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Another Mill Stopped. The Fight

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between Oorbeti and Mltctael is olf, yon knmv. TQie ination can point with pride to the record oí the repcibilcans in tjiis COngreM. Xow tiltat 1 Shennaii bill is rcpealed, wSual ? Perfaapa mir democratie friciids cao answrr. IÍ a mían ík sufficiently cranky to rnii murder, ttoe law Bhotüd be rranky enougb )iunih him there.iid iiuu riiih t BpeedUy. 'isinir AVililt' i coming over to America agatn, to help polish its ueticiam. Osear should not for-, niciiibnr tbat bheee be hard Ii om ar two examplee are made af tJic eran!; jnurderers by living tiicra tlie Quitean cure, !t will put a most cíícc t i ve stop to tliat kind of in.sanity.- Miilillcvillc Sun. The frnjate bh-cl is naiil to fly ai the ■ of 200 miles ier hour. The America oí 1o-day iui his -reat unreel and ambilion, may wcll ezclalm: 'Ofli, had I the wings of a frigate binl !" Oongreeaman l'.iaml baa nivcn nutice tu Pres) taal Cl iveland and tli ad ministi-atiiin k'iiKMrats that the souUiern and western membera of the party propoee to inake it hol for themi. i in Uw state o Uaine, dogs taxed, and t lic tax collected. The HtJitf i his ycar receivea vret $40,000 Erom tJiiat eource. 'l'lic city oí l'.angfop oaatrlbatee $1,282, and Lewlaton over $800. li is to be hoped iiiat the aeeassln of Carter Ilarrismi will h' dispoeed df quickly. Delay is dangerooa witJi Hirii a man as Altgeld foir governor. He may pardon Prendergaet ii there is in MiipoTtunity, - Owosso Times. Sanettor Veat, f Missouri, one of the leading democratie mouthpieeee, aald in tlie senate last week Monday, ttoat ■the Tnited Htates treasary is baaiknipt." Only elgbi montlis of democratie rule and a bankrupt - . i ry ! Senator Ransom ougbl to be voted a hsinilsiiime gold medal, and the Courter is reaily t start a popular 'liptinii t hcrcKir. He WW preste senate dlaring all the reidin greal Bltver debate and never iis mouth t(i say a word. i'in mrever reriiendicuiar liand wrltlng is not belng generally advocated dot, Uut in Great Brttain the candldates iur civil service pOBitiOUfi are nnii.1 tO wrile in tbat hand. Jt ibo be more legible, more rapldly writt. and more eeonornteal oí paper. AH good and excelleal reasons. Accordlng to ttoe latesi statistlcal year boob ol the Germán Empire, there are ;,J77 Protestants, :;. 567 OathoUce, 29 ertber Christlana, 115 Jews, and L'7 nt,lier reUgkmista in every 10,000 inbabltanta. Ten yee i portlona wen' 8,268 I'nitcstants. 8,589 ('at h i'.i ■. 17 other ChrtetAams, li'l Jews, and 56.8 ad lieremts of other rclig-ions. Arno, the Detroit wrctrh was promptly n1 t rtatea prleon tor li.e. Mild lic shouWl stay. NoeiIrimatiiiíi' circumstaüccs rail be iouiid that would CTOate BOJ iota oí symjiatJiy iar the ilirty wretüh.- Charlotte BepabUcam. WllUe WalHe amoi-'s Lanttoo newspaper Baya t!iai bhe assaseiaathm of Mayor Ilarrismi is: "One oí tfoose Hbúnga that wc aesooiate with America.'" rii.Di'lunatriy tlic country Wlllte is also "one oí tboee tájlnga that we as-oiatc uüi America "- Detroit Tribune. Mnrali.iim apon tiic recent railrivail horror is etbing tha1 every can do ínr liinisclí. Wliat idonv mpcratively leni;ui(l. (1 ly put-. ■uiiineut is tjie Uring ►! ri'spnnsi bfllty aail iin' prompi puntebmeat of Ouwe wlio caus.-il the íriu-htful inurder.- Lutftngton M,ü. "I i]i '..i fa.VW 'i: 1-,'iniiviim liiny . .,i " OO] BO 1 !ial tlie tariií will be fOÍ revoi'.ic unly."