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[official.] COUKCIL CïIAMlSER, j Ann Akbuk, November 6, 1888 ) Ri'gular eession. Called to order by Pre. AVatts. Roll called. Full board present. The jcmnial of tlir last MMiOn npproved. To the Honorable the Coinmon Councll (.KNTi.EMF.N :- 1 liave the lionor to report to your honorable body that I have this dav wlthdrawn the appolntment of Charles Wheoler as Marshal, and have appolnted David P. Collins Marshal, subject to the approval of the couuB. II. THOMPSON, Mayor. Keferred to Pólice Corauiittee. To the Honorable the Common Council: The undersigned, the Board of Public Works, do hereby report the several sldewalka by ua constructed at the expense of the street fuud of the city of Ann Arbor, during the yiar'i. and siiu-e the lTth day of October,18'.2. lifinji the date of our last report, do hereby eertlfy the cost and expense of tlie sanie, as well as the descriptiou of the land and premlfM in front or adjaoent towhich the aald several sidewalki were caused to be conttructed as follows, that is to sa) : On and along the west side of S. Ashley ■treAt in front of the property of Gottlieb Bchnelder, descrlbed as follows: A striii oí land lying east of and adjoining lots 1 and A, block 6, s. r. 2 east, and extendiug in eiual width of the sald lot, to the west line of south Ashley gtreet, W. B. Maynard'a rir.-t additiou to the city of Ann Arbor. Lenfftfa of walk. efght rods. Width of walk. live I' Total cost ot walk including necessarv gradiug, $38.00. (in and along the weatsideof N. División -treet. in front ui the property of the Davli DeFore?1 eBtatetdeBcribêd as followi: bonoded on the north by Meath'i huid, t'ast by División street, soüth by Fohey and Bnrke'a land. and west by Detroit street; block J, north rang) I ■ parta of l,,is 7 and 8. Mi oí walk, eight rods. Width of walk. the ieet. Total cost ol walk iiK-luding nefessary grading, 28.00. No account for the repalrlng of sldewalka apyeara on our memorandum, aud henee none i eertlfled. All of which is respeotfully eertlfled. Wltnesa the President and Clerk of the Board of Public Works. THOS. .1. KEECH, President. W. J. MlLLKB, ( 11 Ri eeived and filed. A petdttom slgned by Fred "Wolf and otter rosiiU'ins aud properby hoJd(■s ►! tune eitj o! Ann Arbor, askinfï that ;i BidewaBt Ik.' rdfred built on W. i., Asiiliy slrrt, ironi MUtet ave. to Kini;slcy st. Reierred m srdewalk commlttee. BBF0BT8 OF STANDING COJCEITTBKS- KIWXC'E. Aid. Taylor moved that sewer report oí tlie (nance committee be considered read. Lost is follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Ilerz, O'Mara, Ferguson and Pres. Watts - 5. Nays- Alil. Sehairer, Martin, Snow, Wood, Taylor, Manly, Prettynian and Kitson- 8. Chairman Taylor then proceeded with the reading of the linance report: Tn thi Common ( 'ouncU: Your Committee on Fi nance respectiully report that they have had the following bilis under consideration, and would recommend theii allowance at suins stated: Kespectfully submitted. VV ALTEE L. TA"Ï LOB, WlLLIAM llEIiZ, Fbanh Viod, Finunce Committee. coHTimnn fund. W. .1. Miller, Kilury Í 66 66 E. B. Korris. salar; 2-' CKi 1'. U'Hnini. -u!:ny 83 :4 Mr .MC. Sta ik. :iliry, janltor 1 M Kr. K. A. Clark. : miintlis alary 25 UO Dr Jolui Eapp, 8 montiu aalary :17 :u Martin Clark. 3 -alaiy 25 (J() Eli VV. Moore, 8 moni h's salaiy -'.r iki Oeo. II. Pond, I moiiths salary 8 :f! EstMteof tticeA. Bi al, sappuea 1 -'." W. J. Mi lier. Bupplies - ï :'.". E. IJ. Pond. jugttoe tres g U i lic .11111 Al nul i ii'iu:]!