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THE NEXT MORNÏnG I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. ïiy dortor sayg it acta gently on the atomaoh llver and kidner'i. and i a pleasant laiati ve. This drink ís made froni herbs. and is prepared for use as easily as tea. Itiacalled LAÑES MEDICINE AlldrueeristRaell itat50c. and$l apacfcage. If yoa cannot gct it, send your addresa for a free sample. I,np' 1 aiiíiU .tfedieine moren the bowelfi enrh day. ín orrterto beíialíhy thisis necessarv Addreaa UBATOit F. WuOiVARD. Le Roy. N.Y. JNO. BAUMGARDNER, o ..MONUMENTAL... Ï I CEMETERY o BUILDING - - - - - " - I I I I I II II II II II II I I n._l I Also, Stone Walks. - Estirantes cheerfully lurnished. Cor, Detroit and Catherine Sts., ANN ARBOR, MICH WOOD8 PHO8PHODINE, The Great English Reraedv. FmFb cures all forms of AVrrOus 7 jB w a'orr'ica Itnpotency and all fiifey'T'v sy ejffcfsoÍJiíso or Excesaes IJaXI; HkNfT cen proscrlbod over C5 frS HiSBffil' '!';trsn thousandsof cases; Beore and A fier. is tho only 2ie!iable and Kon est medicine known. As!c druggist for Wood's Phosphodlne; if he offers some worthless medicino Iq place of this, Ieave hü I dlshonest store, Inclose price in letter, and we wlll send by return mail. Price, one package, SI; bIi, 85. One willplease, six will cure. Pampulet In plaln sealed envelope, 2 cents postage. Addrcss The Wood Chemical Co.. 131 Woodward avenue. Detroit, ilich. Sold in Aun Arbor and everywhere by all druggistg. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES TO Ri:T. In the New Vaults of T3S UI MEDE HM SM. Absolutely Fire aud Burglar Proof. CALL AND INSPECT THEM. GOOI) ADVICE. Every patriuticcitizen shouldgivehis personal eiïbrt and inflaence to increase circulation of his home paper which tcachea the American policy of Protection. It ishisduty toaid in this respect n every way pr.ssiblc. Af ter the liome paper is taken care of, wliy not subscribe for the AmeRJCaN KCONOMIST, pub'.ished lv tilo A-. ■ rican Protectiva Tarift' League ? One oL ïts c.rrcspondentssays: "No true American can get along without it. I consider it the gruatest and truest politica 1 teacher in the United States." Send postal card request for f ree sample copy. Address Wilbur I7 Wakeman, General Secrctary, 135 tst23d St., New York. Ore ox V(t cause o; PgcfecíVoY. o {Xmevnocxu. Are you willing tu work for the causa oL Protection in jilacing ruliablo iuíor. mation in the hands oL yuur acquain. tan ees? IL you are, you should be identified with THE AMERICAN PROTECTIVE TARIFF LEAGUE. 135 W. 23D ST., NEW YORK. Cut this notice out and Bend it lo the League, teling your posilion, and give a helping hand. No pleasure excursions- Sheriff sales.


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Ann Arbor Courier