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The Man Who Forgot His Name

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Fred Craham and his Bister J'.iimy hAd lmilt a. house at the fooi ol the on-hard, In a corner in the hedge, ■uhh h formad north slde and the iviir wall. It was VTJ BtrODg, but trouiir inoui;h nm tO topple over om tbem ; it waa not rery high, aad yet liifrli enoogb tor ihem fco stand up tneide of it wltb comfort. Wlun ttoey played "mJte-beIlev" it proved to be aae o( the most accommoda t - Ing houses ever Huilt. It was a Kmuirfdcr's caveni (MM day, and a -uiifwnm or a castlO tllio ni'xt ; a cana] b0ft1 on one occasion, and a Detwlwood coacli on anntlirr - and all wttbont aaiy alteratkn, and without ihe acceasories of lakcs, oliifs, prairies, ÍTUlclu-s, sailiH-s. Kuldicrs (ir rotjiinoit. l'r.'d was twrlvc yrars old and Ffunnj sivcn. aad tbe ho-use in the orebard was a greal eource oí pieasnre to item. Fred built it and l'anny ïiKiUcii ui, aad apptwed and admirad, and it was a great help to the younir workman, thmmh she. did not eerry a stick oí timlber or hand hlm a naii. Perhepa tbe faei thai tiicy did not go to the house without pormlsBtQn, Of at least nut until thoii1 work lor Uu' lay was done, was tlw rcason why tbey enjoyed themeelveí so mnch. Tbey trlgtataned one attemoon liy an intrnder. ]!■ Btepped intothe hut without njiy warninii beforehand and without au apolciü-y ait crward. J Lis clot-hi-s werf shaUliy and his lace was unshavcn. He carried a heavy Mafi. and ttwre was a Btrange, brlght ■wntchnilncss in hteeyes. "AVhat do you want V l'rcd ,mustered up enougii courage to ask. l'aniiy hall hld hereell behtad hlm, a look (if lcar on het face. ■Wliat do I Mant V' ihf man repeated, and there was no graffnea in iiis voice, "To i-i-si more than anytóvlng etee." He sat lovu in the doorway. fillit eoitlrely, and ttaw cloeing all egrese, iiir!i deepemed 1 1 1 ■ coneteriiation on l'anny's lace. The man k of! his sloiu'h bat and wipcd liis forehead with a very dlrty handkerchicf. Don't !■ aíraid ií me, dhUdren.," be sald, ble votoe as weet amd soft as .i Avciiiian's. a Blow sniili' breaklng 'Til l:i yon no harm. I'm no tramp- anyhow, no oíd, virii iis tramp." He langbed u wm a gnia] way that Fanmy's alano very i abatod. ■("nildn-ii. l'vi' l"sl siinictliinu." he -..-lili. ■I dont tliink you kwt ii bere." Mi.Lt.iícslctl l'rcd. ■ w . u, no," be replied, with a broad grto, "H I (id, I'd know wbere to look lor il, Utm't yim ihink 'o, I lost nicwlicri' else, and loog ag " "Wluat dld " asked Frfd. "My nume," replied ttoe man. The liildrt'ii hiokcil al him in sincere Burprlne. ■i; o i ' hlnk that I do rocrt kno-w hai i am saylngí" ttoe man resnm,.,i. "I've lorgjotten my name." "Was ii Buch a iiard name?" aked i'anny, wiili Boddenly awakened ym]iatl].v. no.11 he said. a Uttle ataently. ■T ten my name, and tibe place %v luM-i' i was boni. It dropped ii t hiere," and be touched lii Kii-clK'ad. "I u as in all in-auc asy lum. Tlicy .said i am wdl DOW, and i-rnt me away. Síes - I am welli only 1 i!(in'i kuinv my ikiiiic. I walk aad walk. and walk, tliinkin maybe BOHne uur. ir suinclliint;, wH] luin.u' it back ,to nie. If mot, Imw cao 1 ivit ïiini niy .inl my triends ? Tlic teare triokled down hta cbeeka aod feil upan tlu; Bunburned lianil which rlutclied liis staïf. l'ri'scntly üie shook off hls omotion. ''Come here, Uttte deer," be raid, beckoatng io Fanny. 'Go, i'.inny,1 Fred whlapered. Bhe advaju'ccl Blyly bui coofldently, iTku-iimm! by the warm lifjlit whleb fllled liis ■(■. 