-1 n-jii iii-iiiu Electric Co., streel liliting' for the mh of October ;:;, B8 The Ann Arbor ThoniMOn-Houston Electric Co., office llghi ning for the month of October 2 00 Total tUH 88 SBWBH Fr.M). Michigan Central BailroadCo., fretght on uwer pipe 18180 r. A. A.&N.M. It. R. Co., f reUrhi sewer pipe.. 803 00 M. O. H. H. Oo , freiirhton ack screws U Ï4 LakeBbore Koumlry. m pes, -4 lift, eaohlron pipe IB C. E. Qoofrer, freight and draylng i n KiiUmaaio Koundry and Machine Co., UOJackscrewg 1H 99 Scmtii BendlFouodry (o., ose manhole i rul cover 4 65 Ann Arbor firiok, and Suwer l'ipr Uo., 4r,uuul)rick 187 M Win Bnkeman, labor É 10 Jullue Kenter, Labor... 2 70 John Sohnelder, labor, B 00 ph Felnkbélner, labor - . ÍN Jet Cewla, labor 5 iu Nlcholaa Hindelong, lalmr jj ;:, Daniel Flinn. labor 5411 Arnold Bolllat, labor - 8 as Jullus Renter, Labor B6 Karl -chnciiliT, labor ï Bó Nottlieb Kugath. labor 75 James Stevens, labor 75 JuIIub NimpSt labov 1 B8 Walter Rogérs, labor - 1; 16 Emery Hurst, labor... 1 tij .lames Brown, Labor. .. 4 t;;. llcnry Oltmeier, labor ia 15 Nlobolaa Hinderlong, lal)r 4 u Charles Colgrove( Labor 4 05 OeorgeHenry, labor- ; (C, Qeorge Harvey, labor SDU Frank HUI, hibor 75 George Henry, labor 6 75 Bmerv Hurst; [abor 4 05 Daviii Baumgardner, lalKir 75 1 ïeorge Htirvey, labor 6 75 O60. llcnry. Labor ... - 11 70 Charles Hcnrepper, labor ie 00 .letlrrson Lewis. labor 5 40 Miobael Schalble, Labor .-- Wm. Burns, labor 1 05 Tbeobold Martin, labor [ :r, Wm. llvirns, labor 1 :í5 Jefferson LewiStlabor 540 lltram Kitridge, teaming :i Qottlleb Kacarth, labor 1 aj August Anuii, labor l :{r David Baumgartner, labor 1 t", Nicholas Hinderlong, labor .. 270 Philip I. avere, labor tu John Zebbs, labor 5 40 Ueorge Laveie, labor 5 40 James Preeman, lalor 1 :t." Wm. Burns, labor .; ui Jettersou l.cwis, labor I :,5 '. Oiel''i le. labor s gg .luli:; E&enter, labor , r, m Freeman labor ' J8 tjam fmiili. labor - JJ [avid Baumgartner. labor ] 'i:l George Leaver, hu o; _ 540 Sottfleb Kugath, labor ♦ ( in. Burns labor - '; ■" Adolph Feinkl etner, laboi ik HUI. labor .- JefTersoil Lewis, labor - Charle Bobnelder, labor " Jobn Nowland, labor t; 'J11 e Ham y, labor . ---- - "" Kobei i Leunard, labor anderSchlu Edward Bacon, labor ' J Jacob Frank, labor ' :f' Vrtbur Peroival, labor - - ■" H 1 61 Antón (uto. labor - ■' Adolph Walters, labor '-'t ' Albert Schoenmen, labor, :il "- ita Sobultz, labor I 90 JolillHtliltn lllilkr. labor -' :1lobn Mclntyre, labor Charles WUllams, labor U ' Fred Kadke. laboi - 3 Ut Alberi Marsh, labor.. Peter Hlnderkmg, labor M BB Albert Hettich, Mkboi - ■' ■' Vugust Jbar, labor S SS Mlchael O'Mara. labor 10 50 Mlchael Walsh, labor 38 W) Charles Haase, labor -1 10 Valt'iitiiie Alfrer, labor 19 8 Robert Btoll, labor- - - [0 Alfrt'dCook, lnbor -" '-'" Augu) Kftticti. labor - H Ki FredUlrloh, labor M Barney Langer, labor 28 83 Miohael Williams, labor l M David Rahr, labor II 88 Fred Beimindlnger, labor 7 35 Wtlliam Kretlow, labor 27 0 Krank Camp, labor 1 81' Chrlstlan Hoehm, lalwr 25 50 Eraest Qutekunst, labor 1 50 ( 'halles Ixjiijr. labor 19 50 Charlea Mini., labor. " o uiriist Boelinkr, labor 27 67 Rlohard Zebbg, labor 26 47 Qustave fllntz, labor 1 SI ( liarlos Hausen. labor 2, 67 Willlaro Kclsko. labor 24 15 Got t Heb Wal ter, labor 14 70 Wllllam Orenan, labor 59 l.i'Wis Lucas, labor 