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Mre. i.ydia Clark, oi YpsUamti, aged 88 vears. died Oei. 1 Tl II. The I hinder paper mili has comnieneed business auain. Franela .1. Freêmao, oí Ypgilaatl town. (lied (H-t. l-'i, aired 61 years. BV. W. H. Sha mum. Ol Salem, luis been taktng in the Chicago Expo. duriiiiï ihv week. Ai one of taie en-cll weddlnga at NortbvOle reoenntly, -. Black man was otne oí the best men. Reniember tlie Uivioii "'et-ran's Uniini (Mieamjimeiit at Howcll i" ■■ i uw and next day. Teeamseli feeta awiul big over the fact tJiat she has bronght out the innovation of female burglars. Curtía II. Dilkwi and Miss Mand A. Keteey, botli of York. wre married on taie lsth, at tlie home of W. W. Kelsey. The ih'W Iaw problMtlng iishiiiK in the llaisin with dip nets and spears has befn suspended by the board oi supervisors.- Dundee Reporter. The SGth birthday of "Wait Peek. of Sliaron. was celebrated on the lL'lh Hst., by bhe gathertng together of liis ehildriMi and jirand-children. People are obllged bo move out of Salem village now, because tli im eanpty house fco live in. Every1 5 1 i il ir chuck fuil and running over. Tbe Xavan-e qaarry a1 Btony l'oint. Mooroe coiinty, éèowb the effect of the greal glacial tramp, wbich in ■■■ times, mi il is held, The s.iliMii Oongregattoiial ohurcli look better ihan it diil before it was rt'iiiivalcil. repainted, rt-., luit the prayecé út ii worshipera are probably n more sincere. ■ est Lma I Ui;it "'("i peo]ilc have gome from Dextr bo the Worid's Fair, Bpendlogon au averag $50 r.-uh, making $25,000 taken ew1 ui tluit vlUage ihis sc.'isoin. The poBtoüice ;it Bls-kett ha - i'iisi-uiit iniicd. ninc'ii tO tile ilisplcasure of the ]. :ople wlin hav been in the haïit of getting üneti mail there. Bnt we nmst ii,i ay(?) yon know. Tlie Adrián !'rrs s.-.vs : ''Let the ple tnave all the sllver dollars T'ncle Saín can ruin.1' Dar sent iinciit s cxnetly ! We are ttoe people ! - Noröirillc Record. Thnt has thr r'iirhi Mirt of riiv.i'. The Ladles' Llbrary Assoclatian of Ypsiinnti, anmouneea b eoorae ol 14 rt.Minincius, ïnostly lecturee, lor Inch il BellS tickets at 7-". .-.nts loc the cours;', nr 50 cents wIktc more thMii mie is takn in i l'amily . A TecnmeeiJ (armer claims t" have realtied $1.10 per traabel tot hls Wbeat by teedtng lttohla hogs. That may be poeslble öhta year, but pork ■win nut alwaye aa Ugb as at present and wtheal may be blgher. The M. E. cliurch it Saline cloecd a receni Sunday becauee tibe society had run (Uit of WOOd, and thciv v,-is no iire. Witot svaa the matter with tJie preacherï Oouldn't h make it hot entnii;-h tor the eoogreffatloa ï A gOOd inmiy rats are belsg (lni]iped en tfae roada in ïpsllantl town, says tbe Ana Arlior Argus. It was ooticed Mme I Un a;r.. that the Ypellanti marshal bad undertakea to purlfy the mocáis of the city. The good work is uil! gotag on, it Beems.- Adriam Pr s i ] i ■ . 1 1 - .; i eau f learned ';ictal excursión ticket were sold foiChicago trom the dlHeremi paasenger latiuns in this ciiunty !asl werk. Addiii'i t: tnat ol regulaT tickets, euad tiicy aire líciiit;' sold day, il win malie ctoee . Washtenawlans who wen1 w.-rui's Fair last week. Quite a di-ain :! DM Til" Dra.--. l.a'ue (■■.■nii-l ■■. y a -.-■. tkra eontemplateB au additlonal i tiVC aeres. The village lias always hem uredlted witli falT liealtli lmt t.his contemplated eemetery ad,liti' ia tbongib there was to he a cmniietitive rusli bi-tween the qulck and the dead, lor iupremacy in iiupulation.- Adi ian PreBB, AmOOg the i-cvcral thlngs a level man aboold never do are bo walk on a railroail track, 1k ]ihit a riiii OT ] , i .- 1 ) ï at aiinilicr. I:. keep hifi savinii's ■'. i o run nifici' wheo lie lias a paytng balïii'ss in prtvate Ule, t ob.11 a bigger mail il'.: himMU ■ Uaar, or negled qjhi(i: liis Bubaoripttoa to the local per wlicn toe. - Dexte Leader. Remember tfluere are two sidea to all queel i :' '] ''""'■ . it wiil be well to h ar what !!'■ teacher haa bo say b ■ _v,,,i ore you pro■ H would be well bo vi.-it it [I tempted to i 11 on ,-i teacier wblle you are In a passion- (lon't. Wnit tfll y„,i ;;;vr DE)T ;rl-; control of youreelf. - Dundee Ledger. .,1 over a large part o! Nortl) Anifi-icn, CUtttag 0Í1 ïnountain tope arad vallrys and grinding and BDRltcbtaK tin' naiiv.' rock. The covered rocks a-t Xavarre quany show mnmJetak&bly the groaren íurrnwed into the native BtOOti bv the gmnite bmilders trom tlio north which were 8coo]mm1 up and borne aJong by tflw tremendoaa energy of tlie ice.- Adrián PreaB. rnii.s is just tlie time of tSe ycar that country potb-maaten oagbt io fix up the Mghway t" tbe oomlng winter. TJiat lgally hnperative duiv, laiways negiected) i phsUtag up looee stoiws in tb road bed, ulil le attemled to. There are ,-i1m many rut and oliuck liolfs 1liat n.Td attontion befare tille all rains set in and winter íollous. A Httle julici(iis WOrk at tliis scas'ni w.mld ie well expended. Big-A-little-a-ron AVilson, oí infíton, tlitmht BOtoe on-oi-a-gun had stolen his promtelng young colt one day last weck nul liad sever&l coiinty slicrifís in the Bearchlng party. The colt was simply practletag the adnge oí, ''a ohaiige of pasture inaki-s fat catUc." aitd be WM quictly razinK over in oeigUbOT 'Mim" Erwln'a clover patt-li.- Nortlnille Kec(ird. The colfs oivncr will probably cíisplay a littlc nioi-e horso scnsc about sueli tbtega, heceafter. WIMle dlggtng a tareocüi for a sower cannectian at Bchaífer'a j-ocery on Oosa st.. last week, tAne wortanea caine tipon aa oak stump, t'lic top of -rt-iiicii was about six feet below tho surfac?. The stump -s alxut two feet across and was as solid as it was wlicn the Michigan Oentral road was built in t'toe tliirties, wheii it la probable tibie epoi weus Ulied to nearly the present tevel. Th ■ olJ oek :is split np aml niany oí d 'it people hav preeervéd pleoea as relies.- YpeUanti Seiitincl. XoiniM.i Wood wiil iJiis year reallze a lair prooi Iwmi bte aiii' erop. He lias secmred upwanis al 300 barrel:; of marketable truli besldes ttie cmlle and apples. During the ]ia.-t lew yeara t ' !' Uk a.U en o' unie 11 any proüt. -Saline Otmerver. A llock oí wild geera ilnv over town ln a .suuth-wesUTly din-ilion, un ri'uis,!ay. Tbey were taktag a round abcrat uay tu escape the Wocld's l'air, DO (liiu'.n.- Wtv.vne Eevtew. Wiiaf geese I Tire preeMlng eider cá the Adrián district of Yi. E. chmrches, was in li. un last Frid.iy and Salm-day, and as i reeult his viit tbe Milán ciiiii-rh is no looger a part of aclrcnit. hm is a cbarge all alone by Itself, wlth Mv. Yaget em pastor. ' don and oaUviih' iiavc been bö otl with Acalla, trom Dunldee circuit, and huw forme a circuit wltfc minister (■ruil resideni it Azalia. The Mili 11 circuit once ciiiln-accil the cMUrches ;it tliis place, Oakvillc, l.nnAzalia and Come.- Milán Leader. If you liavc a.ny lunli as to the 1 .--aiit.v oí your lin.' (eooe, hre Is the la-W relative to tliat subject : "All cues idiir and a lialí leet hlgta, and in good repair, oonslstiag ol raus, timben, Btone willis, (ir any combhiatidii ühereotf, and all brooks, lïvers, crecks. ditrhes a iid hednes, or other tiünge, which siiail Ik; equivalent I hrrriu. in the Judgment et th l viewers witlhki whoee Jurlsdiction iin same may lx-, siiall be deemed legal and suííicieiii ïeiices. T!ie ovcrseei ui hi.uhways (if the several tOWBShipg in tlüs state shalt be ince viewers U Iheir resjieetiV!' I n wn.-ii '. j -." This iruiiiiui descrlptkm oJ a wel Uniiwn lad is fúven iiy a genUemai w 'mi is a close observec oi human na bare: "l liave gpont much oí the yeors in larmerB' bornes, amd seen liiat boy- the atry lad as be i. He risea early, he is aeqiiainti'd and Interested In all ! pouttry : h knows all i py round cd wltil evri-y r.v animal, tree and flower, n mil cereal m tibe laim. He ha ion. and bis sleep la sv ■; and relreslilng'. He reads thoughtlully the greal i;ok in umi are, u b a open be lihn ilay by ilay. líe toree Uis íalli;. and calis them BUCh, r.iid lie lncs his swc Ihrart as no berma boj dote, mul ia laved in turn iiy hef as nu t in-u boy is."


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Ann Arbor Courier