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County Treasurer's Report

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To the Honorable! the Chalnnan and Board of Supervisors oi Washtenaw Connty. I luTcwith tnuisinil my report of ■ - recelved and pald oni by me iluring January 1. [898, and Octo a!-ii ii statement ii rM-' Re ourcee and f. ia bllitlesas shown by the iook of thU ou the flrst day of October. 1898. All of whicb Is respectfully ubmitted foi your inspectioa and examination. I1. (, Suket, Co. Treasurer. RICIIPT8. City. Taxes - $w.--2i ik Uquor lase 8,718 BU l'riinary money 2,:a;i;-Jl Llbrary money 133 ;ü- S27.9-10 1 1 YpailmtH City. Taxea 7,á8 78 Uquor tax 8.SS9 59 l'riinary money l,29t' (ijs Library mouey - 74 10- 12,219 15 Manchttter VUlagt. Liquor taxes 1,7836(1 i il Village, Liquor taxes 990 00 Liquor taxea ÍW0 0O Dcxi(r Vttlage, Liquor taxes Xilan Vil Liquor taxts l!l" (J0 Au Arbor TomuMp. TüXcs -Ui 13 Primary money.. : Llbrary money - - Jims- A " ■ 1.' Liiiior taxes- Primary money iv 80- -, Twonship, Taxes 2,4t:4 80 l'riinary money Ü41 UI UiUini lliuiiv JOH - Z,ii!'t)ö "Ilip. T&xee -- 1, 73300 Prlmary money 155 54 Librury mouey 8 90- 1,902 44 Frecdom Townêhip. Taxes 56 81 Prlmary money 362 67 Library money 20 73- 440 21 Lima Tovinthip. Taxes 2,663 41 Primury mouey 214 06 Library mouey 12 24 Liquor tax 148 50- 3,038 21 Lyndon lownship. Taxes ___ 1,333 60 l'rimury-money 133 21 Library mouey 7 63 - 1.474 44 Lodi Towhship. Taxes - 690 58 Liquor taxes 148 50 Primary money 209 44 Library mouey 119- 1,000 50 Xanche$ter TovtntMpt Taxes 3,718 66 Liquor taxes 82 17 Primary mouey 510 51 Library mouey 29 17- 4.290 51 Xurthfield Townehip. Taxes 1,101 83 Liquor taxes 148 50 Primary mouey 200 ïu Library money 1188- 1,624 97 PitttJUld Tmrnthlp. Taxes 3,637 90 i'rimar.v money- 227 16 Library mouey 12 99- 3,878 04 Salem Tovmehip. Taxes 780 95 Primary money 215 10 Library money ia 34- 1,003 89 SaUm Tovmehip, Taxes 3,719 63 Primary money 4;;? 36 Librarv inoney Ï5 00- 4,18199 Scio Townvhtp. Taxes 2,376 40 Llquor tax 148 50 Prnnary money 438 90 Library mouey 25 10- 2,988 90 Sharon Totnêhip. Taxes 3,496 K Primary money _._ -JU2 57 Library money _. 15 00- 2,77l' 91 Superior Townslup. Taxes 3.1l'T 9G Primary money 96026 Library money 14 88- S.W2 :,i .'hip. Taxea 3,148 97 Primary money Library money". 30 33- 3,709 83 M'i batt T Tnwtn-iiip. Taxes 327 05 Primary money 153 23 Library money 77- 2,989 05 Yurk Townthip. Tiixfs 3,119 15 Primary mouey 493 57 Library money. 2820- S.&40 92 Yptilanti Township. Taxes 3,189 30 Primar; money 229 46 Library money „. 13 12- 3,43188 Stale of Michigan. State tax. lbltt 39,000 00 Delinquent taxes 7i Charged back taxes 34 u Animal lax Sales, Beoelpta thereof 166 16 Eastern Michigan Asylum, By approuriation 5 73318 Countv lund, By appropriation 22 936 11 Contingent Fuud, By appropriation 24,301 50 Poor Fund, Town and cities 3,146 72 Superintendent of poor 130 35- 3,277 07 Public Building Fund, By approprlatiou 4,355 56 Turor b'iuiti. By appropriation 8,276 40 ïtuess Fnnd. By Hiipronriutiou gu li-J Board of School Examiuers Fuud, By appropriation 276 96 Teachers' Institute Fuud, By apprüpriiition 50 00 Stenographer's Fuud, By appropriation 1,138 17 Balary Fuud, By appropriation i:,,-,ij ;n tine Money Fund ;41 uo Jail Fund, By appropriation 6,519 53 Fuel Fund, By appropriation ! ;;st 72 Insuriiui'e Fuud. liy appropriation 1,12980 ïeneral Fund 18,178 92 "lemming (.'reek Drain rurlong Uraiu durray é. (eer Üraiu 266 3a Lonse li ;i .11 lear Swamp Draln 14525 w. Braneb Augusta Cvntrul Draln ÏMSO uurson Drain 64 L8 ilon Drain ;!lsss- 5370c teceived of Carmen and Mechanica Bank to Oct. Ut, l.v.':: _ 7j575 75 Í25t2 3á DISBUR3EMENTS. Uro r. cu ' pald creasurer. t 8,79387 l'iihi gchoo] treaaureí . 9 501 1 1 Slateandco i 14,74008-38,01888 Ypsilantl City, Pald trcuMirer 4,795 08 i. n.l i-ounty taxus. 