88 !0 Patriok McCabe, labor 8] H John Holk. labor 36 80 Lawrem-e Hujili?, labor :io 00 Krank liuu'ilaU', labor 5 10 Miohael McPreoskorn, labor 31 T2 Williani Bxlnger. labor 1 57 Gustare W'alter, labor 23 62 John Mi'Arther, labor 8180 Jobn Krummrl, labor 14 10 Qeorge Laveie, labor 9 46 Jamas Inoinan, labor 18 -I-I Sam Bmlth, labor 6 90 Wllllam Knkerinan, labor 21 90 Julius Kenter, labor U -. Mlchael Schaible, labor 8 85 Daniel Traoy, labor - 5.00 Julius Nlmps, labor 24 90 Theobolt Martini, labor Augual Anlt, labor 10 80 (liarles Larbke, labor - 8 00 Adolpb Felnkbeiner, labor 12 US Charles Walker, labor 25 80 FrankBUl, labor I K Wllllam Stoü, labor 2160 Chrlstlan Jetter, labor 150 Charlea Cox, labor 22 20 Harry O'Qradv, labor W 60 Tohn Schnelder, labor 12 15 l'nuik Sutherland, labor John Byrns, labor 28 86 Harrey Gariand, labor Henry Baghlerl, labor ÍS 10 Henri abor -' 70 Frank schuit.. labor 1 88 liedle Marsh, team a 70 Glazer, labor .- 60 Robert Looker, labor ln 50 Martín Adamsoback, labor 10 05 Kobert Kandal, labor 8 70 U. H. Hoaack, labor - 10 (ó Ulchael Schneider, labor 9 45 Herman Dreyer, labor ü 4.'i Daniel Frazier, labor Herman Bnonholz, labor 12 Tí l'red Haarer, lalmr .s II Chaunoey Dufdale, labor 8 10 Bar li ha rt Mast. labor 0 7ó Cbrlstlarj Allmendinger, labor 6 75 Wllllam Howard, labor 8 7t Charles Crecer, labor 4 ('.") Louis Mlley, labor 6 00 Nlcholaa Blnderlon, labor 5 4u Charles Colgrove, labor á 40 Chrlstlan [Meterle, labor a 78 Wllllam Mlley, labor 5 40 William Eiilmann, labor 5 40 August Malkenthiu, labor B i11 LeonShaw, labor 5 40 (ieorfre King:sley. labor 4 65 Mathew Tloe, labor 1 2(i charles Stevens, labor S 40 John .ebbs labor 8 86 Julius Betke, labor 3 90 Charlea Bucholz labor l ■' James Creen, labor 2 70 tteorffe Masón, labor 2 70 Charles Schmidt, labor 1 SS JohnMUler, labor i 95 Wllliam 8hall, labor l 86 Williaiü Winger, labor 2 70 Lawrenoe Btampler, lalwr i 35 Fred Mever, labor 135 Wm. C'olí;i"Ove, labor 1 ;ió Christopher Larmle, labor 188 Charlea Stevens, laoor 1)5 20 Oeo. l Ki-y. englneer talary 160 00 Will H. Koseneian., ast., engineer salary 79 78 NelS'Mi'Sutlirrland. salaiy 68 88 Isreal Clark, team labor ! kS Charles E. Godfrey, team labor 49 20 Dean & Co , 'l red lanterns z George Sweet, cement, 3 00 Louis Bohde, cement 37 "o Essllnger Bros., repairs 6 00 B.Woodi Co., lumber 111 l C. Bberbach, iuppllee 188 Wllliam (■. Snow, horse hire lu 60 Schuh & MuebllK, supplics BÜ 18 James Tolbert. lumber 144 9] Schuli & Uuehlig, treucb pump and hoge 86 48 Washienaw Bvenlng 'rimes PubllahiiiKCo-- m 82 Charles Cox, labor i ir Rembert Jones, labor m 06 Sul. W. Millard, prlntiDg 2S time booka 1Í 00 Total 5,52 82 STKKKT rUHD. .lames Tolbert, tnpplles 82 :.'' Jacob Moegle, labor i :w Alfred Cook, labor 75 Frank Dugrdale, labor 11 66 Wiliiani Keubn, labor 5 66 Jiilm Keil Ie. Ia hoi 8 iu Walter Hogers, labor 4 05 benni'! írenoh. team labor 13 35 Peter Hlnderlong, labor .. 