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County And Vicinity

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There are r."í gtudemta ' i the Manchester hi.u-h school. Tin' livst citizciis o. VpsiiMiit i are orgamlzlBg a social club. Borne ' the nnisiciaus al Clinton I. a ve oa-gnnlzed an orcheatra. Farmers ilioui Chelsea are sowlng more rye t8ian fornierly tliis íall. Tiw' yoiuitr todke ol majicheeter wiil danoe In Arbeltr hall to-morrow cvciiin-. Cui tiss ciTanicry at Milán now uses uj) about 800 Ib-;, ol inilk ir da"y. Whlttaker ha to Itaive a ncw flour and feed mili started by waiiam II. Oetrander. TUio pieklo íai-tciry at Haoaver pald farmers thereabcuts $7,000 [or cu cumbere tlifc ycar. WilMMit ís gettlng into fine coiuiition for winter, .lcwt ol it la so late that iasect.s ar ot (carril. AíMnit 15 ar toada oí pbultry have leen .-'liiipcil íi-uin ('hrlsca 1his srason by Kempl .v Bacon, saya tbe llcrakl. Ií yon shoiihl happen t see per9OD8 wirii vci-y black llngers doo't jmliíi' him he has Imm-h sluickiiiü' walmits. VasinMiav county won the tlr1 ]a-izo at tli' World's Fair, uv heep. cive tu free trade awbUe and see ■vQiei-c slu' wlll be. Tuc marshal of Milán wül arrest and bring to justii-c ;iny haUowe'en praskers wbo nuay earry ttaeir fun loo far ; so says. .Mat. I). ülosscr, of tlic Manchester Enterp-rlse, lias iiail the electrlc i'mht placed in iiis resldence. He ia quite a lifíht himeelt. fir. F. K. Owi'ii iias gooe to Grand Forks, X. I).. ti i 't'i'dcjiisli hla stock o.i Jiiniiinii storles. He wlll be gone eeveral weeks. - Ypsllaintlan. The base ball b:iys O'i are to bring oiit a iilay : "Millii', the Quadroon," soou. 'J'liey hop to have ui Inning o Bitver t'aat nlght. Tlic time weather t-hte ïali has been improved by tihe tln-iity farmer, who lias Bucceeded in gettine his husking and fali work neerly oompleted. Saui-rkraut is the order oJ the day at the piekte works, They are usinsr n machine tiiat casi 100 barreta per day.- Jomesvllle Independent. l!:,us rnid'cr. Bro. Gildori o! the Stockbridge Sun has boughi a new Prouty presa and ■- laym; In tor a new gasoline encime, i'.u ui mr him. May he live long nul ptrosper. Tiie boya in i galterlea a1 the M. E, ( hiircli. Ypsilaiiti. Ivhave Hiimiim'Ivcs su badly, thai the pastor bas thrvntened tü have theru arreated and brougSit in fustice. It is said t'hat a Oarlton man ulm tted iiis buil 1iï fco liis chlckeo e op as a mnance bo poaltry thlevee, is offerlmg a reward f tin1 reeovery "t the flog.- Adrián Prese. a large glotoe has been pwchased by the üriilucwatcr sclinol anthorltles. Ttoe actoool there eeeme to want the carth. wlth Jackaon park thrown in.- Adrián PreSB. Albert üiHid ratsed 600 buebels ei marki'talili' potatoeí ora lesa than Ilircc acres o.' l.nii'lnn poor sand. and a nlcer l'H oi potatoea (we ttolnk) would be luu-il bo iiml.- Mil.-ui Leader. T1ki-c is strong öl the vlllage liirkiir a J'inkfiiiin detective tor mar stual duty, if there too't more order kept arcnnd tlhe Saloons and lesa tlgtottog on tïn' strri'is. -Wayne Review. Th" ncw inoniiiiiriii mi ili" Warner lot iiii the Moori'viili' cemetery was srt last week, furnisliiMl ly J. Iiaiini gardtter ui Ann Apdot, and is a very neat and liandsoino Saline il aeryer. - To háre a poor teacher aimply ïx1cauee be or she ba cheap tor the Hstrtet, in doltara and cents is a mlgtity poor lnvestanent. A good teacher ia always worth a good price, bat a POCW is liever WOrth even a li(r priie. 'iiie woest case oí absence ol mind we ever hnird oí, was t luit oí a Manchester man who. wlien hurrying tor a train, tbought be had forgotten hiS wat-h, and took it out ofliis pocket ld see í he had time to go back home aner it. Severa] w.ells in the vlllage have been ileaned (int lately and trom one tu hall a dotten (roga have been tonnd in each ome. Tour well, Hk6 your watih. needs friMinent i-lcaniiiK.