--Iloii. .las. S. Gorman Ín Uie American Farmer, No 1si. Kut Uien, Ihat iiiay n:t signl y anytiiinfr. Goeman is a lirni bclii'Ver in fr COlnagí oí silver, lint voted tile, itiirr way. An editor iuvast ically announecs tlmt be want.s to luy a sack oí t'lour, a pair ol three-ply bol i m pants and a . and la í-eady to rcM-cive lowest bida tar tiw same. He lays tlmt is the way Iiím jiatrons do with liim uiirn they Avant tWO dollars' wortli oí Joto prtattog.- Qnmcy HeralU. AcconUng te ttoe present rate of -. [x-niiit ur.-s, tte general gpwvenunenl will be $72,000,000 In the hole at tJie end of the present ïisral year. It has expended 924,000,000 more than ■ ■ i i ■ i i t . íw iiic past tooa mom lis. A jili-.-is.iiit .mil nik. eepedally wlth tdie industries o! the natten prosrtrate. Tlmt lililí' Bhtntng cmbUMn of inliistry, tiie woi-kinuiiiaii's ilinncr pall, bas been laid on tbe shell ;i l mtr witu tdie kilx)r, iai munlirrs aggregat4ng Komcwhriv mar a inillinn. Blnce Mr; cievriami'.-i laat 'li-rt ion. Wha.1 au i ■ 1 1 ■ 1 ■. i ■ 1 1 apiical ba lilis fOT a furthcr and flercer aaeauli upan tlic country's íihIm.-i rics v Detroit Journal. Il you deetre to fiml out just what soi-t oí a party the democratie pertj is 1hat COB truls tirffi nation, yon .jan fjet a vcry good idea by readlng tbe speeches dJ ttoe democratie senators deUvered on the sllvei (piestlon. You uill vilsu asciM-tain the character of tiw; aiH-n m lm have that party in chariíi. These gpeechea would make excelleni repuWlcan campaign document, except tor t.heir bltternees. That w;is ;i 'jueer break of Senator Morgan, oí Alaboma, wtheu he said iiíai -'the repeal ií i Shennao law wns i damnable leed, for whieh the country wöuM hold tiir republtean party reepcmsiWe." A minoi-ity responsible for acta oí a legislativa body! Oh. no, iny íriend. The di'iuocrate Jiavc a majority in Uie House, a majoríty tu t he Beoate, and the game thms at ttoe White House. The two iodies poseed tibe repeal, and the president Btgned it as iuick as lie could giet fliiw hands apon it. It was a democratie dood. Xow the country ia looking to tlliis same trio to find out what lliey nvr galng to do jkiw. Blmply paseing 1 hf repeaJ hül will lo ju) gOOd. .Niju nivi; the country gome leglslattoo that wlll re-i ore t he sbati ered boitjiness and lorii i lic people. Did you ever natice that the greateet critica in the wxxrM are the people wtio do aothing theinselvesi Weü, t ■! i : 1 1 istrue. And it Is asioaislling how many people tbere are in every communlty wiio Mand back and try 1o Jundr:1 Úmee who are wlHinir. and uiiu dn go ahead. y conli.imally iryinií mt aííainst them. It has been weU sald that the most euniine.ndab'.e and iielpinl persnns in .i runiinunity, as well as in B Cfeurch, are bhOSe who go ahea.d and do soniethhiu'. Of couiree, they are liable to make mUtakea sotnetihnes, lm t II they are progre88lv lliat is at least a sííu oí pijd sen-e. They w;i try i do the best tor themeeVvee as well as foi otihen. They deserre etjcotiragement luit nsie.-id are iiitcn criticised and that iinjiistly. Jlany stand aloof and iind faull at what was done, sim]ily beianse it uas jiot done in aome other way, or beccuiM it doefl not hap]iiMi l 0 be il'ine to I hr niannej' t In would lik' to have se uil done. Those Wtio air nheir .,]iinions. ma y ílat1er t.lieniselves that they eouid have dme tJie work better, bat they gave n-o practical demouartratioii oí theii supeiior kaolediie and efficiency. Sodety, and tbe elnirch cali for good workers- for those who push matters acoordlag to their ability and opporbuaity ; not for those wlm wait 1 Hl the Ullng is ibnr and then pass juiluiiiiMit npon it.


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