ordered to draw an order on the ounty Ticisurer for the surn of $18.48 is a rebate for money paid the county )u an over-assessment on personal troperty inthe Becond district of the city of Ypsilanti for the year ]S!i2; vliich was lost . Mr. Hunter moved that Monclay ïext, at 2 oVloek, be made a special order lor the election of a Superinendent of the Foor. Carried. Mr. Duncan moved lliat following aid special order last referred to, that lie Board elecl a County Drain Comuissioner, but owiog to the fact that he County Drain Gommissioner had uit as yet made lus animal report, aid motioii was lost. Mr. Davenport moved that Friday ïext, at the hom of li o'clock p. m., be aade a special hour foi the election of niember of the County Board of School Kxauniners. Carried. Mr. Scott moved that the hour imaediately iollowing the last mentioned pecial huur In; made a special order or tlie election of janUor. Carried. Un motioii of Mr. Duncan, the Board took a recpss imtil 2 o'clock. AFTEBNOOH SE88ION. Board called to order by the Chairlan. Koll called and quorunj presnt. üri motion, the Board adjourned to omorrow at 10 o'clock a. ím. Thomas ïoung, Jb., Chairman. Akthue BitowN, Clerk. Thursday, October 12, 1893. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by Chairman pro. tem. Edwards. Roll called and quorum present. The reading of the jonrnal of yesterday was dispensed witli. Mr. Forsyth moved tbat the Board resolve itself nto a committee of the whole for the purpose of vi&itiug tlio County Poor House. Carried. Thereupou the Chair called Supervisor Davenport to preside over the deliberations of the committee of the whole and said committee proceeded to the County House. At 2.30 o'clock p. m., the Board as a committee of the whole returned to the Supervisors' room in the Court House and through its chairnian, Mr. Davenport, asked leave for further time in which to make a report and on motion, said time was granted. Wliereupon the Board adjourned to tomorrow morningat 11 o'clouk. Thomas Yimno, Jb., Akthiu Bkown, Chairman. Clerk. Fiíii.vv, October L8th, L893. The Board met pursuant t adjournincnt. Called to order bythe chairman. Rol! called and quorum present. The special hour having arrived Por receiving the report of the county superintendente of poor, Supt. Loom is presented and read his report. BBPORT OF THE sri'EKIN'TENDENTS OPTHB POOB OF WASHTENAW COUNTY, FOR THE YEAli ENDINO SEI'T. 30, 1893. To the 'Honorable Board f Supervisors of Washtt nato üounty: The undersigned Superintendents of the Poor of said county would respectfully submit the followlng report of our work for the year ending Sept, 30, 1888. We have received money as stated and f rom the sources named: Anri Arbor Cily 9H0 ófl ■ Ton.. iai re AugUBta 102 1 Freedom 18 41 l.oili SB S Lima 62 7:t Li adon ; 00 Manchester 116 26 fittstield 57 63 Superior 62 05 SharoD BJ 06 Saline lul 4:i yiuii ti Solo '. .. 218 37 Webster H2 lió Voik 46 88 Fpsilantl 124 10 FpellanÜ ('ity lst Oi-it.437 08. '■ 2nd Dist. W 57. 988 83 8,146 ;■:. I'hiüp Duffy, Lüiiinliiin. Roper Williams 86 48 Calves sold, 174 00, bldea, 18.06 88 06 Watclies, one bniss wnlrli 1 00 ■■ bUvot " .... 4 mi Stone, 75o; gravel, 70o 1 45 Work, Win. Campbell, 14.(K I!. Macardy, M.00 ís 65 Error refunded, O. II. K H 00 Subieets toTJnlverslty 4S 00 1 cofflD, K.00 parsntpa, Í5.I0. . 8 40 178 66 209 97 Accounts lor teniporaiy relief in the different cities and towns have been audited and paid 1' rom the poor f'und. as lollows: Aun Ai-hor City 1' 1 97 84 Puel 88 60 Medical attendanoe 1H na Qenesal expenses W 00 Transportation to county house 7 .vi Supervisor' s services I! HO :;;i M A uu nsta- Food 7 00 Bupervlsor's services 2 00 t o Manchester- Pond 23 60 Transportation to oounty house 3 00 26 60 Lima- Transportation to counly house 66 55 Pil I -field- Medical attendance 15 oo Funeral expenses lato :J8 oo Saline - TransDortation to count v house 3 00 :; 00 Sylvan- Food, 81.55; fuel. Ï3,7." 8 :i0 Medical attendance 5 6J Transportation to ('ounty house 2 40 Ui 80 Vpsllanti City, lst District- Food 116 28 Fuel 7 (Hi Clothlng 2 75 Medical attendanoe 4 70 Transpori at ton to county house 1 eo Supervisor's services 'M !5 181 98 Ypsiliuiti City, 2nd District- Food 8 20 Supervisor's services 140 4 0) York- Food 28 16 Medical attendanoe 10 00 Puñera! expenses 10 0J Transportation to county hOUBL' :i 00 Super vlsor'BserTloee 2 oo F4 16 531 43 Superintendente Ben Loes B. P. ttaaon :a 4n Ellshu l.ooiuis 45 ;i O. II. Kempf l 50 101 20 Transportation to Prienda- M. O. K. l( 80 BS ■I'.. A. A. N. M. K. R 8 70 Ij. S. & M. B. R. It 2-0 Aun Albor A: Y m. Btreel Hall lioiid LI E. P. M;ison 100 73 10 895 73 report tbe amounts expended at the County House and on the farm: HelpKeeper and matron ÍO0 00 Christopher Selnghman. 210 i iiu;i Jamiaon lv; 50 Jane A . Eteevefl ;;i E8 B&rs. Kate Parsons and daughter 3,') 00 Charlea cnllins 30 oo Myron Koot 24 00 MlnnleShulkosti 22 do ViiLrncr Itros. Hitd licln 20 47 Peter (lansen 18 50 in. Hatthews 14 12 Utre. Caldwell 4 00 Uiiïstian l'rcy 1 i 1.299 1T Blacksmitiilur- K. Kearna 26 30 Wuater ft Kim 12 :■, Win. (. Martin 3 SKI il nó IttMtks aml Sl:itionery - Charles McCormlck 41 U ')c Itrot Ihts s u,l Artnis Co 5 00 .!. Krank Smlth a s; Win. Campbell 3 66 E. I'. Mason 3 lo E. E Baal i uu 4 87 Beef- i'aii.iiii.i Brothen mr 58 Henry Matihews 118 lu B. Fnircliild 62 02 Chrlatlan Fi-ey 31 40 .lames C. Qeraghty ;)l 24 J.Laubengayer&Son 11 57 Koberl Marardy 7 27 Charlea MoCormlck 4 56 0. B. Bmlth 3 w, 48; 25 Dry Goods and Bedding- Geqrge H. Kenipf 115 98 W. ll. Bweet 7 36 I'. K. Rexford A Sons 1 80 US 1 4 Boots and Shoefl w. i. Davla & Sun 35 70 Wllllam P. Schenk 22 50 Ernesi Hutohinson 13 SO L. M. Ducpin 10 SO George H. Ki-mpf 8 76 A. A. Bedell 1 75 Wilbor ó; Houier .'.... 125 Doty & Feiner 2 00 E4 95 Clotbing- Wm. P. Schenk 50 86 Densmore & Feil 44 58 Trim & McGregor 15 10 O. 8. Wortley & Co 3 40 Davla & Co 3 78 S. L. Shaw 2 35 Alban & JobnaOD 90 119 84 Drugs and Medicines- J. Frank Snilth 5 25 .1 - Brown 2 65 J:O. .V V. V. Watts 3 5U B. B. Sudwortli, M. ü BB 10 75 Freight- E.p. Mason 25 25 Farm Implemento and Seeds- (oorfre Klager 18 20 K. J. Kogers 5 4 'J'aylor Laf urge 4511 J. C. Ohalmers... 50 29 14 Stoor :inl llreadstuffs- Dcubel Brothers 68 :t" Charles MoCormlck 400 Allineiidin.ver&Schuolder 3 BU C5 95 Hay, Grain Feed- 1 1 ei n 1 ma 11 & Laubengayer 2 10 2 10 Hardware- s.