11. ■ laicl liis hand on her soft, blonde bair, and said : 'Yon areno! atrald ot me, are you, r'.' J was all wrong hete," and lie once more boucbed hls forehead. 'Tm all riglil DOW, Ihcm.nli. All rig'lit, tTil 1 hnt 1 can't r.'im'inber, eaul tecali my name. Wttial is vuur najne V' ■i'aimy," replied ato. -I havo a little tiirl. Vmi ïcmind jne ol her, aoly her halr was s.ry black.' ■'WJiat H her na m r," adced Fanny. "Geraldtoe," be xaid. "Yon haven'1 forgotten it." Pan ny .said. ■'.Nu,'' repUed toe, em be Itfted hls liaiul lo in mouth. 'lJnt I have -iciuch ber last name - our family ■■"■■■ ii l ïiadn'i. ï'd remember my iianic. don't vívii .sec V" "Doai't Jon erren know Ciliri.suan Deme V' a.skcd Frd. "No, my boy," be lmskily stiid, "Nor where 1 was born, nor whcro 1 llvod lefore I got int o Une asyhun. Oh, if I only liad a i-lue ! It woiild come back ti me likc ttoe rush of a torteo, oihris ïauKii at me, but yon iinn't, lid i ■nu ,tv grateful. It is beoauae yu are nut gnspectful, becauee your conndence tos nerer been bnraycd nor your iaith ghattered. i paaaed a Uttle town, dor.'' and be potated acroes the orchard "Wbal is ih name : it '.'" ■■ürioe-Mawr." replied Fred Tlie straaigor rose eo suddenly fco ]iis teel that lic almoet apaet Faany, ■wiiiic J'rcd Btepped qulctly to one stde. "Brice ! Bctoe !'' thf man repeated, iu a dftied way, and one hand at hls tin-dat, a if somethlng ciiiiUcd iiijn. "Brice I Ves .'■' Then lic sal down, treiubliaff all uvcr. "lliafs my ih-st name." ho liuskily said. -Dear Lord, I thank thee. Jt will 11 come back to me ! It ■will all come back to me." Agafal he taan -re trlc'klliig down liis rhci'ks. ■■Sir. papa will teil you your otlirr name," Fanny said, crylng herself, tJiouRh slie didoi't kjiow it. ''Your papa !'' ■.wlaimcd, ilintring np lüs liead. ''How can h teil me?" "Papa kiKMvs prctty inucii everytixlag," Fanny iunocently saldL 'loai have as mucih faith in liim U (MTaldine used to1 have in me" Ho Koftly said. "WD1 you hoi come to t house mui see papa '■'" Fred aafced, in sinoere BOllcitude. ■'TA'Jiy, of conrse," crled the or. TO the llOUKe tlley went, .■111(1 VlTil tdld his t&ther the man's story in a terse, syiiiiiatlii'tic gpeeoh. ■■l'ray be Beated," Doctor Graham kimlly saiil. 'J'lic su-aimcr sal down and placed his hat on the floor le.side liim. He pUflhed tho heavy brown hnir fiuni his forehead, and a high, brainy-lookng ïoreliead it was. Doai't tliink aiK deineiitrcl."' he Baid, in a clear, half-appeallng tobe. 'Tm not tJiirty-five yet, and Ih'ü.m' canno-t be ín my dotaba. ymir boy lias .sajui, I cauiiot recaí] mj name. and henee, to ti congWeratole eztent, I diOIl't knoiv ivlm 1 ani." He laugbëO, and added : "It'a iuimy, ton't it?" "On tibe cemtrary. t s very Berious," replied tbe doctoi1. ''Yours is not BS extraordinai-y case. Blr." ■(Hi. il isn't . eh ?" aski'd the man, witJi an lncreduloua stare. "Naw, do ,vmi kiiow, tbari 1 ilünk it te? Tbrougti that jiianly boy o1 ytmra ' ,■ found tlie handle to my name. ]t is Brice- but Brice whwt 1 Th at 's the trouble." ■■V1ki tn ik yiiü to the bnsane asylum v the doctor askeö. 'I.ikcly bobody, bIp," replied lil.'Ui. "I wandered. and wanden cl. aml wandered, and probably broughil up there jnyseli. l've ju doubt 1 wat uit of iny head. I was inven! lag a coiitrivanre, and Uien my niind beccume nusiiiited." "Was ii patented ?M oeked tte docmr. "Olí, yes,"' the man eagerly wied, "And Lt woold harre nvade me rlch. 1 aw how I mdgbt impnivi' lt. Tiiere's wtoere I made a mistake. I stmüed. experimenited, made modi la lost appetlte, loei sleep, aml tbeo lost my mimi. I ju-I leil ■-i-ytliinii and Avalkeil away. Lelt my Wtt, my - 1 1 i 1 . 