8 87 Wllliam Huik. labor 7 ir, Lowrence Bughs, labor ;: L, EUchard ZebbSt labor 75 fsreal Clark, team labor ;4 26 Ilarry Kayuske, labor 8 70 Charles Ci lazer, labor 14 40 Ft ank Seliullz, labor B 87 l'reil líadke, labor B 4u Miehael Williams, lHbor 1:1 T' Willis Clark, lalior 21.00 N. Hutlierlaiid, horse and cart 8 5D Chauncy Thompson, team labor 18 :;.", Total laso 91 BBIDOB, CULVEKT AND Clil ISSWA I.K FLXD. Ewllnger Bro's, repairs 80 ï. Wnmi & Co., aewer pipe - 86 28 Charlea Hewitt, building tour intersections 40 88 Cbauncy Thompson, repalrlqg orosIngfi 82 78 B. C. Barney, stone Bagging ... M I0I111 McHiiKh. tfitni labor 2 40 Nelaon Sutaerland, horae and oart lu 25 ïacob Moegle, labor 1165 WiiiiMin Keuhn, Ubor - ij ;:, 'liarles Giazer, labor 10 su t-rank Bohultz, labor 4 8U ni Uadke, labor 7 y,- W illis Clark, labor :r, Miihacl Illlams, labor 4 au frank Duiriale. labor 7 su 'laii k Sutherland, labor 3 uu Total - F1KE DKI'AHTME.NT FOND. f'reü Blpley, aalary tK) 00 :. a. Kawarda, lalary 60 00 lenr" Mcl.ariMi. salary "0 00 ouil HoehUe, salary 50 uu Max Wittliugci', salary 5U 00 Alben West, salary 45 (x) Herman Kirn, salary 40 00 Sugene WlUlama, lalary 40 00 JohQ Kenuy, saiary,' _. h 00 kunMoLaren, salary 8 uu Win. Rettlob s 00 Cdward Hoelzle, salary 8 ou Hrs. b. Heaiu, wasbini; 7 00 1..I. Brown, suiiplles ■ ü;, ). Btlaoook Son, ooal 16 M w. D. Adama, suppllee, 50 John O'Mara. rel oaohlagand varnish Ing liose wagon y 00 James Dnnegaii. honesnoelng .'. B Oj Bacb A: lioth, Bttppiies 15 h) Mrs. Backhauai sewing 1 :ïo 1 'o., suppliee i na Bchalrcr & Milieu, sunnlles 1,1 Bid. w. Mlllard, suppflè ..." 1 75 B. Wood & Co aupjpllea 1 Qg lr. J. a. Dell, profeuional servioes... 4 0" 8. M. Haupt, repairs -mk) Goodyear S Co., supplles M. M.seabolt, iii 5 15 John Hoore, suppilea ; :j Total s 656 93 I'OI.ICE VITNI). James lí. Murray, salary 06 ui David Oollins, wlar; 50 im Noble C. Tloi 60 00 Patrlck MoCabe, apeoial pólice 2 00 Robert Leonard, special pólice t 00 ( brlstian Brenner, special pulir, ■ __ _ 2 hi ]im id (;;itu, bnrying dog Total. KI 60 pook nms. Fred Siploy, salary 10 (10 I'icd Bipley, frelgol on ucl W. H. Wilson,40cordsB. wood 00 Bdward Dol . - t 'i Doty & Felner, Bhoes - Mix. Anti Evilns üul John Eisele, urooei-ies 1 '■'■' John Goetz & Sod, groceries 4 80 John Uoetz Jr . groceriea ï 8 Wllllam l'. Lodholz, grooeriee vviiii.-iui H . Molntyre, gtooatle . o' Jf ;i i a & Boyle, grocerieg 7 i1"I.. Kobde, coal Etinse] & Beabolt, tTTOoeries 13 19 Caspar EUnsey, strooeriea U 12 G. Ifred Steln. meat 1 T3 Georgi' Spainclf, mcat 1 15 C. W. Vogel, meat 154 Total 177 US RECAP1TULAT1ON. Contingent Fund T 9'4 62 Bewer Fund 6,628 s: , Street Fund ïmi 91 Bridge, Uulvert and CrOMiralk Fund. 255 44 Fire Fund 560 KI Pólice F'und 171 u l'oor Fund 177 US Total 17,926 aü A ld. Martin moved that the report be accepted and adopted, and v;irrants dravvu tor the amounts Btated therein. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Scliairer, Wagner, Martin. Snovv, Wood, ü'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor. l'rettyuian, Kitson. and Pres. Watt- 11. Naya- Aid. Herz and Manly- 2. Cbairman Taylor submitted a bilí of Drs. Kapp, Smith and Breakey, of $250.00 ior attending men who were hurt July 3d, at the engine house. Aid. Taylor moved that the bilí be allowed and a warrant be ordered drawn for $250.00. Aid. Wagner moved torefer said bill back to the Finance Committee, City Attorney and Chief Sipley tor a report with their recommendations. Adopted. OKDINANCBS. Third reading, by sections, of "Au Ordinanee Kelative to Street Railways, and Authorizing the Ann Arbor Street Railway ('onipany to Extend its llailway Lines." First amendrnent: By Aid. Wagner: Resolved. That the portion of Sec. - oí Ihe ordinanee relative to street railways, and authorizing the Ann Arbor Street Railway Company to extend its railway lines, granüng permissioD to construct the portion trom the fair ground.s to Packard street with T rails, Le and is hereby stricken out. