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The i]iimmi-c Hts have eelected a The l'. of M's deteal mi ttoe DePanw i'.-iiy team Momday ". I to 0. That's 1 ÉtUff, UcnicmtHT tlir (u-xl livlure In tlie S. L. A. is m mixt S;itiii-il;i.v cveninjï, X-. 18, by John Tempte di-avcs. Assistant Librarían Jordán, of the genera] liteary bete been 111 for i day or two, il' Hr1 Um Ln ïiis IiIktOT}-. The Tbaakagtvlag uuinix-r of the Wrlnkle wül ocmtatn U pagB i redbot liumcr. The ('lirist mris ttumber wttl be tul larger, wit addltlooali anti neTT riiikics. Om s.nunl.iy next, om bbe athletic field, : i ■ rUiwer( nn Unlverslty [o i baU t i wiil eadeavor to deIat tlic U. of M. team, bat ur boys ïiavi' Dw Btartefl bo win. The r. '1 M. BepubUoan Club held a j i'.ii.ii uii'u meeting last Mtmday evemlng over i::'1 recöii repuWlean victories. They Bem1 a dtapatch ol cDiini-atuIation to (inv. Mc.Ktn.ley. Ttoe O. ot m. root oaM team ilefeated tJic I'u'-iiur team Saturday iy a srnlT 0Í 46 bO 8. M is UlOUliht 11OW i ; , : . i they have gol wtnning suils .ml. and will push [OTWard to ulorinus virtoi-ies. It te expeeted t h.i t the meeting 01 tüie state asscmbly erf thfi Brother bood oí Andrew at Sarris Hall next Wcdiicsday alternóos and evening will le of nmcli Interest n yomiK people, pectaUy yomng men I'i-rsiiii'iit Harp, oí OhJcego Dnlvrrsity. is tO K'ivc tJirfc prizi's in' $50 eatíh, " thfi ooe who comea out ailH'.Mil in Kpeakinsj-, at. tbL ciintrst held hi the middlc i each quarter Hun' is a (Mío fur onr own U. of M. Thf cïfiurt of the setóor Ut. clas In 'lal!i.-!i a selmlarsliip as its nicmorial ciilt. is ane 1 lm t viimild it le smccsslul, wnuld proUably do more good tJi.n n anythiiiK tliat has ever twen BCcranpMBibied in that. line. It s a move in tbe rigbt direct ion. beartc oJ tbe D. ol M. toot ball team liave been in tlicir boots, rvi-r sLnce tiivir defaai by tbe Minnesota crowd. The story about tlie silvcr sla tes belog all bTOfce up, over tbe repea.1 '( the Bhennan act, is a dDdgastqd il" sui-.h 1 1 1 : 1 1 i-c. - Adrián Prese. Mr. Rockefelter boe glven ï-dOO,moire to Chicago Iniversity conditiloaied on the rateing oí s 100,000 iiinretosecurea $100,000 gtfi by ancrtJier gentleman. This makrs síhir-ihinir n-er three mi'llions givín by Kci ki-iCllt-r, nuil i-= 1 i 1 1 the Inivcrsilv is luanl up. I'rof. Barboiir, of Ypellattltl, scores tdie modera game oí íoot-ball. He says "lie is a. tonar oí spOTti but ttoere is no sport in Lt, it. is brutality iiiil cowanlU-c - Blngging 0D tbe siy. The gcume lias degemerated int o a niel-e test of brute Ktri}jth, and is quite outisidu the rcalin oí' atlilctics." TJlc receptiom givcu by tlie hwlies oí tJie S. C. A. to the sttidents of the law depiirtmemt last Friday evening, at Xcwberry Hall, was a íp-eat sucCEs. Tlie "Law Department Song," wiritten by Mise Gertrude Buck, and publislied at the e.nd of these items, wias sang for tíi time, and creoted a great. furore. The Wrinkle has taken a firni hold on Untvereity people, and others as well, and ie bo bi-lght and witty that almost everybody buya it in preference to oiImt humorous papers. The Thanksgivinsi and Cliristinaw numbers wfll be elegant ones. The editors are making special efforts to give tlue public the very best to be had. Ir. H. 1!. Asadiinn.Tn, medie '88, of Ca.stL' (j.itc, Ulah, is viBltlog liis many triends in t'his city. Dr. A. holds :i very lucratlre poeltloo as surgeon íor a raili-íiad Corporation, and also for a 0oal m'rne co. Vry few if boys (nu glve I bitter reCOnJ oí sucoeee alter fiw years trom uraduatiiMi. '1 Ih' Ki-üinr lits have chOMO the fOlíowinií officen : Pn-sidi'iit- Dnniol F. I,yns. Vhse Pree. - Misa (icrtrudr r.urk. Orator - W. W. Wedeneyer. Poet- J. Raledgi) Nelaoe. Miss .Icssic M. Mrlulyrr. Treasnrer - lüciiard Qahm. Propbeteee Mtas M, O. Htetorton- F. Ij. Oseaburg. The Wffe Ol Charles S. Morris, a jmnior law student, o.' Washington. I). C, li.-d Sunday. THe ilrccascd a grarad-dangbter of Hun. Frederlck Dimitías-, t lic fanuius colored orator, and h" camr hcrc Moiidax, and arcompanicd Hhe rcmains tO Waslr.n.irton. D. C, whrrc I licy We baken hw int crmciit . tire. Morris liad been marrird only a 'v months. One of tJie greatesi trtampha in legal worid wsus acJiteved recently by ome (rf Aan Ai-i -'e promlalng youug linv.viT.-. wImi spencte hls vacatlone in Sylv.-ni. out "Modern aiIipus" le a greal genius producer, BW] no mistakr. ior wi: I lmt ;i pTOduct ol the D. f M. could wlth a braad ncw uu in ome vacation kill - nnt K doses iiii-M- i)ut flfty-tiuree ducks v Let it bc recorded in the nnn.-iis ot mr literature that posrterit - m;iy know of 1liis miurlity deed. - DhelBea Btamdard. I.AXV DBPABTMBNT mini.. .lr "Tarara Ronm-dc-ay." 11V OEETBDDÏ nl'CK. I. A -mart and jolly gaunt are we, Flower of the 'Variltee, Not too stiff, but gay and free, Yet as right as right can be. Kever torward, oever iold, Ofteu bought, but seldom sold. .lust the sort of boys,- we're told.- That in your heuta most deur you hold. Ckorut, We are the Laws, you know, We are the Laws, you - Wc are the U. of M.. We are the 'Vanitee I ii. We're not extravagantly sliy. And. when a sweet co-ed is nigh, For her heart we always try. And mostly eatch it on the fly ! Few there are resist onr wiles, Jloneyed words and witching siniles, Yoirrs soft ks cross-cut files. Temper sweet that nothir.g riles. in. Of nerve we've quite a competence, oí -rlf-esteein au uirhiciiec. Wf cock the roost on nomvnon seusc. The campus owns we're juet immeuse! Ere our verses we com'lnde. Wi-'d also like it understood, Though free as air. we're uever rude. We're uot too bad and not too good! IV. You should see us paint the toivii ! Thouga the Dean and l'rcxy frown, Aud the campus roastfl us Ijrown, They cao oever turn us down. Just you watch us top the heap, Of everv office makc a aweep. Befi the lits sit down and weep, lts early vet hen we're asleepl v. We're boya ylio run tliem all. Rings and comDines, big and small. Wirefl we yank and meetings cali, Ballots stiilï and votea enthrall. W't-'rc the fellowB, don't you kuow? Any fresh will teil you si. We re the folks who run the show, WY're the lvs who nnikc it go!


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