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$200,000 More

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'lile tíntenle appetite l.mnvn as the board o! supervisors, went tbrougli lts animal art oí addlng to equalized valuatton of Aim ArbOT ky again lasl Thm-sday. The coamnittee en equalization, - tour membare, Bi -liad Immml woi-kin'-í inres.ui t ly for three, lomr. buey weeks tu Hg uring; out how they could taJte trom theiv own valuat inn, aiul add to lliat oí the i-ity. It wis nol a qnestion with .tliem. whether it was rifíht OT n'it,.ii!) city supervteoT wïus conferred ■witúi OT askeil wliaí lie tUought, OT to ciny way consrulted about the matter) bilt it Wiafl B IMlrstilüll OÍ llllW mucli tlu'y should take, because they jiail the (mu'it iiini proposeO to do it auyhow. ii; courae we reallze tiial t is not ciist .uiiai-y v.hen a man s golng to roto yon to ! e!l yon aliout it wiih ou as to how much he shali i rui you of. Laet tíhey practlcally added - non -to .Vim Arbor'B assessed valuatlom- ttoat was a fine record for i thetr eonfltituenta on ! iJiis year they were more tn and only added $200,000 bo Aun Albor and $50,000 to Ypellanti. ïlie followlag flgurea show Uow d:ided the plunder tais time : Ann Arbor town - - - $10,000 Brtdgewater - - - - L5.000 Dexter 10,000 Freedom 10,000 Iodi 20,000 Lyndon 10,006 Manchester - - - 25,060 NortWieM 10,000 I'itt.siiokl 20,000 Salem 15,000 Saline 15,000 Scio 15,000 Shan.n 20,000 Superior 15,000 Webster 20,000 Ypwilnnti town - - - 20,000 The towns oí Augusta, Lima, Bylvan and York, tor reaaone best known to tliom.selves. probably, wwre left witüwjut nny of the pie. Tlue four mombei-B of tibe coniniHtee concocting tJiin glgfllltic scheme eocta inl(iade.a $20,000- nottoing eelfisit aiMmt that ! But the queerest freak dn tihe wlude buslneea was the reduction of Manjtve8tT $25,000 ! wiiat eerthly reasoni there was for it no one seeme to know except ihat the commlttee had that mach to si-u tile in some way, and Watklns, the Kiipri-visiir, is cae al the Jolly goad 'elknvs of the Board. And he labored wlfcb them inceesantiv to 1 1 1 ; 1 1 end. town lid not deaerve It. It is ome of the ix'si n ilir wtoole county. It is wlde awake and Lluiv in-i'. Thr is no il.. ad nuil in MaiK-li"Stei-. and there g ooi a bownsblp in btaue oounty o sa rii-ii in ï l farms, live bus,. houscs In a thriviiiü rUlage, brlght, ctrv-e iinil well-to do men and vromen, as in Manchester. It is the last, ( in the brlgirt galaxy al Waahtenaw county towuBtüpe that one would i!i;nk belonged in the chtwrltable colïitnn. Hut Hiere it went. while tnwiislii]is libe l.yndim. and FYefidam and NortfhfieM liad to be content witli a iiaitry $10,000. "Jnstlce" looked tJirougii qtieetr eyee, time. # Wihen one considera thai thla aniouiit uf $250,000, ly belng taken nnm tfae ta rniis erf these towae and added in the Uui-di'iis oí the city taxpayere .makes in veality $500,000 the richni'ss oí lilis supervis(vr's gold mine een ! i-eadiiy appreclated. At, the rate the Iransicr oí tax bardene lias been gotng on lor tin1 past yoai-s trom tihe eounty towii-s o the city. it is only a question of time wJien tlie city will not only have to pay all tiie taxes. luit actually pay a per cai'ita premium to 1lie residnts of these townships. It has been BUggeeted that tliiw last statement is overúraiwii ; pernaps it is; time alone can teil: bilt thafs the way it luoks now. The eomptalnt is constantly made by eounty ffupervtoors ttoat Aun Arboa- is not assessed liïüli eraOUgh, but vel in) ome ever brougtit forward n ■ i i-t ; - - ■ to i : ■ r ■. i ■ siu-ii au aneertion. s In Looking i)rr a Kalnmaz 10 paper i Mie o-ther'day w acrons the wark ■' the supervteors tihere, and w fiiiii fCakunacoo city vulued al iHiiy $6,719,190 ! K;i!aui.-iz..} te ;i place o.' 25,000 inhiabttantB. Il is wwtdi doublé Aha Arbor chy to-day In wcnlth and manufactures, and vet i(s supervisora place LI at omly $1,000,000 more than supervisors do Ami Arbor, our fljjurea belng $5,175,000. In Warihtenaw counrty Uiere are 20 townships ; in Ka lama zou 16 : and yet Aan Arbor peys more tiian mi'iiftli of tin', wtaole ia ui the county, v. Kalamazoo thoagh doublé the size ií Aun ArbOT, a ml Iwivimr, foiir : ■ i .. i-iiips t o help he-r oui . p leas I h t t:i oí ; lie i nu coiin: y. 'I his gO8S t .) Bbow the wllirll 1i: ■ 811pervlsors txeai Ann Arbor. And .vet ymi : wcll ti-y to glve the ia öhe moon e Détearte moveae ; o i ry bo airgne v ui i ii . rvisors OD i lila pi aire as deaJ as a m sul ttmd a - Bil al as :- ■ sphlnx. ■r is : "We h;tve gwl ttie vofefl ; tliis is oair pie ; we pro] : slice it up aa we dhoose aad eat a piece erery year. In UhB lanjfuage mortal l'laiiiiij,aii, ui Texas, 'a wtoat wE are hee tor.' " IIitc te tlhe way tiie .eqtnaJlïatlon commtttee word this cai-, 'and it is a specimen i every yewr). Toward the end ! iiic seeslon they jioi together and dtocuased this one ])(iim inly : "How much sliall f iive the city dï Ann Arbor thls ycar?" Ttaefe was no comparlng o! rolls- excepi the log poUlng done by the supervisor trom Manchester- no queetiona aafced oí tbe Bupervlaora trom tüiie city oif Ann Actoor, as bo Üieir rypinion ivs to what was rlgftt ; In fact tlie tnifstian of rilit ncv.-r once cnit red the minde oí the committee, it wti.s a queetkm o4 migbt. After tille mivonnt was Bereed npoiii as $200,000 tillen tlicy set abrnit dividin.ii the swag. This was a somrwhat difficult task as tliey all wanted it, and tlxe Manclicstcr man especlally, and b ewcceeded bo wrell in shuwins that he liad more personal on llLs bOOkS than all the OtUW BUpervisora put together, prevalled uion tiie committee at l;st to iiiin tlhe i'i.L.uvst Blfce. After eacto al the committee bad agreed ti keep tot i.v.n use 20.(KK) tlit-n they Bet aUmt liivinu to ti'.rir personal (rienda oí! tbe board. And ihafs the way it was dome. And that ia probablj bhe way ii wiu continue to be done until tlhe Injuatice geta bo rank. uw it lias In ome eoantlea, tliat the legi.-ljturi' wil! intrnVi-.'. and fix it BO iiia; the lmpoBltloo can be eontlnIHll 11 I lolliiCl'. That uur readera may fcnow just -huw much the city has bee rateed : Ince t his 's il big ' business commenccd. we srlvE bekvw a bable, whowing equallwd valnation as i, was in IS8S. aa it is dow, with I !.! In rease , ,-:n:l decrease hw eacsh dlstricl . I wül ii.' i i-v -' ing to perase : E üls'd Equallz'd n ,,,,.,. 183. Ann Arbor city 4,5TmOOO 5,175,0 - rbor luwn... :wi.mi uKUta ■ ' .-i'iK'i .iatcr ï.oaaooo ïs,oou oin Lima 1.067,000 .J;.ii i,,„li 1,300,000 9S0.O01) Lyndón 570.000 KM, Mancheátér l.rOO.000 l,H5.00ii Northfleld es,OuO Plttsfleld 1.-165.000 !.!!■;.■ Balein 1,150,000 9I5.0UI Saline 1,917,090 1,130,000 Sciu 1,800.000 1.115, Sharon 10 Hl) '■'■'■■' guperlór 1.22 1 2b.