1 . my beauUhl) liitle home, and evi i-yi'liin.ï. lt was haiil Uiimi. sir. and lt is liardcr now, Ix-cauw lean not recall, and I ■vant to go home, (Vh, sip" There was a m1 in hls votee, aml t toucbed the doctor deeply. "V3icn was ymir inventini patent ed V 1 be !iH-tor asked. on tbe 151 n September, 188-" man iironijitly replied. 'You are sure ?" asked ilie doctor. "Wliy, ot coorae, B)r," tbe maai said, a Ilttle in-ltatedly. "My nienmry couldn't be bet Ier, ecepl a íew I hiiivcs."" and his voice feil. "Well, Bfcr," tlu' doctor said, '■! think I ciíMi icii yon ynur un tu ' and resldcnoo." ■'Ilow V" aaked tbe man, wit h a powerful effort lo represe liis excltement, llttle Faonj wia-1 dUngnim wlth .■i aort oí famishert look in her eyes, her kiltereet In iiim wee bo great. "In 1tlw Scicntiiic American ol tliat ycar." i lie doctor said. For b moment t in man Beetned stunned. Hs caugdvt hls breath ; bis face iut on a square atrape, and the musclcs vy; his montii twltched. 'Yes !" he erted ptoBlvely. "Yes! Ylly didn't I Miiul; of Iliat ? Yrs. ynril find ii tbere ; name, day and d.ilc. Have fOU i ImmihiI COpy Oi iSi paper ?" he aoked, a leyertab gleam In nta eyee. Por icpiy i doel ï went to liis iiiink.-iH'ivcs. took down tlu' bound COpy, iuinblcil 1 hc leavee, and 1li(-n aloud : "No. 45,411. To Brice KnihITÍiilll. ('llclsca. ll;.s. Di'Vicc fOT a snbni.-iiiiic grapple, bsued Sepbember 15, 188-." A wil 1 ci-y o; dcl'miit broke trom the niaii's lips. He l.-mi;]n'd, wept, ]rayedi grew straogely hysterlcal, luit it as as woon s]'iit. ■shaii I write ii down for ymi V' askcd tbe doctor. "Wrtfce it down '." repectted ir. Riitlwrlord, wit :i, qneer tono nml look. "Xo. It is wrttten on my bvata In lettere of firc ! 'Brice r.utiirrinrd. ( hi'lsca. Massachuect t s.' Siv, 111 tbank you to my day," and lic oaiisht 1 x) 1 1 1 of the doetqr'a bands, in 1 1 1 e ficrccn.-ss o-l his gratltude. "Ik calm. m ürteöd," adviscd tho doctor, hia lace aiow wit h gratifical'll send yon home. You must sh&ve, and have bel ter clothea." ■'And money," added the visitor. "Kvery cent will He rcp.ii.l, wit 11 Interest." "I know that," the dOCtOT BaW, "Here is hall a dollar. Go bo the villaue and .nel sha vod and have your ent. By t time my wnv will have' clean linea íor yon, and a snit of my iioi !];■, inr we are about the sanie. Iniilil. WBÜle yon an' gOOe, 111 ■vrlt? t your wi.-. " Yes, ttoctor I" and tbé man sti-uck bis iiamis bogetber. "That is tlhouírhtíul. and it will 1k better tlian if I WTOt. Shf must nol 1h' shockel. Toll her tlue tnith in a- a- gtnrtifl way, iloctoï." I'lio next inorninir BrlcE Uulhcrford Btood on tbe porch, juwt about to walk to tflie statioto. He did oot reaemUe a tramp tlicai. He was as nuK-h oí a (luict, siMlat jirdfcssionallooking' man as the doctor himselt. "I am wholly clothpd in my righi jniaid," he gratafally salö. "l'vc takimi a hoiii mi lile, ril nat wörry or over-tax my braVn ajiain. sir. May i ; i i.l liirss y o ii. str I And y ou, too, niy i yiii ■ ïii'ai-ii'd boy! And you, sweet Oiiiie !" He ltfted Fa.nny tato t he air. and i'ovcred lii'r (ace Wltih Ui ■Vhat il you liadn'l called at our ])lay-lnnis' 1" Bbe askcd. "Orí wtoat ií you liadn'l beeo in wiIkmi 1 tallcd '!" (he addrd, a. great g-lad llgDtt Ld hjs eyes. "Ah, (od's hand was in il all ! 111 wrile to you llttle doar. And I " 1 1 send you Graldloe's pi -i urr." "Ob, i !" -ricd l'auny. clapplng her hands. "Oh. do I"


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