- Cllntoai Looal. Welli werenH the trogs there for siimr gOOd ? .1. F. Spafard wliile in Chicago, recently, purchaaed a. fint flock of over 200 sheep and now has tlirm on Iiis larin west of town. .lolm is eonsidi-red a smul judi;i of hheeji a lid is A-ailv to buv more trom tlie Bame Maneliester Enterprise. A law iJionld le ]iassed by uur neM leislatnre inakinsr it an o.feiisc punishable by iiue OT iniliiisinunent to grv a. tramp anylhiiifi to eat but bread and water. Graas Lake Kewa. niank God the law ailow.s us to gtve uliat is ownto wham we clioose, and it ■vill over be BO. - Moaicheater l'nterprie. Jacob PoJhemiua ao Aun Arbortte Btnoe 1835, celebrated hla 82nd birthd:iy las! weck. H is nv OÍ those slurdy pioneers wh rin niber when they íiscd to Bhake down butter nnts by simply bul tonina abcrat i bree, the coal oí a maa wlio had i b ■ Advian Press. The electric railway sóbeme eeema to !ic an assured t !i 'lili'. Tlic Adrián strcct railway p+'ople it is understO'Oil liave a deal in hand whteh wlll 1h' cüiii]ilebed to-day, wliereby the Adrián ruad passes iuto tJie posst'ssion oí tile Thompsoii-IIoiiston coinpany, whu wiii make th' extensión tu tiiis place, and froni heme t Clinton, Saline and Ypsilnnti.- Tecumseli Horald. A gOOá many outside people are investiiii;' t;heir snrplns money in Ie1 ruit property tu a gOOd advantae. Money invested thrre bringS gOOd - rimckney Dlspatoh. It wlll st.'uid thoee people in liand tu keep a sharp watch n thefa" invest nients, just same. Detroit capitalista seldoni allow paylng investnient s, t luí t are sound and permanent, tu slip out oí thelr hands. The indisoriminate exchamge o. 1 'ad pencila twnong sclinui pupila is con(ieniiM'd by ]i" Minnesiit a healtli conimissioiiiers v !o a,v s 1 lia t jinttiim' the peneil in tlw mOUth is a very foranion liabit a.nil that diplitiiei'ia and other diseasi's are o;tcn t ransinit ted in tiiis wey. if t4w pupila cannol be forbidden lo lend or excihíuige penclls, he saya bhe jamiturs must dlalnfect tlie penclls every day. The man who imUitnally hypothecatea other peopie'a lead pendía slnnld make a note n; lilis. "The cliap who wrote the tollowlng was evidently a. menilur oí sume , i;iuv board, and !;ikjvs ho"w it is hlmselí : -'Ií the Tilla.ire oonncil doj's anytaüng that dcwss not exactly sut yon - cuss 'em. 'lliey ge1 ir) salary fot lime devoted to looklng after tSie alíairs oí the villaiíe froni year to year .nul dO what seems besi fOT i'Veryliody ; but that dim't matter. They were elected i he exprese purpose oí plensinií all íactious and persons at fehe same time, and ií they doin't do it . euss 'em. They expect it. aml will he disaiinointeil II yi.n dnu't." Tiie door-yardB aboni towm are bekng iieaiitiiied by the raking and bnrnimr oí lea-ves, but oh, -n-hat a dlfferin the eveninn when one's slcepImg room is cluoek mil oí smin'.ge from a neiuhbur's gnt-ter. Daytime Ís ihe proper time to bi;-n teares, tlien llie smoke i n :.! so nin.-h notieed. A Mili bet ter plan ií yon have a berry pati-h Ot gome kitn.l. is to use them fo mulclhing. - Eaterprlse. No better tertUizer can be made thau these leaves make. and yet the people i apon burnlng them up, and buyllUC tVi-tilizers. Mr. Moirgan !- putting in tlie tiip íor liis íiew railruad siijnal to-day, and it will be working in a íev days. Then .-ni englneer approecEIng from t'he oast will kjmw befar lie reachea the City Ihe traiu preeediníí hliii is Btlll al Ihe stalion liere. or has passed cnit oí the yard westward. Tiiis will make m cííeetive guard anainst accidenta llke t'.iat al Jaeksnn. 'J'lie signa] is a mi)di,ieati ni oí t he une he has liad in operation liere the past year. which tells the engineer how many minutes he is írom fhe train ahead oí liini.- Vpsilanti ('onuneroial. KEKLKY INSTIllTi: LITIO ATION. Some time ago Milt wa.s began Ín taie name oí lv. Ooomba ol thla eity lo recover the suins inve.stcd in the Keeley lnstitute by local capitalista. The nttornevs íor the deíendants obj, . ted lo this miuiiicr n eombiniug I he claims o,1 several parí Íes. and con snl io-r tlie Ypsilant ians ainendedthe declara ion In the OOOtnba oase, and on Baturday besan individual sults agatosi Vhe Incorporators, as folio ws : l'i-isoilla Qulrk ----- l'.ooo Mary A. Starkweat her - - 3,000 I'redcrick 11. Peas 1,000 lleury I'. GKreer - - - - 20,000 Clark S. Wortley - - - - -'.'"" l'red E. l'is'.ier T.,000 .lohn A. Wa-tUng - - - - -,000 Charles EX Ktag - - 5,000 Thomas W. Me Andrcw - - 5,000 JoflMi W. VanCleve - - - L'0,000 T5K" íleíendants in eaon of these ceses, as weii as that oí Ir. Ooombs, are Geo. W. Kexíord. .lames V. Pales, Alean:ler MeX'ittie. l'rank X. Clark and Anson Worlbg, all of Detroit. wbere snit ba brought .-


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