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Scliairer, Wagner, Ilerz, Martin, Wood, Ü'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, l'rettyman, Kitson, President Watts- 11. Nays- Aid. Snow, Manly- 2. Second amendinent: Aid. Wagner offered the following: Section 4. This franchise is granted upou the express condition that said Street Railway Company, its successors and assigns, shall tile with the City Clerk a bond for $500, with live sureties, each of whom shall own unencumbered real estáte to the amount of uaid bond, tbat all the tracks mentioned in tuis franchise shall be constructed wlthin one year from tlie granting of thia franchise, and that should said Street Railway Company fail to construct all of said tracks within the tinieabovementioned, then said Street Railway shall forfeit to the city of Ann Arborthe amouutof said bond. Lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Herz, Snow, Taylor- 4. Says- Aid. Schairer, Martin, Wood, O'Mara, Fergnson, Manly, Prettyman Kitson, Pres. Watts- 9. Third amendment: By Aid. Wagner: Resolved, That in Section 2, line 15, the words "Ann streef' be stricken out. and in lieu thereof the words ■■('athcriiit' streef be Inserted. Lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer, Wagner, Wood, Taylor- 4. -N'ays- Aid. Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 9. Fourth amendment. By Aid. Schairer: Resolved, That In Section 2, line 16, the words "Depot streef' be stricken out, and in lieu thereof the words "Summit streef' be inserted. Lost as follows: Yeas- Schairer, Wood, Tavlor. Manly, Prettyman, Kitsou- 6. Naya- Aid. Wasrner, Herz, Martin, 8now, O'Mara, Ferguson, Pres. Watts - 7. Alter wliich. tiie chair haring stated the question, "Shall this ordinance pass?", the yeaa and naya beingcalled, tlie ordinance, as amended, passed as follows: Veas -Aid. Wagner, Herz, Martin. Wood, O'Mara, Fergnson, Taylor, Manly, I icttynian, Kitsen. President Watts- II. Aid. Snow - 1. REPORT OF Tin: FiRK COMMITTBB. To cha CommoD Couuctl : Your commlttee on Khe Department aud the Ure Commiselouere, m wnom wai ferredihe petitloa of J. H. Nlckels, for a pernut to errect a certalo bnililini; u ithm the Bre district, on South State street, beu leave to report tlmt we have iiupected the plans of such propoaed building, and timl that tbe petltloner propoeea toconstraet h frame bnildiiiK, sheeted mul roofed wiili iron. We aleo flnd tbat the ordinance establlablng the flre district proWde and probJblta the erection oí any building w i thln the lire district ezcept buildings construoted with stone or brlck walls. We therefore respectfully recommend that leave to ereot lucb proposéd imilding be not graated.and that the praycrof Buch petitiouer be ufiued. All of wliicli is respectfully anbmltted. and your joint committee ask to be discharged froin tht' iurther consideration of the subject I. O Maua, A. .1. KlTSON, W. i;. snow, Comni ltte ■ Aid. Prettyman moved that the report be laid on the table. Lost as follows: Veas- Aid. Sehairer, Wagner, Snow, Wood, Taylor, Prettyman- 1. Nays- Aid. Her.. Martin, O'Mara Perguson, Manly, Kitson, Pres. Watts - 7. Ahí. Manly moved lo return to the order of business of reporta of the ordinance committee. Adopted. First readlng by titlc of "An Ordinanee Relative {■ tlu Closing of 8a loons, Hars ín Restaurants and Else wbere." RKPORT8 O!' SPECIAL C0MM1TTEES. Tbttu