1)442 41- 18,28740 Manchester Viliage, Paid tioasuror 1,78380 Ihelsea ii Pi Id treuuiai 990 00 Saline Villi l'uid treasurer 990 00, h!t-r Villa i Pald treasurer 1,188 50 Milán Villa liicl treasurer 49500 Aun A r ! i i [■ Tuwn, Pafd treasurer 21157 nd countj Augusta Town, iror 686 II aud county toies. 2,87640 Bridgew Paid '2'ii 78 and countj 80- 9,71958 i own, l'iiid treasnrer M State and couDty tazes. 1,788 - 1,9 Freedom Town, Paid ti. nsurer te and county tazes. 2.::."1, m- .titoi Lima Town. Paid tteaaurer._ 37480 Utateand county tazes. 2,8641- -■■( I.yinliin Town, Paid creasarer iwh State and county tü-.. - 1,47-1 ;: Lodi Town, ._ - 87261 31 ;iim! connty i'. :'.'■'■ "s - ::.-í;.'( l(j Manchesu r Tom n, Paid treasurer 57968 State aud County tazi - 199 31 Northtielít Tow n, Paid treasurur 4:: i;i State and county tazes. 2.SS840- 2,78304 PltUfleld Town. Paid treasurer _ UOSS State and county tazes. :í,i7 90- 8,878 49 .Sak'iii Town. l'aid treasurer 227 94 stute and eounty taxes. 2,U;3 So- 3.16i 74 Saliue Townsliip, Pald treasurer 462 36 Mate and eounty taxes. 3,719 63- 4.181 !)9 Scio Township. Pald treasurer 048 41 state and eounty taxes. 4,42i 4Ü- 5,074 81 Sharon Towntbip, Pald treaaurer 2?7 07 ite and eounty taxea. -'.!:.") ■!')- 2,77282 Superior Township, Pald treasurer Ï75 1 1 m. uu and eounty taxes. 3,127 Ü5- 8,402 38 Sylvaii Township, l'aid treasurer G6S 61 State and county taxes. 3,14897- 3,717 68 row nship. Pald treasurer 1 State and eounty tai York Township, irer 516 78 I couiity 3,11415 - 3," Ypsllaati Towushlp, Paid treasurer. 24 Slate aud eounty taxes. 3,l9;iu- ;, ; Michigan, Pald treasurer __ 38341 IS E. Michigan Asylum, l'aid treasurer 2,860 86 Michigan Asylum, l'aid treasurer 51 County Fund 3 439 37 Contingent Fund 4 j{ i$ l'oor Fuud... 3h74 84 Public Huildiug Fuud l'wsuo Jurora Fund sTono 00 WItnesa Fund '14590 lioard of School Examiuers 1Í990 wtenographer Fuud liivu Salary Fuud 5 58 9 Fine Money Fund 524 i Jail Fund 1 ma=, Fnel Fund. .___. g treueral Fund 21 uï 7! Illtesest Fund . U I Delinquent Tax Returus 316 2(i House of CorrecttoD ötw 18 Superior No. 1 Drain 25 N. Branch Augusta Central -urain 2 00 trippen Drain. 477 Hallock and Butler Draiu.. 150Ü Fleming CreekDraln . 152300 Purlong Dndu 65 ,;o Murniy and Beer Drain 282 50 Etonse Draln 42774 BearSwamp Draln usos W. JSriinch Augusta Ceutral _ Dr'u - 145 95 Elaw8OD Draln 72 50 Big Marsh Extensión Dralñ 30990- 8.0489 Puid w. and .M.Baukamouin rdrawu, Jan. lst, 1898 2Ö.140 50 Vpportioument of couiity tiixes lor the year 1892... 35,000 00 $906,849 a KESOUKCES. Inn Arbor City.. 8 78 YpsUantl City... 49;58 'lttsfleld Township 45 Contingent iiind 4 916 16 ounty - 3,4o37 Salary " - _ 5,55869 lurors 2,09000 Public Building fund 1,388 00 fuel 1,40192 rVitness _ 145 90 Jd. of School Exiim. fuud.. 1,399 00 Stenographer's fuud B15 20 '"■il " 1,12245 Interest " 1,717 34 _ nknown Heir " 482 01 ellnqnent tax returns 816 26 delinquent county tax 50 69 llcnigan Asylum 9955 ■:. Michigan Asylntn 25086 (etrolt Houae of Correction 34641 Murray and Geer draiu 16 18 len Frank Harria 674 lugar JLoaí " 10 00 Jear S amp " 2 80 tawson 8 02 Big Marsh Extensión" 5152 LIABILITIES. 'oor fund $ 1 ; 26 General " . - 18,496 67 'ïuemoney " 270 17 "eacher'e Instltute " 50113 "nknown heir " (82 01 delinquent tazea 9977' inuuai Lax saies ](} n tateof Michigan _ 1878 Ii'iii iniiig ?vt--k drahi g j] Furloug ' 841 V. Brauch Big Marsh" 401 uperior drain No. 1 ;;ir_üi: Marsh arain 1; au tridgewater draln No. 1 4Uü3 Irldgewater and Freedum draiu- 3 -:, uperior Brauch No. 1 drain 36 ïallock and Butler drain__ 17 :, "ork oud Augusta draiu No. 2 1 27 Vnnty add. SuKar Creek drain ' 507 Doan mid Ferrls draln 2252 Abe Maybee drain ] 71 lOnevand Walsh drnin ih so rreedom and Sharou drain500 X. brancli Augusta central drain 13 19 ash, as amount due Farmers and Mechantes Bank, Oct. lst, 1803 7,575 75 ouse drain 3 V. Branch Augusta central draiu 825 280 8S Í2S,51O88


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