-iuih fcMuehltg 31 68 Ta.vlor cLufurge 8 17 L. y. Wbllford 8 70 C. Ebcrliacli 400 52 55 Iiiiprovemcnt Account- Heinlztnan & Laubengayet 6 00 O. E. Tliompson &Sons.. 192 7 92 Lumber Account- JamesTolbert ir 94 Hollinan & Seoville 13 97 tv Woód&Co 13 47 45 38 Tobacco Account - Globe Tobacco Oo . . 59 94 Ha 11 iel Bootten A Co 15 78 O'Hara, Hoyle&Co 14 00 Kiuscy & Seabolt 3 28 95 00 Grooeriea and Provisions - C King&Co 233 99 Hinsey Sea bolt 11165 CasparKInsey 89 04 Davis&Oo.... 82 09 EdwardDuLfy 74 04 Wm. Bacon 44 23 II). Chase... 21 60 Koht. McCardy 16 60 A. A. Gravee 15 53 .1. N. Howland 1143 Wm. Campbell.... 4 25 J.O.Cnalmen 50 696 95 Polk Account - CasparRInsey. 89 00 II. Faircthild 82 51 17151 I'aints and Olls- Wm. Heiz 22 73 J. Frank Sniith 535 JN. Nowland 2 65 30 73 Repair Account- Hlcbael Staebler 13 80 Arcliey MoNlcol 12 90 Wuster Kirn , 12 75 ('lililíes ('ollins 1 00 0. H. SinClair 1100 .I0I111 Van Kange Co 9 98 Geo. F. Sohaffer 3 90 J. Frank .uittil 6 10 s. Yoland 3 82 Jacob Volana 2 35 FredGauss ;t 56 K. J. Hogers 2 05 S. L. Shaw 1 60 Vf. Q. Dictcrlr 1 25 Klislia Lo iiiiis 100 P. G. Graham 75 Chas. Mcl'ormick 50 99 30 Stock AccountE. I'. Mason 22 00 Medical Attendance- li. H. Sudwortli, M. D 83 00 83 00 Wond and Coal - New Plttsburg Coal Co. . 431 50 M. Staebler 61 7tt Kalph Rloe 35 75 George Klager -29 35 Wm. ('amphell 24 00 'luirles Meriitt 22 75 605 00 Total expenses at Countv House t4 231 70 RECAPITULATION. Balance Oot. Ist, 1892 1,549 21 Towns andCltles n.u 72 'ush f 10111 ('ounty House 209 97 Overdrafte 2 73 4,932 63 Expenses at County House. .4,231 70 Out-icle Relief 695 73 Old Orders Paid 234 02 5,161 46 ].i--s Old Orders 22 82 4.932 63 Outgtapdlng orders 106 56 been 'l'reasurer's balance 43 26 Total ovcrdrufts to Oct. 1. 63 ;k) Tlie following amounts are due the Finid from towns and cities for last yeai's board and care of their poor at the county house: Ann Ai-borCIty - Behan, 52 weeks. ._.$ 57 85 Jacob Miller, 52 w 57 85 Edward Oram, 52 w 57 85 Nancy Haldwin, S2 w 57 85 Sf Thos Gunnion. 53w 57 85 Daniel Winegrar, 52 w 57 8S Haniiah Stroud, 52w... 67 5 Mary Kut-bier, 52 w 57 85 l'ivd 11. 11 il 11, 52 w 57 85 Artlmr Hagan, K w 57 85 Nathan linindage. 52 w.. 57 85 Frank O'DonneU, 51 w, 4d 67 M Graee Owossa. 50 w, 4 d . . . 56 26 Pred Standel, :tó w, 2d :rr 08 Oshnian Kalley, 25 w, 4 d. 28 45 l'atO'Neal,52w 57 85 Thomas McCernon, 7 w.. 7 79 i 'h.-i pies Bchalter, 4 w, 6 l. 5 25 L.M. K'napp, 44 w, 4 d 49 59 936 94 935 94 Ann Ai-liorTown - WUIioni Da vis, 52 weeks.. 67 85 V. ('urtls Davi8, 52 w 57 85 Hobert Allen, 5 v, 5d 6 'M 122 08 Augusta- líispath Foster, 52 weeks 57 85 FrankieMacariiich, 30vrld 33 Vi Lina Macariiicb, 52 w 57 fió Thompson Macarnich,52w 5" 85 MolaiiKtlion Macarnlch, 52 weeks 57 85 Rehecca Macarnich, (.. 4 45 Robbtne Macarnicli, (i w.. B 67 Supt'riiitt'nderits' services 9 00 285 05 Freedom - Lucas Kenner, 27 w, 2 d . 30 36 Supervisor'! bilí 10 50 40 86 Lima- Georpre Liodower, 52 w 67 85 John Lon-e, 3Bw,3d 40 53 8 38 Lodi- Franeis Obemlorfer, 2 2 2í) 2 23 Manchester- Frank íiu-lit. .-:; 57 5 Wn. Sleede, 10 w 21 16 ,,,!„- C0 i luistian Staf)jler,40w.5d 45 30 45 30 (C'outiuued next week.)


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