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Motor Line Time. Taklng 'i'"1' Sundoy, Oct. i, IOTA 7 1 ive Anu Arbor, írom Court House, at 7 :25, 8:10, and 10:40a. m., U8 ï:40, 4 :, 7:10,9:10 i"](iiv;''v,'.'snai.ti at 7:15.9:00, and 10:30 a. m., and 9 :80, i :80, T :O0, '■ : aud 10:30 p. m. SI N IA Y TIME. Leave Kna Arbor from Court House at 1:40, !-4() 4-T) .", -40. 7:1" mui 0:40 p. ni. íLve Yi'.'ilKi.ti at I 0,8:30, 5:30. TS and 'mfeS'ol eutortalnments the iMt train will he held to gccommOdato thoM wlahing to attend II conductor Ib notlfled. All care reu on city time. Coupon ticket 18 cents, for sale by contluctors. J.B. BEAL.Pres. 0PEO6 AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS OÏ'FICE HOUR8. LOCAL TI.MK. General Uelivery and I 7.: a. m. to B.00 p m. Stamp Windows.. .. I 7.15 P. . to f.48 P. m. Money-Orck-r and Beglstry Department 8.00 a. m. to fi.00 P. M. Cari-ier Windows 7.J5 p. M. to 7.46 p. m. bnndays- .i'ui'r"il Dellvtiv stunii' and Carrier Windows. 9-00 A. M.tO 10.00 A. M Mails Mails GOING EAST. close. d"b" Chicago Express Poueh 8.00 a. m. , Detroit & Grand Rapids .„„.-.„ j p Q . 10.4U A.M. 1,4) A. M, Jac'ksóii.ISnttlo croek.KalHiïiRzoo.and Chicago tx. Ponche ■; 5-30 MExpress Ponen Mac. CIÖ Detroit R.P.O. Tr. 207. 4.25 P. M Exp. Poliches to Detroit . DetroHChïcl.ö-k-.-p.O. 6 ï.ï WiY. M. Detroit & Chicago R P. O. Bast of Battle Crèek .... 80 p. m. 7.30 a. m. Express Pouch to Detroit ■ GOING WEST. Detroit & Grand Kapids R. p q . 7.OÜ A.M. Detroit & ChVcao R. P. O. .15 a. m 9.00 a. m Kx. Pouch frora Ypsilanti 10.00 a. m" uéto. Kalamazoo. Battle (reek mul Jackson Express Ponches ... 1 oU P. M. Express Pouch from Detroit --l0 P-Mlí'o U "rl 6.00 P.M. 7.I8 r.M. Detroit Chiago R.P. O b.00 P. M 7.KU a. m. GOING NOKT1I. Frankfort & Toledo R.P. O. 7.15 A. M. 8.00 A. M. BlePdo" 1Ü"Ch irOmT' 12.30 p.m. Frankfort Toledo R P.O. 4.15 P. M. 5.15 P. M. GOING SOUTH. Express Ponches to Toledo and Milnii 6.40 A. M. Frankfort & Toledo R.P.O. 11.35 A. M. 12.30 P. M. KruHkiort & Toledo R.P.O. 8.00 P. M. 7J a. m HE8SENGBB SERVICE: Mail leavcsforWeinsburgh.Tuesdays. Thursdaya and Saturdays 1-2.00 m Mail arrivés from Weinsburgh, Tuesdavs, Thursdays and Saturdays... .5.45 P. M. Maií nirives from Dixboro aud Geer, Tiii'sdays. Tbursdays and Saturdays, 11.00 A. M. Mail leaves for Dixboro and Geer, Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays, 13.00 m. EUGENE E. BEAL, Ann Arbor. Mich., Oct. J, 1893. Postmaster. WANT COLUMN. Short advertlsementa uot to exceed three Unes, or Lost or Found Houses for Sale or huut. Wants, etc., Insertad three weeks for 25 cents. Situations wanted. free. WA.NTED- By a young man of good lialiit?, u posltlon lo Dry GoodsorClotliing store. FOK SALB- A young Jersey BuH, regtstered Slred by a grand son of Stoke l'oais 5th and Mntilda4th. Dam sired by a grand son of Stoke i'osis ora, si re 01 zi oowa umi nu average of over 20 ponnds of butter a week. Address J. F. Avery. Saline. Mich. 89 TO PURCHASE a fruit and vegetable farm. fortv or sixty acres, wlthin one inlle. or less, of citv limitsfof Aun Albor. 01 ïpsllantl. Glve full deseription, location and bottom, casbprice. Address" V," care Courier. 89 FOR SALE- ïwo Farms. Mrs. North's farm mar county farm and Bulloek-Everett Farm In Salem towu. Andrew ï-. Gtbi Mayniud gtreet, Aun Arbor. t.m FIR8T daas dres8-maïlng. 17 North Fourtb Aveuue. ROOM? TO LET for lisht bousekeeplng- Srd Hoor Hamllton lilock. Bteam beat, all modern improvements. Apply at Room 3, 3rd Hoor. tf C1ALESMKN wanted. Kree prepald outfit. O "neoi our agente has earued over io.uuuin fiveyears. 1'. O. Box 1.ST1, New York. 88 ORDER vuur applea DOW. 1 niu thankiul ii 1 1 fora fair erop of clioice winter applee iv Greenlnga mul Baldwlns wbicb I will sell for 75 cents a busbel. Kludlj drop me a card and I will dellver from Bye busbela up in good snape anywhere in the city. C. M. Usgood, Aun Arbor. 88


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier