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Bucklen's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in tho vrorld for Cute, Iirulses, Sores, Ulcera, Salt Ilheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chillblains, Corus, and all skin Eruptions, and posltively cures Piles or no pay required. It is gnaranteed to give perfect satisiaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For ale by Eberbach & Sou. Timo wnit.s (or no man, luit ninny a;ui beats it. BUgb ïhijig often makee a jrcttv Iüw mrade of Bt oe THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MV COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor says it acta gently on the stomach, liver and kinnevs. and is a plensant laxative. This drink is marte from herbs. and is prcpared for use as easily as tea. Itiscalled LAÑES MEDICINE Alt omcririBtssell itat 50c. and$l apaokape. If yoa cannot get it. aend your address for a free sample IiRnr'a laniily Meriicine moven the bowels ench tur. In orflir to he hc:ilthy this is necessarv Addres OBATOK P. WUUÜWAB1). I.E Roy. N.Í JNO. BAUMGARDNER, L en .JOIüIEITILJ, ï CEWETERY o BUILDING i 2 Also, Stone Walks. - Estimates cheerfully furniBhed. Cor, Detroit and Catherine Sts., ANN ARBOR, MICH WOÓDS PHOSPHODINE. The Ürrat Encliah Remedy. ■■jk jtËJOSk Froniptly and permanently P.if''""' :':1 'onns o( AVnu3 wmv wÊm LwWcakne33,Emissions, Spentf Qt.cJ$Mi xv) cLtorrliea, Impotency and aü %wyK. a eff ceta of Abuse or Encestes. M éV m riccu prescribed over 35 fclWfii vyoarsin thunsands of cases; -tofcr andAftir. i3O7ilv ReüableandHonJ est medicine known. Ask drugglst for Wood'a Phoiohodine; lf he offers LOrae worthleas medicine in place of thlg, leave hij dlsbonest store, Inclose price In letter, and we win send by return mail. Price, one package, $l;slx, S5. One will please, six will cure. Famphlet in plaln sealed envelope, 2 cents postage. Address The Wood Chemical Co., 131 Wood ward avenue. Detroit, Uicb. Sold in Aim Arbor and everywhere by all druggists. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER Of all the Latest Desistís. PHICES tlie LOWEST AT OSCAR O. SOEG, Tlie XJecorator. 70 S. MAIJÍ ST., AïiN ARB0R. GOOD ADVTCE. Every patrioticcitizeh should givehig personal eft'ort and influe::cv lo increase i e circulation of his home paper which tcac'in s the American poHcy oí ProtecIt is his !uty to aid n this respect in every way p'.ssible. Aft.-rtliu liome paper is taken care of, why nut subscril.e for the American Economist, publishecl by the Amcricaii Protectivo TariffLcaguo? One oL its cirrespondents snys : "No truc American can get along without it. I consider it the greatest and truest political teacher in the Unücd States." Send postal card request for free sample copy. Address Wilbur F. man, General Secretary, 135 West 23CI St-, New York. Otee ox. T:Ye eoAxse o o (XmerVcau. Are you willing tu work forthe causo oL Pr-tection in placing rcüable iníormatiiíi in the hands of your acquaintancea ? IL you are, you should be identified with the american Protective tariff League, 13C w. 23d st., New York. Cut tliis Dotloe uut and sond it to the Icafue, Blalinjj your position, and give a helping hand. Fita like the paper on the wall- Kalsoimme. Drinkintr muses pororty, ai ihc gold cure i good íor both.


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