HorwrabU Common Couneil: 3Tour special committee to whom was referred the opening of the bids for sewer bonda would respecttuüj report that tliey have bad the sanie under consfderation and that but one bid, which is berebj annexed, was received whicb yout committee would recomnienii be refused. Voui' committee would further recommend that the 830,000 wortb of bonds be issued, dated December lst, 1898, and placed in the hands of the city treasurer to be disposed of by him at nol less than par and accrued interest. All of whieli is respectfully submitted. W. W. Watts, H. G. Pbbtttmah, W. J. MlLLEU. Committee. Aid. Manly moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Adopted. BIPOBTB OF CITY OPFICER8. CITY TKKAsrüEKS REPORT KOR THE MONT1I ENDINO OUT, 31, 1893. To the Common Couneil of the City of Ann Arbor : Balance on hand as per last report Í 32, 743.67 MONEY BECEIVED. Pólice Fund- .] E. Murray (bes 2.40 I). P. O0IU08, tees 4.C1 K. B. Pond, Justlce finee 5.00 .1. W. Bennett, Jostloe Hnee. 85.00 Sewer Fund- Trausfer from Bridge, CulrertandOroaswalk Fund. 5.000.00 Total Í 5,038.80 ï;tr, 780.47 MONEY DISHL'HSKD. Contingent Fund t 877.88 Street I-umi 249.12 Firemen's Fund 881.6] Pólice Fund 171 n.i PoorKund 8T9.78 Bever Fund !)!. ■,." Soldiers' Relief Fund 25.00 Bridire, Crosswalkand Culvert Fund 5,669.28 St,039.90 Total on baad #2#,7-!O.")7 BALANCE )N HAND. Contingent Fund 16,698.90 Sircc I Puod 1,I7.4!I Flremen'a Fuud 6,607.08 Polioe Fnnd 2, Poot Fund 1,693.32 Water Fund 5,485.45 Cemetery Fund. ;:i.i;7 Soldiere' Relief Fund.. 869.19 Univereity Hosiiitül Aid Houd Fund 4,440.0(1 Delinquent Tax Fund 68.46 Bridge, Culvert aud Crosswalk Fund, 2.254.64 DogTai Fund Sewer Fund 5,950.55 38,234.93 Unoollected city tax fl,514.3(i Total on hand 128 740.57 Eiespectf ully submitted, Ge. n. Pond, Citv Treasurer. Ann ARBOB BATIDOS UAKK. ) Ans Aiihou. Mini., X.v. 4, 18U3. ( To the Common Oouncil (ff the City of Ann Ar hor : DBAB Siks: - Thlg la to ccrtify that tliere is on aepoelt in this Bank to the credit of Seo II. Pond, City Xreasurer, the anmof twentyrijrlit thousand, -even liimdred thirty-nlne and Jn-IOO dollars (S,78.lj. Hespectfully, II. J. Fkit., Asst. Cashier. The monthly report of the City Clerk, City Treasurer, City Marshal and Poor Superintendent, were read and ordered liled. Poor Superintendent Sipley reportad the following expenditures during the montli of October: lst ward, $13.23; Ud ward, $6.93; 8d ward, $47.84; 4th ward, $33.77; 5th vvard, 189.26; (th ward, $1.75. ('hief of Pólice Murray, reported eight arresta during the month, as follows: Violating city ordinance, six; violating liquqr law, two. I5y Alderman Kitson: Wliereas, The Board of Public Works having caused to be oertified to this councfl a statement of the construction of sldewalks adjacent to private property at the expense of the Street Fund; Th ere f ore, it is ordered that the tliird Monda; of November next, at 7 o'clock p. m., be appointed as the time, and the council chamber as the place, where the said Council will meet to review the said certifícate. Notice of which meeting is hereby given to all persons interested in the sanie. It is further ordered, that the city clerk do cause the said order to be published in the next issue of the cial paper (Ann Arbor Argus), and due prooi of said publication be liled in his office. Adopted. ByAld. Manly: Resolved, That the Board of Public Works' attent ion be called to