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How Do Our Farmers Like It?

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If yoti (U'siiv tu kuow somi'thinjï of the effecte m' the present democratie poiley f bbe natlon upan Uw peo]ilr. i( is well in listen t wliat our DeigttbON haw tu say orcasionall.v. Here is am extract from bbe Ridgetown Canada I'laindraler. oí Oct. 5, ls:):, t;iiai we ribonld be pleased to hoA'e cmr detnoaratlc readers pe] ase ei ml ponder over : "A Waliiimtou ilispalch says: It ■vill of btterest In Canada tii know Ihai tile wa.vs and nicans commlttee lias pa-obably decided t pul the tolkwiñg anieles mi tin1 iri'j list : Wool, binding t wiiic cotton baging and lies. lrad. tin. iron ore, cual. tiniluT, hewed and gawed and umnanufacturcil, galt, bemp, needJee, copper ore, wgetaSbiee, meate, game anuí poultry, eggs, beajne and aeeóe. ü canoot be .-iat 1 tbal tliis is official, ior the i'oiinnil i i'i' is workinm in secrei and all dificial iiifiirinatiiin is witludil. 'llif cliainnatii of the commlttee, Mr. Wil-. mi. ot Wetrt Virginia is in m embarraasfatg posltloo as to coal, tor iii-i state la a co&i pwwucer, .-iiiii ie opposcd t t lic ábolltloa or reduetlon ol bbe dut y "f 7-5 cents a ton on Mi umin mil. '('nn.ida v i 1 1 sliarc frccly with nili et nMtions reciproca] effect of the ;i iiv;i'itt to be Becnced iiy the American CiiH.slllllrrs. ''JjSMt wiiil prottuced in f'nnada, to tJi' vaine ol miare iii.-ui $200,iion, was expocted to tbe Dnlted States in spitc :' Ihr dut y of 11 ci'nts aod li! oente a poend. N.-it ional pi-rdjuilui" win no longer müce Bhe American retraía (rom weartng cfceap wooien goode, even lf t lic aheep which bore the wooi nibbted gresg Bpringinir froni (■.■tundían 90U. "Meatoi frame ponltry and sccils ma; be called Btaple Caaadlan iroducts. Beane are an Important prodnct in western OntartO and otlu-iparta ol t be dominion, and mutual ventases wlU tbe tarlR rellllINJll . 'The egg marki't of the AnuTiran cltiee wiii be apecially raluable to t}' ('.iiiinüni bumen. Th placlng oí ihis Important product n the free li-i wüi relieve tbe cooaumers oí the fancy prlcea Uiey are occaslonally oUliiii'd lo i;iy. ;ii](l wül at tile sanu' Ume aííonl an outlet lor tbe ('anadian producta ai prlcee as iiiii w ínghBT t'nan can be obiainiMl at home." And so AVilson is h.niii'í a little tixíuble is he? Tbere are soinc men in hls district who want protectlon tot ÜtemselToa ? They tote for free tr.nlo, and tlien wlicu it comes to lu iicss. sneak in lifiori' 1'i committiee and aek ju-otection for tilieir own intett'Kts, but free trade for thclr turetJirein in other loealitii'S ! Thafs tjhe iiica of free trade jnticc most free traden poeeeas. Proteci m, but do not protect our neigbbors. lint avIki'i do our farmers think of tbe almvt' ? JIow -vvill tltcy relish conüntr in ronipetition wftb Oanaddao mi!, tor laatence, without any laviïf. wpeclally wben $200,000 woi-th luis been sent in hore despite tttie fNistiiii; tariil'V HoW vill thy like tc liavr this market thxownopen Ui :ill t lu prodacta (il (anadian farmers witiiiuut lel blndrance ? Wlll it be desirable ?


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Ann Arbor Courier