%00i) svlvan 1,-Nu.Ukl Mdni Vfcbster 1.185,000 B5.N0U0 Tpaüanti ïóm l,a93,O00 ■ .000 V'Mllantlclty, Istdlst 1,830.000 1.885.000 V.-ll:mlU-lt"-: 'Al llt 883,000 581,010 148,000 " .v The ulereas.' has lH-'n $598)00 fewAnn Arbor city. and $5,000 lor tfce lit-st (lLstjict o,' Vpsilanti. The decrease tor títe u nsiiips and the 2d district of Ypeilamti city, as will be jioticcd, ha.s been $5,718,000! It in a wonojerful record, Lsn't it ? wiipn the baste o equalliatlon was chanucd bom thirty milUona t" twenty-iivo miiiioji doUan, bhe towna took it all ttuntselvee amd gave this city oome, tfliougb Ypellanti city dld re, eive a atuore if thr same. We hope that our friemds, the pervlsors of t'.ie vartoua townshlps, will (.ut out tillis table. pOBte it fa) tlieir hate, and bring it bo the uext meeting I tie Board. tl may 1i help to tliem whn the qneeloa La asked tJiciii. is it always s in the equalizatten eommittee, "well, how iimrii siiall we ratee Aan Arbor this vear t" Th?y ni.iy takc occasion to look over the tlguraa oi the past, and 11 is possïble tiliat thriv consciencea may ui n dhao ■■ bo irwk on tbem a little. Mt Pnncnn. o; X:;rUnïi'l(], whfl VOted wiih the city supervisors ogalnsi tlhe commlttee'e pepori ibis year, dld 8O in tOie intci-rvi oí liis oun townshlp. I'.y adopting thai repori Webster was peduced $20,000, Salem $15, 000, anid his own bownahlp only $10,000, luis tli'.Mn the advantage ■ Fractiooal school ■ ii ! p.ractlcally ralslng the in X(irt!i!ivlil. wtiile lowerlng his riel) ii"i'4ii!! sin]])ly making an attempt ■1 .-i fual división I tli ■ plander. # ii musí be rememb : all time the Beeeased valuatlon f ■ yww been gfltog down. Gvery yea r i ;i" upen teora Iva ve beea iklng tihe v.ii.i oí I i'1 property (jhiej placed upon their aaeessmeni rolle. 'iliat our réadfiTB may have stome .h-a mi1 t!i ■ i i i! "í tiiis ahrlnkage, we nivc below .i bable Bbowtag the asaeseed valuation in 1883, and the same in 1898, togertlher wlth anuurnt eaclh township has decreased its property : - iaed Asaessed Valus'n ■lna'a Dei n 1883. 1893. Ann Arbor city 4,784,990 MBIS, Ann Ailjor town l.Slii.iwl l.lüfOM 1595 AUKUBta .fflO Ii'i-5I' M'S2 HrldKowatcr SO,008 19,540 465 B"xtT 8,-!i,r,sr, iw,4ir, 181.120 Freedoin M5 911.790 8,5 Lima l.miW BJ5.1 2tó,950 Lüdi CmSsHI 1,048.61 Iv „dón .... 681,980 MÍ.7.JI 29,a00 líancheitír .: l,5o,98i) 1.298.K-, 2g,5 Ncirthfiuld 944.HTD MS,0 88,590 PltUflSld.. !.48S,21i) 1.3M.545 SalPin . . l.iT. 14.1 i"". TJ" 101. :ir. g"ne 1,411 Tío l,S5010 Seo i lni I,1S 378,085 gSSirtor ... 1 221 11 I.1M.590 6,550 Sy van .... 1 252. 75 1,094.Weteter... 1216,080 4S, YoVk I2ÍÍ710 1,2Ï7,OSO 7O.8M Ynallanti town 1,279.020 1.185,090 M,W vis a city . lstdlsl 1 WÍ.10O W YpSlantl city, ad dlrtl 670, 7UU tBUUJ X, 1 üi i, 473, 100 8, 5M, 3U0 3, l6, 385 In tJie meantlme the property oii tiie i-olls in fit y oí Aun ArtXMr ha tncreased $797,870, and in Ypsilanü $419,200. In otJier onls. tlie asscssed valnalion ',H' tlhe towns has Ihhmi decreased $8,026,885, wiliile tlie aaeeased valnatici-n in the cttiee has In-en ; ed .-!.-.+.t■,7ll. A dUference ol over ï 1,200,000 In Í tem yeai-s ! Vim wonld hardly helieve il. lmt snrii is bhe fact, theae ii-nies are taken tïom tibe proceedlnga of tihe Boord o-l SnporvteoirB, as found on their Journal In tihe oounty clerk's oifire.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier