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Meeting of the Southern Washtenaw Farmers' Club. Frlday November 3, was a perfect nutumn day and the sim shone benlgDly on man and liis lorroandlngB. As we sallled forth wè drank in its loveliness, breathed (iod's flree air and gave thanks that our lot had been eastin "Michigan my Michigan," especially in old Washtenaw, for does she not ponen the modern Athens and is she not the place where grand, noble men and women start forth to battle with life and its realistics, fitted for positlons of trust and honor? The fnrmera as a rule are intellect nal men havlne had tu.' advantagee of our excellent public schools whlch rank flrst In our land. A careral observer noticcii carriages coming from the west, e'en from the north and from the smith, and asking, " Wliy this going to and fro?" was answc-ml thai it was tlie animal Kairat" WheatlandB " the beautlfuJ and at once home-like residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. spaifunl. Farmers carne wiili thetr especial product, whtle the bnsy honse-wlft brought tbe resnlUof bef iklll " the cullnary departiiii-ni, as weU M that of art. In speaking of the plaina we ihould pay tribute to toon who in the days gone by braved the privations and dlaoo&Mkgementl f pioneer Ufe, that those who llved tter them should enjoy the ■esult of tlieir labors, and Spafferd plaina are known tbe country wide and lts sons and laughters are an bonor to the land in whlch they live. Though the departed know nothlng of their liloiXiesT vet ttleir íííkI Works do follow tliem and tiu'ir cMldren ta U possession of broad acres will aerar fotgét tlie ones who made it possiblr, while proud of the rmtarnished name left behtnd, whlch is a goodly herltage. At high noon thelr commodlous parlors Mrewell Ulied and toe biuiy mini ïnuicaied soda] Mmèwewere all enjoytut, and as thr cliick was on the Btróke oí one tliu tablea wriv brougb.1 In andqulckly prepared for the aBmptooüa dlhnër wUlch follaw'ed, ;md of wliich all parlook with a rurmcr's evident relisli. The ucculent bivalve wus spirited iiway, both scallopeil and undone, it matterert not. 'i'he liinar" ezerclaes "wera opened by l'r.-.i(lciit Enj;lisl, wlio suid it liad been ï'cmarked iliat lic was apt to eulogi.e the surroundlngs wherethe club was held. In part he thougbt it truc but as Ik; approaehed "Wheatlands," he was connctoua tbe name was properly applled as be gazed on the broad ftelds of living gre m as be passed. A Mis. Spallaid, oiir sc-i-rctary, was dolng the honoTS as bostese, Mre. John Traoey wus appoihted. Miss Mary Hltohcock read a cholarly essay in in-r usual manner, whlcb was well recelved iy all. Mrs. Franb Spaffard resul a selectlon In reference to Woman's Kihts, deplcted in a unique maaner, whlch elloited applause, espeoially from the femtnlne portion, whlch was weaklyjoined by the Btemeriex. George Rawson, of Brldgewater, read an able paper on "Ufe Insurance," setting forth In hls terse manner the invariable rascality of oompanles, and thougbt n good accrued, unlesa by chance there was left now and then a rlch widow, ur more rarely a forlorn wtdower, who solaced bimaeli witli the thought thal be was eomfortably provlded for. The questlon ellclted a Bpirlted discussion. Only one Individual from Grass Lake)havIng the temerlty to admll be had been sold in two compan&es, '"th of whlcb collapsed. The utbei gentleman never admlttlng as muohthlnklng sllenee was ur-lilen in thal Inptance. The discussion thns ended, yet it wouldhave added to the spice of argument lf there liad been some enterprislng agent preseni t assert nlmself and set torth the benefits accruing to mankind, perhapa he would have added t the list of vlctlmi, thns swelllng the ranks, who, In time would beawareof the fact "Tliat oí all sad worda of tongue or pen, The sadik'si are Ui that you're taken in.'' "Wheatlands" comprlse nearly flve hundred acres, Is well tllled, the owner outtlng the flnest lot of hay tb i i a-t Beason in the townshlp, notwlthstandlng the dronth. 'J'be barns are well fllled wlth graln, and bis corn is good for ihe season. The farm is wel] Btoofced, na ving i auznber oí jh'íuI ot cattle and ; flock of over fllve hundred Bheep. Hls out-bulldinga are all In good condltton; well-palnted and looking neat about them. ilis reside nee was recently bullí ; beated with a furnace and is farnlshed wlthall modern conventenoe- wltbal, ;i typlcal home. Tbr d;iy will iü long reraembered as time well spent sooially as welt as Intellectually, and wc one by one bnUe our host and liis eer present helpineet, a kind good night. May the sim long shitio on Wneatlandi," And as tong aa friendship stands, .May we ever be a untted band, Work Ing Tor one and uil on every hand. Om i ■ F cm.


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Ann Arbor Courier