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Stop Thief ! Any one whose Watch has a bow (ring),will never have occasion to use this t ime-honored cry. It is the only bow that cánnot be twisted off the case, and is found only on Jas. Boss Filled and other watch cases stamped with g this trade mark. Ly Ask your jeweler fora pamphlet, or send to the manufocturers. Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPH1A. FARM TO RENT. A fine 210 aere farm at Argpntine, (enesee 'o., flve miles trom Byron 011 ihi' Aun ArbOl Rail Rond. All toóla, stock and crops may tu1 purrhased at a cheap figure. A Splendid Opportunity for a Good Farmer. riie Ihrjn sin the edtip of the vlllage with post office, chareb, milis, store, etc. Sale of State Tax Lands. Auditor Genkhai.'s Office. f Lansing. Mich, Oct. 26, ítfti.i Notic Ís herby given that certain land iltuated In the oounty of Washtenaw, bid ofl to the state for laxes of 1N-S9 and previeras years, and described in statements whioh will liereaftor be fbrwarded to the office of the Treasurer ofsaiu County, wlll be sold at public auction liy Raid treasarer at the County Seat, on the flrst Monday nf December next. at the time and place designi for the Animal Tax Bales, il not prevlously redeemed or caooeled sccordina to law. Bald statements oontain a full deecrlption ofeach parcel oí said lands and may be seen on applicatlon it the office of the County Treasurer after they are recelved bv hltn 8TANLEY W. TURNER, ' Auditor General. _ i_ fPHIS YEAR TUK B0Y8 WILL WANT TO X eeouomlzf: but you can't aflord to alwaya walkwhen POLHEM 08 bas added a lot i Btylish rigs.before hard times were apon as, and now Ís determined to make the prtces so low, that ii will be ■ pleasure to ápend a dollar now and then. Saddle Horses for Ladie Gentlemen. I am pnepared (oanswerall calla for Hacks iih the 8 nest turnouts in the city Cali ii]) POLHEMÜS by 'Phoije, or ordj barn, corner Main and Catberine streets ' from ünlversity stop at our oltU'. TSB1S OF COÜRT FOR THE TWBNÏÏ-8IC0ND JUDICIAL GIRCDIT FOI! 1894-95. TERM8 OF CIRCUIT COCRT. si, ii, of Michigan: Th, Twenty-tecond Jud Circuit. IEBMI Of COURT IS AND KOR SAID CIBCÜI' TUK, ÏEABS lfS'.ll AKD 1S'J5. I. E. 1). Kinne. Circuit Jndge in and for the Twenty-second Judicial Circuit, do berebj fl s and appoint the times of bolding theseveral terms of the Circuit Court in and withln the Twenty-second Judicial ('iroiiit for theyeare 18!)4 and Is'.lu as follows, to wit : IN IIONBOI CODKTT. The lirst Tuesday ol February. the tirst i day of April, the aecond Tuesday of September, and the tirst Tuesday of November. IN WABHTENAW ( ou.NTV. rst Monday In March, the Bret Monday 1q May, the flrst Monday in October, and the flrsi Monday in December Dated.üct. 2u, 1893. E. I). KINNE. 91 Circuit Judgi


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