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REPORT OF THE OONDITION OF THE FARMERS and fl A WW MECHANICS UMik AT ANN ARBOR. MICH.. At the close of business. Oct. 3, 1893 IIKSOURCES. Loans aud discounts Í20S.GK4 11 Stocks, liuuds, murtgnges, etc 79,381 "x; Overdrafts 1,622 16 Duc front Waslnenaw Couuty K733 28 furnitnre and lix tures 2.000 00 Current expenses and taxes paid 1,888 21 Interestpaid 1.672 66 Due f rom banks in reserve cities 96,888 '■ Due from othi-r Imnks and buiken,. 887 66 Jhecks aud cash items 3,559 16 Ñickels and ieunies 140 87 (iold 11485 00 Silver 1,168 1 U. S. aud National Bank Notes 1H.976 00 Total $38,717 54 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paidlu J 50,000 00 Burplusfund -20,00000 Undivided proflts 8,890 48 Dividends Unpaid ... ... 28 00 Commercial depo'ts subject to check 94,751 77 ('nmmcrcial certiflcates oL deposit .. 12-.'Jiy -" Savingí deposita 85,787 88 Uertlfled cheoks -275 00 Notes and bilis rediscounted 6,y.v 11 Total $:ÜS,717 M STAIK OF MICHIGAN, j COONTY ni' WABHTBNAW, ( 1. 1. 11. BEL8ER, Cashiev, of the above named Bank, do BOlemnly Bwear tliat the above statement is true, fco the best of my knowledge and !.. F. il. BliLSKK, Cashier. Bubecribed nnd sworn to before me, this lOth das oi Ootbei H. A. WILLIAMS, Notarv I'ublic Correct- Attest : Chas. E. Greene, Wm. C. Stevens, tí. I'. Ailmendlnger, Directors. Sale of State Tax Lands. Auditor Gensral's Officb, i LANSINO, Mich., Oct. 25, lfffi.i Notics is herby sriven that certaln tanda Bttnated in tho oonnty (!' Wasbtenaw, bid olf lo the state for taxcs of 1889 nnd previous i:us and dencrlbed in Btateraentfl whlob wlll hereafter be torwarded [o the iiiice of the Treasurer of finiil Connty, wll be BOld at public auctlon by saul treasarer at the Uounty Beat, od the tirst Monda; of December next. ai ttae time and place deslgnated for the Ad naai Tax sales, if not previously redeemed tjr canoeled accordina t law. satii statements oontaln a fnll descrlptlon ofeacli Darcel oí saiil lands and niav bu Heen on appltoatlon t the office of the County Treasurer after tliey nro reoelved bybim. STANLEY W. TURS Auditor General. Ann Arbor Fruit Farm Small Fruit and trees from Ellwanger Bad Barry, the oldest nursery in the United States. Kaspbprry and Blackberry Bbrabs, Domestic Winea, Plymouth Rock l''i.r:_r, and Artichokes. E. BAUR, Ann Arbor Mieh. GoedYear's Drag Store. No. 5 S. Main Street, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. vo4 ' tl S NL f ry? Our Goode and Prices outshiue all other and would-be compevltora pale into inïlg nificanoe. Wc have the satisfaction of knowing that we liave the largest stock and are never undersold. We work hard to get you for a custonier, and just as hard to keep jou. TIMKS BI IIAK1) AM WK WII.I, (JIVK ÏOB THE MOST FOK Vont HONKT. GOODYÜR'S DRUG STORE. NEW MEAT MARKET Send the girl or boy with your order, anil rost assured that the (juality and weights will be the same aa if you came yourself. I carry in stock everything found in a FIRST-CLASS Meat Market And buy only the best stock. I am better prepared than ever to supply my customerê in my new market. J. F. HOELZLE, Cor. Washington and Fourtli. 'Phone 75. 88-10S A Niee Thing to Know ÍS WHBRE TO BKT A Fise Uach or Warm Meal While down town, or :_' n with a friend Lor a little chat and enjoy a dish of ICE CREAM OS SODA Where the Burroundinga are in keeping with oiir best homes, mul, hen yon leave, cannot help but fee! pröud that Aun Arbor has such a place. If you cali at the ROY AL CAFE, Cor. Washington and Fifth Ave., Once, you will cali again. MRS. JOHN SCHNEIDER, Jr. SAFFTY DEPOSIT BOXES TO REM', In tlie New Vaiüts oí m m Ul S BU. Absolutely Fire aud Burglnv Proof. CALL AND INSPECT THEM.


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Ann Arbor Courier