section 137 oí the charter of the city of Ann Ai luir, referring to "advertising for proposals for furirishingof material." And further resolved, Tlmt the Board of Public Works be requested to direct thëir Chief Esgineer to prepare an itemized list of the principal articles neéded i ti the construction of the sewer, that this Council may act thereon. Adopted. Jiy Aid. Ferguson: Ki-solved, That the Hoard of Public Works is hereby instructed to cause a lease to be executed and exchanged with Ciay (ireea for the city oflices rooms, as soon as the same are completed according to plans and specilïcations and contract heretofore executed. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer, Wagner, Herz Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, KitBon, Pres, Watts- 13. Nays- None. By President Watts: That Rule 18 be amended so as to rcad, "All reports of eommittees shall be in writing and signed by a majority of the comraittee, except in the case of i minority report. When specilic action is recommended, such recommenlatlons Bball be adopted by the Council iy the adoDtion of tlie report The report of a committee shall be before the Council for adoption without motion, alter ha ving been re ad." By Aid. Waaner: Vvhebeas, 11 la the Bcnse of ibis council thni reservoir of the Aun Arbor Water ■ leaning out, and ttuu nu more opportune unie tnan the present will come. ■ vi, That said A:u[ Axbor WaterComurdered to draw ofl al) the wateT from saitl reservoir, forthwlth, aud thoroughly cleau the same; that -ail Ann Arbor waler Compauy Is herebj ordered to kcr). a direct presöure on the water maiu sufBeent to throw six streams one hundred aud ten feet high ai the eourt houae, aa apeolfied lu their contract witii thia city, from the time s;ii] reservoir la emptled untll sufBcieul Is pumped luto it agrain to gi ve tbe required reservqlr pn n the ehalr appolnt a oommittee of three membera of Uiis council to superlntend the work of cleaning i he rese) voir, and report to this council al lts uexl regular m eiiug. Aid. O'Mara inoTed Mi;i the yeso bton be l.iid on i be bable. Adopted. By Aid. Prettyman : Resolved, That (80,000 worthof sewerbonds. ns descrlhuii in Au Act of the Legislatura of 1893, house bill No. 72 be Issued, dated leo. 1, l:':;. and placed in the handi of city trensurer, to be dispoaed of by him ut nut lesa tluui par. and aocrued interest. Adopted a.s ïoilows : Yeas- Ah3e. Sdnalirer, Wagmer, Hen, .Martin. Sihiw, rVood, O'Mara, IVr gUBCm, Taylor. Manly. l'rfil.mian. lvitson, l'rcs. Watts- 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Fersuson : fteeotved, ' iiic chalr appoCni a ooninnttee oí tlircc cilizi ns as fence vk'wi'i-s. Adopted as follows : Vea; - Aids. -s-hairer. Wagmer, O' .Mai-a, Him-z. I'i-.uns(n. Taylur. Manly, rrt'ttyiiian, Kit.suii, Pre. Watts - 10. Naya- Ald8. Martin, Siinw. WooU- 3. Pree. Watta ajppoimted tbe foUow:nu' citi.cns as su!i coniinit tcc : Missers, .liihn C. S-hniiilt. A. A. Mi-ntli WOU .1. 1. Williams. Aid. Ma:nly tuuvnl t'iat wlicii w adjiiu. ■ adjdurn to Tuesday eveniiw. .dv. '98 at 7::?0 o'clci.-k Adopted. Aid. Manly movi-d tJiat Wie iidu bak ti] and consider and ÖtopOSe oí the cha rui 's ni negled oí diity preleried by the luayiir aguinst .las. 11 Mnri-ay. inarslial. Adopted. Aid. Wagtner :m;ved tu adjourn. I .nst as followa : Veas - Aids. Schairer. Wagner, Taylur- 3. Xays Aids. llerz. M i ! a. SnOW, Wood, 'i Miara, Fergneom, Manly, Ktsnn. l'i-ottyiuaii. l'i-es. W&tte -10. Aid. O 'Mará iiuivcii ttoal the cttargiee, spectítoatioms and answers be mu" petad. Adopted. charges and ftnarwerevere then i-í-.i il bj i be clci-k. A receaa was taken, and bhe mayor, cdty attoirmey and Maradia] Marray wn-r setal iy Olficer Colllns. ai 1 1 :Lo Mayor rrii(iini)(i!i, City An iiincy Norria and Marsünal Murray anüved. Pree. Wette ealted tune cwuncll to arder. After M;iyir Thompson, City Attorraey Norria and Jeta p. Lawrence, cuiniscl lor .lames R. .Mni-ray. had been heard, the que&tiom betng siiall üharge numiber oae and üie specitlOOtíOBB i'lKTcu.ndcr be stistaincd. the cttaargie and specHJcati'cma were nwl suBtained by a yea ana nay vote as follow.s : Yens- Aids. Wagner, i:t-(ni. Pretlynian - 3. Na.vs Aids. Uci-z, Martin. Smnv, O' Mará, Wood, Fergnsou, Manly, Pres. Watts 8. Aid. Taylor refuscrt tr vote. TJic qnestion belng, siiaii charge two and tibe epeclfkratlona therenndor Ik' snstained, ihe charge .■ma speelficattora wtsre noi erustalned, ïiy ,-i vea and nay vote as tollo wb : Ycas -Aids. Wagmer, Wood, Tayior, ricttyman. Kitson, Pree. Watt 6. Nays- Aid .Hen, .Martin. 9now, O' Miara, FergiiBoa, Manly - (. The quost.ion belng upon iiic reeohitiiin : Resolved. That iliis doeg htcUv cniiscnr. bo bhe order oí remore] al .lames R. .Mufi-ay, mar.-lia] atad ahdel al pólice, made and flled liy liic Ilnnoralile Mayor, mi 1 he 24th ilay di ( ictdlier, A. D. 1898. 'I lie residiuioii was lost l)y a yra and nay vote as íoltows : Feae-AktB. Wagner, Kitson. ri-et mam- 8. NajTB- Alds'. Ilerz, Martín, O'Mara, SHOW, Wood, Fer.uuson, Taylor. .Manly. l'ris. Watts- 9. Aid. Manly moved 1hat t lie vote hy -ihicli tlie mayoi-'s i iijioint ment was referred to pólice coanmlttee, be 1-econsidered. Adopled. Aid, (i'.Mara moved tliat tlie appointment F David 1'. Collins as marshal caníirmed. Aid. Martin moved a snbstitnte. that the mayor 1k nllowed to withdraw the appoiatment of I). I'. Collins ds marshal. A dopte d. Mayor Thonip-nn here submitied t íidlowin' : l'o Honorable ti' Common Counoll, Gihtlxhkn:- I have tlie honor to report luit i have thlg daj appolnled Charlea Wheel■i-i!;i! i,f the city oí ano Arbor, un. I i 'equest that saiil appointment be couíinmMl hy yon. B. M. THOMPSON, Mayor. Aun Arbor, Nov. 1898. MAYOB's li I!. E, I Ann Abboe, Nov.Sd, 1S93.1 Aid. Kiisoii moved tiíat the appotin nirnt í Charle Wlieeler, as marajiü cihiel oí pólice be comflraied. Adopted aa follows : Vc.-ii- Aids. Wagmer, Martín, Tayler. Manly, I 'r. ! , ín.i u. kitMin, l'it-. Wat 8. Na ye - Alde. llciz, Smow, O'Ms Fergnison I. Aid. Pre1 1 mem dmw ed i o recoiiBlder i i.r an loo ol I lie i oomcll In regard in tlhe adjounuueul to XuesUaj evnlng next. Adopted. Ün min loo - i.i adjourn to Tuesdáy evenlng next was l.'iiil m bbe table. n mol 'i i iril adjourned, at 1 o'clui-k. a. i:i. W.M. J. MILLEK. City Clork. Aun Ariiiw was greatli excited last werk (jvvr t lie tiiulinu" ií a woinnii1,hn;iy ia an oíd grave! jiir near UnCity. - ('Jiclsra Si .-. mlaid. Ín ymir niiiul. Anytllirr instan ■■ cu' go away from borne n lram the 1 1 1 ' S . Out nuil (lricd - üacmi. Borne early Pllgrlm íathera. Aiways early In Hbe Held- Murtiroome. liiiunil to rtse - Smoke. Ilanil WOrk - M es n irrisín. Hita Tlie bocnneraog. 'Beady Cor ''boadeng" - Mso-of-war. Coúned worde - (jnartcvs and halvee. Tile iiaumirnl bawl - ■l'cllnw cltlzrll.."


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Ann Arbor Courier