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Brotherhood Assembly At Harris' Hall

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The iirst meeting oí the Michigan state Asscmiiiy oí the Brotherhood oí 8t. Andrew, wili aseemble In Sarria Hall, in t li Ij-í city, on Wedneftday next, November 22d. Ki'jiri s -niativ, s ironi i-li-ijM rrs nii aves the ertate wili be present, vind preparatlona are belng made tor a profitable time. It is ej p cted t h-it there wili b ■ som 75 or more delégate at tbt meeting, and the time wili 1h mostly s]:nt in dlsr-u -siii.ti mei lioils and plans of wort. The iollowinii pcogramme has been prepared tor ihv meeting : 1J:) o'clock. lïusiTiess session. 1:00 - Dlnner. 2:00 Opeulng and charge by Bishop I 'avies. 2:30 " Conference of the Knitlicrhoori. lts fundamental principies and i r,i[-i oí work. Prayer. 6, Service. 3:15 " The Chapter und its Methods ui ork. ". Reception. i. VlsHinf;. e. Hotels, rf. Meetings. General Dlscas8ion. ■i:li " Conference on Bible Classes. ■. How to organlze them. b. How to ponduct them. Question Box. amo ■ Supper. T :-l."i " The Mission of the Iirotherliood. a. To the Clergy. b. ToChurchiii. 'ii. e. To all Man. General Ulscussion. Tlir aiicrnoon and erenlng sesslona will be opem to tíie pwbllc, ywing ram tally bekng mrged I at tend, as t an orgaolzation oJ and tor young men. In bhe evening Uietre ili be ■somc quite iiromincnt speakers, inCllKting Mr. WWte, n ' Ilu-vard. Tnivcrsity. Mir. Il.iii, s, :' Indiana]" vi-, an:l ot.ln'i-s.


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Ann Arbor Courier